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2012 at a GlanceMay 19Türk Telekom was again among thehighest Corporate TaxpayersTürk Telekom retained its top position among the highestcorporate taxpayers in 2011. Ranking second in the list of“Highest Corporate Tax Payers” with its tax payment ofover TL 600 million, Türk Telekom again ranked first inthe communications sector.November 22Signature ceremony organized forFATİH ProjectTürk Telekom won the tender install local area networks,active devices and passive members in 2,236 schoolswithin Turkey’s West Region, referred to as 1 st Region and2 nd Regions or Central Anatolian and surrounding area,within the scope of FATİH Project. Türk Telekom willprovide uninterrupted service to the schools within thisregion for three years.October 17January 30Turk Telekom launched the fiberera in 81 citiesTürk Telekom, thanks to its 170 years of experience, setup a 150,600 km-long fiber infrastructure connecting allthe provinces in Turkey. Providing Turkey with muchdeservedmodern communications infrastructure andfiber technology, Türk Telekom offers FTTH (fiber to thehome) and FTTB (fiber to the building) services to allcustomers and Internet service providers. Türk Telekomsimultaneously launched its fiber services in 81 provinces.May 15Türk Telekom was recognizedas one of two companies whichare Turkey’s Top Social SecurityPremium Paying EmployersRetaining its top position among Turkey’s highest socialsecurity premium-paying employers in both 2009 and2010, Türk Telekom was again among the top companiesin 2011. Continuing its investments without pause andbeing among the top employers in Turkey with over24,000 employees, Türk Telekom became one of the twocompanies in the list of “Top Social Security PremiumPaying Employers in 2011” prepared by Social SecurityInstitution. Also the Company ranked first in its sector.May 315,500 employees competed in theOlympic Games organized by TürkTelekom for its employeesCreating value with its customer-oriented and innovativeservices, Türk Telekom organized its Fourth OlympicGames, bringing together 5,500 employees working indifferent branches in 81 provinces throughout Turkey.November 30Türk Telekom’s “BULUTT” left itsmark in CeBITThe top information, technology and communicationsplatform of Eurasia, CeBIT Eurasia, assembled theinformation world under the same roof once again at theCeBIT Synergy Summit. Within the scope of the summit,main sponsor Türk Telekom organized the Türk TelekomBULUTT Summit focused on cloud computing. In BULUTTand Türk Telekom-themed sessions, Türk Telekom and itsbusiness partners brought cloud technology, one of thesignificant investments of the era, to the table.Türk Telekom hosted Europe’sprestigious technology platformTürk Telekom hosted the Networked & ElectronicMedia (NEM) Summit, Europe’s prestigious technologyplatform organized by NEM Initiative with more than600 company members and. Providing a cooperationplatform for universities and industrial organizations,the Fifth NEM Summit was organized in Istanbul withthe participation of more than 300 researchers afterpreviously having been organized in France, Spain andItaly.September 4Passing of the Flag at TürkTelekomTo achieve a more efficient sustainable growth, TürkTelekom, the leading communication and convergenceTechnologies Company of Turkey, announced changesto senior management. K. Gökhan Bozkurt, who workedin various positions in Türk Telekom since 2006 and whoassumed the Türk Telekom CEO position in August 2010,was appointed as Special Advisor to the Chairman ofBoard as of September 4, 2012. Tahsin Yılmaz, who ledTTNET as CEO since 2008, was appointed as CEO of TürkTelekom as of September 4, 2012.12TÜRK TELEKOM ANNUAL REPORT 2012

Main PerformanceIndicatorsConsolidated Sales Revenue (TL Million)10,56843%10,85239%20% 23%24% 24%11,94134%24%26%12,70630%24%27%13% 14% 15% 18%2009 2010 2011 2012Fixed VoiceFixed BroadbandMobileOtherTürk Telekom Group’s consolidated revenues in 2012reached a record TL 12.7 billion, a 6.4% increasecompared to the previous record achieved in 2011. Themain drivers of revenue growth were Mobile with TL 395million, Broadband with TL 144 million, Corporate DataService with TL 118 million, and IFRIC 121 revenues with TL432 million.(1) Based on International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee,Interpretation 12Consolidated Sales Expenses (TL Million)6,212+%76,0176,8647,6102009 2010 2011 2012Net sales expenses in 2012 reached TL 7.6 billion, an 11%increase compared to 2011. The main drivers of TL 746million increase in net sales expenses were the IFRIC 121expenses (TL 382 million) and domestic interconnectionexpenses (TL 221 million).(1) Based on International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee,Interpretation 12Consolidated EBITDA (TL Million) & Consolidated EBITDA Margin (%)4,3564,8355,07741% 45% 43% 40%2009 2010 2011 2012Consolidated Operating Profit (TL Million) & Margin (%)2,7983,3113,50126% 31% 29% 27%5,0963,400In 2012, Türk Telekom’s Earnings before Interest Tax Depreciation andAmortization (EBITDA) reached TL 5.1 billion with the increase of TL 19 millionand 40% consolidated EBITDA margin realized. While EBITDA in fixed lineoperations decreased by 2% compared to the previous year, EBITDA marginwas realized as 48%. While EBITDA in mobile operations increased by 28%to TL 486 million compared to TL 380 million the previous year, and reachedfrom, mobile EBITDA margin was realized as 14% in 2012.The doubtful receivables provision update in Q4 2012 had a positive impact onmobile EBITDA margin which was realized at 21%. If this one-time occurrenceis excluded, then mobile margin was 17%.Türk Telekom Group’s operating profit was realized as TL 3.4 billion in 2012based on the limited growth in EBITDA and the increase in amortization anddepreciation expenses.Consolidated Summary Income Statement (TL Million)Türk Telekom Group (Million TL) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Change (%)2011-2012Sales Revenue 10,195 10,568 10,852 11,941 12,706 6.4%Net Operating Expenses excludingDepreciation and Amortization (5,788) (6,213) (6,017) (6,864) (7,610) 10.9%Earnings Before Interest TaxDepreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) 4,407 4,356 4,835 5,077 5,096 0.4%Depreciation and Amortization (1,632) (1,558) (1,524) (1,576) (1,696) 7.6%Operating Profit 2,775 2,798 3,311 3,501 3,400 (2.9%)Net Financial Income / (Expense) (673) (438) (184) (891) (33) (96.3%)Corporate Tax (502) (680) (799) (710) (773) 8.9%Net Profit for the Period(Before Minority Interest) 1,598 1,680 2,328 1,900 2,593 36.5%Net Profit for the Period(for the main shareholder) 1,723 1,860 2,451 2,069 2,637 27.5%2009 2010 2011 2012Consolidated Net Profit (TL Million) & Margin (%)1,860 2,4512,069 2,63718% 23% 17% 21%2009 2010 2011 2012Türk Telekom’s previous year net profit was TL 2.07 billion and net profit pershare was TL 0.5911. In 2012, Türk Telekom’s net profit was realized as TL 2.6billion and net profit per share realized as TL 0.7535.14TÜRK TELEKOM ANNUAL REPORT 2012

Main PerformanceIndicatorsConsolidated Sales Revenue (TL Million)10,56843%10,85239%20% 23%24% 24%11,94134%24%26%12,70630%24%27%13% 14% 15% 18%2009 2010 2011 2012Fixed VoiceFixed BroadbandMobileOtherTürk <strong>Telekom</strong> Group’s consolidated revenues in 2012reached a record TL 12.7 billion, a 6.4% increasecompared to the previous record achieved in 2011. Themain drivers of revenue growth were Mobile with TL 395million, Broadband with TL 144 million, Corporate DataService with TL 118 million, and IFRIC 121 revenues with TL432 million.(1) Based on International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee,Interpretation 12Consolidated Sales Expenses (TL Million)6,212+%76,0176,8647,6102009 2010 2011 2012Net sales expenses in 2012 reached TL 7.6 billion, an 11%increase compared to 2011. The main drivers of TL 746million increase in net sales expenses were the IFRIC 121expenses (TL 382 million) and domestic interconnectionexpenses (TL 221 million).(1) Based on International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee,Interpretation 12Consolidated EBITDA (TL Million) & Consolidated EBITDA Margin (%)4,3564,8355,07741% 45% 43% 40%2009 2010 2011 2012Consolidated Operating Profit (TL Million) & Margin (%)2,7983,3113,50126% 31% 29% 27%5,0963,400In 2012, Türk <strong>Telekom</strong>’s Earnings before Interest Tax Depreciation andAmortization (EBITDA) reached TL 5.1 billion with the increase of TL 19 millionand 40% consolidated EBITDA margin realized. While EBITDA in fixed lineoperations decreased by 2% compared to the previous year, EBITDA marginwas realized as 48%. While EBITDA in mobile operations increased by 28%to TL 486 million compared to TL 380 million the previous year, and reachedfrom, mobile EBITDA margin was realized as 14% in 2012.The doubtful receivables provision update in Q4 2012 had a positive impact onmobile EBITDA margin which was realized at 21%. If this one-time occurrenceis excluded, then mobile margin was 17%.Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> Group’s operating profit was realized as TL 3.4 billion in 2012based on the limited growth in EBITDA and the increase in amortization anddepreciation expenses.Consolidated Summary Income Statement (TL Million)Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> Group (Million TL) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Change (%)2011-2012Sales Revenue 10,195 10,568 10,852 11,941 12,706 6.4%Net Operating Expenses excludingDepreciation and Amortization (5,788) (6,213) (6,017) (6,864) (7,610) 10.9%Earnings Before Interest TaxDepreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) 4,407 4,356 4,835 5,077 5,096 0.4%Depreciation and Amortization (1,632) (1,558) (1,524) (1,576) (1,696) 7.6%Operating Profit 2,775 2,798 3,311 3,501 3,400 (2.9%)Net Financial Income / (Expense) (673) (438) (184) (891) (33) (96.3%)Corporate Tax (502) (680) (799) (710) (773) 8.9%Net Profit for the Period(Before Minority Interest) 1,598 1,680 2,328 1,900 2,593 36.5%Net Profit for the Period(for the main shareholder) 1,723 1,860 2,451 2,069 2,637 27.5%2009 2010 2011 2012Consolidated Net Profit (TL Million) & Margin (%)1,860 2,4512,069 2,63718% 23% 17% 21%2009 2010 2011 2012Türk <strong>Telekom</strong>’s previous year net profit was TL 2.07 billion and net profit pershare was TL 0.5911. In 2012, Türk <strong>Telekom</strong>’s net profit was realized as TL 2.6billion and net profit per share realized as TL 0.7535.14TÜRK TELEKOM ANNUAL REPORT 2012

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