section 7 - Index of

section 7 - Index of section 7 - Index of


L: Long Memory Data Move L:Operation:Assembler Syntax:( ..... ); X:ea .-. 01; Y:ea .-. 02 ( ..... ) L:ea,O( ..... ); X:aa .-. 01; Y:aa .-. 02 ( ..... ) L:aa,O( ..... ); S1 .-. X:ea; S2.-. Y:ea ( ..... ) S,L:ea( ..... ); S1 .-. X:aa; S2 .-. Y:aa ( ..... ) S,L:aawhere ( ..... ) refers to any arithmetic or logical instruction which allows parallel moves.Description: Move one 48-bit long-word operand from/to X and Y memory. Two dataALU registers are concatenated to form the 48-bit long-word operand. This allows efficientmoving of both double-precision (high:low) and complex (real:imaginary) data from/to one effective address in L (X:Y) memory. The same effective address is used for boththe X and Y memory spaces; thus, only one effective address is required. Note that theA, B, A 10, and B1 ° operands reference a single 48-bit signed (double-precision) quantitywhile the X, Y, AB, and BA operands reference two separate (i.e., real and imaginary)24-bit signed quantities. All memory alterable addressing modes may be used. Absoluteshort addressing may also be used.If the arithmetic or logical opcode-operand portion of the instruction specifies a givendestination accumulator, that same accumulator or portion of that accumulator may notbe specified as a destination 0 in the parallel data bus move operation. Thus, if theopcode-operand portion of the instruction specifies the 56-bit A accumulator as its destination,the parallel data bus move portion of the instruction may not specify A, A 10, AB,or BA as destination O. Similarly, if the opcode-operand. portion of the instruction specifiesthe 56-bit B accumulator as its destination, the parallel data bus move portion of theinstruction may not specify B, B1 0, AB, or BA as its destination D. That is, duplicate destinationsare NOT allowed within the same instruction.If the opcode-operand portion of the instruction specifies a given source or destinationregister, that same register or portion of that register may be used as a source S in theparallel data bus move operation. This allows data to be moved in the same instruction inwhich it is being used as a source operand by a data ALU operation. That is, duplicatesources are allowed within the same instruction.Note: The operands A10, B10, X, Y, AB, and BA may be used only for a 48-bit longmemory move as previously described. These operands may not be used in any othertype of instruction or parallel move.

L: Long Memory Data Move L:Example:CMPYO,B A,L:$1234 ;compare YO and B, save 48-bit A1 :AO valueABefore Execution1~ __ $_01_:2_M_5_67_:8_9A_B_eD __ ~ A 1~ __After Execution$0_1_:23_45_67_:8_9A_B_eD __ ~X:$12M C $000000 X:$1234 1 .......______$7_FF_FF_F ____ ~Y:$12M I $:000000 Y:$12341'--_____ $F_FF_FF_F ___ ~Explanation of Example: Prior to execution, the 56-bit A accumulator contains thevalue $01 :234567:89ABCD, the 24-bit X memory location X:$1234 contains the value$000000, and the 24-bit Y memory location Y:$1234 contains the value $000000. Theexecution of the para"el move portion of the instruction, A,L:$1234, moves the 48-bit limitedpositive saturation constant $7FFFFF:FFFFFF into the specified long memory locationby moving the MS 24 bits of the 48-bit limited positive saturation constant ($7FFFFF)into the 24-bit X memory location X:$1234 and by moving the LS 24 bits of the 48-bit limitedpositive saturation constant ($FFFFFF) into the 24-bit Y memory location Y:$1234since the signed integer portion of the A accumulator was in use.Condition Codes:15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 01 LF I OM I T I ** 1 SI 1 SO 1 11 I lois 1 L E I u I N z veeR 1:1~ MR .....S -L -Computed according to the definition in A.5 CONDITION CODE COMPUTATIONSet if data limiting has occurred during para"el move.Note: The MOVE A,L:ea operation will result in a 48-bit positive or negative saturationconstant being stored in the specified 24-bit X and Y memory locations if the signed integerportion of the A accumulator is in use. The MOVE AB,L:ea operation wi" result ineither one or two 24-bit positive and/or negative saturation constant(s) being stored in thespecified 24-bit X and/or Y memory location(s) if the signed integer portion of the A and/or B accumulator(s) is in use.

L: Long Memory Data Move L:Example:CMPYO,B A,L:$1234 ;compare YO and B, save 48-bit A1 :AO valueABefore Execution1~ __ $_01_:2_M_5_67_:8_9A_B_eD __ ~ A 1~ __After Execution$0_1_:23_45_67_:8_9A_B_eD __ ~X:$12M C $000000 X:$1234 1 .......______$7_FF_FF_F ____ ~Y:$12M I $:000000 Y:$12341'--_____ $F_FF_FF_F ___ ~Explanation <strong>of</strong> Example: Prior to execution, the 56-bit A accumulator contains thevalue $01 :234567:89ABCD, the 24-bit X memory location X:$1234 contains the value$000000, and the 24-bit Y memory location Y:$1234 contains the value $000000. Theexecution <strong>of</strong> the para"el move portion <strong>of</strong> the instruction, A,L:$1234, moves the 48-bit limitedpositive saturation constant $7FFFFF:FFFFFF into the specified long memory locationby moving the MS 24 bits <strong>of</strong> the 48-bit limited positive saturation constant ($7FFFFF)into the 24-bit X memory location X:$1234 and by moving the LS 24 bits <strong>of</strong> the 48-bit limitedpositive saturation constant ($FFFFFF) into the 24-bit Y memory location Y:$1234since the signed integer portion <strong>of</strong> the A accumulator was in use.Condition Codes:15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 01 LF I OM I T I ** 1 SI 1 SO 1 11 I lois 1 L E I u I N z veeR 1:1~ MR .....S -L -Computed according to the definition in A.5 CONDITION CODE COMPUTATIONSet if data limiting has occurred during para"el move.Note: The MOVE A,L:ea operation will result in a 48-bit positive or negative saturationconstant being stored in the specified 24-bit X and Y memory locations if the signed integerportion <strong>of</strong> the A accumulator is in use. The MOVE AB,L:ea operation wi" result ineither one or two 24-bit positive and/or negative saturation constant(s) being stored in thespecified 24-bit X and/or Y memory location(s) if the signed integer portion <strong>of</strong> the A and/or B accumulator(s) is in use.

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