Interpret Astrology - Matrix Software

Interpret Astrology - Matrix Software

Interpret Astrology - Matrix Software


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Large Aspect PatternsThe <strong>Astrology</strong><strong>Astrology</strong> has many facets, but most astrologerswould agree that planetary aspects are a large part ofwhat modern astrology is all about - the angularrelationships between one planet and another. Wecan walk outside, look at the Sun up in the sky aboveus and perhaps also see the Moon coming up abovethe horizon. From where we stand, the angle ofseparation between the Sun and the Moon is whatastrologers call an aspect of one kind or another. Anaspect can be any angle from zero degrees (when thetwo bodies are in the same spot) to 180 degreeswhen they are on opposite sides of the earth from oneanother.

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