section 7 - Index of

section 7 - Index of

section 7 - Index of


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JSCLRJump to Subroutine If Bit ClearJSCLRInstruction Format:JSCLR #n,X:ea,xxxxJSCLR #n,Y:ea,xxxxOpcode:23 16 15 8 7 00000101 1 I 0 1 M M M R R RI1 SOb b b b bABSOLUTE ADDRESS EXTENSIONInstruction Fields:#n=bit number=bbbbb,ea=6-bit Effective Address=MMMRRR,xxxx=16-bit Absolute Address in extension wordEffectiveAddressing Mode MMMRRR Memory SpaceS(Rn)-Nn o 0 o r r r X Memory(Rn)+Nn o 0 1 r r r Y Memory(Rn)- o 1 0 r r(Rn)+ o 1 1 r r(Rn)1 0 0 r r r(Rn+Nn)1 0 1 r r r-(Rn)1 1 1 r r rwhere "rrr" refers to an address register RO-R701Bit Number bbbbb00000•10111Timing: 6+jx oscillator clock cyclesMemory: 2 program words-

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