Professor Albert Page Declaration - Bureau of Sanitation

Professor Albert Page Declaration - Bureau of Sanitation

Professor Albert Page Declaration - Bureau of Sanitation


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1234567891011121314CARMEN A. TRUT ANICH (SBN 86629)City AttorneyEDWARD M. JORDAN (SBN 180390)Assistant City AttorneyCITY OF LOS ANGELES1800 City Hall, 200 N. Main StreetLos Angeles, CA 90012-4110Telephone: (2l3) 978-8100Facsimile: (2l3) 978-8211Email: ted.jordan@lacity.orgGARY J. SMITH (SBN 14l393)ZACHARY M. NORRIS (SBN 268616)BEVERIDGE & DIAMOND, P.C.456 Montgomery Street, Suite 1800San Francisco, CA 94104-1251Telephone: (415) 262-4000Facsimile: (415) 262-4040Email: gsmith@bdlaw.comznorris@bdlaw.comAttorneys for Plaintiffs City <strong>of</strong> Los Angeles,Responsible Biosolids Management, Inc.,R&G Fanucchi, Inc., and Sierra Transport, Inc.JAMES B. SLAUGHTER (pro hac vice pending)BEVERIDGE & DIAMOND, P.C.l350 I Street, N.W., Suite 700Washington, DC 20005-3311Telephone: (202) 789-6000Facsimile: (202) 789-6190Email: jslaughter@bdlaw.com1516171819202122232425262728SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIACITY OF LOS ANGELES; COUNTYSANITATION DISTRICT NO.2 OF LOSANGELES COUNTY; ORANGE COUNTYSANITATION DISTRICT; RESPONSIBLEBIOSOLIDS MANAGEMENT, INC.; R&GFANUCCHI, INC.; SHAEN MAGAN, BOTHINDIVIDUALL Y AND D/B/A HONEYBUCKET FARMS AND TULERANCH/MAGAN FARMS; WESTERNEXPRESS, INC.; CALIFORNIAASSOCIATION OF SANITATIONAGENCIES,vs.Plaintiffs,COUNTY OF KERN; KERN COUNTYBOARD OF SUPERVISORS,Defendants.FOR THE COUNTY OF TULARECase No. Civ. 242057DECLARATION OF ALBERT L. PAGE.,PH.D., SUPPORTING PLAINTIFFS'MOTION FOR PRELIMINARYINJUNCTIONHearing: June 9, 2011Dep't: 10Hearing Judge: Hon. Lloyd L. HicksAction filed: r 11Trial date: Not setDECLARATION OF PROFESSOR ALBERT L. PAGE, PH.D.

1 <strong>Declaration</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>essor</strong> <strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>, Ph.D.2 1. I, <strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>, declare as follows: I am <strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>essor</strong> Emeritus <strong>of</strong> Soil Science at the3 University <strong>of</strong> California ("UC") Riverside, and have spent much <strong>of</strong> my career on research and4 regulatory issues concerning the land application <strong>of</strong>biosolids.5 2. On September 8, 2006, at the request <strong>of</strong> attorneys for the City <strong>of</strong> Los Angeles, I6 submitted a declaration in federal district court to <strong>of</strong>fer expert opinions regarding land application <strong>of</strong>7 biosolids at the City's Green Acres Farm in Kern County, California, and in particular whether any8 risk to the environment or public health would occur if the District Court allowed land application <strong>of</strong>9 biosolids to continue pending the final outcome <strong>of</strong> this case. I concluded that Green Acres Farm is10 land applying biosolids in accord with the limits on metals, pathogens and other contaminants11 established by EPA's Part 503 rules, California's General Order on land application, and the prior12 Kern County Ordinance, and that continued land application during the course <strong>of</strong> the federal case did13 not pose an appreciable threat to public health or the environment. The District Court granted the14 preliminary injunction against enforcement <strong>of</strong> Measure E.15 3. I have now been asked by attorneys for the City <strong>of</strong> Los Angeles to <strong>of</strong>fer expert opinions16 regarding whether any risk to the environment or public health would occur if another injunction is17 entered to allow land application to continue at Green Acres Farm while this state court case18 proceeds. Based on my review <strong>of</strong> new literature in the field and data from the Farm, I reach the19 same conclusion that there is no appreciable threat to public health or the environment from20 continued land application.21 Experience and Qualifications22 4. I have been a member <strong>of</strong> the faculty at UC-Riverside for the last 50 years. I received a23 B.A. degree in Chemistry from UC-Riverside in 1956. I earned a Ph.D. in Soil Science from UC-24 Davis in 1960. After completing my Ph.D., I returned to UC-Riverside where I earned the rank <strong>of</strong>25 Assistant <strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>essor</strong> (1960), Associate <strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>essor</strong> (1966), <strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>essor</strong> (1971) and <strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>essor</strong>,26 Emeritus(1997). Among other positions, I served as Director <strong>of</strong> the Kearney Foundation <strong>of</strong> Soil27 Science (UC Division <strong>of</strong> Natural and Agricultural Sciences, 1975-1980), Director <strong>of</strong> the Program <strong>of</strong>282DECLARATION OF PROFESSOR ALBERT L. PAGE, PH.D.

1 Excellence in Energy Research (UC-Riverside, 1981-1988) and Chair <strong>of</strong> the Department <strong>of</strong> Soil and2 Environmental Science (1995-1997).3 5. I specialize in soil chemistry and biogeochemistry <strong>of</strong> trace elements in the soil4 environment, such as the metals that are regulated under EPA's Part 503 biosolids regulations.5 Throughout my career I have researched and taught regarding the environmental fate <strong>of</strong> trace6 elements when applied to soils in the form <strong>of</strong> wastes or organic soil amendments such as biosolids.7 My work has improved the understanding <strong>of</strong> the chemistry, mobility, and bioavailability <strong>of</strong> trace8 elements in soils.9 6. I am the lead or co-author <strong>of</strong> more than 200 publications and editor or co-editor <strong>of</strong> eight10 books on trace elements. In 2003, I co-authored a book entitled Assessing Bioavailability <strong>of</strong> Metals11 in Biosolids-Treated Soils, published by the Water Environment Research Foundation. In 2001-02, I12 co-authored a 94-page monograph for the World Health Organization entitled Developing Human13 Health-Related Chemical Guidelines for Reclaimed Water and Sewage Sludge. My first book on14 biosolids was published in 1974 by EPA, entitled Fate and Effects <strong>of</strong> Trace Elements in Sewage15 Sludge When Applied to Agricultural Land. I have served as associate editor <strong>of</strong> two journals that16 have published extensively on land application <strong>of</strong> biosolids, the Journal on Environmental Quality17 and the Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> America Journal. Some <strong>of</strong> my honors and awards include:18 • Fellow, American Association for the Advancement <strong>of</strong> Science (1996)19 • Service on four committees <strong>of</strong> the National Research Council <strong>of</strong> the National Academy20 <strong>of</strong> Sciences21 • Distinguished Service Award, Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> America (1998)22 • Distinguished Service Award, United States Department <strong>of</strong> Agriculture (1991)23 • Fellow, American Society <strong>of</strong> Agronomy (1976)24 • Fellow, Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> America (1976)25 • Distinguished Service Award, University <strong>of</strong> California Riverside (2001)26 My curriculum vitae is attached as Exhibit 1 for a more complete record <strong>of</strong> my pr<strong>of</strong>essional27 expenence.283DECLARATION OF PROFESSOR ALBERT L. PAGE, PH.D.

1 7. Public service devoted to improving the science and practice <strong>of</strong> the land application <strong>of</strong>2 biosolids has always played a prominent role in my career. I participated in the development <strong>of</strong>3 modem federal biosolids regulations in the 1980s and 1990s. I co-chaired a major peer review4 committee that evaluated the EPA Part 503 regulations and hence am well-versed in what these rules5 require and their scientific basis.6 8. In the mid-1990s, I led a major review <strong>of</strong> the safety <strong>of</strong>land application <strong>of</strong>biosolids under7 the auspices <strong>of</strong> the National Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences. I was chair <strong>of</strong>a Committee <strong>of</strong> the National8 Research Council <strong>of</strong> the National Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences Committee that reviewed the science and9 safety <strong>of</strong> land application in a I 78-page report entitled Use <strong>of</strong> Reclaimed Water and Sewage Sludge10 in Food Crop Production (1996).11 9. I have visited and am familiar with wastewater treatment plants that generate biosolids,12 including plants like those <strong>of</strong> the City <strong>of</strong> Los Angeles that generate Class A biosolids through13 thermophilic digestion. I am familiar with pretreatment programs used in American cities, including14 the City <strong>of</strong> Los Angeles, to reduce the metals and other contaminants in influents that are treated by15 the plants. I have visited and studied numerous farms where biosolids are used as soil amendments16 to aid crop production, improve soil quality and recycle the nutrients in biosolids. I am familiar with17 the typical land application and farming practices (which are used at Green Acres Farm and18 described in the documents that I have reviewed), including the spreading and incorporation <strong>of</strong>19 biosolids into the soil, calculation <strong>of</strong> the agronomic rate for determining the amount <strong>of</strong> biosolids to20 land apply, flood irrigation using wastewater effluent, and the planting and harvesting <strong>of</strong> forage21 crops.22 Evidence Relied On For This <strong>Declaration</strong>23 10. I have reviewed and relied upon numerous documents concerning the generation <strong>of</strong>24 biosolids by the City <strong>of</strong> Los Angeles and their recycling at Green Acres Farm, including documents25 and data generated since 2006, which are listed in Exhibit 2. In preparing my 2006 declaration, I26 also interviewed Steve Stockton, Vice-President <strong>of</strong> Responsible Biosolids Management, Inc. (RBM),27 who oversees data monitoring and reporting at Green Acres and participates in the supervision <strong>of</strong>284DECLARATION OF PROFESSOR ALBERT L. PAGE, PH.D.

1 biosolids operations. In preparation for this declaration, I interviewed Steve Stockton again on2 January 11,2011. Documents and data I have reviewed included summary and cumulative reports3 from the last several years <strong>of</strong>land application <strong>of</strong>biosolids at Green Acres, as well as field-by-field4 reports specifying the quantity <strong>of</strong> applied biosolids, calculation <strong>of</strong> agronomic rates, and metals5 loading data. In addition, I have reviewed data on organic and inorganic chemicals, pathogens, and6 rare elements (California Title 22 compounds and pesticides) monitored for in the Los Angeles7 biosolids. Green Acres Farm has an unusually robust amount <strong>of</strong> data concerning its biosolids and8 operations, which helps support my continuing opinion that the land application operations there are9 pr<strong>of</strong>essionally conducted, are in compliance with regulatory requirements, and present negligible10 risk to public health and the environment.11 EPA's Part 503 Regulations12 11. Systematic land application <strong>of</strong> sewage sludge for agricultural purposes has a ISO-year13 history and is practiced worldwide. Use <strong>of</strong> biosolids as a fertilizer and soil amendment is a modest14 component <strong>of</strong> modern agriculture but does benefit many farms. More importantly, land application15 <strong>of</strong>biosolids serves a critical role in the infrastructure <strong>of</strong> wastewater treatment in the United States.16 Beginning in the late 1980s, EPA began a formal risk assessment <strong>of</strong> land application and other17 biosolids management practices and began a rulemaking process to regulate biosolids at the federal18 level. As part <strong>of</strong> this risk assessment, EPA reviewed data on the presence in sewage sludge <strong>of</strong> trace19 amounts <strong>of</strong> various constituents and elements and then applied toxicological screening criteria to20 identify those chemicals that warranted regulation. Certain chemicals were targeted for a formal risk21 assessment, which examined the quantities <strong>of</strong> the chemicals in biosolids, their toxicity, routes <strong>of</strong>22 potential exposure to humans and the environment, and many other factors. The risk assessment23 used conservative assumptions to develop highly protective limits. The risk assessment eventually24 determined that limits were advisable for eight trace elements (arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead,25 mercury, nickel, selenium, and zinc), primarily to protect against toxic effects to plants and entry26 into the food chain. See EPA, A Guide to the Biosolids Risk Assessments for the Part 503 Rule27 (1995). For pathogens (bacteria and viruses that can cause disease), EPA decided to mandate certain285DECLARATION OF PROFESSOR ALBERT L. PAGE, PH.D.

1 technical controls and management practices at land application sites to greatly reduce or eliminate2 the amount <strong>of</strong> pathogens in biosolids and limit human and animal exposure to them. As noted3 above, I helped lead the formal peer review by non-EPA scientists <strong>of</strong> the Part 503 Rule that endorsed4 EPA's process for assessing risks from chemicals and pathogens.5 12. The resulting Part 503 regulations, promulgated in 1993, set baseline management6 practices and provide specific numerical limits for selected chemical pollutants and indicator7 organisms for pathogens (controlling for the amount <strong>of</strong> indicator organisms also controls for8 pathogens). States like California have built on the Part 503 program to develop further controls,9 such as California's detailed General Order that requires Regional Water Board approval <strong>of</strong> land10 application sites and specifies a minimum depth to groundwater under a site, among many other11 regulations. To qualify for land application, biosolids must be certified as either Class A (pathogens12 are reduced to minuscule levels and are safe for any land application) or Class B (pathogens are13 reduced by over 99% and management controls such as limiting human contact with sites minimizes14 risks). For the eight metals regulated under Part 503, biosolids that are land applied must not exceed15 set quantities (set at the mg/kg level) and the fields where biosolids are land applied must be16 monitored to ensure that the cumulative amounts <strong>of</strong> trace metals from repeated applications remain17 below levels considered to be safe. Biosolids that have a content <strong>of</strong> trace metals below a certain18 threshold qualify as Exceptional Quality ("EQ") biosolids and can be bagged and used by19 homeowners and others for gardening and landscaping. Based on the Part 503 risk assessment and20 many studies done subsequent to then, Class A EQ biosolids are considered a safe organic material.21 13. My review <strong>of</strong> the data and reports provided to me confirms that the City <strong>of</strong> Los Angeles22 continues to generate and land apply at Green Acres Farm biosolids that qualify as Class A, EQ23 biosolids. In Los Angeles, like many other cities, the amount <strong>of</strong> trace metals in biosolids has24 declined markedly since the 1980s because <strong>of</strong> the success <strong>of</strong> municipal pretreatment programs in25 reducing the contributions to sewers <strong>of</strong> metals and other contaminants from industrial dischargers.26 Scientific Work on Biosolids Subsequent to Part 50327 14. The Part 503 Rule provided a strong scientific and regulatory foundation for land286DECLARATION OF PROFESSOR ALBERT L. PAGE, PH.D.

1 application <strong>of</strong> biosolids and the practice expanded in the early and mid-l 990s. Many communities2 adopted land application as an alternative to land filling sewage sludge and other practices that do3 not recycle the nutrients in biosolids. The growth <strong>of</strong> recycling sewage sludge as a fertilizer and soil4 amendment raised the visibility <strong>of</strong> the practice with the public, and EPA asked the National5 Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences to conduct an independent study <strong>of</strong> the safety and practicality <strong>of</strong> biosolids use6 for human food crop production. I was selected to help lead this effort, as Chairman <strong>of</strong> the7 Committee on the Use <strong>of</strong> Treated Municipal Wastewater Effluents and Sludge in the Production <strong>of</strong>8 Crops for Human Consumption, which produced the report Use <strong>of</strong> Reclaimed Water and Sludge in9 Food Crop Production (1996).10 15. Our Committee reviewed the scientific literature and federal and state regulations on11 beneficial reuse <strong>of</strong> both wastewater effluent and biosolids for agricultural purposes, and prepared12 analyses and recommendations regarding land application. The Committee, including myself,13 conducted on-site field visits and conducted interviews with researchers, citizens, farmers, city and14 state planners, and others over a 17-month period, and solicited wide input into meetings during the15 development <strong>of</strong> the report. We concluded that land application <strong>of</strong>biosolids and use <strong>of</strong> reclaimed16 water (sewage treatment plant effluent), when done pursuant to Part 503 requirements, presented a17 negligible risk to humans and the environment while providing many benefits. We also noted that18 "there have been no reported outbreaks <strong>of</strong> infectious disease associated with a population's19 exposure-either directly or through food consumption pathways-to adequately treated and20 properly distributed reclaimed water or sludge applied to agricultural land." This observation21 remains accurate. In the case <strong>of</strong> Green Acres Farm, the crops grown there -- corn silage, alfalfa,22 milo, Sudan grass, and wheat -- are grown solely for feed use, primarily the cows in the many dairy23 farms in the lower San Joaquin Valley. This removes humans from direct contact with any potential24 contaminants that may be in the crops grown on biosolids amended fields and increases the margin25 <strong>of</strong> safety.26 16. Since we published our report in 1996, significant work has occurred that has27 strengthened the foundation for land application <strong>of</strong> biosolids and our understanding <strong>of</strong> the issues. In287DECLARATION OF PROFESSOR ALBERT L. PAGE, PH.D.

1 2002, another committee <strong>of</strong> the National Research Council <strong>of</strong> the National Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences2 reviewed the scientific methodology supporting Part 503 and other issues regarding land application.3 Its report, Biosolids Applied to Land: Advancing Standards and Practices, identified a number <strong>of</strong>4 areas where the science <strong>of</strong> risk assessment had advanced since the late 1980s when the bulk <strong>of</strong> the5 work on Part 503 was conducted. Biosolids Applied to Land recommended additional research to6 strengthen the basis for Part 503' s conclusions regarding the safety <strong>of</strong> land application. It did not7 identify any problems with or recommend changes in current land application regulations and8 practices.9 17. In 2004, the State <strong>of</strong> California finalized a comprehensive Environmental Impact Review10 (EIR) <strong>of</strong>biosolids land application practices. California State Water Resources Control Board, 200411 Final Statewide Environmental Impact Report for Biosolids Land Application. This EIR thoroughly12 examined concerns regarding land application, including trace metals, pathogens, and potential13 impacts to groundwater from biosolids. It concluded that the protections <strong>of</strong> Part 503, coupled with14 the state-specific controls under California's General Order, provided a sufficient margin <strong>of</strong> safety15 for both Class A and Class B biosolids. Recently conducted studies are consistent with this16 conclusion. See Pepper, LL., H. Zerzghi, J.P. Brooks, C.P. Gerba (2008) Sustainability <strong>of</strong> Land17 Application <strong>of</strong> Class B Biosolids. J Environ. Qual. 37:58-67.18 18. My review <strong>of</strong> the specific data regarding the biosolids generated by the City <strong>of</strong> Los19 Angeles and land applied at Green Acres Farm indicates that the operations are in compliance with20 regulatory requirements. In particular, the trace metals in the EQ biosolids are well below Part 50321 limits, and the soils at Green Acres Farm are many years away from approaching the cumulative22 limits on metal loading. The principles underpinning the safety <strong>of</strong> these limits -- trace metals will23 bind to soil particles and become relatively immobile, not endangering plants or groundwater -- hold24 true for Green Acres Farm. In regard to other chemicals and elements not regulated by Part 503, the25 monitoring the City <strong>of</strong> Los Angeles does for numerous other trace contaminants under California's26 Title 22 provisions and Kern County requirements is instructive. As with the regulated metals, these27 contaminants are either undetected in the biosolids or appear in low numbers consistent with a288DECLARATION OF PROFESSOR ALBERT L. PAGE, PH.D.

1 successful pretreatment program. Numerous processes in wastewater treatment and in the soil2 environment act to eliminate or mitigate the potential harms <strong>of</strong> other chemicals that may exist in3 minute quantities in biosolids.4 19. In summary, the conclusion that my Committee reached nearly fourteen years ago for the5 National Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences remains just as true today: application <strong>of</strong> biosolids to farmland,6 "when practiced in accordance with existing federal guidelines and regulations, presents negligible7 risk to the consumer, to crop production, and to the environment. Current technology to remove8 pollutants from wastewater, coupled with existing regulations and guidelines governing the use <strong>of</strong>9 reclaimed wastewater and sludge in crop production, are adequate to protect human health and the10 environment." The data and reports I have reviewed for Green Acres Farm demonstrate a history <strong>of</strong>11 safe and successful land application <strong>of</strong> biosolids. If the Court issues a preliminary injunction, the12 continued application at the Farm <strong>of</strong> Class A EQ biosolids from the City <strong>of</strong> Los Angeles presents no13 discernable threat from metals loading, organic or inorganic chemicals.1415 I declare under penalty <strong>of</strong> perjury under the laws <strong>of</strong> the State <strong>of</strong> California that the foregoing is true16 and correct.1718 Executed on this .;l 0 day <strong>of</strong> E{,pj€:./ I ,2011, in Riverside, California.19202122ALBERT L. PAGE, Ph.D.2324252627289DECLARATION OF PROFESSOR ALBERT L. PAGE, PH.D.


Exhibit 1April 20, 2011ALBERT L. PAGECurriculum VitaeBirth date and place:March 19, 1927; New Lenox, IllinoisMartial status:Married; 2 childrenEducation: B.A. - Chemistry - University <strong>of</strong> California, Riverside, 1956Ph.D. - Soil Science - University <strong>of</strong> California, Davis, 1960Military Service: U.S. Navy - 1945-49; 1951-52Employment:1998-present1995-19981975-19981981-19881975-19801971-19751966-19711960-19661956-19601952-1956<strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>essor</strong> <strong>of</strong> Soil Science, Emeritus. Department <strong>of</strong> Soil & Environmental Science,University <strong>of</strong> CaliforniaChairman, Department <strong>of</strong> Soil and Environmental Sciences, University <strong>of</strong> California,Riverside<strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>essor</strong> <strong>of</strong> Soil Science and Chemist, Department <strong>of</strong> Soil and EnvironmentalSciences, University <strong>of</strong> California, RiversideDirector, Program <strong>of</strong> Excellence in Energy Research, Department <strong>of</strong> Soil andEnvironmental Sciences, University <strong>of</strong> California, RiversideDirector, Kearney Foundation <strong>of</strong> Soil Science, University <strong>of</strong> California, Division <strong>of</strong>Agricultural Sciences<strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>essor</strong> <strong>of</strong> Soil Science and Head, Division <strong>of</strong> Soil Science, Department <strong>of</strong> Soils andEnvironmental Sciences, University <strong>of</strong> California, RiversideAssociate <strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>essor</strong> <strong>of</strong> Soil Science, University <strong>of</strong> California, RiversideAssistant <strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>essor</strong> <strong>of</strong> Soil Science, University <strong>of</strong> California, RiversideResearch Assistant, University <strong>of</strong> California, DavisLaboratory Technician, University <strong>of</strong> California, Riverside

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 2Courses Taught:Introduction to Soil Science - 5 units; Soil Chemistry - 5 units; Soil Physical Chemistry - 4 units; DirectedResearch for Thesis and Dissertation, Graduate Seminar in Soil Chemistry - 2 units; Soil Morphology andClassification - 4 units; Saline and Alkali Soils - 3 unitsUniversity Service Activities:(1) Statewide committees:(a) Liaison Committee on Natural Resources(b) Undergraduate Scholarships and Honors(c) Council on Energy and Resources, 1975-1981(d) California Space Institute, 1977-1980(e) Co-Chair, University <strong>of</strong> California Committee <strong>of</strong> Consultants for Potential Use <strong>of</strong>Evaporation Pond Sediments as Soil Amendments for Agricultural Land, 1989-1992(2) Administrative committees:(a) Vice Chairman - Public Ceremonies Committee, 1967-68(b) Chairman - Public Ceremonies Committee, 1968-69, 1969-70(c) Library Information Retrieval Committee(d) Fulbright Fellowship Program Advisor(e) Registration Fee Allocation Committee(f) Advisory Committee on Research Administration(3) College committees(a) Chairman - Honors Committee(4) Academic Senate committees(a) Chairman - Student Affairs Committee(b) Chairman - Undergraduate Scholarships and Honors, 1969-70, 1970-71(c) Chairman - Programmatic Review, Department <strong>of</strong> Chemistry(d) Academic Planning Committee, 1974-76(e) Committee on Distinguished Teaching, 1977-1982(f) Chairman - Charges Committee, 1982-1984(g) Member - Committee on Academic Personnel, 1989-1992; Chair - 1993(h) Member - University-wide Committee on Academic Personnel, 1993(i) Member - Committee on Academic Personnel, 1998Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Activities:(1) Chairman, American Society <strong>of</strong> Agronomy and Soil Science Society, Membership Committee,1963-1966(2) Vice Chairman, Division S-2, Soil Chemistry, Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> America, 1968-69(3) Chairman, Division <strong>of</strong> S-2, Soil Chemistry, Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> America, 1969-70(4) Associate Editor, Division S-2, Soil Chemistry, Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> America, 1969-72 (3 yearterm)

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 3(5) Editorial Board, Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> America, 1969-1972(6) Information Retrieval Committee, American Society <strong>of</strong> Agronomy, 1968-74(7) Agronomic Education Committee, 1964-1968(8) Invitational Reviewer for the following journals:(a) Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> America Proceedings(b) Soil Science(c) Science(d) Environmental Science and Technology(e) Journal <strong>of</strong> Environmental Quality(f) Archives <strong>of</strong> Environmental Contamination and Toxicology(g) Hilgardia(h) Journal <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Food Chemistry(9) Treasurer, UCR Chapter <strong>of</strong> Sigma Xi, 1969-71(10) Chairman, Western Soil and Water Research Committee, Work Group on Soil Fertility andDiagnostic Techniques, 1968(11) Soil Pollution Committee, Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> America, 1969-77(12) Editorial Board, Journal <strong>of</strong> Environmental Quality, 1974-1978(13) Editorial Board, Science <strong>of</strong> the Total Environment, 1979-1983(14) Associate Editor, Journal <strong>of</strong> Environmental Quality, 1974-1978(15) SSAP - Committee on American Registry <strong>of</strong> Certified Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals in Agronomy, Crops and Soils,1975-1979(16) Associate Editor, Advances in Environmental Science, Springer-Verlag, N.Y., 1987-1993(17) President, Society for Geochemistry and Health, 1983-1984(18) Associate Editor, Environmental Reviews, Natural Research Council Canada,1992-present(19) Division S-2 (Soil Chemistry Representative to Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> America, Board <strong>of</strong> Directors,1992-1995Awards:(1) John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship, 1966-67(2) Fulbright Fellowship, 1966-67(3) Blue Ribbon Paper Award - Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> America, National Meetings, November 1960(4) Distinguished Teaching Award, University <strong>of</strong> California, Riverside, 1976

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 4(5) Biographies:(a) Who's Who in the West(b) Dictionary <strong>of</strong> International Biography, IntI. Biographical Center, Cambridge, England(c) Who's Who in Technology Today(d) Who's Who in California Business and Finance(e) Who's Who in Education(f) Who's Who in Agriculture(g) Who's Who in America(6) Fellow - American Society <strong>of</strong> Agronomy, 1976(7) Fellow - Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> America, 1976(8) Fellow - American Association for the Advancement <strong>of</strong> Science, 1996(9) Environmental Quality Research Award, American Society <strong>of</strong> Agronomy, 1985(10) Invited Chair, National University <strong>of</strong> Taiwan, Taipei, Republic <strong>of</strong> China, 1990(11) Distinguished Service Award in Environmental and Natural Resources Protection, U.S. Department<strong>of</strong> Agriculture, 1991(12) Environment Award - Association <strong>of</strong> Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies, 1992(13) Alumni University Service Award, 1994(14) Distinguished Service Award, Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> America, 1998(15) Honorary Member, International Society <strong>of</strong> Trace Elements Biogeochemistry, 2002

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 5National Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,and Other National and International Special Appointments:National Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences(1) Co-Chairman, Panel on Trace Element Geochemistry <strong>of</strong> Coal Resource Development Related toHealth and Disease, 1976-1980.(2) Committee Member, Division <strong>of</strong> Earth Sciences, Committee on Environmental Health andGeochem istry, 1975-1981.(3) Co-Chairman, Division <strong>of</strong> Earth Sciences, Subcommittee on the Geochemical Environment inRelation to Health and Disease, 1978-1981.(4) Invited Workshop Participant, Workshop on Waste Disposal Options, Napa, California, January16-21, 1983.(5) Member, Committee on Irrigation Induced Water Quality Problems, Water Science and TechnologyBoard, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1988-1996.(6) Chair, Committee on the Use <strong>of</strong> Treated Municipal Wastewater Effluents and Sludge in theProduction <strong>of</strong> Crops for Human Consumption, Water Science & Technology Board, NationalResearch Council, Washington, DC, 1992-1997.U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:(1) National Environmental Research Center, Las Vegas, Nevada. Three-day assignment toadvise on research methodology to study reactions <strong>of</strong> transuranium elements with soils.(2) Wastewater Research Division, National Environmental Research Center, Cincinnati, Ohio.Served as scientific advisor on three Public Law 480 projects in Warsaw (2) and Wroclaw(1), Poland, for seven days during March 1975.(3) Office <strong>of</strong> Hazardous Wastes, Washington, D.C. Participated by invitation in a two-dayworkshop on leachate attenuation in soils.(4) Consultant, Ultimate Disposal Section Project, "Environmental assessment <strong>of</strong> municipalwastewater treatment sludge utilization practices," 1975.(5) Review Panel: "State <strong>of</strong> the art evaluation <strong>of</strong> health effects associated with wastewatertreatment and disposal systems," 1976.(6) Guest Lecturer and Course Evaluator, U.S. Army Corps <strong>of</strong> Engineers Audio-TutorialCourse, "Land Application <strong>of</strong> Wastewater," Cornell University, August 18-21,1977.(7) Office <strong>of</strong> Solid Waste, Participant in Workshop on Guidelines for the Landspreading <strong>of</strong>Sewage Sludge, Denver, Colorado, March 6-7,1978.(8) Member, CSRS Review Panel, Criteria for the Land Application <strong>of</strong> Solid Waste, St. Louis,Missouri, March 27, 1978.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 6(9) Guest Lecturer and Instructor, Region IX, Audio-Tutorial Course on Land Application <strong>of</strong>Wastewater, San Francisco, California, September 18-20, 1978.(10) Workshop Planning Committee, Session Moderator, Vice-Chairperson, Workshop on the"Utilization <strong>of</strong> Municipal Wastewater and Sludge on Land." Sponsored by U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, National Science Foundation, U.S. Army Corps <strong>of</strong>Engineers, Denver, Colorado, February 23-25, 1983.(11) Member, Planning and Operation Committee, U.S. Department <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, Food andDrug Administration, sponsored by National Survey on Trace Element Concentrations <strong>of</strong>Major Food Crops in the U.S.A., 1980-1986.(12) Consultant, Science Advisory Board, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1985-1993.(13) Co-Chair, Cooperative State Research Service Committee, Peer Review <strong>of</strong> Standards forthe Disposal <strong>of</strong> Sewage Sludge, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Proposed Rule40CFR-Parts 251 and 503, 1989.(14) Member, State Advisory Committee, Northeast Hazardous Substances Center, New JerseyInstitute <strong>of</strong> Technology, Newark, NJ, 1989-2000.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 7National:(1) Co-Director, National Science Foundation Summer Science Training Program for high-abilitysecondary school students, 1963-64, 1964-65, 1967-68, 1968-69(2) California Department <strong>of</strong> Public Health. Invited participant in workshop to review guidelines forthe Application <strong>of</strong> Sewage Sludge to Agricultural Land," December 21, 1976.(3) USDA-FDA-EPA Workgroup on Waste Utilization and Disposal on Land, September 29, 1977,Washington, D.C.(4) Organizing Committee, Program Committee, International Conference on Land Application <strong>of</strong>Wastewater, Hanover, New Hampshire, August 20-25, 1978.(5) Workshop Participant, Response <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Soils to Acid Deposition, Battelle Laboratories,Columbus, Ohio, sponsored by Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California,May 12-13, 1981.(6) Invited Participant, Planning Workshop on Solute Migration from Utility Solid Wastes,Nashville, Tennessee. Sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto,California, November 9-12, 1981.(7) Invited Moderator, Workshop on Beneficial Uses <strong>of</strong> Fly Ash from Coal-Fired Power Plants inAgriculture, Ecology and Ecosystem Analysis Section, Battelle Laboratories, Columbus,Ohio, December 10,1981.(8) Chair, Special Symposium on Acidic Deposition, Annual Meeting, American Society <strong>of</strong>Agronomy, Anaheim, California, November 30,1982.(9) Member, Council for Agricultural Science and Technology Task Force (CAST) on Cadmiumand Zinc, Ames, Iowa, 1979-1980.(10) Member, Council for Agricultural Science and Technology Task Force (CAST) on AcidicDeposition, Ames, Iowa, 1980-1984.(11) Member, Council for Agricultural Science and Technology Task Force on GroundwaterQuality, 1989-1993.International Special Appointments:(1) International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Toronto, Canada, October27-31, 1975; Organizing Committee, Chairman; Program Committee(2) Humid Tropics Program, National Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences, Brazil, S.A. During August 1974, Iwas on an assignment in Brazil sponsored by N.A.S. Brazil and dealing with chemicalproperties <strong>of</strong> soils from the humid tropics.(3) Participant, Seminario Internacional Nutrients y Metales Pesados en Suelos y CosechasTratadas con Aquas Servidas Y/O Sus Residuos, Santiago, Chile, September 6-9, 1977.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 8(4) Invited Panel Member, U.S.-Mexico Conference on Wastewater Utilization. Sponsored byNational Science Foundation, Mexico City, Mexico, 1981.(5) International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Amsterdam, September 15-18,1981; Organizing Committee, Technical Committee.(6) Invited Participant, Royal Society Workgroup, Geochemistry and Health, London, January 25,1981.(7) Workshop Moderator, "Changing Biochemical Cycles <strong>of</strong> Metals and Human Health," TheDahlem Conference, Berlin, Fed. Rep. <strong>of</strong> Germany, March 18-25, 1983.(8) Member, Scientific Committee on Problems <strong>of</strong> the Environment (SCOPE), Workshop onCycling <strong>of</strong> Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, and Arsenic in the Environment. Institute <strong>of</strong>Environmental Studies, Univ. <strong>of</strong> Toronto, Toronto, Canada. September, 1984.(9) Chair, Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> America, Workshop on the Utilization, Treatment, and Disposal<strong>of</strong> Waste <strong>of</strong> Land. Chicago,lL. December, 1985.(10) Technical Committee, International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and Toxicology,Hong Kong, September 9-11, 1986.(11) Invited <strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>essor</strong> and Advisor, Ministry <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries,Peoples' Republic <strong>of</strong> China. Presented a series <strong>of</strong> lectures and served as a technicaladvisor at the following institutions:(a) Beijing Agricultural University, Beijing, China, June 30 - July 5, 1987.(b) Inst. <strong>of</strong> Agro-Environmental Protection and Monitoring, Tiajin, China, Jul. 5-9, 1987.(c) Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, July 9-11, 1987.(d) Northwest Agricultural University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China, July 11-14, 1987.(e) Shanghai Academy <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai, China, July 15-17,1987.(12) Technical Committee, Program Committee, 6th International Conference on Heavy Metals inthe Environment, New Orleans, Louisiana, September, 1987.(13) Invited Speaker and Panel Member, International Symposium on Chemicals in theEnvironment, Rome, Italy, October 1987.(14) Invited Speaker and Panel Member, Second International Symposium on Land Application <strong>of</strong>Sewage Sludge, Tokyo, Japan, January 26-27, 1988(15) Invited Seminar Speaker, Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan, January 1988.(16) Invited Speaker, Symposium on Lead in the Environment, Third North American ChemicalCongress, American Chemical Society, Toronto, Canada, June 1988.(17) Technical Committee, Program Committee, International Symposium on Environmental LifeElements and Health, Chinese Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences, Beijing, Peoples' Republic <strong>of</strong> China,November 1-5, 1988.(18) Invited Participant, University <strong>of</strong> Chile-National Science Foundation, Trace ElementsWorkshop, Santiago, Chile. Sept. 27-29,1988.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 9(19) Invited Seminar Speaker, Institute <strong>of</strong> Environmental Studies, University <strong>of</strong> Toronto, Toronto,Canada, Oct. 13, 1988.(20) External Reviewer, Institute <strong>of</strong> Environmental Studies, University <strong>of</strong> Toronto, Toronto, Canada,Oct. 14, 1988.(21) Member, Program Committee, International Symposium on Environmental Life Elements andHealth, Beijing, People's Republic <strong>of</strong> China, November 1-5, 1988.(22) Co-Director, International Conference on Metals in Soils, Waters, Plants, and Animals,Orlando, FL, 1990.(23) Convener, 14th International Congress <strong>of</strong> Soil Science Symposium IV-5, Kyoto, Japan, August1990.(24) Co-Chair, Organizing Committee, Second International Conference on the Biogeochemistry <strong>of</strong>Trace Elements, Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 5-10, 1993.(25) Member, Organizing Committee, International Soil Science Society Workshop, Impact <strong>of</strong>Interactions <strong>of</strong> Organic, Inorganic and Microbial Soil Components on EnvironmentalQuality, Edmonton, Canada, Aug. 11-15, 1992.(26) Invited <strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>essor</strong>, Agricultural University <strong>of</strong> Norway, Sept. 16-23, 1992.(27) Invited Participant, Workshop on Heavy Metal Pollution in Eastern and Central Europe:An Assessment <strong>of</strong> Current Problems and Solutions, Prague, Czechoslovakia,Oct. 11-16, 1992.(28) Member, Organizing Committee, 4th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry <strong>of</strong> TraceElements, University <strong>of</strong> California, Berkeley, CA. Jan 23-26, 1997.(29) Invited Chair, Program Committee, International Conference on Heavy Metals in theEnvironment, Ann Arbor, MI, August 6-9,2002.(30) Session Chair, International Committee, International Conference on the Biogeochemistry <strong>of</strong>Trace Elements. 29 July - 2 August, 2001.(31) External Examiner, Ph.D. Student. College <strong>of</strong> Graduate Studies and Research, University <strong>of</strong>Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, CA, August 24, 2001.(32) Plenary Lecture, International Symposium, Soil Mineral Organic Matter Microbial Interactions,Naples, Italy. May 22, 2002.(33) Honorary Chair and Advisory Board, International Workshop on Monitoring and Modeling Non-Point Source Pollution <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Lands, July 7-11, 2002. Nanjing, China.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 10Membership in Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Societies:(1) American Society <strong>of</strong> Agronomy(2) Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> America(3) Western Soil Science Society(4) International Soil Science Society(5) American Associate for the Advancement <strong>of</strong> Science(6) Sigma Xi(7) Society for Environmental Geochemistry and HealthHonorary Societies:Phi Kappa PhiCurrent Research Emphasis:Fate <strong>of</strong> trace elements when applied to soils in the form <strong>of</strong> environmental wastes

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 11LIST OF PUBLICATIONS<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>BOOKS, MONOGRAPHS,BULLETINS1. Jacobs, H. S., and A. L <strong>Page</strong>, co-editors.1970. Graduate Instruction in Soil Science. ASA Special Publication Number 17. (NR)2. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L1974. Fate and Effects <strong>of</strong> Trace Elements in Sewage Sludge When Applied toAgricultural Lands. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Special Publication EPA670/2-74-005. 96 pp.3. Hutchinson, T. C., S. Epstein, A. L. <strong>Page</strong>, J. Van Loon and T. Davey, co-editors.1977. Symposium Proceedings, First International Conference on Heavy Metals inthe Environment. Vol. 1. Plenary Addresses, Futures, Regulatory, and AnalyticalPapers. 371 pp. Held October 27-31, 1975, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.4. Hutchinson, T. C., S. Epstein, A. L. <strong>Page</strong>, J. Van Loon and T. Davey, co-editors.1977. Symposium Proceedings, First International Conference on Heavy Metals inthe Environment. Vol. 11. Pathways and Cycling Papers. 1045 pp. (Held October 27-31, 1975), Toronto, Ontario, Canada.5. Hutchinson, T. C., S. Epstein, A. L. <strong>Page</strong>, J. Van Loon and T. Davey, co-editors.1977. Symposium Proceedings, First International Conference on Heavy Metals inthe Environment. Vol. 111. Health Oriented Papers. 405 pp. (Held October 27-31,1975, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.)6. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L., ed.1983. Methods <strong>of</strong> Soil Analysis, Part II, Chemical and Microbiological Properties.Agronomy Monograph 9 (2nd edition). American Society <strong>of</strong> Agronomy, Madison,Wisconsin.7. <strong>Page</strong>, A L., T. L. Gleason, III, J. E. Smith, Jr., I. K. Iskandar and L. E. Sommers, coeditors.1984. Utilization <strong>of</strong> Municipal Wastewater and Sludge on Land. Proceedings. (Held inDenver, Colorado, February 23-25, 1983.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 128. McFee, W. W., C. B. Ammerman, D. E. Baber, M. K Firestone, D. D. Harpstead,W. W. Heck, J. C. Noggle, S. A Norton, A L <strong>Page</strong>, D. J. Raynal, D. N. Riemer,R. Rodriguez-Kabana, R. C. Semonin, C. L Sch<strong>of</strong>ield, G. O. Schwab, J. M. Skelly,G. C. Taylor, and B. G. Volk.1984. Acid precipitation in relation to agriculture, forestry, and aquatic biology.Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), Report NO.1 00.9. McFee, W. W., C. B. Ammerman, D. E. Baber, M. K Firestone, D. D. Harpstead,W. W. Heck, J. C. Noggle, S. A Norton, A L. <strong>Page</strong>, D. J. Raynal, D. N. Riemer,R. Rodriguez-Kabana, R. C. Semonin, C. L. Sch<strong>of</strong>ield, G. O. Schwab, J. M. Skelly,G. C. Taylor, and B. G. Volk.1985. Acid rain. Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), SpecialPublication No. 14.10. Hidy, George M., James R. Young, Robert W. Brocksen, Dale W. Cole, MohamedM. EI-Amamy, and <strong>Albert</strong> L <strong>Page</strong>.1986. Acid deposition in the West: A scientific assessment. ERT Document No.P-D572-503. 170 pp.11. <strong>Page</strong>, A L., T. J. Logan, and J. A Ryan.1987. Land application <strong>of</strong> sludge. Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, MI. 168 pp.12. Lindberg, S. E., A L. <strong>Page</strong>, and S. A Norton (eds.).1990. Acidic precipitation: Sources, deposition and canopy interactions. Advances inEnvironmental Science, Volume 3. Springer-Verlag, NY.340 pp. Dec.13. Norton, S. A, S. E. Lindberg, and A L. <strong>Page</strong> (eds.).1990. Acidic precipitation: Soils, aquatic processes, and lake acidification. Advances inEnvironimental Science, Volume 4. Springer-Verlag, NY.280 pp. Dec.14. Norton, S.A, S. E. Lindberg, and A L. <strong>Page</strong> (eds.).1990. Acid Precipitation, Volume 4: Soils, Aquatic Processes, and Lake Acidification.Springer-Verlag, New York. 292 pp.15. Chang, A C., A L. <strong>Page</strong>, and T. Asano.1995. Developing human health-related chemical guidelines for reclaimed wastewaterand sewage sludge applications in agriculture. World Health Organization, Geneva,Switzerland. 114 pp.16. <strong>Page</strong>, A L. et al.1996. Use <strong>of</strong> reclaimed water and sludge in food crop production. Water Science andTechnology Board Report, National Research Council. National Academy Press,Washington, DC. 178 pp.17. Huang, P.M., J. Berthelin, J.M. Bollag, W.8. McGill and AL. <strong>Page</strong>. (eds.).1995. Environmental Impact <strong>of</strong> Soil Component Interactions. Volume I. C.R. C. LewisPublishers, Boca Raton, FL.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 1318. Huang, P.M., J. Berthelin, J.M. Bollag, W.B. McGill and AL. <strong>Page</strong>. (eds.).1995. Environmental Impact <strong>of</strong> Soil Component Interactions. Volume II. C.R. C. LewisPublishers, Boca Raton, FL.TECHNICALJOURNAL ARTICLES1. Bingham, F. T, H. D. Chapman, and A L. Pugh1954. Solution-culture studies <strong>of</strong> nitrate toxicity to plants. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc.18(3):305-308.2. Pugh, A L., J. A Vomocib and T R. Nielson.1960. Modification <strong>of</strong> some physical characteristics <strong>of</strong> soils with VAMA, ferricsulfate, and triphenylsulfonium chloride. Agron. J. 52:399-402.3. Whittig, L. D., and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1961. Iron adsorption by montmorillonite systems: I. Preliminary studies. Soil Sci.Soc. Am. Proc. 25(4):278-281.4. <strong>Page</strong>, A L, and L D. Whittig.1961. Iron adsorption by montmorillonite systems: II. Determination <strong>of</strong> adsorbediron. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 25(4):282-286.5. <strong>Page</strong>, A L, and F. T Bingham.1962. Determination <strong>of</strong> AI(III) in plant materials and soil extracts. Soil Sci. Soc.Am. Proc. 26(4):351-355.6. Martin, J. P., and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1962. Influence <strong>of</strong> soil base saturation (pH) on growth and chemical composition<strong>of</strong> citrus seedlings. S. African Citrus J. 344:9, 11, 13, 15, 17-18.7. Martin, J. P., R. C. Baines, and A L. <strong>Page</strong>.1963. Observations on the occasional temporary growth inhibition <strong>of</strong> citrus seedlingsfollowing heat or fumigation treatment <strong>of</strong> soil. Soil Sci. 95(3): 175-185.8. <strong>Page</strong>, A L., F. T Bingham, T J. Ganje, and M. J. Garber.1963. Availability and fixation <strong>of</strong> added potassium in two California soils whencropped to cotton. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc.27(3):323-326. Also in: Potash Review,November 1963, Subject 12, p. 1-18. Monthly Communication by the InternationalInstitute, Berne, Switzerland.9. <strong>Page</strong>, A L, J. P. Martin, and T J. Ganje.1963. Foliar absorption and translocation <strong>of</strong> potassium by citrus. Proc. Am. Soc.Hort. Sci. 82:165-171.10. <strong>Page</strong>, A L, and T J. Ganje.1964. The effect <strong>of</strong> pH on potassium fixed by irreversible adsorption process. SoilSci. Soc. Am. Proc. 28(2): 199-202.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 1411. Bingham, F. T, A. L <strong>Page</strong>, and J. R. Sims.1964. Retention <strong>of</strong> Cu and Zn by H-montmorillonite. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc.28(3):351-354.12. <strong>Page</strong>, A L., J. R. Sims, and F. T Bingham.1964. The use <strong>of</strong> liquid scintillation for the assay <strong>of</strong> carbon-14 in clay and soilsuspensions. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 28(3):359-363.13. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L, and J. P. Martin.1964. Growth and chemical composition <strong>of</strong> citrus seedlings as influenced by Naadditions to soils low in exchangeable K. Soil Sci. 98(4):270-273.14. Bingham, F. T, A. L <strong>Page</strong>, and G. R. Bradford.1964. Tolerance <strong>of</strong> plants to lithium. Soil Sci. 98(1):4-8.15. Martin, J. P., and A. L <strong>Page</strong>.1965. Influence <strong>of</strong> high and low exchangeable Mg and Ca percentages at differentdegrees <strong>of</strong> base saturation on growth and chemical composition <strong>of</strong> citrus plants. PlantSoil 22(1):65-79.16. Bolt, G. H., and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1965. Ion exchange equations based on Double Layer Theory. Soil Sci. 99(6):357-361.17. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L., F. F. Peterson, and J. P. Martin.1965. Acidic properties <strong>of</strong> soils and influence by their mineralogical characteristics.Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc.29(3):246-250.18. Bingham, F. T, J. R. Sims, and A. L. <strong>Page</strong>.1965. Retention <strong>of</strong> acetate by montmorillonite. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc.29(6):670-672.19. McLean, G. W., P. F. Pratt, and A. L. <strong>Page</strong>.1966. Nickel-barium exchange selectivity coefficients for montmorillonite. Soil Sci.Soc. Am. Proc. 30(6):804-805.20. Ramulu, U. S. Sree, P. F. Pratt, and A. L. <strong>Page</strong>.1967. Phosphorus fixation by soils in relation to extractable iron oxides andmineralogical composition. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc.31(2):193-196.21. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L., W. D. Burge, T J. Ganje, and M. J. Garber.1967. Potassium and ammonium fixation by vermiculitic soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am.Proc.31:337-341.22. Embleton, T W., W. W. Jones, and A. L. <strong>Page</strong>.1967. Potassium and phosphorus effects on deficient 'Eureka' lemon trees and somesalinity problems. Proc. Am. Hort. Sci. 91:120-127.23. Laudelout, H., R. Van Bladel, G. H. Bolt, and A. L. <strong>Page</strong>.1968. Thermodynamics <strong>of</strong> heterovalent cation exchange reactions in amontmorillonite clay. Transactions <strong>of</strong> The Faraday Society 64(546):1477-1488.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 1524. Rao, Talur S., A L. <strong>Page</strong>, and N. T. Coleman.1968. The influence <strong>of</strong> ionic strength and ion-pair formation between alkaline-earthmetals and sulfate on Na-divalent cation-exchange equilibria. Soil Sci. Soc.Am. Proc. 32(5):639-643.25. Martin, J. P., and A. L. <strong>Page</strong>.1969. Influence <strong>of</strong> exchangeable Ca and Mg and <strong>of</strong> percentage base saturation ongrowth <strong>of</strong> citrus plants. Soil Sci. 107(1):39-46.26. <strong>Page</strong>, A L, and T. J. Ganje.1970. Accumulation <strong>of</strong> lead in soils for regions <strong>of</strong> high and low motor vehicle trafficdensity. Environ. Sci. & Technol. 4:140-142.27. Ganje, T. J., and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1970. Downward movement <strong>of</strong> surface-applied potassium as related to source, soiltype, and water quality. Hilgardia 40(5):149-160.28. Bingham, F. T., and A. L. <strong>Page</strong>.1971. Specific character <strong>of</strong> boron adsorption by an amorphous soil. Soil Sci. Soc.Am. Proc. 35:892-893.29. Bingham, F. T., A L. <strong>Page</strong>, N. T. Coleman, and K. Flach.1971. Boron adsorption characteristics <strong>of</strong> selected amorphous soils from Mexico andHawaii. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 35(4):546-550.30. <strong>Page</strong>, A, L., T. J. Ganje, and M. S. Joshi.1971. Lead quantities in plants, soil, and air near some major highways in southernCalifornia. Hilgardia 41 (I):1-31.31. Kinjo, T., P. F. Pratt, and A. L. <strong>Page</strong>.1971. Nitrate movement and distribution in Andepts. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc.35(5):728-732.32. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L., F. T. Bingham, and C. Nelson.1972. Cadmium absorption and growth <strong>of</strong> various plants as influenced by solutioncadmium concentration. J. Environ. Qual. 1(3):288-291.33. Estrada, Jose, and <strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>.1972. Caracteristicas mineralogicas de los suelos acidos de la selva del Peru: 1.Spodosol. Peruvian National Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences.34. Estrada, Jose, and <strong>Albert</strong> L <strong>Page</strong>.1972. Caracteristicas mineralogicas de los suelos acidos de la selva del Peru: II.Ultisol. Peruvian National Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences.35. Estrada, Jose, and <strong>Albert</strong> L <strong>Page</strong>.1972. Caracteristicas quimicas de un Spodosol un de un Ultisol de La SelvaPeruana. Peruvian National Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences.

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<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 1973. Phung, H. T., H. V. Larn, A L <strong>Page</strong>, and L. J. Lund.1979. The practice <strong>of</strong> leaching boron and soluble salts from fly-ash amended soils.Water, Air, Soil Pollut. 12:247-254.74. Mattigod, S. V., A S. Gibali, and A L. <strong>Page</strong>.1979. Effect <strong>of</strong> ionic strength and ion pair formation on the adsorption <strong>of</strong> nickel bykaolinite. Clays Clay Miner. 27(6):411-416.75. Mulla, D. J., A L. <strong>Page</strong>, and T. J. Ganje.1980. Cadmium accumulations and bio-availability in soils from long-termphosphorus fertilization. J. Environ. Qual. 9(3):408-412.76. Jarrell, W., A L <strong>Page</strong>, and A A Elseewi.1980. Molybdenum residues in the environment. Residue Rev. 74(1-43).77. Bingham, F. T., A L <strong>Page</strong>, and J. E. Strong.1980. Yield and Cd content <strong>of</strong> rice grain in relation to addition rate <strong>of</strong> Cd, Cu, Ni,and Zn with sewage sludge and lining. Soil Sci. 130(1):32-38.78. Elseewi, A A, I. R. Straughan, and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1980. Sequential cropping <strong>of</strong> fly ash-amended soils: Effects on soil chemicalproperties and yield and elemental composition <strong>of</strong> plants. Sci. Total Environ.15(1980):247 -259.79. Mahler, R. J., F. T. Bingham, G. Sposito, and A L. <strong>Page</strong>.1980. Cadmium-enriched sewage sludge application to acid and calcareous soils:relation between treatment, Cd in saturation extracts and Cd treatment. J.Environ. Qual. 9(3):359-364.80. Elseewi,A A, A L. <strong>Page</strong> and S. R. Grimm.1980. Chemical characterization <strong>of</strong> fly ash aqueous systems. J. Environ. Qual.9(3)424-428.81. Adriano, D. C., A A Elseewi, A L. <strong>Page</strong>, A. C. Chang, and I. R. Straughan.1980. Utilization and disposal <strong>of</strong> fly ash and other coal residues in terrestrialecosystem: A review. J. Environ. Qual. 9(3):333-344.82. Chang, A C., A. L. <strong>Page</strong>, and F. T. Bingham.1981. Re-utilization <strong>of</strong> municipal wastewater sludges-metals and nitrate. J. WaterPollut. Control Fed. 53(2):237-244.83. Elseewi, A. A., S. R. Grimm, A. L. <strong>Page</strong>, and I. R. Straughan.1981. Boron enrichment <strong>of</strong> soils and plants treated with coal ash. J. Plant Nutri.3(1-4):409-427.84. Elseewi, A. A, A L. <strong>Page</strong>, I. R. Kaplan, R. W. Hurst and T. E. Davis.1981. Fly ash-derived strontium as an index to monitor deposition from coal-firedpower plants. Science 212: 1267-1269.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 2085. Lund, L. J., E E Betty, A L <strong>Page</strong> and R A Elliott.1981. Occurrence <strong>of</strong> naturally high cadmium levels in soil and its accumulation byvegetation. J. Environ. Qual. 10(4)551-556.86. Lund, L J., A L <strong>Page</strong>, C. O. Nelson and R Elliott.1981. Nitrogen balances for an effluent irrigation area. J. Environ. Qual. 10(3):349-352.87. Chang, A C., K W. Foster, A L <strong>Page</strong> and T. E Jones.1982. A comparison <strong>of</strong> cadmium and zinc accumulations by four cultivars <strong>of</strong> barleygrown in sludge-amended soils. J. Environ. Qual. 11(3):409-412.88. Mahler, J. R, F. T. Bingham, A L <strong>Page</strong> and J. A Ryan.1982. Cadmium-enriched sewage sludge application to acid and calcareous soils:Effects on soil and nutrition <strong>of</strong> lettuce, corn, tomato, and swiss chard. J.Environ. Qual. 11(4):694-700.89. Emmerich, W. E, L. J. Lund, A L. <strong>Page</strong> and A C, Chang.1982. Solid phase forms <strong>of</strong> heavy metals in sewage sludge-treated soils. J. Environ.Qual. 11(2): 178-180.90. Emmerich, W. E, L. J. Lund, A L <strong>Page</strong>, and A C. Chang1982. Movement <strong>of</strong> heavy metals in sewage sludge-treated soils. J. Environ. Qual.11(2): 174-178.91. Emmerich, W. E, L. J. Lund, A L <strong>Page</strong>, and A C. Chang.1982. Solution phase forms <strong>of</strong> heavy metals in sewage sludge-treated soils. J.Environ. Qual. 11(2)182-186.92. Adriano, D. C., A L. <strong>Page</strong>, A C. Chang, and A A Elseewi.1982. Cadmium availability to sudangrass grown on soil amended with sewagesludge and fly ash. J. Environ. Qual. 11(2)197-203.93. Adriano, AC., A L. <strong>Page</strong>, A C. Chang, and A A Elseewi.1982. Co-recycling <strong>of</strong> sewage sludge and fly ash: cadmium accumulation by crop.Environ. Technol. Letters 3:145-150.94. Chang, A C., A L. <strong>Page</strong>, J. E Warneke, and J. B. Johanson.1982. Effects <strong>of</strong> sludge application on the Cd, Pb, and Zn levels <strong>of</strong> selectedvegetable plants. Hilgardia 50(7): 1-14.95. EI-Amamy, M. M., A L. <strong>Page</strong> and G. Abudelgawad.1982. Chemical and mineralogical properties <strong>of</strong> glauconitic soil as related topotassium depletion. J. Environ. Qual. 46(2):426-430.96. Chang, A C., A L. <strong>Page</strong> and F. T. Bingham.1982. Heavy metal absorption by winter wheat following termination <strong>of</strong> cropland sludgeapplications. J. Environ. Qual. 11(4):705-708.97. Valadares, J. M. AS., M. Gal, U. Mingelgrin, and A L. <strong>Page</strong>.1983. Some heavy metals in soils treated with sewage sludge, their effects on yield, andtheir uptake by plants. J. Environ. Qual. 12(1):49-57.

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<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 2724. Dowdy, R. H., A L. <strong>Page</strong>, and A C. Chang.1991. Management <strong>of</strong> agricultural land receiving wastewater sludges. pp. 85-102. In: R.Lal and F. J. Pierce (eds.). Soil Management for Sustainability. Soil and WaterConservation Society. Ankeny, IA25. Chang, A L. and A L. <strong>Page</strong>.1993. Biosolids. In: 1995 Yearbook <strong>of</strong> Science and Technology. McGraw-Hili, New York,NY. (10 manuscript pages). R26. Chang, A C. and A L. <strong>Page</strong>.1994. Assessment <strong>of</strong> ecological and health effects <strong>of</strong> soil-borne trace elements andmetals. In: L. W. Chang (ed.). Toxicity <strong>of</strong> Metals. CRC Press. (21 manuscript pages).NR27. Chang, A C., A L. <strong>Page</strong>, and J. E. Warneke.1994. An experimental evaluation <strong>of</strong> the Cd uptake by 12 plant species grown in a sludgetreatedsoil: Is there a plateau? In: D. C. Adriano (ed.). Biogeochemistry <strong>of</strong> Trace Metals--II. Applied Science Publishers (30 manuscript pages). R28. Chang, AC., A L. <strong>Page</strong>, T. Asano, I. Hespanhol.1998. Evaluating methods <strong>of</strong> establishing human health-related chemical guidelines forcropland application <strong>of</strong> municipal wastewater. Pp. 581-626. In: T. Asano (Ed.) WastewaterReclamation and Reuse. Water Quality Management Library, Volume 10, Technomic,Lancaster, PA USA 1528pp.29. Chang, AC., A L. <strong>Page</strong>, and Bonjun Koo.2002. Biogeochemistry <strong>of</strong> phosphorus, iron, and trace elements in soil as influenced by soilplant-microbialinteraction. Pp. 43-58. In: A Violante, P.M. Huang, J.M. Bollag, and L.Gianfreda (Eds.), Soil Mineral-Organic Matter Interactions and Ecosystem Health,Ecological Significance <strong>of</strong> the Interactions Among Clay Minerals, Organic Matter and SoilBiota. Development in Soil Science 28B. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 434pp.REVIEW ARTICLES1. <strong>Page</strong>, A L, and F. T. Bingham.1973. Cadmium residues in the environment. Residue Rev. 48: 1-44.2. <strong>Page</strong>, A L, A A Elseewi, and I. R. Straughan.1979. Physical and chemical properties <strong>of</strong> fly ash from coal-fired power plants withreference to environmental impacts. Residue Rev. 71 :83-120.3. Adriano, D. C., A L <strong>Page</strong>, A A Elseewi, A C. Chang, and I. Straughan.1979. Utilization and disposal <strong>of</strong> fly ash and other coal residues in terrestrialecosystems: A review. J. Environ. Qual. (Invited). 9(3):333-344.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 28SEMI-TECHNICALJOURNAL ARTICLES1. Martin, J. P., and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1962. Influence <strong>of</strong> pH on growth and chemical composition <strong>of</strong> seedlings. Calif.Citrograph 48(1):2-3,21-22. November. (NR)2. <strong>Page</strong>, A L 1963. California cotton soils need high potassium rate. Crops and Soils15(9):21. Aug.-Sept. (NR)3. <strong>Page</strong>, A L., F. T. Bingham and T. J. Ganje.1963. High potassium needs <strong>of</strong> San Joaquin Valley cotton soils related to fixationproblem. Calif. Agr. 17(6):4-5. June. (NR)4. <strong>Page</strong>, A L, J. P. Martin, and T. J. Ganje.1963. Foliar applications <strong>of</strong> potassium. Calif. Citrograph 48(12): October. (NR)5. Bingham F. T., G. R. Bradford, and A L. <strong>Page</strong>.1964. Toxicity <strong>of</strong> lithium to plants. Calif. Agr. 18(9):6-7. Sept. (NR)6. Embleton, T. W., W. W. Jones, and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1964. Potassium deficiency symptoms on lemons. Better Crops with Plant Food.(NR)7. <strong>Page</strong>, A L, and F. T. Bingham.1965. Potassium magnesium interrelationships in cotton. Calif Agr. 19(11 ):6-7. (NR)8. Embleton, T. W., W. W. Jones, and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1966. Potassium deficiency in Valencia orange trees in California. Hort Science1:(3,4). (NR)9. Ganje, T. J., A L <strong>Page</strong>, and J. P. Martin.1966. Foliar applications <strong>of</strong> potassium nitrate. Calif. Citrograph 51(12):493-495,496, 500, 501. October. (NR)10. Ganje, T. J., and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1972. Lead concentrations <strong>of</strong> plants, soil, and air near highways. Calif. Agr.26(4):7-9. (NR)11. <strong>Page</strong>, A L, and A C. Chang.1979. Heavy metal contaminations <strong>of</strong> vegetables. Vegetable Briefs for CaliforniaFarm Advisors, Issue No. 200, pp. 2-3, January 19, Cooperative Extension, University <strong>of</strong>California, Berkeley, CA 94720.12. Bradford, G. R., A L <strong>Page</strong>, and I. R. Straughan.1981. Are Sierra lakes becoming acid? Calif. Agr. 35(5-6):6-7.13. Krauss, G.D. and <strong>Page</strong>, AL.1997. Wastewater, sludge and food crops. Biocycle 38(3):74-82.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 29INVITED PAPERS PUBLISHED(Symposia, Abstracts, etc.)1. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L, T. J. Ganje T. W. Embleton, and W. W. Jones.1969. Soil factors influencing the correction <strong>of</strong> K deficiencies on citrus in California.Proceedings <strong>of</strong> First International Citrus Symposium, Vol. 3:1605-1612. Univ. <strong>of</strong> Calif,Riverside, March 1968. (NR)2. Embleton, T. W., W. W. Jones, A. L <strong>Page</strong>, and R. G. Platt.1969. Potassium and California citrus. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> First International CitrusSymposium, Vol. 3:1599-1603. Univ. <strong>of</strong> California, Riverside, March 1968. (NR)3. Lund, L J., and A. L <strong>Page</strong>.1972. Geology, soils and hydrology <strong>of</strong> the San Bernardino Mountains. In: Impact <strong>of</strong>Oxidant Air Pollutants on the Mixed Coniferous Forest Eco-systems. Special seriespublished by the Environmental Protection Agency. (NR)4. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L.1974. Heavy metal concentrations <strong>of</strong> sewage sludges and possible soil contaminationresulting from their use on agricultural lands. California Chapter, American Society <strong>of</strong>Agronomy Proceedings. 1974 Annual Meeting, Fresno, California. (NR)5. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L, and P. F. Pratt.1975. Effects <strong>of</strong> sewage sludge or effluent application to soil on the movement <strong>of</strong>nitrogen, phosphorus, soluble salts and trace metals to groundwater. Proceedings,Second National Conference on Municipal Sludge Management and Disposal.Information Transfer Inc., Rockville, MD. pp. 179-188. (NR)6. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L, and A. C. Chang.1975. Trace element and plant nutrient constraints <strong>of</strong> recycling sewage sludges onagricultural land. Proceedings 2nd National Conference on Water Reuse. Amer. Inst.Chem. Engineers. New York, NY. pp. 201-210.7. Bingham, F. T., G. A. Mitchell, R. J. Mahler, and A. L <strong>Page</strong>.1976. Yield and heavy metal content <strong>of</strong> food crops grown on soils amended withsewage sludge. 1976 Proceedings, International Conf. on Environmental Sensing andAssessment. Vol. 2(30-6):1-4. September 14-19, 1975, Las Vegas, NV. Amer. Chem.Soc. and Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. (NR)8. Bingham, F. T., and A. L <strong>Page</strong>.1977. Cadmium accumulation by economic crops. Symposium Proceedings, FirstInternational Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment Vol. H:433-441. (HeldOctober 27-31, 1975, Toronto, Ontario, Canada).9. Mitchell, G. A., F. T. Bingham, A. L <strong>Page</strong>, and P. A. Nash.1977. Interactive effects <strong>of</strong> Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn on metal phytotoxicity and uptakefor lettuce grown on soil amended with sewage sludge. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc.Presented at Houston, Texas, December 1976.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 3010. Pratt, P. F. and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1977. Leachate from municipal sludges fertilizers' and manure applications.Proceedings, National Conference on Disposal <strong>of</strong> Residues on Undo InformationTransfer Inc., Rockville, Maryland. pp. 59-68.11. Martin, J. P., and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1977. Capacity <strong>of</strong> soils for hazardous organic substances. National Conference onComposting <strong>of</strong> Municipal Residues and Sludges, August 23-25, 1977. pp. 101-105.12. Bradford, G. R, A L <strong>Page</strong>, I. R Straughan, and H. T Phung.1978. A study <strong>of</strong> the deposition <strong>of</strong> fly ash on desert soils and vegetation adjacent toa coal-fired generating station. In: Adriano D. C., and I. L. Brisbin (eds.). EnvironmentalChemistry and Cycling Processes. DOE Symposium Series 45, CONF-760429. pp. 383-393.13. Phung, H. T, L J. Lund, and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1978. Potential use <strong>of</strong> fly ash as a liming material. In: Adriano, D.C. and I. L.Brisbin (eds.) Environmental Chemistry and Cycling Processes. DOE SymposiumSeries 45 CONF-760429. pp. 504-515.14. Elseewi, A A, F. T Bingham and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1978. Growth and mineral composition <strong>of</strong> lettuce and swiss chard grown on fly ashamended soils. In: Adriano, D. C. and I. L. Brisbin (eds.) Environmental Chemistry andCycling Processes. DOE Symposium Series 45 CONF-760429. pp. 568-581.15. <strong>Page</strong>, A L, A A Elseewi, and J. P. Martin.1978. Capacity <strong>of</strong> soils for hazardous inorganic substances. pp. 97-105. Proc. FifthNational Conference on Acceptable Sludge Disposal Techniques, Cost, Benefit Risk,Health, and Public Acceptance, Jan. 31-Feb.2, Orlando, FL. Hazardous Material ControlResearch Institute, Information Transfer, Inc., in participation with The SludgeNewsletter.16. <strong>Page</strong>, AL and A C. Chang.1978. Trace element impact on plants during cropland disposal <strong>of</strong> sewage sludge.pp. 91-96. Proc. Fifth National Conference on Acceptable Sludge Disposal Techniques,Cost, Benefit, Risk, Health, and Public Acceptance. Jan. 31-Feb. 2, Orlando, FI.Hazardous Material Control Research Institute, Information Transfer, Inc., in participationwith The Sludge Newsletter.17. Chang, A C., and A L. <strong>Page</strong>.1978. Toxic chemicals associated with land treatment <strong>of</strong> wastewater. InternationalSymposium on Land Treatment <strong>of</strong> Wastewater, August 20-25, 1978, Hanover, NH. pp.47-57.18. Straughan, I. R, A A Elseewi and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1978. Mobilization <strong>of</strong> selected trace elements in residues from coal combustion withspecial reference to fly ash. pp. 389-402. In: D. D. Hemphill (ed.), Trace Substances inEnvironmental Health XII Symposium.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 3119. Valadares, J.M.,AS., A L <strong>Page</strong>, and P. A Nash.1979. Comportamento do Cadmio, Cobre, Niquel e Zinco em Tres Solos Tratadoscorn Lodo de Esgoto. Congresso Brasileiro de Ciencia do Solo Manaus 8 a 13 de julhode 1979, Sociedade Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo.20. <strong>Page</strong>, A L, A C. Chang.1979. Contamination <strong>of</strong> soil and vegetation by atmospheric deposition <strong>of</strong> traceelements. Phytopath. 69(9): 1007-1011.21. Chang, A C. and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1979. Hydraulic and water quality considerations <strong>of</strong> artificial groundwater recharge.Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the 12th Biannual Groundwater Conference, Santa Barbara, California.November. Water Resources Center Report No. 45. pp. 88-99.22. <strong>Page</strong>, A L, A C. Chang, and F. T. Bingham.1979. Trace metal phytotoxicity and adsorption by crop plants grown on sewagesludge-amended soils. Proceedings, IntI. Conf. on Management and Control <strong>of</strong> HeavyMetals in the Environment, London. September 1979. pp. 525-528.23. Chang, A C., and A. L <strong>Page</strong>.1979. Heavy metal considerations in cropland disposal <strong>of</strong> municipal sludges. 8thNational Conference & Exhibition on Municipal Sludge Management Impact <strong>of</strong> IndustrialToxic Materials on POTW Sludge, Miami Beach, FL. March 19-21. Sponsored byInformation Transfer Inc. Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute, inparticipation with The Sludge Newsletter. pp. 175-181.24. <strong>Page</strong>, A L., A A Elseewi and I. R. Straughan.1980. Coal-fired power plants, trace elements and California agriculture.Proceedings <strong>of</strong> 1980 Calif. Plant and Soil Conference, Calif. Chapter ASA, Jan. 30-Feb. 1, 1980, Sacramento, Calif.25. Chang, A C. and A L. <strong>Page</strong>.1980. The fate <strong>of</strong> inorganic micro-contaminants during groundwater recharge. Proc.<strong>of</strong> Symposium on Wastewater Reuse for Groundwater Recharge. Pomona, California,Sept. 6-7, Water Resources Control Board. pp. 118-136.26. Mattigod, Shas, G. Sposito, and A L. <strong>Page</strong>.1980. Factors affecting the solubility <strong>of</strong> trace elements in the soil environment.ASA Special Publication #40 "Chemistry in the Soil Environment."27. Chang, A C., and A L. <strong>Page</strong>.1980. Water quality considerations in wastewater used for crop irrigation. Presentedat Symposium on Waste Water Reuse, Mexico City, Mexico, Sept. 8-10, 1980. Pan-American Organization.28. Chang, A C. and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1980. Chemical requirements for re-use <strong>of</strong> sewage in cropland irrigation and inartificial aquifer recharge. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> Seminar on Health Aspects <strong>of</strong> TreatedSewage Re-Use. Algiers, Algeria, June 1-5, 1980. World Health Organization.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 3229. Lo, M. G., A C. Chang, and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1980. Field demonstration <strong>of</strong> agricultural application <strong>of</strong> sewage sludgeDevelopment <strong>of</strong> design loading for nutrients and toxicants. Research Symposium onSludge Treatment and Management. Las Vegas, NV, September 28-0ctober 3, 1980.30. <strong>Page</strong>, A L, and A C. Chang.1981. Trace metals in soils and plants receiving wastewater irrigation. In: F. M.1981, J. A Martinez and M. A Lambarri (eds.) Academic Press. pp. 351-372.31. <strong>Page</strong>, A L1981. Cadmium in soils and its accumulation by food crops. Proc. <strong>of</strong> InternationalConf. on Heavy Metals in the Environment, September. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.32. Adriano, D. C. and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1981. Co-recycling <strong>of</strong> sewage sludge and fly ash: heavy metal uptake by crop. Proc.<strong>of</strong> International Conf. on Heavy Metals in the Environment. September, Amsterdam TheNetherlands. pp. 185-188.33. Straughan, I. R, A A Elseewi, and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1981. An overview <strong>of</strong> acid deposition and its impacts on soils. Proc. on InternationalConf. on Heavy Metals in the Envirorument, September. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.34. Elseewi, A A, A L <strong>Page</strong>, and I. R Straughan.1981. Recycling <strong>of</strong> fly ash from coal-fired power plants on agricultural lands:Advantages and disadvantages. 1stInternational Waste Recycling Symposium,Tokyo, Japan, November 16-18.35. Elseewi, A A, A L <strong>Page</strong>, C. P. Doyle. 1982. Environmental characterization <strong>of</strong> traceelements in fly ash. In: D. D. Hemphill (ed.) Trace Substances in Environmental Health,XVI. University <strong>of</strong> Missouri. pp. 39-47.36. Fox, C. A, A L <strong>Page</strong>, A A Elseewi and L J. Lund.1982. Input <strong>of</strong> acidity to agricultural soils from rainfall and other sources. In: D. D.Hemphill (ed.) Trace Substances in Environmental Health, XVI. University <strong>of</strong> Missouri.37. Fox, C. A, G. R Bradford, A L <strong>Page</strong> and A A Elseewi.1982. Evaluation <strong>of</strong> acidity and chemical composition <strong>of</strong> high elevation lakes inCalifornia. In: Acid Rain: a North American Challenge, Soil Conservation Society <strong>of</strong>America Symposium Burlington, Vermont, October 25-28.38. Chang, A C. and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1983. Assessing the water quality impact <strong>of</strong> using wastewater for crop irrigation.Proceedings <strong>of</strong> 1982 Southwestern Water Conference on Water Conservation,November 11-12, San Diego, Calif.39. <strong>Page</strong>, A L and A C. Chang.1983. Disposal-utilization <strong>of</strong> municipal sewage sludge on land -- trace elementconsiderations. National Research Council Conference on Land Disposal <strong>of</strong> Wastes.Position paper.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 3340. <strong>Page</strong>, A L and A C. Chang.1983. Utilization <strong>of</strong> municipal waterwater and sludge on land: An Overview <strong>of</strong> a1983 workshop. In: H. Bernard (ed.). Municipal and Industrial Sludge Utilization andDisposal. Atlantic City, April 6-8.41. EI-Amamy, M. M., and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1983. An overview <strong>of</strong> the impact <strong>of</strong> acid deposition on soils. Cooperative ExtensionSymposium on Air Pollution and Agriculture. Kern County, March.42. Elseewi, A A, A L <strong>Page</strong>, C. P. Doyle, and C. A Fox.1983. Trace elements in residues from coal combustion in western USA- In:Proceedings <strong>of</strong> International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment. CEPConsultants, Ltd., 26 Albany St., Edinburgh EH1 3QH, U.K, Volume 2, pp. 925-931.43. Garcia-Mfiragaya, J., R. Cardenas, and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1983. Sorption <strong>of</strong> Cd and Zn on kaolinite and montmorillonite. In: Proceedings <strong>of</strong>International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment. CEP Consultants, Ltd.,26 Albany St., Edinburgh, EH1 3QH, U.K Volume 2, pp. 1244-1248.44. Elseewi, A A, I. R. Straughan, A. L <strong>Page</strong>, C. P. Doyle, and C. A Fox.1984. Trace elements in flue-gas cleaning residues from the combustion <strong>of</strong> westernU.S. coals. In: Proceedings <strong>of</strong> International Conference on EnvironmentalContamination, CEP Consultants, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. pp. 633-640.45. Elseewi, A A, A L <strong>Page</strong>, C. P. Doyle, and C. A Fox.1984. Boron in residues from coal combustion in the western USA and its effects on soilplant and water quality. In: Proceedings <strong>of</strong> Second Conference on Management <strong>of</strong>Municipal, Hazardous, and Coal Waste. S. Snegupta (ed.) U.S. Dept. <strong>of</strong> Energy,Washington, D.C., DOE/METC/84-34, pp. 173-184.46. EI-Amamy, M. E., C. A Fox, G. R. Bradford, A L <strong>Page</strong>, and S. C. Nodvin.1984. The alkalinity <strong>of</strong> pristine lakes in the High Sierra Mountains. Proceedings <strong>of</strong>77th Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> Air Pollution Control Association, B4-22.7:1-9.47. Mattigod, Shas V. and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1984. Applications <strong>of</strong> metal speciation to environmental geochemistry. In: TraceSubstances in Environmental Health, XVIR. Delbert D. Hemphill, (ed.), Univ. <strong>of</strong>Missouri, Columbia. pp. 202-213.48. Garcia-Miragaya, J., R. Cardenas, and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1985. Effect <strong>of</strong> Zn ions and variable ionic strength on Cd sorption from lowconcentration solution by montmorillonite clay. In: Proceedings InternationalConference, Heavy Metals in the Environment. CEP Consultants, Ltd., 26 AlbanyStreet, Edinburgh, U.K pp. 519-521.49. Chang, A C., T. J. Logan, and A L <strong>Page</strong>.1986. Trace element considerations <strong>of</strong> forest land applications <strong>of</strong> municipal sludges.Chapter 8. In: Dale W. Cole, Charles L Henry, and Wade L. Nutter (eds.). Proceedings,Forest Land Applications Symposium. Univ. <strong>of</strong> Washington Press. College <strong>of</strong> ForestResources, Univ. <strong>of</strong> Washington, Seattle, WA

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 3450. Mikkelsen, R. L, A. L. <strong>Page</strong> and F. T. Bingham.1986. Geochemistry and health in California: Recent experiences with selenium. In:Delbert D. Hemphill (ed.), Trace Substances in Environmental Health XX. University <strong>of</strong>Missouri, Columbia, MO.51. Mikkelsen, R. L, A. L. <strong>Page</strong> and A C. Chang.1986. Goechemistry and health in the United States. A recent occurrence withselenium. In: 1. Thornton, (ed.). Proceedings <strong>of</strong> 1stInternational Symposium onGeochemistry and Health. Royal Society, London, U.K pp. 211-222.52. Adriano, D. C., S. W. Gettier, J. Shann, A. L <strong>Page</strong> and R. L. Chaney.1987. Sources <strong>of</strong> trace element enrichment in soils. Fifth International Symposiumon Ionic and Other Trace Elements. Jan. 8 pages.53. Adriano, D. C., M. Elrashidi, A. L <strong>Page</strong>, J. B. Jones, Jr., and W. L Lindsay.1987. Research achievements and challenges in trace elements: A forward-orientedreview. In: Istvan Pais (ed.). Proceedings <strong>of</strong> Internatl. Symposium on New Results inthe Research <strong>of</strong> Hardly Known Trace Elements and the Analytical Problems <strong>of</strong> TraceElement Research. University <strong>of</strong> Horticulture and Food Industry, Budapest. pp. 3-33.54. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L, A. C. Chang and D. C. Adriano.1988. Land application <strong>of</strong> municipal sewage sludge: Guidelines--trace elements. In:K Kumazawa (ed.). Proceedings <strong>of</strong> Second Internal. Symposium on Land Application <strong>of</strong>Sewage Sludge (ISOLASS). Association for Utilization <strong>of</strong> Sewage Sludge, January 26-27, Tokyo,Japan. pp. 154-182.55. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L, A. C. Chang and D. C. Adriano.1988. Disposal <strong>of</strong> waste chemicals on land: Decontamination technology. In:Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the Internatl. Conference on Chemistry and Environment. 8-9 October,1987. EniChem, Rome, Italy.56. Chang, A. C., A. L <strong>Page</strong>, P. F. Pratt and J. E. Wameke.1988. Leaching <strong>of</strong> nitrate from freely drained irrigated fields treated with municipalsludges. In: Proceedings 1988 National Irrigation and Drainage Conference, Univ. <strong>of</strong>Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.57. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L., A. C. Chang, and D. C. Adriano.1990. Capacity <strong>of</strong> soils to decontaminate waste chemicals. In: Proceedings, SecondWorkshop on Soil Pollution Prevention, Taipei, Taiwan.58. Chang, A C., S. J. Kim, and A. L. <strong>Page</strong>.1990. Transfer <strong>of</strong> Cd from municipal sludge-treated soils to selected plants. pp. IV-180 toIV-185. 10.: Transactions <strong>of</strong> 14th Interntl. Congress <strong>of</strong> Soil Science, Kyoto, Japan, August12-18.59. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L., A. C. Chang and T. J. Logan.1991. EPA Standards for the Disposal <strong>of</strong> Sewage Sludge: Present Status and SuggestedRevisions. In: Proceedings <strong>of</strong> Second MWRDGC/JSWA Technology Exchange Workshopon Municipal Sludge Management and Industrial Waste Control. Metropolitan WaterReclamation District <strong>of</strong> Greater Chicago, Chicago, IL. pp.69-88.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 3560. <strong>Page</strong>, A L., A C. Chang and A A Elseewi.1992. Long-term trace element mobility in soils. In: Workshop Proceedings: Heavy MetalPollution in Eastern and Central Europe. Oct. 11-15, 1992. Prague, Czechoslovakia.61. <strong>Page</strong>, A L. and A C. Chang.1993. Overview <strong>of</strong> the past 25 years: Technical perspective. Proc. Sewage Sludge: LandUtilization and the Environment Conference, St. Paul, MN, Aug. 25-29, 1993. (5manuscript pages) NR62. <strong>Page</strong>, A L. and A C. Chang.1993. Transfer <strong>of</strong> inorganic pollutants through the food chain from land application <strong>of</strong>municipal wastewater and sludge. Proc. IntI. Conf. on Nutrition, Adelaide, Australia, Sept.24-30, 1993. NR63. Chang, A C., A L. <strong>Page</strong>, and T. Asano.1993. Developing Human Health-Related Chemical Guidelines for Reclaimed Wastewaterand Sewage Sludge Applications in Agriculture. World Health Organization, Geneva,Switzerland. 113 pp. NR64. Chang, A C. and A L. <strong>Page</strong>.1994. The role <strong>of</strong> biogeochemical data in assessing the ecological and health effects <strong>of</strong>trace elements. Transactions 15th IntI. Congress <strong>of</strong> Soil Science V3a:598-610. NR65. <strong>Page</strong>, A L. and A C. Chang.1994. Trace elements <strong>of</strong> environmental concerns in terrestrial ecosystems: An overview.Transactions 15th IntI. Congress <strong>of</strong> Soil Science V3a:568-571. NR66. Chang, A C., A L. <strong>Page</strong>, T. Asano, and I. Hespanhol.1995. Developing human health-related chemical guidelines for reclaimed wastewaterirrigation. 2nd IntI. Symposium on Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse. IntI. Assn. onWater Quality, Iraklio, Greece. Oct. 17-20, 1995. NR67. Chang, AC.1997. Land application <strong>of</strong> sewage sludge: pathogen issues. In: Sewage sludge andwastewater for use in agriculture, proceedings <strong>of</strong> consultants meetings, Joint FAO/IAEADivision <strong>of</strong> Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture and IAEA Division <strong>of</strong> Physical andChemical Sciences. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, October 1997.68. <strong>Page</strong>, A L. and A C. Chang.1999. International Standards/Guidelines for Metals Applied to Land in the Form <strong>of</strong>Municipal Sewage Sludge: Past, Experiences and Present Status. Proceedings, 1998. TheFirst Asia Pacific Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry, Hong Kong, December 2-4,1998.69. Chang, AC., A L. <strong>Page</strong>, Bonjun Koo, D.E. Crowley, and M.R. Matsumoto.1999. Assessing Phyto-availability <strong>of</strong> Metals in Biosolids-amended Soils: Root Exudatesand Their Effects on Solubility <strong>of</strong> Metals. Proceedings, Workshop 116 - RecentAdvances in Biosolids Research: Conditioning, Dewatering and Beneficial Use,WEFTEC '99, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 10, 1999.

INVITED PAPERS NOT PUBLISHED(Seminars, symposiums, workshops, etc.)<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 361. Chang, A C., A L <strong>Page</strong>, and J. E. Warneke.1978. Micronutrients in sewage sludges. Presented at U.C. Soil Fertility Conference,March 30-31, 1978.2. <strong>Page</strong>, A L, A A Elseewi and I. Straughan.1978. Trace elements in coal and their potential for environmental pollution.Presented at the Symposium on Inorganic Pollutants in the Environment sponsored bythe Division <strong>of</strong> Inorganic Chemistry and the Society <strong>of</strong> Environmental Geochemistry andHealth, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 4,1978.3. <strong>Page</strong>, A L, D. J. Mulla, and T. J. Ganje.1978. Cadmium accumulations in soils from long-term phosphate fertilization.Presented at Cadmium Seminar, University <strong>of</strong> California, Davis, California, October 11-13, 1978.4. <strong>Page</strong>, A L1979. Sources and sinks <strong>of</strong> trace metals in the environment. University <strong>of</strong> California,Irvine, CA, Feb. 9.5. <strong>Page</strong>, A L1979. Trace metal attenuation in soils. Presented at the annual meeting <strong>of</strong> theAmerican Geophysical Union, May 29-June 1, 1979.6. <strong>Page</strong>, A L1980. Land application: Sewage sludge - the cadmium controversy. 10th AnnualComposting & Recycling Conference, Los Angeles, Calif., May 5-7, 1980.7. <strong>Page</strong>, A L1980. Factors that determine sludge and wastewater application rates. Presented atNational Workshop on the Utilization <strong>of</strong> Wastes on Land: Emphasis on MunicipalSewage, August 12-14,1980, Anaheim, CA, USDA-SEA and ECOP Sub-committee onAgriculture, Forestry, & Related Industries.SPECIAL TECHNICALREPORTS1. <strong>Page</strong>, A L, F. T. Bingham, L J. Lund and G. R. Bradford.1976. Consequence <strong>of</strong> trace element enrichment <strong>of</strong> soils and vegetation from thecombustion <strong>of</strong> fuels used in power generation. 145 pages. Annual Report -January 1-30, 1975. Southern California Edison Company (Contract U3294908).2. Chang, A C., AL. <strong>Page</strong>, L J. Lund, P. F. Pratt and G. R. Bradford.1976. Land application <strong>of</strong> sewages - a field demonstration. Annual Report toRegional Wastewater Solids Management Program, Us Angeles/Orange CountyMetropolitan Area. (IAlOMA Project) Technical Report NO.2. December. 108 p.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 373. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L, F. T Bingham, L J. Lund and G. R. Bradford.1977. Consequences <strong>of</strong> trace element enrichment <strong>of</strong> soils and vegetation from thecombustion <strong>of</strong> fuels used in power generation. 232 pages. Bi-annual Report-January 1,1975 December 31, 1976. Southern California Edison Company (Contract U3294908).SCE R&D Series: 77-RD-29.4. Bingham F. T and A. L <strong>Page</strong>.1977. Heavy metal toxicity criteria <strong>of</strong> selected crop species cultivated on soils amendedwith sewage sludge. 59 pp. Annual Report--July 1, 1976 to June 30, 1977. SanFrancisco Bay Region Wastewater Solids Study. Contract No. 2218.5. Chang, A. C., A. L. <strong>Page</strong>, L. J. Lund, P. F. Pratt, and G. R. Bradford.1977. Land application <strong>of</strong> sewage sludges - a field demonstration. Annual report,Regional Wastewater Solids Management Program, Los Angeles/Orange CountyMetropolitan Area (LAlOMA Project), Technical Report No. 13. 108 pp.6. Sposito, G. and A L. <strong>Page</strong>.1977. Trace metal speciation in saline waters affected by geothermal brine. AnnualReport, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Contract (ERDA) November.7. Bingham, F. T, and A. L. <strong>Page</strong>.1978. Heavy metal toxicity criteria for selected crop species cultivated on soilsamended with sewage sludge. 105 pp. Final Report for July 1, 1976 to June 30, 1978.San Francisco Bay Region Wastewater Solids Study, Contract No. 2218.8. <strong>Page</strong>, A, L, F. T Bingham, L J. Lund, G. R. Bradford and A. A. Elseewi.1978. Consequences <strong>of</strong> trace elements enrichment <strong>of</strong> soils and vegetation from thecombustion <strong>of</strong> fuels used in power generation. 63 pp. Annual Report, January 1, 1977 toDecember 31, 1977. Southern California Edison Company Contract No. U0026901).SCE R&D Series: 78-rd.9. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L, I. R. Straughan, V. E. Swanson, and A. A. Elseewi.1978. An evaluation <strong>of</strong> the environmental consequences <strong>of</strong> trace element releasefrom coal combustion with particular reference to electric power generation. Reportprepared for NAS-GEHRD -- Panel on Trace Element Geochemistry <strong>of</strong> Coal ResourceDevelopment Related to Health (PECH), 90 pp.10. Sposito, G., A. L. <strong>Page</strong>, and S. V. Mattigod.1979. Trace metal speciation in saline waters affected by geothermal brines. Finaltechnical report to the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Imperial Valley EnvironmentalProject, July. 65 pp.11. Lund, L. J. and A. L. <strong>Page</strong>.1979. Effects <strong>of</strong> long-term applications <strong>of</strong> municipal wastewater on soils andgroundwaters. Annual report to CRREL on grant No. 89-79-0-008. August 1,1978 -August 1, 1979.12. Sposito, G., A. L. <strong>Page</strong> and M. E. Frink.1980. Effects <strong>of</strong> acid precipitation on soil leachate quality, computer calculations.EPA-60013-BO-015. U.S. EPA, Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory,Corvallis, Oregon, 39 pp.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 3813. Basilico, J., J. H. Harrison, A. L. <strong>Page</strong>, L E. Sommers and P. Ware.1980. Municipal sewage sludge and solid waste processing, treatment, and disposalpractices in the USA. In: U.S. Contribution to US/USSR Joint Seminar, May 13-241979. External Utility Systems, NAS joint working group 10.02.14. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L, A. A. Elseewi, L. J. Lund, G. R. Bradford, S. Mattigod, A. C. Chang, andF. T. Bingham.1980. Consequences <strong>of</strong> trace element enrichment <strong>of</strong> soils and vegetation from thecombustion <strong>of</strong> fuels used in power generation. Annual report to Southern CaliforniaEdison Co., Contract #U0026901.15. Lund, L. J., G. Sposito, and A. L. <strong>Page</strong>.1981. Determination and prediction <strong>of</strong> chemical forms <strong>of</strong> trace metals in sewagesludges and sludge-amended soils. EPA R-804516-03.16. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L, F. T. Bingham, and A. C. Chang.1981. Trace metal adsorption by crops following termination <strong>of</strong> sewage sludgeapplications. Final report submitted to California State Water Resources Control Board,January. 38 pp.17. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L. and F. T. Bingham.1981. Trace metal availability criteria for crops cultivated on soils treated withsewage sludge. State Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento, CA. September.18. <strong>Page</strong>, A L., A A. Elseewi, G. R. Bradford, and L. J. Lund.1982. Consequences <strong>of</strong> trace element enrichment <strong>of</strong> soils and vegetation fromcombustion <strong>of</strong> fuels used in power generation, Southern California Edison Co.19. Taylor, O. C., P. R. Miller, A L. <strong>Page</strong> and L. J. Lund.1982. Effects <strong>of</strong> ozone and sulfur dioxide mixtures on forest vegetation <strong>of</strong> thesouthern Sierras. California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, CA.20. <strong>Page</strong>, A, L., A. A. Elseewi, W. A, Jury, L. H. Stolzy, D. D. Focht, W. T. Frankenberger,S. Mattigod, G. Sposito, G. R. Bradford, L J. Lund, S. C. Nodvin,C. R. Thompson.1983. Environmental consequences <strong>of</strong> energy development on agricultural and naturalresources. Program <strong>of</strong> Excellence in Energy Research. Southern California EdisonCompany.21. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L, W. A. Jury, L H. Stolzy, G. Sposito, G. R. Bradford, S. Mattigod, L. J. Lund,S. C. Nodvin, C. R. Thompson, and D. Olszyk.1984. Environmental consequences <strong>of</strong> energy development on agricultural andnatural resources. Program <strong>of</strong> Excellence in Energy Research, Southern CaliforniaEdison Company, 120 p.22. <strong>Page</strong>, A. L., W. A. Jury, L H. Stolzy, G. Sposito, M. EI-Amamy, G. R. Bradford, L. J.Lund, S. C. Nodvin, D. Olszyk, and A. Bytnerowicz.1985. Environmental consequences <strong>of</strong> energy development on agricultural and naturalresources. Program <strong>of</strong> Excellence in Energy Research, Southern California EdisonCompany, 250 p.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 3923. Taylor, O. Clifton, Paul R. Miller, <strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong> and Lanny J. Lund.1986. Effects <strong>of</strong> ozone and sulfur dioxide mixtures on forest vegetation <strong>of</strong> thesouther Sierra Nevada. Final Report, California Air Resources Board, ARB Contract#AO-135-33, Sacramento, CA24. <strong>Page</strong>, A L., M. M. EI-Amamy, and R. A Khattak.1987. Effect <strong>of</strong> on-site disposal <strong>of</strong> residues from coal combustion, blowdown water,and other waste streams on groundwater quality: A case study at the MohaveGenerating Station. Final report submitted to Southern California Edison Company.Dept. <strong>of</strong> Soil & Environmental Sciences, University <strong>of</strong> California, Riverside, CA 92521.25. <strong>Page</strong>, A L., R. A Khattak, and G. R. Bradford.1988. Nitrate-nitrogen in deep pr<strong>of</strong>iles <strong>of</strong> desert soils: 1. A case study at the MohaveGenerating Station site. Southern California Edison Company, R&D Series 88-RD-1.26. Marrett, David and A L. <strong>Page</strong>.1989. Nitrate in deep soil cores from the eastern Mojave desert. Progress reportsubmitted to Southern California Edison Company, Rosemead, CA July, 1989.27. <strong>Page</strong>, A L., Robert Graham, and G. R. Bradford.1988. Background levels <strong>of</strong> trace elements in soils <strong>of</strong> southern California. Researchproposal submitted to Southern California Edison Company, Rosemead, CADecember.28. <strong>Page</strong>, A Land R. A Khattak.1988. Effect <strong>of</strong> competitive interactions <strong>of</strong> As, Mo and Se under CI- and S04-salinity on crop yield and bioavailability. In: K K. Tanji (ed.). 1987-88 TechnicalProgress Report, U.S. Salinity/Drainage Task Force, Div. Agric. and Natural Resources,University <strong>of</strong> California, Riverside.29. Logan, T. J. and A L <strong>Page</strong> (eds.).1989. Peer review -- Standards for the disposal <strong>of</strong> sewage sludge. Cooperative StateResearch Service Technical Committee, W-170 Report, Submitted to U.S.Environmental Protection Agency. 122 pp.30. Chang, AC., A L. <strong>Page</strong>, and T. Asano.1993. Developing Human Health-Related Chemical Guidelines for ReclaimedWastewater and Sewage Sludge Applications in Agriculture. World Health Organization,Geneva, Switzerland. 113 pp. NR.31. Chang, A C., A L. <strong>Page</strong>, and T. Asano.1995. Developing Human Health-related Chemical Guidelines for ReclaimedWastewater and Sewage Sludge Applications in Agriculture. WHO/EOS/95.20, WorldHealth Organization, Geneva, 1995. (submitted in 1993 and formally published by WHOin 1994).32. Chang, AC., D. E. Crowley, and A L. <strong>Page</strong>, and M.R. Matsumoto.2002. Assessing Bioavailability <strong>of</strong> Metals in Biosolid-treated Soils: Root Exudates andTheir Effects on Solubility <strong>of</strong> Metals. Final Report Submitted to Water EnvironmentalResearch Foundation, Alexandria, VA 158pp.

<strong>Albert</strong> L. <strong>Page</strong>Curriculum Vitae, <strong>Page</strong> 4033. Chang, AC., G. Pan, A L. <strong>Page</strong>, and T. Asano.2002. Developing Human Health-related Chemical Guidelines for ReclaimedWastewater and Sewage Sludge Applications in Agriculture. Position Paper prepared forCommunity Water Supply and <strong>Sanitation</strong> Unit, Division <strong>of</strong> Environmental Health, WorldHealth Organization. 94 pp.COMPUTERPROGRAM1. Chen, W., X. Wu, AC. Chang, A. L. <strong>Page</strong>, and B. Bar-Yosef.2002. Generalized Trace Element Mass Balance Model for Agricultural Soils-Arsenic.Department <strong>of</strong> Environmental Sciences, University <strong>of</strong> California, Riverside, CA


1Exhibit 2234567891011121314151617181920212223Documents Reviewed and Relied on for this <strong>Declaration</strong>1. Appraisal Report <strong>of</strong> Green Acres Farm, AGT Appraisal Company (2004).2. Achieving Exceptional Quality Biosolids, City <strong>of</strong> Los Angeles, Department <strong>of</strong> Public Works,<strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> Engineering and <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sanitation</strong> (2003).3. Biosolids Program -- Table <strong>of</strong> Sampling and Testing Requirements Overview Under FederalPart 503 EPA Regulations and Kern County Requirements, City <strong>of</strong> Los Angeles <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Sanitation</strong>.4. Green Acres Farm Biosolids Pre-Application Report, Post-Application Report, MonthlyActivity Report, Quarterly Analysis for Class A Pathogen Levels, and Annual Report(samples), Responsible Biosolids Management (RBM), as enclosures to 1990-2003Monitoring for the Protection <strong>of</strong> Groundwater Quality at 1-5 and Hwy 119: Beneficial ReuseSite (2003).5. Green Acres Annual Reports, RBM, including Summary Report: Land Application <strong>of</strong>Biosolids, Summary Field Reports, and Cumulative Pollutant Summary (2001-2005, 2009).6. Monthly Activity Reports, RBM (January-December 2001, January through October 2010),and Quarterly Reports (on metals, PCB, dioxin, and pathogen testing) and various periodicsampling reports, Zalco Laboratories (and subcontractor laboratories) (November 2005-April2006, January 2010-0ctober 2010).7. Annual Reportfor Assessment <strong>of</strong>Biosolidsfor Hyperion and Terminal Island TreatmentPlants, City <strong>of</strong> Los Angeles (2001-2005, 2009).8. Monthly Progress Report: Biosolids Program Management, City <strong>of</strong> Los Angeles (March2006, September 2010).9. Application <strong>of</strong>Biosolids Site Maintenance and Management Plan, RBM (April 2006).10. Report: Groundwater Conditions in the Vicinity <strong>of</strong> Bakersfield Wastewater Treatment PlantNo.3 - Tenneco Extension, prepared for City <strong>of</strong> Bakersfield (October 1986).11. Bio-accumulation Study for Fields 5-1 and 16-4, Order 94-286.12. Various soil chemistry data at Green Acres Farm, CH2M Hill (2006).242526272810DECLARATION OF PROFESSOR ALBERT L. PAGE, PH.D.

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