12 Months Financial Report - Turkish Airlines

12 Months Financial Report - Turkish Airlines

12 Months Financial Report - Turkish Airlines


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TÜRK HAVA YOLLARI ANONİM ORTAKLIĞINOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER, 20096 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS31 December 2009 31 December 2008Cash 540.180 356.049Cheques received 769 244.458Banks – Time deposits 974.329.053 365.786.513Banks – Demand Deposits 100.193.848 <strong>12</strong>2.908.559Other liquid assets 21.048.019 15.610.1421.096.111.869 504.905.721Time Deposits:Amount Currency Opening Date Interest Rate Maturity 31 December 200921.05.2009 04.01.2010%5,85-%13,7238.174.400 TL 31.<strong>12</strong>.2009 22.02.2010 238.174.40020.07.2009 18.01.2010%1,75-%4,5087.427.313 EUR 31.<strong>12</strong>.2009 20.01.2010 188.869.22423.01.2009 04.01.2010%0,20-%6,00363.475.745 USD 31.<strong>12</strong>.2009 25.02.2010 547.285.429974.329.053Amount Currency Opening Date Interest Rate Maturity 31 December 200817.11.2008 %13,50- 02.01.200990.700.000 TL 31.<strong>12</strong>.2008 %23,50 22.01.200990.700.00023.050.000 EUR 07.11.2008 %7,76 05.02.200949.345.44024.10.2008 02.01.2009149.270.034 USD 31.<strong>12</strong>.2008 %2,00-%7,50 22.01.2009 225.741.073365.786.5137 FINANCIAL ASSETSShort-term financial assets are as follows:31 December 2009 31 December 2008Time deposits with maturity more than 3 months 175.000.000 1.403.033.703Derivative instruments at fair values (Note 39) 47.298.370 39.599.159222.298.370 1.442.632.862Time deposits with maturity of more than 3 months:Amount Currency Opening Date Interest Rate Maturity 31 December 200920.07.2009 11,55% 20.07.2010175.000.000 TL 20.07.2009 <strong>12</strong>,50% 20.07.2010 175.000.000175.000.00029

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