West Mojave Plan FEIR/S - Desert Managers Group

West Mojave Plan FEIR/S - Desert Managers Group

West Mojave Plan FEIR/S - Desert Managers Group


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Indian Joe Spring Ecological Reserve (546 acres): The Indian Joe Spring EcologicalReserve consists of a parcel in a canyon of the Argus Range in Inyo County. This area containssignificant riparian habitat and protects the endangered Inyo California towhee. Other riparianbirds utilize the canyon during migration and for nesting, and both nesting and communal roosthabitat is present for the long-eared owl. The surrounding lands provide nest sites for prairiefalcon and golden eagle, and the water in the canyon supports a healthy population of quail andchuckar.Indian Wells Valley Mitigation Lands (80 acres): CDFG obtained a parcel adjacent toLittle Dixie Wash in Kern County with known occupied habitat for the desert tortoise, Mohaveground squirrel, and LeConte’s thrasher.King Clone Ecological Reserve (488 acres): A reserve was established to protectancient creosote bush vegetation, including the oldest known specimen, a circular shrubestimated to be 11,700 years old. This reserve is surrounded by the BLM’s Johnson Valley OpenArea north of Lucerne Valley and has been fenced.<strong>West</strong> <strong>Mojave</strong> <strong>Desert</strong> Ecological Reserve (11,817 acres): CDFG owns 22 propertiesnorth of Highway 58 between Barstow and Kramer Junction. These lands are within deserttortoise critical habitat and the Fremont-Kramer DWMA. The reserve contains occupied habitatfor desert tortoise, Mohave ground squirrel, LeConte’s thrasher and Barstow woolly sunflower.Other target species (e.g. desert cymopterus) may occur but have not been verified. California Department of Parks and RecreationThe California Department of Parks and Recreation owns 25,400 acres that it operates asState Parks in four separate units. In addition, the CDPR’s Division of Off-highway Vehiclescontributes funds annually to maintain and monitor BLM Open Areas. The conservation landsaffording protection to species addressed by the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Mojave</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> are described below.Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve: Located within Los Angeles County 15miles west of Lancaster, the 1,750 acre Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve protectsextensive wildflower fields and receives thousands of visitors annually. The park is fenced toexclude grazing and prescribed burns are conducted to maintain the habitat. The reserve alsosupports nesting burrowing owls and provides wintering habitat for a variety of raptors,including the golden eagle, prairie falcon, northern harrier, and ferruginous hawk.Red Rock Canyon State Park: The Park encompasses the southwestern portion of theEl Paso Mountains, and was established for protection of outstanding scenic values and wildlifehabitat. Within the 26,000-acre park is the majority of the range of two narrow endemic plantspecies, the Red Rock poppy and the Red Rock tarplant. The tarplant is listed as endangered bythe State of California. The mountainous terrain contains nest sites for prairie falcons, and twounique alkali seeps support the alkali mariposa lily. Red Rock Canyon State Park provides alinkage between BLM lands to the east and west, and lies within the proposed Mohave GroundSquirrel Conservation Area.Chapter 3 3-12

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