The 2nd Green Tournament at Seattle Chess Club Rules & Details 1 ...

The 2nd Green Tournament at Seattle Chess Club Rules & Details 1 ... The 2nd Green Tournament at Seattle Chess Club Rules & Details 1 ...


The 2nd Green Open at Seattle Chess Club Rules & Details: page 210. To win on time, you must have sufficient material to mate, moving for both sides. EXAMPLES:You cannot win on time with a lone Bishop, lone Knight, or two lone Knights( except for 2N vs pawnending), unless there is a forced win.11. You must stop clocks with your flag still up to win on time. If both flags are down the game isa draw.12. In case of a problem, stop chess clock and see Director. If Director feels clock were stoppedwithout a good reason, a penalty is possible.13. Do not touch clock when it is not your move, nor pick up clock unless defective, nor bang clock.You may be penalized, at Director’s discretion.14. Touch-move rule is used. In castling it is proper to touch King first, but there is no penalty fortouching Rook first.15. If 50 moves (no exceptions) by each side elapse without a capture or pawn move, either side mayclaim a draw.16. It must be your turn to move to claim triple occurrence of position, and hence a draw. Don’t move,or it will be opponent’s move and you cannot claim. State move, claim, and stop the chess clock. Ifopponent disagrees, see Director. If claim is denied, 2 minutes are added to opponent’s remaining time.17. To claim triple repetition of position or 50-move rule, scoresheet need not be complete, but must beadequate to verify claim, and moves filled in after the claim don’t count.18. If you drop out, or won’t play next round, notify Director at least one hour before the next round.19. It is improper to abandon a lost game without resigning. Director may impose a penalty for thisbehavior.20. No cell phones, no computers, and no discussion of your game while it is still underway, in theplaying venue. Players must remain in the playing venue during the game, or see Director forpermission to leave during a game.21. We also follow the rules found in the most recent USCF rules of chess. If there are any conflictsbetween those rules and these listed above, these listed here will take precedence.

How to set a Chronos Clock for the 2nd Green OpenThe time control is game in 90 minutes, + 30 second increment per move.1. Select mode FD-12. Press and hold the center button to edit the mode.3. You will see "40-1:30". Change the move counter for both players to 01 so it reads "01-1:30".4. The next display reads "1:30:00". Leave this setting unchanged.5. The next display reads "0:10". Change this for both players to "0:30".6. "0-bEEP" "1-LEd" (no changes)7. "0-LEd Short" (optional)8. "0-bEEP At End"9. "0-bEEP At tC"10. "0-HALt At End"11. "Copy to #" where # is between 1 and 3, depending on what modes you have already saved on theclock.Please verify for yourself and with your opponent that these instructions produce the properincrementing process. Simulate the start of a game solely with the clock, and hit both white (player)and black (player) buttons of the clock until you see that the time available is increasing for each side,and you are sure that the increment is 30 seconds for each side. Then return the clock to the properstart condition for your actual game.DGT XL: Instructions for setting the time control of: Game in 90 minutes + 30 secondsincrements.1. At the bottom of the clock, slide the only button there to “on”.Two digits will now be displayed on the face of the clock. These stand for the playing mode. We wantmode #12.2. Increase or decrease the number to 12 with the “+” or “-” buttons.3. Then press the “>” i.e. “okay” button, which is the right-most button on the face.The display should now read: fisch 1:30 fisch 1:30 Both players have the same settings.You are done, except for the normal setting of the lever in the “up” position for white. Press the“Run/Pause” button in the middle of the clock when you start clocks for the game.To verify its correctness to yourself and an opponent, use just the clock. Simulate starting the game,and then hit the clock levers back and forth a few times. You will see that time displayedeventually increases by a minute or more for both opponents, and you will realize that it isincrementing by 30 seconds.Then you have to reset, and begin again by returning to step 1. Do steps through 3 again, and you arenowready to begin the actual game, and you know that everything is functioning as it should.At the start of the game the clock only displays hours and minutes remaining, until the player has 20minutes or less. Then the clock will display the remaining time in minutes and seconds.

<strong>The</strong> <strong>2nd</strong> <strong>Green</strong> Open <strong>at</strong> Se<strong>at</strong>tle <strong>Chess</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Rules</strong> & <strong>Details</strong>: page 210. To win on time, you must have sufficient m<strong>at</strong>erial to m<strong>at</strong>e, moving for both sides. EXAMPLES:You cannot win on time with a lone Bishop, lone Knight, or two lone Knights( except for 2N vs pawnending), unless there is a forced win.11. You must stop clocks with your flag still up to win on time. If both flags are down the game isa draw.12. In case of a problem, stop chess clock and see Director. If Director feels clock were stoppedwithout a good reason, a penalty is possible.13. Do not touch clock when it is not your move, nor pick up clock unless defective, nor bang clock.You may be penalized, <strong>at</strong> Director’s discretion.14. Touch-move rule is used. In castling it is proper to touch King first, but there is no penalty fortouching Rook first.15. If 50 moves (no exceptions) by each side elapse without a capture or pawn move, either side mayclaim a draw.16. It must be your turn to move to claim triple occurrence of position, and hence a draw. Don’t move,or it will be opponent’s move and you cannot claim. St<strong>at</strong>e move, claim, and stop the chess clock. Ifopponent disagrees, see Director. If claim is denied, 2 minutes are added to opponent’s remaining time.17. To claim triple repetition of position or 50-move rule, scoresheet need not be complete, but must beadequ<strong>at</strong>e to verify claim, and moves filled in after the claim don’t count.18. If you drop out, or won’t play next round, notify Director <strong>at</strong> least one hour before the next round.19. It is improper to abandon a lost game without resigning. Director may impose a penalty for thisbehavior.20. No cell phones, no computers, and no discussion of your game while it is still underway, in theplaying venue. Players must remain in the playing venue during the game, or see Director forpermission to leave during a game.21. We also follow the rules found in the most recent USCF rules of chess. If there are any conflictsbetween those rules and these listed above, these listed here will take precedence.

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