section 7 - Index of

section 7 - Index of section 7 - Index of


MOVEC Move Control Register MOVECA MOVEC instruction which specifies SSH as the source operand or LA, LC, SSH, SSL,or SP as the destination operand cannot be used immediately before a DO instruction.A MOVEC instruction which specifies SSH as the source operand or LA, LC, SR, SSH,SSL, or SP as the destination operand cannot be used immediately before anENDDO instruction.A MOVEC instruction which specifies SSH as the source operand or SR, SSH, SSL, orSP as the destination operand cannot be used immediately before an RTI instruction.A MOVEC instruction which specifies SSH as the source operand or SSH, SSL, or SPas the destination operand cannot be used immediately before an RTS instruction.A MOVEC instruction which specified SP as the destination operand cannot be usedimmediately before a MOVEC, MOVEM, or MOVEP instruction which specifies SSH orSSL as the source operand.A MOVEC SSH, SSH instruction is illegal and cannot be used.Example:MOVEC LC,XO;move LC into XOBefore ExecutionLC 1'--____$_o1_oo __ -.1After ExecutionLC ,'-_________ $0_10_0 ___--'xo~1 _____ $_12_34_5_6 ___ ~ xol~ _______ $_0_00_10_0 ____ ~-Explanation of Example: Prior to execution, the 16-bit loop counter (LC) register containsthe value $0100, and the 24-bit XO register contains the value $123456. The executionof the MOVEC LC,XO instruction moves the contents of the 16-bit LC register intothe 16 LS bits of the 24-bit XO register and zeros the 8 MS bits of the XO register.

MOVEC Move Control Register MOVECCondition Codes:15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0I: I OM I T I ** J:' I so I 11 I ': I: I LIE I U JR N I z I v I : 1For 01 or 02=SR operand:S - Set according to bit 7 of the source operandL - Set according to bit 6 of the source operandE - Set according to bit 5 of the source operandU - Set according to bit 4 of the source operandN - Set according to bit 3 of the source operandZ - Set according to bit 2 of the source operandV - Set according to bit 1 of the source operandC - Set according to bit 0 of the source operandFor 01 and 02*SR operand:8 - Computed according to the definition in A.S CONDITION CODE COMPUTATIONL - Set if data limiting has occurred during the moveInstruction Format:MOVE(C) X:ea,D1MOVE(C) S1,X:eaMOVE(C) Y:ea,D1MOVE(C) 81,Y:eaMOVE(C) #xxxx,D1Opcode:23000001016 15 8 71 Iw 1 M M M R R Rio sOPTIONAL EFFECTIVE ADDRESS EXTENSIONo1 d d d d dInstruction Fields:ea=6-bit Effective Address=MMMRRR

MOVEC Move Control Register MOVECA MOVEC instruction which specifies SSH as the source operand or LA, LC, SSH, SSL,or SP as the destination operand cannot be used immediately before a DO instruction.A MOVEC instruction which specifies SSH as the source operand or LA, LC, SR, SSH,SSL, or SP as the destination operand cannot be used immediately before anENDDO instruction.A MOVEC instruction which specifies SSH as the source operand or SR, SSH, SSL, orSP as the destination operand cannot be used immediately before an RTI instruction.A MOVEC instruction which specifies SSH as the source operand or SSH, SSL, or SPas the destination operand cannot be used immediately before an RTS instruction.A MOVEC instruction which specified SP as the destination operand cannot be usedimmediately before a MOVEC, MOVEM, or MOVEP instruction which specifies SSH orSSL as the source operand.A MOVEC SSH, SSH instruction is illegal and cannot be used.Example:MOVEC LC,XO;move LC into XOBefore ExecutionLC 1'--____$_o1_oo __ -.1After ExecutionLC ,'-_________ $0_10_0 ___--'xo~1 _____ $_12_34_5_6 ___ ~ xol~ _______ $_0_00_10_0 ____ ~-Explanation <strong>of</strong> Example: Prior to execution, the 16-bit loop counter (LC) register containsthe value $0100, and the 24-bit XO register contains the value $123456. The execution<strong>of</strong> the MOVEC LC,XO instruction moves the contents <strong>of</strong> the 16-bit LC register intothe 16 LS bits <strong>of</strong> the 24-bit XO register and zeros the 8 MS bits <strong>of</strong> the XO register.

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