section 7 - Index of

section 7 - Index of section 7 - Index of



B.1 INTRODUCTIONTable 8-1 provides benchmark numbers for 18 common DSP programs implemented onthe 27-MHz DSP56001.The four code examples shown in Figures 8-1 to B-4 represent the benchmark programsshown in Table B-1.B.2 BENCHMARK PROGRAMSFigure 8-1 is the code for the 20-tap FIR filter shown in Table 8-1. Figure B-2 is the codefor an FFT using a triple nested DO LOOP. Although this code is easier to understandand very compact, it is not as fast as the code used for the benchmarks shown in Table8-1, which are highly optimized using the symmetry of the FFT and the parallelism of theDSP. Figure B-3 is the code for the 8-pole cascaded canonic biquad IIR filter, which usesfour coefficients (see Table B-1). Figure 8-4 is the code for a 2N delayed least meansquare (LMS) FIR adaptive filter, which is useful for echo cancelation and other adaptivefiltering applications.Thecode example shown in Figure 8-5 represents the Real FFTcode for the DSP56002, based on the Glenn Bergland algorithm.The code for these and other programs is free and available through the Dr. 8uB electronicbulletin board.


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