section 7 - Index of

section 7 - Index of section 7 - Index of


Table A-7 Parallel Data Move TimingParallel Move Operation+mvWords+mvCyclesNo Parallel Data Move 0 0I Immediate Short Data 0 0R Register to Register 0 0U Address Register Update 0 0CommentsX: X Memory Move ea ea+ ax See Note 1X:R X Memory and Register ea ea+ ax See Note 1Y: Y Memory Move ea ) ea+ ay See Note 1R:Y Y Memory and Register ea ea+ ay See Note 1L: Long Memory Move ea ea + axyX:Y: XV Memory Move 0 ea+ axyLMS(X) LMS X Memory Moves 0 ea+ ax See Notes 1 ,2LMSM LMS Y Memory Moves 0 ea+ ay See Notes 1 ,2Note 1: The ax or ay term does not apply to MOVE IMMEDIATE DATA.Note 2: The ea term does not apply to ABSOLUTE ADDRESS and IMMEDIATE DATA.Table A-a MOVEC Timing Summary (see Note 2)MOVEC Operation+mvcCyclesImmediate Short 4 Register 0Register +-+ Register 0CommentsX Memory+-+ Register ea+ax See Note 1Y MemoryB Register ea + ay See Note 1P Memory+-+ Register4+ ea+ apNote 1: The ax or ay term does not apply to MOVE IMMEDIATE DATA.Note 2: If assumption 4 is not applicable, then to each one-word instruction timing, a "+ ap" term shouldbe added, and to each two-word instruction, a "+ (2 * ap)" term should be added to account forthe program memory wait states spent to fetch an instruction word to fill the pipeline.Table A-9 MOVEP Timing Summary (see Note 2)-MOVEP Operation+mvpCyclesCommentsRegister+-+ Peripheral aio See Note 3Register+-+ Peripheral 2+aio See Note 4X Memory-0- Peripheral 2 + ea + ax + aio See Note 1Y Memory+-+ Peripheral 2 + ea + ay + aio See Note 1P Memory+-+ Peripheral4 + ea + ap + aioNote 1: The" 2+ax" or "2+ay" terms do not apply to MOVE IMMEDIATE DATA.Note 2: If assump:ion 4 is not applicable, then to each one-word instruction timing,a "+ ap" term should beadded, and to each two-word instruction, a "+ (2 * ap)" term should be added to account for theprogram memory wait states spent to fetch an instruction word to fill the pipeline.Note 3: "Register" refers to DATA_ALU registerNote 4: "Register" refers to non DATA_ALU register

Note that the "ap" term in Table A-a and Table A-9 for the P memory move representsthe wait states spent when accessing the program memory during DATA read or writeoperations and does not refer to instruction fetches.Table A-10 Bit Manipulation Timing Summary (see Note 2)Bit Manipulation Operation+mvbCyclesCommentsBxxx Peripheral 2 * aio See Note 1Bxxx X Memory ea + (2 * ax) See Note 1Bxxx Y Memory ea+ (2 * ay) See Note 1Bxxx Register Direct 0 See Note 1BTST PeripheralBTST X MemoryBTST Y Memoryaioea+ axea+ ayNote 1: Bxxx = BCHG, BCLR, or BSET.Note 2: If assumliion 4 is not applicable, then to each one-word instruction timing,a"+ ap" term should be added, and to each two-word instruction, a"+ (2 * ap)"term should be added to account for the program memory wait states spent tofetch an instruction word to fill the pipeline.Table A-11 Jump Instruction Timing SummaryJump Instruction OperationJbit Register DirectJbit PeripheralJbitXMemoryJbitYMemory+JxCycles2 * apaio + (2 * ap)ea+ ax+ (2 * ap)ea+ ay+ (2 * ap)Jxxxea + (2 * ap)Note 1: Jbit = JCLR, JSCLR, JSET, and JSSETNote 2: Jxxx = Jcc, JMP, JScc, and JSRCommentsSee Note 1See Note 1See Note 1See Note 1See Note 2All one-word jump instructions execute TWO program memory fetches to refill the pipeline,which is represented by the "+(2 * ap)" term.All two-word jumps execute THREE program memory fetches to refill the pipeline, butone of those fetches is sequential (the instruction word located at the jump instruction2nd word address+ 1), so it is not counted as per assumption 4. If the jump instructionwas fetched from a program memory segment with wait states, another "ap" should beadded to account for that third fetch.

Note that the "ap" term in Table A-a and Table A-9 for the P memory move representsthe wait states spent when accessing the program memory during DATA read or writeoperations and does not refer to instruction fetches.Table A-10 Bit Manipulation Timing Summary (see Note 2)Bit Manipulation Operation+mvbCyclesCommentsBxxx Peripheral 2 * aio See Note 1Bxxx X Memory ea + (2 * ax) See Note 1Bxxx Y Memory ea+ (2 * ay) See Note 1Bxxx Register Direct 0 See Note 1BTST PeripheralBTST X MemoryBTST Y Memoryaioea+ axea+ ayNote 1: Bxxx = BCHG, BCLR, or BSET.Note 2: If assumliion 4 is not applicable, then to each one-word instruction timing,a"+ ap" term should be added, and to each two-word instruction, a"+ (2 * ap)"term should be added to account for the program memory wait states spent t<strong>of</strong>etch an instruction word to fill the pipeline.Table A-11 Jump Instruction Timing SummaryJump Instruction OperationJbit Register DirectJbit PeripheralJbitXMemoryJbitYMemory+JxCycles2 * apaio + (2 * ap)ea+ ax+ (2 * ap)ea+ ay+ (2 * ap)Jxxxea + (2 * ap)Note 1: Jbit = JCLR, JSCLR, JSET, and JSSETNote 2: Jxxx = Jcc, JMP, JScc, and JSRCommentsSee Note 1See Note 1See Note 1See Note 1See Note 2All one-word jump instructions execute TWO program memory fetches to refill the pipeline,which is represented by the "+(2 * ap)" term.All two-word jumps execute THREE program memory fetches to refill the pipeline, butone <strong>of</strong> those fetches is sequential (the instruction word located at the jump instruction2nd word address+ 1), so it is not counted as per assumption 4. If the jump instructionwas fetched from a program memory segment with wait states, another "ap" should beadded to account for that third fetch.

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