West Mojave Plan FEIR/S - Desert Managers Group

West Mojave Plan FEIR/S - Desert Managers Group

West Mojave Plan FEIR/S - Desert Managers Group


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OPENAREAStoddardValleySIZEACRESVISITS VISITORDAYS54,400 NotAvailableNotAvailablePRINCIPALRECREATIONACTIVITIESOrganized competitive events.Unrestricted OHV recreation.Predominantly dirt bikemotorcycle use, as well as dualsport motorcycle and 4WDtouring/sightseeing. Permittedevents, camping, and dispersedcamping occur in the area.OHV USE PATTERNSthe open area. Three popularcamping areas are TeagleWash, Wagon Wheel and eastof US-395.OHV use is widely dispersed.Approximately 50% of the useis estimated to be associatedwith permitted events (e.g.MC, rails, jeeps). Heaviest useat staging areas. Visitors tendto stay on pre-existing routesas the terrain becomes rougherand as they travel away fromthe staging areas. TrendsCalifornia’s population is increasing rapidly. The State’s population is projected to growfrom 34 millon in 2000 to 46 million by 2020. The population of the planning area is projectedto grow from 795,000 in 2000 to more than 1.5 million people by 2035.California has the greatest number of off-highway vehicle recreation enthusiasts in thecountry 32 . Its 3.5 million recreationists constitute 14.2% of all California households. Since1980, however, the number of acres available to OHVs for recreation has decreased 48 percent inCalifornia’s deserts alone (from 13.5 million acres in 1980 to 7 million acres in 2000). At thesame time, off-highway vehicle “green sticker” registrations have increased by 108%.Attendance at the State of California’s State Vehicular Recreation Areas (SVRAs) increasedfrom 1985 to 2000 by 52%.OHV Vehicle Trends: Californians have embraced the sport utility vehicle (SUV). AsSUV sales increase, the demand for off-highway opportunities for SUV owners is also on therise. Simultaneously, there have been notable declines in motorcycle sales in California withsteady increases in ATV and SUV sales. As a consequence, there appears to be a trend towardwider trails for larger off-highway vehicles (i.e., SUVs) as opposed to single-track trails used formotorcycling.While the demand for OHV recreational opportunities is increasing along withCalifornia’s growing population, OHV opportunities are decreasing. The increase in California’spopulation has caused significant increases in urban development. Encroachment by citiesthreatens many rural OHV recreation areas. As more species are listed as threatened orendangered, sensitive habitats have been closed to OHV access. Air pollution controls imposedby the California Air Resources Board’s Red Sticker Program have restricted the use of two-32 OHV recreation contributes more than $3 billion to California’s economy annually. OHV recreation generatesroughly $1.6 billion in personal income and affects about 43,000 jobs within California.Chapter 3 3-244

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