Interpret Astrology - Matrix Software

Interpret Astrology - Matrix Software

Interpret Astrology - Matrix Software


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Half-Sums with a Common AxisHere we have several half-sums that share a commonaxis, with our without a planet at that point. In thisbook, we will cover only those cases where there is athird or common planet.VENUS ------ SUN -------- JUPITER|MARS---------------- MERCURYHere we have the Sun as the midpoint between theplanetary pair Venus and Jupiter, and also as themidpoint between the pair Mars and Mercury.Indirect Planetary PictureThe third form of planetary picture occurs when a thirdplanet aspects the midpoint of the other two. This iscalled an “Indirect Planetary Picture.VENUS ------------------------- JUPITERSUN ----------------||In the above, the Sun is at some strong aspect to themidpoint of the Venus/Jupiter combination.

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