Interpret Astrology - Matrix Software

Interpret Astrology - Matrix Software

Interpret Astrology - Matrix Software


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3-Way Planetary CombinationsAlthough 3-way planetary combinations are probablyas old as astrology, they came into prominencethrough the work of German astrologer Alfred Witte(1871-1941) who founded the Hamburg School of<strong>Astrology</strong>. Although Witte developed severalastrological techniques (Trans-Neptunian planets,planetary rulerships, etc.) it is his planetary formulae,what have been called “Planetary Pictures” that weare referring to here, in particular his methods ofrelating any three planets to one another. Witte’stechnique was later popularized and expanded byGerman astrologers Reinhold Ebertin in thisquintessential book “The Combination of StellarInfluences.”Witte presented three kinds of planetary pictures,which we will review here.Half-SumsThese are very straight-forward, one planet is at themidpoint of the other two. This is called a DirectPlanetary Picture.VENUS ------ SUN -------- JUPITERIn the above, the Sun is at the center or midpointbetween Venus and Jupiter.

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