section 7 - Index of

section 7 - Index of section 7 - Index of


A.4 ADDRESSING MODESThe addressing modes are grouped into three categories: register direct, address registerindirect, and special. These addressing modes are summarized in Table A-2. Alladdress calculations are performed in the address ALU to minimize execution time andloop overhead. Addressing modes, which specify whether the operands are in registers,in memory, or in the instruction itself (such as immediate data), provide the specificaddress of the operands.The register direct addressing mode can be subclassified according to the specific registeraddressed. The data registers inch,Jde X1, XO, V1, VO, X, V, A2, A1, AO, B2, B1, BO,A, and B. The control registers include SR, OMR, SP, SSH, SSL, LA, LC, CCR, and MR.Address register indirect modes use an address register Rn (RO-R7) to point to locationsin X, V, and P memory. The contents of the Rn address register (Rn) is the effectiveaddress (ea) of the specified operand, except in the "indexed by offset" mode where theeffective address (ea) is (Rn+Nn). Address register indirect modes use an address modifierregister Mn to specify the type of arithmetic to be used to update the address registerRn. If an addressing mode specifies an address offset register Nn, the given address offsetregister is used to update the corresponding address register Rn. The Rn addressregister may only use the corresponding address offset register Nn and the correspondingaddress modifier register Mn. For example, the address register RO may only use theNO address offset register and the MO address modifier register during actual addresscomputation and address register update operations. This unique implementation allowsthe user to easily address a wide variety of DSP-oriented data structures. All addressregister indirect modes use at least one set of address registers (Rn, Nn, and Mn), andthe XV memory reference uses two sets of address registers, one for the X memoryspace and one for the V memory space.The special addressing modes include immediate and absolute addressing modes aswell as implied references to the program counter (PC), the system stack (SSH or SSL),and program (P) memory.-Addressing modes may also be categorized by the ways in which they can be used.Table A-2 and Table A-3 show the various categories to which each addressing modebelongs. These addressing mode categories may be combined so that additional, morerestrictive classifications may be defined. For example, the instruction descriptions mayuse a memory alterable classification, which refers to addressing modes that are bothmemory addressing modes and alterable addressing modes. Thus, memory alterableaddressing modes use address register indirect and absolute addressing modes.

Table A-2 DSP56K Addressing ModesAddressing ModeUses MnOperand ReferenceModifier S C D A P X V L XVRegister DirectData or Control Register No X X XAddress Register Rn No XAddress Modifier Register No XMnAddress Offset Register Nn No XAddress Register IndirectNo Update No X X X X XPostincrement by 1 Yes X X X X XPostdecrement by 1 Yes X X X X XPostincrement by Offset Nn Yes X X X X XPostdecrement by Offset Nn Yes X X X XIndexed by Offset Nn Yes X X X XPredecrement by 1 Yes X X X XSpecialImmediate Data No XAbsolute Address No X X X XImmediate Short Data No XShort Jump Address No XAbsolute Short Address No X X X XI/O Short Address No X XImplicit No X X XNOTE:-S = System Stack ReferenceX = X Memory ReferenceC = Program Controller Register Reference Y = Y Memory ReferenceD = Data ALU Register Reference L = L Memory ReferenceA = Address ALU Register Reference XY = XV Memory ReferenceP = Program Memory Reference

A.4 ADDRESSING MODESThe addressing modes are grouped into three categories: register direct, address registerindirect, and special. These addressing modes are summarized in Table A-2. Alladdress calculations are performed in the address ALU to minimize execution time andloop overhead. Addressing modes, which specify whether the operands are in registers,in memory, or in the instruction itself (such as immediate data), provide the specificaddress <strong>of</strong> the operands.The register direct addressing mode can be subclassified according to the specific registeraddressed. The data registers inch,Jde X1, XO, V1, VO, X, V, A2, A1, AO, B2, B1, BO,A, and B. The control registers include SR, OMR, SP, SSH, SSL, LA, LC, CCR, and MR.Address register indirect modes use an address register Rn (RO-R7) to point to locationsin X, V, and P memory. The contents <strong>of</strong> the Rn address register (Rn) is the effectiveaddress (ea) <strong>of</strong> the specified operand, except in the "indexed by <strong>of</strong>fset" mode where theeffective address (ea) is (Rn+Nn). Address register indirect modes use an address modifierregister Mn to specify the type <strong>of</strong> arithmetic to be used to update the address registerRn. If an addressing mode specifies an address <strong>of</strong>fset register Nn, the given address <strong>of</strong>fsetregister is used to update the corresponding address register Rn. The Rn addressregister may only use the corresponding address <strong>of</strong>fset register Nn and the correspondingaddress modifier register Mn. For example, the address register RO may only use theNO address <strong>of</strong>fset register and the MO address modifier register during actual addresscomputation and address register update operations. This unique implementation allowsthe user to easily address a wide variety <strong>of</strong> DSP-oriented data structures. All addressregister indirect modes use at least one set <strong>of</strong> address registers (Rn, Nn, and Mn), andthe XV memory reference uses two sets <strong>of</strong> address registers, one for the X memoryspace and one for the V memory space.The special addressing modes include immediate and absolute addressing modes aswell as implied references to the program counter (PC), the system stack (SSH or SSL),and program (P) memory.-Addressing modes may also be categorized by the ways in which they can be used.Table A-2 and Table A-3 show the various categories to which each addressing modebelongs. These addressing mode categories may be combined so that additional, morerestrictive classifications may be defined. For example, the instruction descriptions mayuse a memory alterable classification, which refers to addressing modes that are bothmemory addressing modes and alterable addressing modes. Thus, memory alterableaddressing modes use address register indirect and absolute addressing modes.

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