section 7 - Index of

section 7 - Index of section 7 - Index of


MACR Signed Multiply-Accumulate and Round MACRInstruction Fields 1:S1*S2 Q Q Q Sign k D dXOXO 0 0 0 + 0 A 0YO YO 0 0 1 1 8 1X1 XO 0 1 0Y1 YO 0 1 1XOY1 1 0 0YOXO 1 0 1X1 YO 1 1 0Y1 X1 1 1 1Note: Only the indicated 81 *82 combinations are valid. X1 *X1 and Y1 *Y1 are not valid.Timing: 2+mv oscillator clock cyclesMemory: 1 +mv program wordsExample 2:MACR -YO, #10,8Before ExecutionAfter ExecutionYO~I _________ $_65_4_32_1 __ ~ YO~I _________ $_6_M_32_1 __ ~BI~ ____ $_OO_:1_00_00_o_:oo_o_oo_o __ ~B~I ____ $O_O_:OF_E_6A_F_:O_OO_oo_o __ ~Explanation of Example 2: The content of YO ($654321) is negated, multiplied by 2- 1 °,added to the content of the 8 accumulator ($00:100000:000000), placed in the 8 accumulatorand then rounded to a single precision number (24 bits in 81). The net effect ofthis operation is to negate the content of YO, divide the result by 2 10 and add the resultto the accumulator. An alternate interpretation is that YO is negated, right shifted 10places, filled with the sign bit (0 for a positive number and 1 for a negative number), theresult is added to the accumulator and then rounded to a single precision number.

MACR Signed MUltiply-Accumulate and Round MACRInstruction Format 2:MACR (±)S,#n,DOpcode 2:23 16 15 8 7 o\0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1\000 S S ss S\1 1 Q Q d k 1 11Instruction Fields 2:S QQ Sign k D dY1 0 0 + 0 A 0XO 0 1 1 B 1YO 1 0X1 1 1n sssss constant1 00001 0100000000000000000000002 00010 0010000000000000000000003 00011 0001000000000000000000004 00100 0000100000000000000000005 00101 0000010000000000000000006 00110 0000001000000000000000007 00111 0000000100000000000000008 01000 0000000010000000000000009 01001 00000000010000000000000010 01010 00000000001000000000000011 01011 00000000000100000000000012 01100 00000000000010000000000013 01101 00000000000001000000000014 01110 00000000000000100000000015 01111 00000000000000010000000016 10000 00000000000000001000000017 10001 00000000000000000100000018 10010 00000000000000000010000019 10011 000000000000000000010000-20 10100 00000000000000000000100021 10101 00000000000000000000010022 10110 00000000000000000000001023 10111 000000000000000000000001Timing: 2 oscillator clock cyclesMemory: 1 program word

MACR Signed MUltiply-Accumulate and Round MACRInstruction Format 2:MACR (±)S,#n,DOpcode 2:23 16 15 8 7 o\0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1\000 S S ss S\1 1 Q Q d k 1 11Instruction Fields 2:S QQ Sign k D dY1 0 0 + 0 A 0XO 0 1 1 B 1YO 1 0X1 1 1n sssss constant1 00001 0100000000000000000000002 00010 0010000000000000000000003 00011 0001000000000000000000004 00100 0000100000000000000000005 00101 0000010000000000000000006 00110 0000001000000000000000007 00111 0000000100000000000000008 01000 0000000010000000000000009 01001 00000000010000000000000010 01010 00000000001000000000000011 01011 00000000000100000000000012 01100 00000000000010000000000013 01101 00000000000001000000000014 01110 00000000000000100000000015 01111 00000000000000010000000016 10000 00000000000000001000000017 10001 00000000000000000100000018 10010 00000000000000000010000019 10011 000000000000000000010000-20 10100 00000000000000000000100021 10101 00000000000000000000010022 10110 00000000000000000000001023 10111 000000000000000000000001Timing: 2 oscillator clock cyclesMemory: 1 program word

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