TSS Prospectus - The Southport School

TSS Prospectus - The Southport School TSS Prospectus - The Southport School

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ourcadetprogramThe development of leadership skills iscentral to our education philosophy. That’swhy we are one of the few schools inAustralia to offer the Tri-Cadet Programof Army, Navy and Air Force. Compulsoryfor Year 9 and 10 students, the Programprovides the opportunity for your sonto continue his involvement throughto graduation and instils our boys withexceptional leadership training. Manygraduates of our Cadet Program have goneon to build successful careers within theAustralian Defence Force while othersare leaders in commerce, law, agriculture,public service and medicine.o u r c o m m u n i t ys e r v i c e p r o g r a mAs part of our Christian education, we placegreat emphasis on our students’ effortsto provide valuable community service.Each year, students participate in theCommunity Service Program, becominginvolved with a number of importantorganisations such as Queensland GuideDogs, The Salvation Army and numerouslocal and rural groups.o u r r o u n d s q u a r ei n v o lv e m e n tFormed in 1966, Round Square is anorganisation of schools around the worldcommitted to education through service,conservation, adventure, internationalunderstanding, democracy and leadership.Through Round Square, our students havethe opportunity to travel to developingcountries during school holidays in orderto assist with critical community aidprograms. In addition, we also arrangestudent exchanges with other memberschools of Round Square around the world.My four years in Thorold House left me with some very clear perceptions of life.Great results flow from good planning, preparation and excellent execution. Teamleadership is demanding and a leader will be very well supported by recognisingthat all deserve respect. TSS is a team.”Major General AJ Fittock (TSS Old Boy, 1954 – 1957).

o l d s o u t h p o r t o n i a n s ’a s s o c i at i o n (o s a )Founded in 1907, every student whograduates from The Southport Schoolbecomes a life-long member of the OSA.The OSA is designed to provide graduateswith a network of contacts they can tap intoas they move through their lives. A numberof reunions and functions are coordinatedthroughout the year.o u r s i s t e r s c h o o l –s t h i l d a’s s c h o o lSocial interaction between boys and girlsis an essential part of building a wellroundedand socially confident student.Our established and ongoing relationshipwith St Hilda’s, enables students fromboth schools at the Senior School level toparticipate in social and sporting programsthroughout the school year.ourstudentsenjoy thebenefits

o l d s o u t h p o r t o n i a n s ’a s s o c i at i o n (o s a )Founded in 1907, every student whograduates from <strong>The</strong> <strong>Southport</strong> <strong>School</strong>becomes a life-long member of the OSA.<strong>The</strong> OSA is designed to provide graduateswith a network of contacts they can tap intoas they move through their lives. A numberof reunions and functions are coordinatedthroughout the year.o u r s i s t e r s c h o o l –s t h i l d a’s s c h o o lSocial interaction between boys and girlsis an essential part of building a wellroundedand socially confident student.Our established and ongoing relationshipwith St Hilda’s, enables students fromboth schools at the Senior <strong>School</strong> level toparticipate in social and sporting programsthroughout the school year.ourstudentsenjoy thebenefits

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