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CONSTRAINED OPTICAL FLOW FOR AERIAL IMAGE CHANGE DETECTIONNicolas BOURDIS, Denis MARRAUDEADS FranceImage Solutions DepartmentSuresnes, FranceHichem SAHBICNRSLTCI, Telecom ParisTechParis, FranceABSTRACTNowadays, the amount of video data acquired for observationor surveillance applications is overwhelming. Due tothese huge volumes of video data, focusing the attention ofoperators on “areas of interest” requires change detection algorithms.In the particular task of aerial observation, cameramotion and viewpoint differences introduce parallax effects,which may substantially affect the reliability and theefficiency of automatic change detection.In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for changedetection that considers the geometric aspects of camera sensorsas well as the statistical properties of changes. Indeed,our method is based on optical flow matching, constrained bythe epipolar geometry, and combined with a statistical changedecision criterion. The good performance of our method isdemonstrated through our new public Aerial Imagery ChangeDetection (AICD) dataset of labeled aerial images.Index Terms— Change detection, aerial observation,constrained optical flow, epipolar geometry, parallax effects,AICD dataset.1. INTRODUCTIONThese last few years have witnessed a rapid development ofvideo acquisition devices, which are becoming cheaper andmore efficient. In the context of observation via airborne cameras,the volume of data being acquired is overwhelming humanoperators and most of it is stored unprocessed or lost.As a consequence, it becomes necessary to develop solutionsaddressing this bottleneck.This paper addresses the specific problem of change detectionin aerial images, and aims at focusing the operator’sattention on areas containing changes. Change detection [1]refers to the problem of detecting significant and possiblysubtle changes between a reference and a new (called test)image (e.g. appearing or disappearing buildings or vehicles),while ignoring insignificant ones. General change detectionis particularly challenging: difficulties arise when the referenceand test images are acquired at distinct dates and withlarge viewpoint differences. Such conditions usually introducemany environmental changes (illumination, weather, ...)(a) (b) (c)Fig. 1. This figure shows the reference image (a), the newimage (c) with a change near the center (circle) and the imagedifferences (b). True changes and parallax effects are fundamentallyindistinguishable using image difference.and parallax effects due to scene content (trees, buildings, relief)and camera motion. Although a human expert may identifysignificant changes successfully, such conditions makethe task extremely challenging to most of the current automaticapproaches.The method we present focuses on achieving resilienceto viewpoint differences and parallax effects while remainingcomputationally efficient (involving no time-consumingsearch, for instance [2, 3]) and simple (involving no heavyscene model, like in [4, 5]) in order to allow for future realtimeprocessing of aerial videos. For that purpose, we introducea novel approach based on optical flow constrained withthe epipolar geometry [6]. More precisely, our contribution istwofold: (i) the underlying mask of change is efficiently estimatedusing an optical flow algorithm constrained by epipolargeometry, and (ii) our change detection criterion is purelystatistical and able to distinguish between real changes andparallax effects.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. First,section 2 explains why epipolar geometry provides an appropriateframework in order to cope with parallax effects. Then,section 3 emphasizes on our change detection algorithm, followedin Section 4 by the results obtained on an annotateddata-set of aerial images. This benchmark will be publiclyavailable as we believe such data-sets may play a great rolein further developments and comparisons of efficient algorithms.978-1-4577-1005-6/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 4176IGARSS 2011

CONSTRAINED OPTICAL FLOW FOR AERIAL IMAGE CHANGE DETECTIONNicolas BOURDIS, Denis MARRAUDEADS FranceImage Solutions DepartmentSuresnes, FranceHichem SAHBICNRSLTCI, Telecom ParisTechParis, FranceABSTRACTNowadays, the amount of video data acquired <strong>for</strong> observationor surveillance applications is overwhelming. Due tothese huge volumes of video data, focusing the attention ofoperators on “areas of interest” requires <strong>change</strong> <strong>detection</strong> algorithms.In the particular task of <strong>aerial</strong> observation, cameramotion and viewpoint differences introduce parallax effects,which may substantially affect the reliability and theefficiency of automatic <strong>change</strong> <strong>detection</strong>.In this paper, we introduce a novel approach <strong>for</strong> <strong>change</strong><strong>detection</strong> that considers the geometric aspects of camera sensorsas well as the statistical properties of <strong>change</strong>s. Indeed,our method is based on <strong>optical</strong> <strong>flow</strong> matching, <strong>constrained</strong> bythe epipolar geometry, and combined with a statistical <strong>change</strong>decision criterion. The good per<strong>for</strong>mance of our method isdemonstrated through our new public Aerial Imagery ChangeDetection (AICD) dataset of labeled <strong>aerial</strong> <strong>image</strong>s.Index Terms— Change <strong>detection</strong>, <strong>aerial</strong> observation,<strong>constrained</strong> <strong>optical</strong> <strong>flow</strong>, epipolar geometry, parallax effects,AICD dataset.1. INTRODUCTIONThese last few years have witnessed a rapid development ofvideo acquisition devices, which are becoming cheaper andmore efficient. In the context of observation via airborne cameras,the volume of data being acquired is overwhelming humanoperators and most of it is stored unprocessed or lost.As a consequence, it becomes necessary to develop solutionsaddressing this bottleneck.This paper addresses the specific problem of <strong>change</strong> <strong>detection</strong>in <strong>aerial</strong> <strong>image</strong>s, and aims at focusing the operator’sattention on areas containing <strong>change</strong>s. Change <strong>detection</strong> [1]refers to the problem of detecting significant and possiblysubtle <strong>change</strong>s between a reference and a new (called test)<strong>image</strong> (e.g. appearing or disappearing buildings or vehicles),while ignoring insignificant ones. General <strong>change</strong> <strong>detection</strong>is particularly challenging: difficulties arise when the referenceand test <strong>image</strong>s are acquired at distinct dates and withlarge viewpoint differences. Such conditions usually introducemany environmental <strong>change</strong>s (illumination, weather, ...)(a) (b) (c)Fig. 1. This figure shows the reference <strong>image</strong> (a), the new<strong>image</strong> (c) with a <strong>change</strong> near the center (circle) and the <strong>image</strong>differences (b). True <strong>change</strong>s and parallax effects are fundamentallyindistinguishable using <strong>image</strong> difference.and parallax effects due to scene content (trees, buildings, relief)and camera motion. Although a human expert may identifysignificant <strong>change</strong>s successfully, such conditions makethe task extremely challenging to most of the current automaticapproaches.The method we present focuses on achieving resilienceto viewpoint differences and parallax effects while remainingcomputationally efficient (involving no time-consumingsearch, <strong>for</strong> instance [2, 3]) and simple (involving no heavyscene model, like in [4, 5]) in order to allow <strong>for</strong> future realtimeprocessing of <strong>aerial</strong> videos. For that purpose, we introducea novel approach based on <strong>optical</strong> <strong>flow</strong> <strong>constrained</strong> withthe epipolar geometry [6]. More precisely, our contribution istwofold: (i) the underlying mask of <strong>change</strong> is efficiently estimatedusing an <strong>optical</strong> <strong>flow</strong> algorithm <strong>constrained</strong> by epipolargeometry, and (ii) our <strong>change</strong> <strong>detection</strong> criterion is purelystatistical and able to distinguish between real <strong>change</strong>s andparallax effects.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. First,section 2 explains why epipolar geometry provides an appropriateframework in order to cope with parallax effects. Then,section 3 emphasizes on our <strong>change</strong> <strong>detection</strong> algorithm, followedin Section 4 by the results obtained on an annotateddata-set of <strong>aerial</strong> <strong>image</strong>s. This benchmark will be publiclyavailable as we believe such data-sets may play a great rolein further developments and comparisons of efficient algorithms.978-1-4577-1005-6/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 4176IGARSS 2011

(a)(b)Fig. 2. This figure shows that the residual parallax field aftersurface alignment is epipolar (reproduced from [7])2. PARALLAX EFFECTS AND EPIPOLARGEOMETRYIn order to be robust to viewpoint differences, an algorithmshould distinguish between real <strong>change</strong>s and parallax effects.Many existing <strong>change</strong> <strong>detection</strong> criteria rely on simple <strong>image</strong>differences [1], even though this makes true <strong>change</strong>s and parallaxeffects indistinguishable, as shown in Figure 1.As demonstrated in [7], the residual parallax field aftersurface alignment, or in other words the motion of objects after<strong>image</strong> registration, is an epipolar field. This is explainedby a very clear drawing reproduced in Figure 2. Let R 2 be theray joining a 3D point P and the center of camera 2 (denotedM); R 2 intersects a given arbitrary surface at a 3D point denotedQ. The projection of the ray R 2 on camera 1 includesthe projections of the underlying 3D points Q, P and M (denotedq, p, and m respectively). Since m is the epipole in<strong>image</strong> 1, this means that the residual parallax vector ⃗qp, afterregistration of both <strong>image</strong>s with respect to an arbitrary surface,is oriented along the epipolar line qm. ⃗ Notice that ⃗qpcan either be directed towards or opposite to the direction ofthe epipole depending on the relative position of 3D point Pand the surface. On the contrary, because true <strong>change</strong>s appearin only one of the two <strong>image</strong>s, the residual parallax vectorwill not be defined. There<strong>for</strong>e, reasoning on residual parallaxvectors, which we obtain using <strong>optical</strong> <strong>flow</strong>, provides an effectiveway to distinguish between true <strong>change</strong>s and parallaxeffects.3. OVERVIEW OF OUR ALGORITHMAs discussed in the previous section, <strong>image</strong>s should bealigned with respect to an arbitrary surface. A given test<strong>image</strong> is registered to the reference one using a homographytrans<strong>for</strong>mation. First, SURF keypoints are extracted fromboth <strong>image</strong>s, possible matches are identified using their descriptorsand the epipolar geometry is then estimated usingthe Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) algorithm. No-Fig. 3. This figure presents the color orientation <strong>image</strong>s correspondingto the true epipolar field (a) and the raw <strong>optical</strong><strong>flow</strong> results (b). Hue encodes vector angles while saturationcodes <strong>for</strong> vector norms, value being constant and equal to 255.We can see that angles (hues) are very similar in both <strong>image</strong>s,except <strong>for</strong> the <strong>change</strong> (circle) and a few little areas, even withoutconstraining the <strong>optical</strong> <strong>flow</strong> to follow epipolar lines. En<strong>for</strong>cingthe epipolar geometry constraint removes most of theremaining false alarms.tice that this step may be accelerated if camera parametersare roughly known both <strong>for</strong> the reference and the test <strong>image</strong>s(which is usually the case in the context of our applications).Afterwards, more accurate keypoint matches, based on theepipolar geometry, together with RANSAC are again used inorder to estimate the homography trans<strong>for</strong>mation.In order to estimate residual parallax vectors, we use the<strong>optical</strong> <strong>flow</strong> algorithm described in [8], which is fast and providesa dense vector field. Experiments showed that althoughmost of the <strong>optical</strong> <strong>flow</strong> vectors are consistent with the epipolarfield (see Figure 3), some of them are spurious and are asource of false alarms in the resulting <strong>change</strong> mask. Consequently,we constrain, in our algorithm, <strong>optical</strong> <strong>flow</strong> vectors tobe collinear to the epipole direction. Then we detect <strong>change</strong>susing a likelihood ratio test on the local matching score.Let X be a random variable standing <strong>for</strong> a pixel into a test<strong>image</strong>. Let H 0 denote the ”null hypothesis” meaning that Xis unchanging (according to a well established ground truth);the alternative hypothesis (denoted H 1 ) stands <strong>for</strong> the converse(i.e., X is changing). Now, we consider the followinglikelihood ratio and its corresponding threshold:L(X) = P ( ɛ(X, ψ(X))|H 1)P ( ɛ(X, ψ(X))|H 0)τ = P (H 0)(C 10 − C 00 )P (H 1 )(C 01 − C 11 ) ,where ɛ denotes an error function and ψ is the <strong>optical</strong> <strong>flow</strong>mapping which given X in the test <strong>image</strong>, finds its uniquematching point in the reference <strong>image</strong>. C ij is a cost associatedwith making a decision in favor of hypothesis H i whenH j is true. The decision as whether X is changing depends onthe sign of L (X)−τ. In order to model P (ɛ(X, ψ(X)) | H 1 )4177

Area under curve1. ReliefConstrained <strong>optical</strong> <strong>flow</strong>Un<strong>constrained</strong> <strong>optical</strong> <strong>flow</strong>With ReliefFig. 7. This figure compares the area under Precision vs Recallcurves <strong>for</strong> the method with and without epipolar geometryconstraint, on scenes with or without ground relief.Area under curve1.0Constrained <strong>optical</strong> <strong>flow</strong>0.9Un<strong>constrained</strong> <strong>optical</strong> <strong>flow</strong> 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40Viewpoint difference (deg)Fig. 8. This figure compares the area under Precision/Recallcurves of our method with and without epipolar geometryconstraint and <strong>for</strong> various viewpoint angles.5. CONCLUSIONfunction whose highest scores occur on false alarms insteadof desired <strong>detection</strong>s. This usually means that the consideredscoring function cannot appropriately handle some of the providedexamples.As shown in Figure 6, considering the epipolar geometryconstraint attenuates these effects, as it aligns the orientationof <strong>optical</strong> <strong>flow</strong> to match the true direction, which makes theresults more reliable. Figure 7 shows per<strong>for</strong>mances obtainedon two subsets of <strong>image</strong>s including scenes with and withoutrelief. The underlying ground truth (relief vs. non relief) wasgenerated using a hard decision on the rate of outliers duringthe estimation of homography with RANSAC (see section3); resulting into two subsets of comparable sizes. Figure7 shows that the per<strong>for</strong>mance does not significantly decreasein the <strong>constrained</strong> case, whereas in the un<strong>constrained</strong>one, the per<strong>for</strong>mance drops by 50%. These results demonstratethat the proposed approach increases robustness to thepresence of relief in <strong>image</strong>s, and more generally to poor preliminaryregistrations between <strong>image</strong>s.Finally, using the five viewpoints available <strong>for</strong> each scene,we analyze the per<strong>for</strong>mances of our approach with respectto viewpoint variation. Figure 8 shows a consistent gainof the <strong>constrained</strong> approach compared to the un<strong>constrained</strong>one. Limited variations of the viewpoint angle (10 degreesin practice) degrade the per<strong>for</strong>mance by less than 20% <strong>for</strong>the <strong>constrained</strong> case while <strong>for</strong> the un<strong>constrained</strong> one, theper<strong>for</strong>mance decreases by more than 50%. For viewpointangles larger than 10 degrees, the two methods show similarbehaviors. This may result from the presence of challengingocclusions, due to important viewpoint variations, therebyintroducing many false <strong>detection</strong>s.In this paper, we introduced a <strong>change</strong> <strong>detection</strong> algorithmwhich successfully handles challenging <strong>aerial</strong> <strong>image</strong>s withstrong parallax effects, reliefs and illumination variationswhile being simple and fast. Obtained results are satisfactoryboth in terms of visual inspection and Precision/Recall measures.Indeed, our method demonstrates its ability to achievegood robustness to relief and viewpoint <strong>change</strong>s.It is known that strong shadows and occluded objects arealso challenging <strong>for</strong> <strong>change</strong> <strong>detection</strong>. As a future work, wewill address these issues <strong>for</strong> the purpose of achieving moreeffective and real-time <strong>change</strong> <strong>detection</strong> in <strong>aerial</strong> videos.6. 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