section 7 - Index of

section 7 - Index of section 7 - Index of


R:Y Register and Y Memory Data Move R:YClass II Example:MAC XO,YO,A YO,B B,Y:(R1)+Before ExecutionXO I $400000;multiply XO and YO and accumulate in A;move B to Y memory location pointed to;by R1 and postincrement R1;move YO to BAfter Executionxo I $400000YO I $600000YO I $600000AI$00:000000:000000AI$00:300000:000000BI$00:800000:000000BI$00:600000:000000Y:$1234 I $000000Y:$1234 I$7FFFFFR1I$1234R1 I $1235Explanation of the Class II Example: Prior to execution, the 24-bit registers, XO andYO, contain $400000 and $600000, respectively. The 56-bit accumulators A and B containthe values $00:000000:000000 and $00:800000:000000 (+1.0000), respectively.The 24-bit Y memory location Y:$1234 contains the value $000000, and the 16-bit R1register contains the value $1234. Execution of the parallel move portion of the instruction(yO,B B,Y:(R1)+) moves the YO register ($600000) into accumulator B1 ($600000),sign extends B1 into B2 ($00), and zero fills BO ($000000). It also moves the 24-bit limitedvalue of B ($7FFFFF) into the Y:$1234 memory location and increments R1 to$1235.

R:V Register and Y Memory Data Move R:YCondition Codes:115 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0LF 1 OM 1 T 1** 1 SI 1 SO 1 11 I lois 1 I I I L E U N z I v CCR 1 :1~ MR ....S -L -Computed according to the definition in A.5 CONDITION CODE COMPUTATIONSet if data limiting has occurred during parallel move.Class I Instruction Format:( ..... ) S1 ,D1 Y:ea,D2( ..... ) S1 ,D1 S2,Y:ea( ..... ) S1 ,D1 #xxxxxx,D2Opcode:23 16 15 8 7 00001def f Iw 1 M M M R R R I INSTRUCTION OPCODEOPTIONAL EFFECTIVE ADDRESS EXTENSION

R:V Register and Y Memory Data Move R:YCondition Codes:115 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0LF 1 OM 1 T 1** 1 SI 1 SO 1 11 I lois 1 I I I L E U N z I v CCR 1 :1~ MR ....S -L -Computed according to the definition in A.5 CONDITION CODE COMPUTATIONSet if data limiting has occurred during parallel move.Class I Instruction Format:( ..... ) S1 ,D1 Y:ea,D2( ..... ) S1 ,D1 S2,Y:ea( ..... ) S1 ,D1 #xxxxxx,D2Opcode:23 16 15 8 7 00001def f Iw 1 M M M R R R I INSTRUCTION OPCODEOPTIONAL EFFECTIVE ADDRESS EXTENSION

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