TSS Prospectus - The Southport School

TSS Prospectus - The Southport School TSS Prospectus - The Southport School

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ourboardinghousesWe are one of Australia’s leading boardingschools with a long history of servingcountry families. Five modern boardingHouses provide first-class accommodation,each with a resident Housemaster, AssistantHousemaster and Matron, plus four adultboarding supervisors.Boarding is available from Year 5 to Year12, with the option of full, weekly oroccasional boarding.Private study space for all students andprivate rooms for all Year 11 and 12boarding students provide independenceand privacy.Boarders in Years 8 to 10 undertakesupervised prep (homework) in classroomseach night so they can be assisted bya number of our Mathematics andHumanities teachers. This supports andincreases the academic achievement of ourboarders.o u r i n t e r n at i o n a ls t u d e n t sFor more than 50 years, internationalstudents have been enriching the culturalfabric of our School. We welcome thediversity they bring and respect theircultural differences. In a global economy,our parents recognise the advantages oftheir sons understanding people fromdifferent cultures and nations.o u r h e a lt h a n d f i t n e s sWe are focused on ensuring students areactively involved in sports and maintaina healthy and balanced diet. We know thata fit and healthy boy is a better student,with increased memory, energy andconcentration. We have an active BoardingCatering Committee, involving studentswho meet each term to discuss the menu.We maintain healthy options in the SchoolTuckshop, and make sport a key part ofour curriculum.

our pastoralcare andchristianvaluesThe Southport School is an Anglicanschool owned by the Diocese of Brisbaneand governed by the Council of TheSouthport School. We welcome studentsfrom all denominations and cultures. Astrong and established tradition of pastoralcare provides your son with access to afull-time Chaplain, moral guidance andChristian leadership. Religious educationis included in the School’s Prep and Seniorprogram.Reflecting our Christian values, TSSpromotes positive and productiverelationships, implements the NationalSafe Schools Framework and upholds ouranti-bullying policy.The vertical House system in both thePreparatory and Secondary School iscentral to pastoral care at TSS. The boysform a strong sense of affiliation to theirHouse. The Housemaster is the first pointof contact for parents as the Housemasterbuilds knowledge of each boy and hisfamily.o u r t e a c h e r sThe Southport School attracts the finesteducational professionals. We providecontinuous training and professionaldevelopment to keep our teachers at thetop of their profession.Consistently, our biennial parent surveysplace our ‘Teachers’ as one of the top two‘Best Aspects of TSS’.

our pastoralcare andchristianvalues<strong>The</strong> <strong>Southport</strong> <strong>School</strong> is an Anglicanschool owned by the Diocese of Brisbaneand governed by the Council of <strong>The</strong><strong>Southport</strong> <strong>School</strong>. We welcome studentsfrom all denominations and cultures. Astrong and established tradition of pastoralcare provides your son with access to afull-time Chaplain, moral guidance andChristian leadership. Religious educationis included in the <strong>School</strong>’s Prep and Seniorprogram.Reflecting our Christian values, <strong>TSS</strong>promotes positive and productiverelationships, implements the NationalSafe <strong>School</strong>s Framework and upholds ouranti-bullying policy.<strong>The</strong> vertical House system in both thePreparatory and Secondary <strong>School</strong> iscentral to pastoral care at <strong>TSS</strong>. <strong>The</strong> boysform a strong sense of affiliation to theirHouse. <strong>The</strong> Housemaster is the first pointof contact for parents as the Housemasterbuilds knowledge of each boy and hisfamily.o u r t e a c h e r s<strong>The</strong> <strong>Southport</strong> <strong>School</strong> attracts the finesteducational professionals. We providecontinuous training and professionaldevelopment to keep our teachers at thetop of their profession.Consistently, our biennial parent surveysplace our ‘Teachers’ as one of the top two‘Best Aspects of <strong>TSS</strong>’.

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