West Mojave Plan FEIR/S - Desert Managers Group

West Mojave Plan FEIR/S - Desert Managers Group

West Mojave Plan FEIR/S - Desert Managers Group


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Table 3-59Prevalence of Terms and Conditions for 10 Linear ProjectsTERMS AND CONDITIONSNUMBER OF PROJECTS WITH THISTERM AND CONDITIONEducation 10Flag boundaries, restrict activities to impact area 10Tortoise preconstruction surveys 10Biological monitor required 10Speed limits (4 at 20 mph, 2 at 25, 1 at 10) 8Litter free workplace 8Project-end reporting 8Unauthorized firearms prohibited 7Use existing roads 6Check under vehicle for tortoise 6Designate Field Contact Representative 6Avoid entrapping tortoises in excavations 6No pets in the construction area 5Revegetation required 5Compensate impacts with fees or acquisition 4Raven prevention measures 2Table 3-60Authorized Mortality and Harassment Take for 10 Linear ProjectsIMPACTING ACTIVITYAUTHORIZEDMORTALITYAUTHORIZEDHARRASMENTMaintenance and/or Repair 6 per year 8 per yearMaintenance and/or Repair 15 2 unlimitedConstruction 8 125Construction and Maintenance 6 20Routine Inspections, Emergencies 5 ---Chapter 3 3-276

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