12 Months Financial Report - Turkish Airlines

12 Months Financial Report - Turkish Airlines

12 Months Financial Report - Turkish Airlines


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TÜRK HAVA YOLLARI ANONİM ORTAKLIĞINOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER, 200931 OTHER OPERATING INCOME / EXPENSESOther operating income consists of the following:1 January- 1 1 January-31 December 2009 31 December 2008Reimbursment of maintenance fee fromleasing companies 16.559.675 -Provision released 16.876.352 4.903.880Banks protocol revenue 4.730.845 3.510.000Discounts received from maintenace spareparts suppliers 9.060.636 8.174.830Insurance, indemnities, penalties income 24.005.243 6.268.389Purchase discount 5.857.946 6.423.388Rent income 1.753.645 979.550Fixed assets sale income 3.333.754 179.102Income from free of charge materials 911.946 6.302.617Other operating income 8.046.062 19.948.77291.136.104 56.690.5281 January- 1 1 January-31 December 2009 31 December 2008Real increase in provisions for impairmentof fixed assets (Note 18) 154.263.062 176.836.702Provisisons expense 24.037.694 23.492.206Expense due to aircraft crash 5.503.191 -Expense due to passengers without visa 4.796.605 1.973.061Other operating expense 10.538.930 7.818.494199.139.482 210.<strong>12</strong>0.46332 FINANCIAL INCOMEFinance income consists of the following1 January- 1 January-31 December 2009 31 December 2008Decrease in the provisions for impairment offixed assets due to changes in exchange rate(Note 18)- 1.0<strong>12</strong>.109.405Interest income 159.789.136 <strong>12</strong>3.<strong>12</strong>0.093Gain due to changes in the fair value ofderivative instrumentsRediscount interest income9.016.5344.134.460-4.692.2<strong>12</strong>Foreign exhange rate income - 287.925.459Dividends income 42.014 35.034172.982.144 1.427.882.20353

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