20424-Cindolube 3411S.pdf

20424-Cindolube 3411S.pdf

20424-Cindolube 3411S.pdf


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Issued: 24/06/2004SAFETY DATA SHEETCINDOLUBE <strong>3411S</strong> Page 310. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStability: Stable under normal conditions.Conditions to avoid: Heat.Materials to avoid: Strong oxidising agents. Strong acids.Haz. decomp. products: In combustion emits toxic fumes.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONHazardous ingredients: ODOURLESS KEROSENEIHL RAT LC50 >5000 mg/kgORL RAT LD50 >2000 mg/kgSKN RBT LD50 >2000 mg/kg• AMINE OORL RAT LD50 1265 mg/kgRoutes of exposure: Refer to section 4 of SDS for routes of exposure and corresponding symptoms.12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONHazardous ingredients: ODOURLESS KEROSENEALGAE 72H IC50 20 mg/lFISH 96H LC50 >1000 mg/l• AMINE OBACTERIA 3H IC50 26 mg/lDAPHNIA 24H EC50 0.37 mg/lFISH 96H LC50 0.3 mg/lMobility: Readily absorbed into soil.Persistence and degradability: Biodegradable.Bioaccumulative potential: No bioaccumulation potential.Other adverse effects: Negligible ecotoxicity.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDisposal operations: Unused material: The product can be burnt under controlled conditions or removed byapproved waste contractors.Used material: The product can be burnt under controlled conditions, recycled by competentcompanies or removed by approved waste contractors.Disposal of packaging: IBC's have a refundable deposit paid on them and should be returned. 205 litre unlined steeldrums may be returned for recycling. All other packaging should be disposed of in a manneracceptable to the authorities.NB: The user's attention is drawn to the possible existence of regional or national regulationsregarding disposal.[cont...]

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