section 7 - Index of

section 7 - Index of section 7 - Index of


MOVEM Move Program Memory MOVEMExample:MOVEM P:(R5+N5), LC:move P :(R5+N5) into the loop counter (LC)Before ExecutionAfter ExecutionP:(R5 + N5) L-I ___ $_00_0_11_6 __----' P:(R5 + N5) 1 ......___$_00_0_116 ___--'~I ......____$O_OO_O ___ ~LC I$0116~-----------~Explanation of Example: Prior to execution, the 16-bit loop counter (LC) register containsthe value $0000, and the 24-bit program (P) memory location P:(R5+N5) containsthe value $000116. The execution of the MOVEM P:(R5+N5), LC instruction moves the16 LS bits of the 24-bit program (P) memory location P:(R5+N5) into the 16-bit LC register.Condition Codes:I LF I DM I T I ** I 81 I 80 I 11I 10 I s I L I E I u15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4.... MR ~ lilli( CCR3 2N I z°For D=SR operand:S - Set according to bit 7 of the source operandL.- Set according to bit 6 of the source operandE - Set according to bit 5 of the source operandU - Set according to bit 4 of the source operandN - Set according to bit 3 of the source operandZ - Set according to bit 2 of the source operandV - Set according to bit 1 of the source operandC - Set according to bit 0 of the source operand-For D*SR operand:S - Computed according to the definition in A.5 CONDITION CODE COMPUTATIONL - Set if data limiting has occurred during the move

MOVEM Move Program Memory MOVEMInstruction Format:MOVE(M) S,P:eaMOVE(M) P:ea,DOpcode:23000001116 15 8 7 01 Iw 1 M M M R R RI1 0 d d d d d dInstruction Fields:ea=6-bit Effective Address=MMMRRROPTIONAL EFFECTIVE ADDRESS EXTENSIONEffectiveRegisterW Addressing Mode M M M R R RReadS 0 (Rn)-Nn 0 o 0 r rWrite 0 1 (Rn)+Nn 0 0 1 r r(Rn)- 0 1 0 r r(Rn)+ 0 1 1 r r(Rn) 1 o 0 r r(Rn+Nn) 1 0 1 r r r-(Rn) 1 1 1 r r rAbsolute address 1 1 0 0 0 0where "rrr" refers to an address register RO-R7-

MOVEM Move Program Memory MOVEMInstruction Format:MOVE(M) S,P:eaMOVE(M) P:ea,DOpcode:23000001116 15 8 7 01 Iw 1 M M M R R RI1 0 d d d d d dInstruction Fields:ea=6-bit Effective Address=MMMRRROPTIONAL EFFECTIVE ADDRESS EXTENSIONEffectiveRegisterW Addressing Mode M M M R R RReadS 0 (Rn)-Nn 0 o 0 r rWrite 0 1 (Rn)+Nn 0 0 1 r r(Rn)- 0 1 0 r r(Rn)+ 0 1 1 r r(Rn) 1 o 0 r r(Rn+Nn) 1 0 1 r r r-(Rn) 1 1 1 r r rAbsolute address 1 1 0 0 0 0where "rrr" refers to an address register RO-R7-

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