Semi Annual Report - DWS Investments

Semi Annual Report - DWS Investments

Semi Annual Report - DWS Investments


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THE CENTRAL EUROPE, RUSSIA AND TURKEY FUND, INC.NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — APRIL 30, 2013 (unaudited) (continued)currently evaluating the application of ASU 2013-01 and itsimpact, if any, on the Fund’s financial statements.Securities Transactions and Investment Income:Investment transactions are accounted for on a trade dateplus one basis for daily NAV calculation. However, for financialreporting purposes, investment security transactionsare reported on trade date. Interest income is recordedon the accrual basis. Dividend income is recorded on theex-dividend date net of foreign withholding taxes. Certaindividends from foreign securities may be recorded subsequentto the ex-dividend date as soon as the Fund is informedof such dividends. Realized gains and losses frominvestment transactions are recorded on an identified costbasis and may include proceeds from litigation.Securities Lending: The Fund lends securities to certain financialinstitutions. The Fund retains the benefit of owningthe securities it has loaned and continues to receive interestand dividends generated by the securities and to participatein any changes in their market value. The Fund requires theborrowers of the securities to maintain collateral with theFund consisting of either cash or liquid, unencumbered assetshaving a value in excess of the value of the securitiesloaned. When the collateral falls below specified amounts,the lending agent will use its best effort to obtain additionalcollateral on the next business day to meet requiredamounts under the security lending agreement. The Fundmay invest the cash collateral into a joint trading account inan affiliated money market fund pursuant to ExemptiveOrders issued by the SEC. Deutsche InvestmentManagement Americas Inc. receives a management/administrationfee (0.11% annualized effective rate as of April 30,2013) on the cash collateral invested in the affiliated moneyfund. The Fund receives compensation for lending its securitieseither in the form of fees or by earning interest on investedcash collateral net of borrower rebates and fees paidto a lending agent. Either the Fund or the borrower may terminatethe loan. There may be risks of delay and costs in recoveryof securities or even loss of rights in collateralshould the borrower of the securities fail financially. TheFund is subject to all investment risks associated with thereinvestment of any cash collateral received including, butnot limited to, interest rate, credit and liquidity risk associatedwith such investments.Foreign Currency Translation: The books and records ofthe Fund are maintained in United States dollars.Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency aretranslated into United States dollars at the 11:00 a.m. midpointof the buying and selling spot rates quoted by theFederal Reserve Bank of New York. Purchases and sales ofinvestment securities, income and expenses are translatedat the rate of exchange prevailing on the respective dates ofsuch transactions. Net realized and unrealized gains andlosses on foreign currency transactions represent net gainsand losses between trade and settlement dates on securitiestransactions, the acquisition and disposition of foreign currencies,and the difference between the amount of net investmentincome accrued and the U.S. dollar amount actuallyreceived. That portion of both realized and unrealizedgains and losses on investments that results from fluctuationsin foreign currency exchange rates is not separatelydisclosed but is included with net realized and unrealizedgain/appreciation and loss/depreciation on investments.Contingencies: In the normal course of business, the Fundmay enter into contracts with service providers that containgeneral indemnification clauses. The Fund’s maximum exposureunder these arrangements is unknown as this wouldinvolve future claims that may be made against the Fundthat have not yet occurred. However, based on experience,the Fund expects the risk of loss to be remote.Taxes: The Fund’s policy is to comply with the requirementsof the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, which areapplicable to regulated investment companies, and to distributeall of its taxable income to its shareholders.Additionally, the Fund may be subject to taxes imposed bythe governments of countries in which it invests and aregenerally based on income and/or capital gains earned orrepatriated. Estimated tax liabilities on certain foreign securitiesare recorded on an accrual basis and are reflectedas components of interest income or net change inunrealized gain/loss on investments. Tax liabilities realized22

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