section 7 - Index of

section 7 - Index of section 7 - Index of


DEBUGcc Enter Debug Mode Conditionally DEB U G ccOperation:If cc, then enter the debug modeAssembler Syntax:DEBUGccDescription: If the specified condition is true, enter the debug mode and wait for OnCEcommands. If the specified condition is false, continue with the next instruction.The term "cc" may specify the following conditions:CC (HS)CS (LO)ECEQESGEGTLCLELSLTMINENRPLNN"cc" Mnemonic- carry clear (higher or same)- carry set (lower)- extension clear- equal- extension set- greater than or equal- greater than-limit clear- less than or equal-limit set-less than- minus- not equal- normalized-plus- not normalizedConditionC=OC=1E=OZ=1E=1NEB V=OZ+(N EB V)=OL=OZ+(N EB V)=1L=1NEB V=1N=1Z=OZ+(U-E)=1N=OZ+(U-E)=O-whereU denotes the logical complement of U,+ denotes the logical OR operator,- denotes the logical AND operator, andEB denotes the logical Exclusive OR operatorCondition Codes:15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2I LF I OM I T I ** I SI I SO I 11 I 10 I s I L I E I U N I z I v... MR .. ... CCRThe condition codes are not affected by this instruction.o

DEBUGcc Enter Debug Mode Conditionally DEB U G ccExample:CMP YO, BDEBUGge; Compare register YO with the B accumulator.; Enter the debug mode if; the previous test result is "greater than".Explanation of Example: The results of the comparison between YO and B will berecorded in the status register bits. The conditional debug instruction looks at the conditions(for greater than or equal in this case) and if they are met (N ffi V=O) then theDEBUG instruction will be executed. The chip enters the debug mode after the instructionfollowing the DEBUG instruction has entered the instruction latch. The chip pulseslow the DSO line to inform the external command controller that it has entered the debugmode and that the chip is waiting for commands.Instruction Format:DEBUGccOpcode:23 16 15 8 7 010 0 0 o 0 0 0 o I 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 I 0 0 0 0 c c c c IInstruction Fields:Mnemonic c c c c Mnemonic c c c cCC (HS) 0 0 0 0 CS (LO) 0 0 0GE 0 0 0 1 LT 0 0 1NE 0 0 1 0 EQ 0 1 0PL 0 0 1 1 MI 0 1 1NN 0 1 0 0 NR 1 0 0EC 0 1 0 1 ES 1 0 1LC 0 1 1 0 LS 1 1 0GT 0 1 1 1 LE 1 1 1Timing: 4 oscillator clock cyclesMemory: 1 program word

DEBUGcc Enter Debug Mode Conditionally DEB U G ccOperation:If cc, then enter the debug modeAssembler Syntax:DEBUGccDescription: If the specified condition is true, enter the debug mode and wait for OnCEcommands. If the specified condition is false, continue with the next instruction.The term "cc" may specify the following conditions:CC (HS)CS (LO)ECEQESGEGTLCLELSLTMINENRPLNN"cc" Mnemonic- carry clear (higher or same)- carry set (lower)- extension clear- equal- extension set- greater than or equal- greater than-limit clear- less than or equal-limit set-less than- minus- not equal- normalized-plus- not normalizedConditionC=OC=1E=OZ=1E=1NEB V=OZ+(N EB V)=OL=OZ+(N EB V)=1L=1NEB V=1N=1Z=OZ+(U-E)=1N=OZ+(U-E)=O-whereU denotes the logical complement <strong>of</strong> U,+ denotes the logical OR operator,- denotes the logical AND operator, andEB denotes the logical Exclusive OR operatorCondition Codes:15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2I LF I OM I T I ** I SI I SO I 11 I 10 I s I L I E I U N I z I v... MR .. ... CCRThe condition codes are not affected by this instruction.o

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