West Mojave Plan FEIR/S - Desert Managers Group

West Mojave Plan FEIR/S - Desert Managers Group

West Mojave Plan FEIR/S - Desert Managers Group


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ecause the study was done before that site was known to be habitat for the desert tortoise.Identified resources for selected producing deposits are discussed above, and nonproducingdeposits are presented below beginning with gold.The Kramer Hills gold deposit on private land has identified resources reported to be 2.0million metric tons (2.2 short tons) averaging 1.3 grams per ton (0.004 ounces per ton) gold andinferred resources of about 2.7 million metric tons (3 million short tons). Metal resources areabout 2,600 kilograms (5,700 pounds) of contained gold (Lewszcykowski, et al., 1993, p. 52).The Olympus mine in San Bernardino County has moderate potential for the occurrenceof vein gold deposits with 1.8 million tons of resources containing 0.11 to 0.22 opt (3.4 to 6.8grams of gold per metric ton).The disseminated deposits in the Calico district contain the largest resources of silver inthe study area with the Waterloo and Langtry deposits near Barstow containing 27 million tons(24.5 million metric tons) averaging 105 grams per ton (3 opt) silver and 11.8 percent barite and15 million tons (13.6 million metric tons) averaging 85 grams per ton (2.5 ounces per ton) and6.0 percent barite respectively (Fletcher, 1986; Tosdal, et al., March 1992, p. 8). Over 4,000acres in the Calico Mountains have been classified under SMARA as MRZ-2b (moderatepotential for occurrence) for silver and barite resources by the California Department ofConservation (Bezore et al., 1997, p. 37).Over 500 acres on the south slope of Ord Mountain (Ord-Rodman DWMA) has beenclassified under SMARA as MRZ-2b (moderate potential for occurrence) for copper andmolybdenum resources by the California Department of Conservation (Bezore et al., 1997, p.24). Sulfide resources are estimated to be 2,600,000 tons (0.26% copper & 0.12%molybdenum), and combined oxide resources are estimated to be 489,000 tons (0.4% copper &0.07% molybdenum).The most important borate resources outside of the active mining area at Boron are theRho and 395 Hill colemanite deposits northwest of Kramer Junction in San Bernardino County.The Rho deposits contain an estimated total of 86 million metric tons (95 million short tons) ofmaterial averaging 5 percent to 17 percent B 2 O 3 , and the 395 Hill contains an unknown quantityof colemanite-bearing shale with abut 3.7 percent B 2 O 3 (Leszcykowski, et al., 1993, p. 47 & 48).The Alvord Mountain limestone deposit has identified resources of 20 million short tons(18 million metric tons) of high-grade whiting limestone and an accompanying 20 million shorttons of cement grade limestone inside a window surrounded by tortoise habitat (Leszcykowski,et al., 1993, p. 45).In 1993 the Calspar feldspar deposit (Ord-Rodman DWMA) contained “a proven orereserve of 150,000 short tons (136,000 metric tons) of milling grade rock…” (Leszcykowski, etal., 1993, p. 57; Randol Mining Directory, 1990, p. 114.) The feldspar occurs in two zones ofroughly 60 acres and 115 acres on either side of Camp Rock Road and has been classified underSMARA as MRZ-2a and MRZ-2b, respectively (high and moderate potential for occurrence) byChapter 3 3-228

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