TSS Prospectus - The Southport School

TSS Prospectus - The Southport School

TSS Prospectus - The Southport School


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every child hasleadership abilityand leadershippotential ...Our boys love their <strong>School</strong>. <strong>The</strong>yare proud to belong and develop astrong sense of community.missionTo challenge each boy to achieve excellencein a Christian community where educationembraces the whole of life.vision<strong>The</strong> <strong>Southport</strong> <strong>School</strong> will be acknowledgedas a world-class day and boarding school forboys, a balanced and holistic Christian learningcommunity in the Anglican tradition, workingwith families to nurture outstanding youngmen who are confident, happy and responsible,with highly developed skills in the areas ofleadership, thinking, creativity and emotionalintelligence.

Dear Prospective Parents and Boys,Our famous landmark <strong>TSS</strong> Clocktowersymbolises more than 100 years ofachievements, history, traditions, AnglicanChristian values and Great Public <strong>School</strong>s’Association of Queensland (GPS)competition and friendship during schooland beyond.My personal mission at <strong>TSS</strong> is to developa world-class Christian learningcommunity for boys. For many years Ihave believed that building a communitywhere children and adults feel a sense ofbelonging, and of being valued and caredfor, is the greatest need of all people andthe greatest opportunity we can providefor our young men. I believe that youngpeople primarily need that sense ofbelonging and to know there are clearmoral and behavioural parameters, definedby Christian values, within which to liveand learn.In addition to feeling intuitively that thisis the right thing to do, research is showingthat young people who feel a sense ofbelonging to their school develop betterintellectually, achieve superior marks,develop greater social confidence, andbecome more resilient to the ups anddowns we all experience throughout life.I believe all of us have leadership abilitiesand leadership potential. <strong>School</strong>s such as<strong>TSS</strong> must take responsibility for makingsure our young people can develop intoacademically and emotionally intelligent,self-secure, trusting and caring leaders;leaders who have strength of character andcompassion for others.At <strong>TSS</strong>, all our boys are Learning to Leadin order to better serve their families as wellas local and global communities.I thank you for your interest in <strong>TSS</strong>and encourage you to reflect upon theadvantages of a specialised boys’ educationat this great <strong>School</strong>. We would welcomethe opportunity to work with youin nurturing your son to become anoutstanding young man.Best wishes,Greg WainHeadmasterDip Teach (Mathematics), B Ed (Psychology),MBA (HR Management),M Ed Admin, MACEL, FAIMIt is one of the reasons we focus on pastoralcare and provide such a wide range ofactivities and facilities.Young people also need to be provided withan engaging and challenging curriculum,relevant to their needs now and in thefuture, which is presented by teacherswho value children and understand theirpersonalities and learning styles.Our top strategic priority has been toStrengthen Our Academic Ethos. Certainlyour students’ achievements and academicresults in recent years attest to the successwe have attained in this crucial aspectof education.Research on the human brain in recentyears is showing clearly that boys’ andgirls’ brains develop differently, and henceboys and girls think and learn differently.As a boys’ school, we have alwaysunderstood what works best for boys, andthe latest research is guiding our furtherimprovements in the teaching and learningof our boys.welcometo ourschoolIn a secure and trusting environmentsuch as <strong>TSS</strong>, people are more prepared tobe themselves, without the need to puton masks, and are more prepared to trynew things without fear of ridicule. <strong>The</strong>yknow they will be supported whatever theoutcome.

ourhistoryEstablished in 1901 by <strong>The</strong> Right ReverendHorace Henry Dixon, a man of strongfaith and Christian values, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Southport</strong><strong>School</strong> has a history rich with success.History is there to be remembered, andour St Alban’s Chapel is the embodimentof this belief. Unveiled in 1921, the Chapelwas built in memory of the Old Boys wholost their lives bravely serving their countryin World War I.With the introduction of our iconicClocktower in 1926, the face of <strong>The</strong><strong>Southport</strong> <strong>School</strong> was changed forever.Beautifully constructed, the buildingdoubled as a hospital during World WarII, earning a place in the hearts of many.Something it continues to do today.We’ve been making a positive difference tothe lives of young men for over a century.We are supported by a solid network ofpast scholars. Our Old Boys continue tolend their support, skills and professionalsuccess to the <strong>School</strong>.<strong>TSS</strong> is a member of the GPS Association ofQueensland, which officially commencedin 1918 and was established to coordinatethe sporting programs of the nine GreatPublic <strong>School</strong>s.

<strong>The</strong> stunning blend of grand heritagebuildings and modern facilities foundthroughout our campus reflects both the<strong>School</strong>’s historical richness, as well as ourinvestment in the future of our students.Sitting above the banks of the picturesqueNerang River on the Gold Coast, the<strong>School</strong> campus is situated on 51.7 hectaresof some of the region’s most beautifullandscapes.o u r facilitiesWe offer your child every opportunity toexcel. No matter what academic, cultural,artistic or sporting interests he wishes topursue, we make sure he has access to awide range of opportunities and world-classequipment.<strong>The</strong> <strong>School</strong> provides:• World-class Preparatory Year Centre• Specialist Lego and Robotics Programs• IT facilities• Nationally renowned Boys’Reading Program and Libraries• 220-seat collegiate Chapel• Modern, purpose builtboarding Houses• 600-seat Annand Dramaand Music <strong>The</strong>atre• State-of-the-art Science Centre• Nine ovals and extensive sportingfacilities (including the CentenarySports Centre with weights room,basketball courts and gymnastics area)• Tennis and swimming pool complex(including a heated 12-lane Olympicsize swimming pool and 25m pool)• Strength and conditioning centre• 24-hour Health Centre• Commercial kitchens• Hall of Fame archival displayourcampus

ourcurriculumtailoredfor boysCurrent brain research shows that boyslearn differently from girls. That’s why ourcurriculum is developed to educate boys ina way that best suits their needs. Throughlow student-to-staff ratios, we provide ourboys with greater individual attention. Ourresearch demonstrates that boys performbetter academically when they are involvedin cultural and sporting activities. As aresult, they become more confident anddevelop time management andorganisational skills.o u r p r e pa r at o r ys c h o o l(Prep Year to Year 7)Key educational features ofthe Preparatory <strong>School</strong> include:• English, Mathematics, Scienceand Studies of Society andthe Environment• Lego Robotics Program• Boys’ Reading Program• Learning supported by integratedcomputer technology• Year 7 dual-campus transitionprogram to Year 8• Extensive sporting activities• Specialist library dedicated to theneeds of our younger students• LOTE (Language Other ThanEnglish) – Chinese and French• Music Program• Gifted & Talented Program• Differentiated classes in Mathematics& English for high achieving studentso u r s e n i o r s c h o o l(Year 8 to Year 12)Key educational features ofthe Senior <strong>School</strong> include:• Leadership development• Emotional intelligence• Thinking and creativity skills• Boys’ Reading Program• Gifted & Talented Program for highability students• Honours Program for high achievingstudents• Vocational Education and Training(for students seeking employmentor pursuing traineeships orapprenticeships)• LOTE (Language Other Than English)– Chinese, French and Japanese• Differentiated classes for high achievingstudents• Access to university subjects• Specialist library centre forYear 8 to Year 12We schoolboys were transported into an environment blessed withstature and beauty, rich in tradition, superb in location, with a great pastand destined for a similarly great future. I can say with certainty that <strong>TSS</strong>has always provided the wherewithal for the production of fine (anddeeply grateful) Australians.”Professor AGR Sheil 1956 Rhodes Scholar and Kidney and LiverTransplant Pioneer (<strong>TSS</strong> Old Boy, 1947 – 1950).

ourco-curricularactivitiesConfidence, teamwork, communicationand a competitive spirit are essential skillsfor students as they progress to universityand the workforce. Our co-curricularactivities offer your child the opportunityto develop these skills with others in a funand pro-active environment.<strong>The</strong> <strong>School</strong> has two outdoor facilities atHidden Creek, a rural mountain facility,and Dux at South Stradbroke Island.Our activities and student clubs include:• Debating• Chess• Speech Variety Club• Outdoor Education• Duke of Edinburgh Youth AwardScheme• Round Square Interstate andInternational Student Exchangeso u r a r t s a n d c u lt u r a lp r o g r a mOur Arts and Cultural Program isan integral and important part of ourcurriculum. Artistic expression throughmusic, art, drama and multi-media is animportant part of self-development andexpression.

Prep was highly focused on achieving results both academically and on thesporting field. All participated and flourished in this environment. From there toThorold House in the Senior <strong>School</strong>, leadership was demonstrated and taught,wider interests such as art and music encouraged, and as always, the sportingfields beckoned. Friendships formed and lessons learned were invaluablethroughout my personal and business life. <strong>The</strong> tradition continues.”Gordon Douglas Founding Director of PRD Realty(<strong>TSS</strong> Old Boy, 1959 – 1963).

ourboardinghousesWe are one of Australia’s leading boardingschools with a long history of servingcountry families. Five modern boardingHouses provide first-class accommodation,each with a resident Housemaster, AssistantHousemaster and Matron, plus four adultboarding supervisors.Boarding is available from Year 5 to Year12, with the option of full, weekly oroccasional boarding.Private study space for all students andprivate rooms for all Year 11 and 12boarding students provide independenceand privacy.Boarders in Years 8 to 10 undertakesupervised prep (homework) in classroomseach night so they can be assisted bya number of our Mathematics andHumanities teachers. This supports andincreases the academic achievement of ourboarders.o u r i n t e r n at i o n a ls t u d e n t sFor more than 50 years, internationalstudents have been enriching the culturalfabric of our <strong>School</strong>. We welcome thediversity they bring and respect theircultural differences. In a global economy,our parents recognise the advantages oftheir sons understanding people fromdifferent cultures and nations.o u r h e a lt h a n d f i t n e s sWe are focused on ensuring students areactively involved in sports and maintaina healthy and balanced diet. We know thata fit and healthy boy is a better student,with increased memory, energy andconcentration. We have an active BoardingCatering Committee, involving studentswho meet each term to discuss the menu.We maintain healthy options in the <strong>School</strong>Tuckshop, and make sport a key part ofour curriculum.

our pastoralcare andchristianvalues<strong>The</strong> <strong>Southport</strong> <strong>School</strong> is an Anglicanschool owned by the Diocese of Brisbaneand governed by the Council of <strong>The</strong><strong>Southport</strong> <strong>School</strong>. We welcome studentsfrom all denominations and cultures. Astrong and established tradition of pastoralcare provides your son with access to afull-time Chaplain, moral guidance andChristian leadership. Religious educationis included in the <strong>School</strong>’s Prep and Seniorprogram.Reflecting our Christian values, <strong>TSS</strong>promotes positive and productiverelationships, implements the NationalSafe <strong>School</strong>s Framework and upholds ouranti-bullying policy.<strong>The</strong> vertical House system in both thePreparatory and Secondary <strong>School</strong> iscentral to pastoral care at <strong>TSS</strong>. <strong>The</strong> boysform a strong sense of affiliation to theirHouse. <strong>The</strong> Housemaster is the first pointof contact for parents as the Housemasterbuilds knowledge of each boy and hisfamily.o u r t e a c h e r s<strong>The</strong> <strong>Southport</strong> <strong>School</strong> attracts the finesteducational professionals. We providecontinuous training and professionaldevelopment to keep our teachers at thetop of their profession.Consistently, our biennial parent surveysplace our ‘Teachers’ as one of the top two‘Best Aspects of <strong>TSS</strong>’.

ourcadetprogram<strong>The</strong> development of leadership skills iscentral to our education philosophy. That’swhy we are one of the few schools inAustralia to offer the Tri-Cadet Programof Army, Navy and Air Force. Compulsoryfor Year 9 and 10 students, the Programprovides the opportunity for your sonto continue his involvement throughto graduation and instils our boys withexceptional leadership training. Manygraduates of our Cadet Program have goneon to build successful careers within theAustralian Defence Force while othersare leaders in commerce, law, agriculture,public service and medicine.o u r c o m m u n i t ys e r v i c e p r o g r a mAs part of our Christian education, we placegreat emphasis on our students’ effortsto provide valuable community service.Each year, students participate in theCommunity Service Program, becominginvolved with a number of importantorganisations such as Queensland GuideDogs, <strong>The</strong> Salvation Army and numerouslocal and rural groups.o u r r o u n d s q u a r ei n v o lv e m e n tFormed in 1966, Round Square is anorganisation of schools around the worldcommitted to education through service,conservation, adventure, internationalunderstanding, democracy and leadership.Through Round Square, our students havethe opportunity to travel to developingcountries during school holidays in orderto assist with critical community aidprograms. In addition, we also arrangestudent exchanges with other memberschools of Round Square around the world.My four years in Thorold House left me with some very clear perceptions of life.Great results flow from good planning, preparation and excellent execution. Teamleadership is demanding and a leader will be very well supported by recognisingthat all deserve respect. <strong>TSS</strong> is a team.”Major General AJ Fittock (<strong>TSS</strong> Old Boy, 1954 – 1957).

o l d s o u t h p o r t o n i a n s ’a s s o c i at i o n (o s a )Founded in 1907, every student whograduates from <strong>The</strong> <strong>Southport</strong> <strong>School</strong>becomes a life-long member of the OSA.<strong>The</strong> OSA is designed to provide graduateswith a network of contacts they can tap intoas they move through their lives. A numberof reunions and functions are coordinatedthroughout the year.o u r s i s t e r s c h o o l –s t h i l d a’s s c h o o lSocial interaction between boys and girlsis an essential part of building a wellroundedand socially confident student.Our established and ongoing relationshipwith St Hilda’s, enables students fromboth schools at the Senior <strong>School</strong> level toparticipate in social and sporting programsthroughout the school year.ourstudentsenjoy thebenefits

ourfamiliesFamilies are a vital part of our <strong>School</strong>community. Through the biennialparent survey, the Parents and FriendsAssociation, and other forums, parents’ideas and advice have been helpingto shape who we are from the verybeginning. We welcome your inputand encourage your involvement inthe <strong>School</strong> and your son’s education.By developing open communicationwith all parents, we create a strongerand more dynamic educationalenvironment and sense of community.o u r f a m i lyg e n e r at i o n sMany families have educatedtheir boys at <strong>The</strong> <strong>Southport</strong> <strong>School</strong> forgenerations. In fact, we are proud tobe educating a number of students thatrepresent the third or fourth generationof their families attending <strong>TSS</strong>.Sending your son to <strong>TSS</strong> will be a life decision, it will not be just a decision for his classroom education. <strong>The</strong> <strong>School</strong> willbecome part of his persona as it offers so much more than just a Senior Certificate. I treasured my time at <strong>TSS</strong> and havewatched as my sons have developed into fine young men under a system that prepares them for the challenges aheadafter school.”Greg Rix Current Parent (<strong>TSS</strong> Old Boy, 1972 – 1977).

Founded in 1901, <strong>TSS</strong> is an Anglican Day and Boarding <strong>School</strong> for Boys from Prep Year to Year 12with boarding available from Year 5.Winchester Street, <strong>Southport</strong>, Queensland, Australia, 4215Telephone: +61 1300 877 269 Facsimile: +61 7 5591 2124 Email: admissions@tss.qld.edu.au<strong>The</strong> Corporation of the Synod of the Diocese of Brisbane trading as <strong>The</strong> <strong>Southport</strong> <strong>School</strong>. CRICOS Provider No. 00523Fwww.tss.qld.edu.au

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