section 7 - Index of

section 7 - Index of section 7 - Index of


EOR Logical Exclusive OR EOROperation:S E9 0[47:24] -+0[47:24] (parallel move)Assembler Syntax:EOR S,O (parallel move)where E9 denotes the logical Exclusive OR operatorDescription: Logically exclusive OR the source operand S with bits 47-24 of the destinationoperand 0 and store the result in bits 47-24 of the destination accumulator. Thisinstruction is a 24-bit operation. The remaining bits of the destination operand 0 are notaffected.Example:EOR Y1 ,81 (R2)+ ;Exclusive OR Y1 with 81, update R2Y1Before Execution1~ _______After Execution$_00_00_0_3 __ ~ Y1 1~ ________ $_0_00_00_3 __ ~B 1~ __ $_00_:0_00_0_05_:0_00_00_0 __ ~B l-I ____ $0_0_:00_00_0_6:0_0_00_00 __---'Explanation of Example: Prior to execution, the 24-bit Y1 register contains the value$000003, and the 56-bit 8 accumulator contains the value $00:000005:000000. TheEOR Y1 ,8 instruction logically exclusive ORs the 24-bit value in the Y1 register with bits47-24 of the 8 accumulator (81) and stores the result in the 8 accumulator with bits 55-48 and 23-0 unchanged.Condition Codes:15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2I LF 1 DM 1 T 1** 181 180 1 11 1 10 I s I L I E I u N I z... MR • III( CCR°S - Computed according to the definition in A.5 CONDITION CODE COMPUTATIONL - Set if data limiting has occurred during parallel moveN - Set if bit 47 of A or B result is setZ- Set if bits 47 - 24 of A or B result are zeroV - Always cleared

EOR Logical Exclusive OR EORInstruction Format:EOR S,DOpcode:23 8 7 4 3 oDATA BUS MOVE FIELD I 0 J J I d 0OPTIONAL EFFECTIVE ADDRESS EXTENSIONInstruction Fields:S JJ 0 dXO 00 A 0X1 1 0 B 1YO 01Y1 1 1Timing: 2+mv oscillator clock cyclesMemory: 1 +mv program words-

EOR Logical Exclusive OR EOROperation:S E9 0[47:24] -+0[47:24] (parallel move)Assembler Syntax:EOR S,O (parallel move)where E9 denotes the logical Exclusive OR operatorDescription: Logically exclusive OR the source operand S with bits 47-24 <strong>of</strong> the destinationoperand 0 and store the result in bits 47-24 <strong>of</strong> the destination accumulator. Thisinstruction is a 24-bit operation. The remaining bits <strong>of</strong> the destination operand 0 are notaffected.Example:EOR Y1 ,81 (R2)+ ;Exclusive OR Y1 with 81, update R2Y1Before Execution1~ _______After Execution$_00_00_0_3 __ ~ Y1 1~ ________ $_0_00_00_3 __ ~B 1~ __ $_00_:0_00_0_05_:0_00_00_0 __ ~B l-I ____ $0_0_:00_00_0_6:0_0_00_00 __---'Explanation <strong>of</strong> Example: Prior to execution, the 24-bit Y1 register contains the value$000003, and the 56-bit 8 accumulator contains the value $00:000005:000000. TheEOR Y1 ,8 instruction logically exclusive ORs the 24-bit value in the Y1 register with bits47-24 <strong>of</strong> the 8 accumulator (81) and stores the result in the 8 accumulator with bits 55-48 and 23-0 unchanged.Condition Codes:15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2I LF 1 DM 1 T 1** 181 180 1 11 1 10 I s I L I E I u N I z... MR • III( CCR°S - Computed according to the definition in A.5 CONDITION CODE COMPUTATIONL - Set if data limiting has occurred during parallel moveN - Set if bit 47 <strong>of</strong> A or B result is setZ- Set if bits 47 - 24 <strong>of</strong> A or B result are zeroV - Always cleared

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