West Mojave Plan FEIR/S - Desert Managers Group

West Mojave Plan FEIR/S - Desert Managers Group

West Mojave Plan FEIR/S - Desert Managers Group


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CRF Part 2800. Coordination with the CEC permitting process for facilities of 50MW orgreater on public land would also occur.The Renewable Resource Data Center (RReDC), managed by the Department ofEnergy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy has identified major wind resourceareas throughout the United States that have been estimated to have suitable wind energypotential for wind turbine applications (“Class 3” or greater annual average wind power). Withinthe planning area the Tehachapi Pass, near <strong>Mojave</strong>, possesses Class 6 wind energy potential.The western part of the Antelope Valley is another area of high wind resource potential with sitedata in the extreme west end of the Antelope Valley indicating a Class 6 wind resource. RReDChas estimated Class 3 or higher wind resource over much of the southern and western parts of theAntelope Valley. Another wind corridor exists in the vicinity of Daggett (just east of Barstow)where winds are channeled between the Calico and Rodman Mountains. Site data from theDaggett Airport indicate Class 3 to 4 windpower in this area. For each of these wind resourceareas, the maximum wind resource occurs in the spring and summer. 37Wind energy development within the plan area is currently concentrated in Kern Countynear the communities of Techahapi and <strong>Mojave</strong>. Approximately 700 MW are produced fromthe wind farms located in this area. In February 2002, the BLM issued a Temporary Use Permit(CACA-43088) to Sea <strong>West</strong> Wind Power for a term of five years for the placement of fivemeteorological masts on Daggett Ridge.The amount of sunlight received at any given location varies greatly depending ongeographical location, time of day, season and clouds. The southwestern United States is one ofthe world’s best locations for solar energy production with the desert region receiving almosttwice the sunlight as other regions in the United States 38 . Major solar energy facilities have beendeveloped in the Daggett area, at Kramer Junction and at Harper Dry Lake. Online energyproduction for solar these power plants is approximately 409 MW.The majority of the coal and natural gas fueled power plants within the study area arecogeneration facilities, the one exception being the Coolwater facility east of Barstow. In Mayof 2000, the California Energy Commission granted approval to the High <strong>Desert</strong> Power <strong>Plan</strong>tProject, a new natural gas fueled 750 MW facility. This facility is proposed to be located on a25-acre site of the Southern California International Airport, formerly George Air Force Base, inthe city of Victorville.37 Wind Energy Resource Atlas of the United States. Renewable Resource Data Center [www.nrel.gov]38Solar Energy. Renewable Resource Data Center [www.nrel.gov]Chapter 3 3-278

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