Paragliding - Royal Navy PDev Portal

Paragliding - Royal Navy PDev Portal

Paragliding - Royal Navy PDev Portal


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PARAGLIDING-EP(HILL)Course Information1 Type of Course Training & Assessment.2 Course Duration (Ratio) 5 x Days. (1:6)3 Course AimThe Aim of the Elementary Pilot(Hill) course is to provide training andeducation in paragliding to attain EP standard IAW NGB guidlines4Training ObjectivesTo perform and complete exercises 1 to 20 of the Student Training record iaw NGB guidelines.Through lectures,lessons,talks and personal study achieve the required knowledge level inMeteorology,Principles of Flight,Rules of the air and air law.5 Assessment CriteriaPerform tasks 1 to 18 Pass the written examination and satisfy the instructorthat the student has the right attitude to continue training in this discipline.6 Pre-Course Qualifications None7 Pre-Course Exemption None8 Pre-Course Experience None9 Delivery BHPA Qualified instructor,Senior Instructor,CFICourse Remit, Limitations and Currency10Conditions/Remit (Operating asEquals)11 Remit (Led Groups) nil12 Remit (DT) nil13 Qualification Expiry This qualification is not time barred.14 Currency nilRM, Services Equivalent Qualifications15 <strong>Royal</strong> Marine (RM) None16 RAF None17 Special Forces (SF) None18 Civillian equivilant BHPA Elementary Pilot course.Course Loading Details19 Location FDTC/JSHPC Crickhowell20 Frequency See JSHPC websiteSupport Information21 Key References BHPA Technical Manual.22 Additional Remarks Nil.Student is now eligible to apply for BHPA CP Course iaw BHPA PRS andmay continue training under the direct supervision of BHPA qualifiedinstructor.1 Apr 11 3-8-4

<strong>Paragliding</strong> Club Pilot (Novice)HillCourse Information1 Type of Course Training and Assessment.2 Course Duration (Ratio) 10 days( 6:1)3 Course AimThe aim of the CP course is to provide training and education in paraglidingto attain Club Pilot standard IAW N.G.B. Requirements.Training Objectives4Perform Club(Novice) Pilot Hill tasks as laid down by NGBThrough lecture,lessons,talks and personal study reach the CP level of understanding Meteorology,Principles offlight ,Rules of the Air and Airlaw and General Aairmanship and knowledge.5 Assessment Criteria Nil.6 Pre-Course QualificationsStudents are required to hold E.P. qualification or deferred pass. Open to allranks. Students must be fit to attend the course.7 Pre-Course Exemption NA.8 Pre-Course Experience Elementary Stage <strong>Paragliding</strong> (Hill) or Deferred Pass9 DeliveryThis course can be conducted by an Instuctor,Senior Instructor or ChiefFlying Instructor (<strong>Paragliding</strong> Hill)Course Remit, Limitations and CurrencyConditions/Remit (Operating as10Equals)May only operate in the Club environment IAW NGB guidelines11 Remit (Led Groups) Nil.12 Remit (DT) Nil.13 Qualification Expiry This qualification is not time barred.14 CurrencyStudents must maintain currency and renew annual BHPA membership IAWNGB guidlinesRM, RAF, SF and Civilian Equivalent15 <strong>Royal</strong> Marine (RM) Nil.16 RAF Mountain Rescue (MR) Nil.17 Special Forces (SF) Nil.18 NGB Equvalent <strong>Paragliding</strong> Club Pilot (Hill).Course Loading Details19 LocationDelivered through JSHPC. In addition this course can be delivered as DATat unit cost.20 Frequency See JSHPC website.Support Information21 Key References See BHPA Technical Manual.22 Additional Remarks Nil.1 Apr 11 3-8-5

<strong>Paragliding</strong> Pilot HillCourse Information1 Type of Course Training and Assessment.2 Course Duration (Ratio) 10 x Days. (1:6).3 Course AimThe aims of the Pilot course are to educate,train and assess the skillsrequired to conduct paragliding at Pilot level iaw NGB guidelines.4Training ObjectivesPerform and complete tasks 1 to 10 In the PILOT task book iaw NGB guidelines.Through lectures,lessons,talks and personal study achieve the required level of knowledge and understanding ofMeteorology, Principles of Flight, Air Law (Specifically Airspace)and Rules of the Air and General airmanshipknowledge to Sit and Pass the Pilot5 Assessment CriteriaWritten exam and practical assessment on all aspects of <strong>Paragliding</strong> Skillsand knowledge.6 Pre-Course Qualifications Student must be a BHPA registered Club Pilot.7 Pre-Course Exemption Nil.8 Pre-Course Experience Candidates should have a minimum 10 logged paragliding flying hrs.9 DeliveryThis course can be conducted by a BHPA Instructor,Senior Instructor orChief flying Instructor.Course Remit, Limitations and Currency10 Conditions/RemitWhen pilot rated personel may apply for Expedition Supervisors course andmay after amassing 100 flying hrs train as Air experience Instructor(Dual).11 RemitMay fly Cross Country,May train for Dual/Instructor and ExpeditionSupervisors course.12 Remit (DT) None13 Qualification ExpiryThis qualification is not time barred, but individuals must maintain currencyand BHPA membership.14 CurrencyPersonnel are required to maintain a log book. Membership of the Services<strong>Paragliding</strong> Associations is recommended.RM, RAF, SF and Civilian Equivalent15 <strong>Royal</strong> Marine (RM) Nil.16 RAF Mountain Rescue (MR) Nil.17 Special Forces (SF) Nil.18 NGB Equvalent Nil.Course Loading Details19 Location JSHPC20 Frequency See JSHPC websiteSupport Information21 Key References BHPA Technical Manual22 Additional Remarks Nil.1 Apr 11 3-8-6

<strong>Paragliding</strong> Intermediate PilotCourse Information1 Type of Course Training and Coaching.2 Course Duration (Ratio) 5 x Days. (1:6).3 Course AimThe aims of the <strong>Paragliding</strong> Intermediate Pilot course are to introducecandidates to further flying skills and sites available beyond the Club Pilotcourse to promote self sufficiency and confidence and increase logged flyinghours beyond mandatory 10 flying with "Red Streamer".4Training ObjectivesThrough lectures,lessons,talks and personal study improve the level of knowledge and understanding of5 Assessment Criteria Nil.6 Pre-Course Qualifications Candidates must be BHPA registered Club Pilot7 Pre-Course Exemption Nil.8 Pre-Course ExperienceCandidates should have amassed maximum 25 logged paragliding flyinghrs.9 DeliveryThis course can be conducted by a BHPA Instructor,Senior Instructor orChief flying Instructor.Course Remit, Limitations and Currency10 Conditions/Remit May only operate in a Club environment iaw NGB guidelines.12 Remit (DT) None13 Qualification Expiry Nil.14 CurrencyPersonel are required to maintain a log book. Membership of the Services<strong>Paragliding</strong> Associations is recommended.RM, RAF, SF and Civilian Equivalent15 <strong>Royal</strong> Marine (RM) Nil.16 RAF Mountain Rescue (MR) Nil.17 Special Forces (SF) Nil.18 NGB Equvalent Nil.Course Loading Details19 Location JSHPC20 Frequency See JSHPC websiteSupport Information21 Key References BHPA Technical Manual and JSHPC Syllabii.22 Additional Remarks Nil.1 Apr 11 3-8-7

<strong>Paragliding</strong> UK ConversionCourse Information1 Type of Course Training and Assessment.2 Course Duration (Ratio) 5 x Days. (1:6).3 Course Aim4The aims of the UK conversion course are to educate,train and assess theskills required to conduct paragliding at Club pilot level iaw NGB guidelinesin UK meteorological conditionsTraining ObjectivesPerform and complete tasks 24,25,26,30 and 32 In the Student training Record (Hill) task book iaw NGBguidelines.Through lectures,lessons,talks and personal study achieve the required level of knowledge and understandingof Meteorology, Principles of Flight, Air Law , Rules of the Air and General airmanship and demonstrate goodUK flying skills.5 Assessment CriteriaCandidates should complete above mentioned tasks and satisfy instructorand themselve that they are now competent and familiar with flying indynamic conditions.6 Pre-Course Qualifications Candidates must be BHPA registered Club Pilot (Alpine or Cyprus)7 Pre-Course Exemption Nil.8 Pre-Course ExperienceCandidates should have ammassed minimum 25 logged (<strong>Paragliding</strong>)flyinghrs.9 DeliveryThis course can be conducted by a BHPA Instructor,Senior Instructor orChief flying Instructor.Course Remit, Limitations and Currency10 Conditions/Remit May only operate in a Club environment iaw NGB guidelines.12 Remit (DT) None13 Qualification ExpiryThis qualification is not time barred, but individuals must maintain currencyand BHPA membership.14 CurrencyPersonel are required to maintain a log book. Membership of the Services<strong>Paragliding</strong> Associations is recommended.RM, RAF, SF and Civilian Equivalent15 <strong>Royal</strong> Marine (RM) Nil.16 RAF Mountain Rescue (MR) Nil.17 Special Forces (SF) Nil.18 NGB Equvalent Nil.Course Loading Details19 Location JSHPC20 Frequency See JSHPC websiteSupport Information21 Key References BHPA Technical Manual and JSHPC Syllabii.22 Additional Remarks Nil.1 Apr 11 3-8-8

Club Coach CourseCourse Information1 Type of Course Training and Assessment.2 Course Duration (Ratio) 2 x Days. (6:1).3 Course Aim .Training Objectives4 Through lessons,lectures,talks and practical experience achieve the required level of knowledge andunderstanding of the BHPA Club Coach qualification.5 Assessment Criteria Nil.6 Pre-Course QualificationsCandidates must be BHPA registered Club Pilot in either HG or PG,be aged18yrs or over.7 Pre-Course Exemption Nil.8 Pre-Course Experience Minimum Club Pilot and 10 flying hours logged.9 DeliveryThis course can be conducted by a BHPA Instructor,Senior Instructor orChief flying Instructor.Course Remit, Limitations and Currency10 Conditions/RemitMay only operate iaw NGB Club-coach guidelines and guidlines of JSHPCcourse syllabii.12 Remit (DT) None13 Qualification ExpiryThis qualification is not time barred, but individuals must maintain currencyand BHPA membership.14 CurrencyPersonel are required to maintain a log book. Membership of the Services<strong>Paragliding</strong> Associations and a local club is recommended.RM, RAF, SF and Civilian Equivalent15 <strong>Royal</strong> Marine (RM) Nil.16 RAF Mountain Rescue (MR) Nil.17 Special Forces (SF) Nil.18 NGB Equvalent Nil.Course Loading Details19 Location JSHPC20 Frequency See JSHPC websiteSupport Information21 Key References BHPA Technical Manual and JSHPC Syllabii.22 Additional Remarks Nil.1 Apr 11 3-8-9

Expedition SuperviserCourse Information1 Type of Course Training and Assessment.2 Course Duration (Ratio) 12 x Days. (2:6).3 Course Aim .4Training ObjectivesThrough lessons,lectures,talks and practical experience achieve the required level of knowledge andunderstanding of the BHPA Club Coach qualification and become a registered Club Coach as well asunderstanding the roles and responsibilities of organising and executing a military adventurous trainingexpedition incorporating <strong>Paragliding</strong> or Hanggliding to a European Venue.5 Assessment Criteria Nil.6 Pre-Course QualificationsCandidates must be BHPA registered Pilot in either HG or PG,be aged18yrs or over.7 Pre-Course Exemption Nil.8 Pre-Course Experience As serial 69 DeliveryThis course can be conducted by a BHPA Instructor,Senior Instructor orChief flying Instructor.Course Remit, Limitations and Currency10 Conditions/RemitMay only operate iaw NGB Club-coach guidelines and guidlines of JSHPCcourse syllabii.12 Remit (DT) None13 Qualification ExpiryThis qualification is not time barred, but individuals must maintain currencyand BHPA membership.14 CurrencyPersonel are required to maintain a log book. Membership of the Services<strong>Paragliding</strong> Associations is recommended.RM, RAF, SF and Civilian Equivalent15 <strong>Royal</strong> Marine (RM) Nil.16 RAF Mountain Rescue (MR) Nil.17 Special Forces (SF) Nil.18 NGB Equvalent Nil.Course Loading Details19 Location JSHPC20 Frequency See JSHPC websiteSupport Information21 Key References BHPA Technical Manual and JSHPC Syllabii.22 Additional Remarks Nil.1 Apr 11 3-8-10

<strong>Paragliding</strong> Dual PilotCourse Information1 Type of Course Training and Assessment.2 Course Duration (Ratio) 5 x Days. (2:6).3 Course Aim45Training Objectives6 Assessment CriteriaThe aims of the <strong>Paragliding</strong> Dual Pilot course are to educate,train andassess the skills required to conduct Dual paragliding at Pilot level iaw NGBguidelines.Perform and complete tasks as laid down in BHPA technichal manual Section 4 : Chapter 2 :Page 11.Through lessons and talks achieve the required level of knowledge and understanding of General airmanshipand demonstrate consistant and safe Dual flying skills.Candidates shall complete minimum 2 launches in passenger role andposition and minimum 10 launches as Pilot in charge.Complete finalassessment iaw NGB guidelines.7 Pre-Course QualificationsCandidates must be BHPA registered Pilot,be aged 18yrs or over,have 100flying hours logged,have completed a minimum 20 launches in the previous12 months and produce a letter of support or recommendation from his/herClub Chairman or CFI and satisfy the instructor that they are of a satisfactorystandard of personal flying to be assessed.8 Pre-Course Exemption Nil.9 Pre-Course Experience As serial 610 DeliveryThis course can be conducted by a BHPA Instructor,Senior Instructor orChief flying Instructor Dual Pilot.Course Remit, Limitations and Currency11 Conditions/Remit May only operate iaw NGB guidelines.12 Remit (DT) None13 Qualification ExpiryThis qualification is not time barred, but individuals must maintain currencyand BHPA membership.14 CurrencyPersonel are required to maintain a log book. Membership of the Services<strong>Paragliding</strong> Associations is recommended.RM, RAF, SF and Civilian Equivalent15 <strong>Royal</strong> Marine (RM) Nil.16 RAF Mountain Rescue (MR) Nil.17 Special Forces (SF) Nil.18 NGB Equvalent Nil.Course Loading Details19 Location JSHPC20 Frequency See JSHPC websiteSupport Information21 Key References BHPA Technical Manual and JSHPC Syllabii.22 Additional Remarks Nil.1 Apr 11 3-8-11

JSAT COURSE APPLICATION FORMAddress: Insert Centre’s DetailsUnit Address:*Email address for Joining Instructions:*(Where possible all Joining Instructions will be emailed out)Mil Tel No:Civ Tel No:Fax Ext No:UIN :COURSE DETAILSCourse Title:Course No: Bid By Date: Assembly Date: Dispersal Date:1 st Choice:Alternative (1):Alternative (2):APPLICANT'S DETAILSService No: Rank: Surname & Initials: Service/Regt:DOB: Gender M/F Medical Category:Civ Home Tel No:Mob Tel No:Priority: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Regular/Reserve/OTC/Other: Date due to leaveservicePriority guidelines for Course Bids are given in Para 32 of Section 1 of JSP 419.WRITTEN JUSTIFICATION: (To be completed by Supervising/Employing Officer)1 Apr 11 3-8-12

To be completed by the applicant and is to accompany the Course Application. Centres will use this proforma toaid course selection. Applicants are advised, therefore, to give full details whenever possible.I am registered with the following National Governing Bodies (NGB) or Clubs associated with the course I haveapplied for: (eg BCU, MLTE, BSAC, RYA, BHPA).________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I hold/have attained the following relevant pre-course qualifications, training courses, skill level awards, first aidcertificates etc: appertaining to the course I am applying for, as outlined in JSP 419 (available fromwww.ahrc.co.uk). (Course and qualification dates are to be included. Photocopies of the JSAT qualificationlogbook certificates are to be attached to this application.)Qualifications & Experience: Relevant to the Exercise or Symposium you are applying for; e.g.Sea/Surf/kayak/Open/Ice Climbing/Rock Climbing/Scrambles etcQualifications held(NGB & Military)Date Assessed & Experience Gained1 st Aid Qualification(Include run out date)I wish to undertake the following course(s)/assessment(s)/training/experience: (e.g. BCU 4* Sea/Surf/Open, BCULev 3 Open/Kayak/WCL/WCI/RCL/RCI etc)Exercise/Symposium Title:Date(s) attending Course / assessment / trainingor experience requiredNGB (and or) Militaryqualification requiredNGB membership details(members only)CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCEIt is confirmed that the applicant has the necessary pre-course experience and aptitude as stipulated in JSP 419 andis physically fit to attend the course.Signature: _______________________________Name: _________________________________Rank: __________________________________Appt: ___________________________________Telephone: ______________________________WMO: PORT*/PLY*/Scotland** Delete as applicable.Unit/WMO*/RAF PEd Flt*StampIMPORTANT. Information relating to JSAT courses and the location that the application needs to be sent is availableon the Internet: www.ahrc.co.uk.1 Apr 11 3-8-13

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