STEEL AT WORK - Victor Buyck Steel Construction

STEEL AT WORK - Victor Buyck Steel Construction

STEEL AT WORK - Victor Buyck Steel Construction

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Mission and valuesMissionVBSC is a leading international steel constructioncompany. Ingenious solutions andan enthusiastic organisation enable VBSC tocontribute to the success of her clients in thepublic and private sector. VBSC combinesknow-how, commitment and inventivenessto implement often complex projects. Ourapproach focuses on solutions and results.We strive for constant improvement throughinnovation.VBSC stands out as a company that rises tothe challenge.ValuesClient-orientated. We care about our clients.VBSC’s organisation, choices and workingmethods adapt to meet her clients’ needs.Reliability and integrity are absolute corevalues. Everyday VBSC seeks – and finds – thebest balance between her own techniques andthe requirements of her clients. VBSC aimsto exceed client expectations. With her highproductivity and technical know-how, VBSCmeets the client’s deadlines. In this way VBSCcontributes to the growth and success of herclients.People. VBSC owes her strength and herflexibility to her people. They form the backboneof the company. Their vision, intelligenceand commitment are of decisive importance.Integrity, transparency, team spirit, and aperformance-oriented approach are core valueswhich everyone at VBSC is committed to.VBSC looks after the welfare and the individualneeds of all her staff. Training is a key element.Safety. VBSC believes that looking after thehealth and safety of all her employees and protectingthe environment deserves the highestpriority. The safety policy and its objectives areknown to all our staff, and are assessed annuallyand adapted where necessary.Quality. VBSC delivers quality. All our projectsare supported in a way that guarantees thatquality. The products delivered by VBSC meetthe quality standards demanded by the client.Continuity. VBSC aims for continuity. VBSCtherefore opts for projects which fit within herstrategy for sustainable and profitable growth.In this way we create opportunities to achieveadded value together with the client.

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