section 7 - Index of

section 7 - Index of section 7 - Index of


Table 8-1 27-MHz Benchmark Results for the DSP56001 R27Sample Rate Memory Number ofBenchmark Program (Hz) or Size ClockExecution Time (Words) Cycles20 - Tap FIR Filter 500.0 kHz 50 5464 - Tap FIR Filter 190.1 kHz 138 14267 - Tap FIR Filter 182.4 kHz 144 1488 - Pole Cascaded CanonicSiquad IIR Filter (4x)8 - Pole Cascaded CanonicSiquad IIR Filter (5x)8 - Pole Cascaded TransposeSiquad IIR Filter540.0 kHz 40 50465.5 kHz 45 58385.7 kHz 48 70Dot Product 444.4 ns 10 12Matrix Multiply 2x2times2x2Matrix Multiply 3x3times 3x1M-to-M FFT64 PointM-to-M FFT256 PointM-to-M FFT1024 PointP-to-M FFT64 PointP-to-M FFT256 PointP-to-M FFT1024 Point1.556p..s 33 421.259 p..s 29 3498.33 p..s 489 2655489.8 p..s 1641 132552.453 ms 6793 6624092.56 p..s 704 2499347.9 p..s 2048 93941.489 ms 7424 40144

page 132,66,0,6opt rc.****************••••************************************I;Motorola Austin DSP Operation June 30, 1988.********************************************************I;DSP56000f1;20 - tap FI R filter;File name: 1-56.asm.*********************************************************************************************************************IMaximum sample rate: 379.6 kHz at 20.5 MHzf500.0 kHz at 27.0 MHzMemory Size: Prog: 4+6 words; Data: 2x20 wordsNumber of clock cycles: 54 (27 instruction cycles)Clock Frequency: 20.5 MHzf27.0 MHzInstruction cycle time: 97.6 nsf74.1 ns.*********************************************************************************************************************IThis FIR filter reads the input samplefrom the memory location Y:inputand writes the filtered output sampleto the memory location Y:outputThe samples are stored in the X memoryI The coefficients are stored in the Y memory**********************************************************************************************************************X MEMORYY MEMORYX(n)X(n-1)c(O)c(1)X(n-k+1) X(n+1)c(k-1)x(n)C(O)Gyen)81---~k-ly(n)Lc(p)x(n-p)p=O-FIRFigure 8-1 20-Tap FIR Filter Example (Sheet 1 of 2)

Table 8-1 27-MHz Benchmark Results for the DSP56001 R27Sample Rate Memory Number <strong>of</strong>Benchmark Program (Hz) or Size ClockExecution Time (Words) Cycles20 - Tap FIR Filter 500.0 kHz 50 5464 - Tap FIR Filter 190.1 kHz 138 14267 - Tap FIR Filter 182.4 kHz 144 1488 - Pole Cascaded CanonicSiquad IIR Filter (4x)8 - Pole Cascaded CanonicSiquad IIR Filter (5x)8 - Pole Cascaded TransposeSiquad IIR Filter540.0 kHz 40 50465.5 kHz 45 58385.7 kHz 48 70Dot Product 444.4 ns 10 12Matrix Multiply 2x2times2x2Matrix Multiply 3x3times 3x1M-to-M FFT64 PointM-to-M FFT256 PointM-to-M FFT1024 PointP-to-M FFT64 PointP-to-M FFT256 PointP-to-M FFT1024 Point1.556p..s 33 421.259 p..s 29 3498.33 p..s 489 2655489.8 p..s 1641 132552.453 ms 6793 6624092.56 p..s 704 2499347.9 p..s 2048 93941.489 ms 7424 40144

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