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HistoryMarchIsbank Group Companies, owning 18.63% shares of Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> subsidiary, Avea,chose not to exercise their preemptive rights while Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> exercised itsunexercised rights as well as its own rights, resulting in Türk <strong>Telekom</strong>’s ownership inAvea increasing to 89.99% on March 30, 2012.JulyOn July 18, 2012, Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> was elected to the membership of the Board ofDirectors of Celtic+, the telecommunications and communication technologiescluster of EUREKA which is an international R&D cooperation program supportingprojects for developing products and processes that can be commercialized in ashort time period.SeptemberTahsin Yılmaz, who led TTNET as CEO since 2008, replaced K. Gökhan Bozkurt asCEO of Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> as of September 4, 2012.November• Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> won the initial stage infrastructure tenders of the first and secondregions of the Fatih Project made on November 22, 2012.TT&TİM İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. was founded onFebruary 19, 2004 through the merger of Türk<strong>Telekom</strong>’s GSM Operator, Aycell, and İŞ-TİM. OnOctober 15, 2004 the trade name “TT&TİM İletişimHizmetleri A.Ş” was changed to “Avea İletişimHizmetleri A.Ş.”.15% of Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> shares were offeredto the public on May 15, 2008 via listingon the Istanbul Stock Exchange.• On November 23, 2012, Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> signed a Euro 70 million R&D loan agreementwith European Investment Bank to be used in information and communicationtechnologies. Attaching importance to innovation and advanced informationtechnologies, Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> was the first company to take this loan.DecemberTurkey’s first <strong>Investor</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> Summit was held on December 11, 2012, with thepioneering role of Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> Capital Markets and <strong>Investor</strong> <strong>Relations</strong>. More than100 professionals from investor relations, brokerage houses and fund managementcompanies attended the event which was held in cooperation with Turkish IR Society(TÜYİD).1995 2004 2005 2006 2008 2010 2011 2012Türk <strong>Telekom</strong>ünikasyonA.Ş. was establishedon June 30, 1994.On April 25, 1995,by separating PTT’stelecommunicationand postal services,all personnel, assetsand liabilities relatedto telecommunicationservices of PTT weretransferred to theCompany which iswholly-owned by theRepublic of TurkeyPrime MinistryUndersecretariat ofTreasury (“Treasury”).Türk <strong>Telekom</strong>’sprivatization processwas completed onNovember 14, 2005and 55% of Türk<strong>Telekom</strong> shares weretransferred to OgerJoint Venture Group.• Türk <strong>Telekom</strong>subsidiary TTNETwas established onApril 26, 2006 andcommenced operationson May 14 by obtainingits Internet ServiceProvider License.• Acquiring 40.56%shares of İş-TİMfor US$500 millionon September 15,2006, Türk <strong>Telekom</strong>increased its sharepercentage in Avea to81.12%.Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> acquiredInvitel International(renamed Pantel afterthe acquisition), theleading wholesalecapacity and dataservices provider in theCEE region.MayOn May, 2011, Türk <strong>Telekom</strong>distributed to shareholders TL 2.244billion – its entire 2010 distributableprofit – in gross cash dividends,breaking an all-time record inthe history of the Istanbul StockExchange.JuneOn June 12, 2011, Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> waselected to the board of directors ofEurogia+ Set within the body of theinternational R&D support program,EUREKA, which operates under theumbrella of the European Union andis supported by leading Europeancompanies.July• Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> raised Turkey’soutgoing Internet speed from 650gigabytes to 1.2 terabytes withthe support of its GroupC, Pantel,Europe’s leading wholesale capacityand data services provider.• Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> became on July 26,2011 the first telecommunicationscompany in Turkey to report itscarbon emission to the CarbonDisclosure Project (CDP)AugustFounded in Germany as a whollyownedsubsidiary of Türk <strong>Telekom</strong>,Türk <strong>Telekom</strong>ünikasyon Euro GmbHjoined forces with Telefonica-O2on August 1, 2011 to deliver mobilecommunication services in Germanyunder the brand, Türk <strong>Telekom</strong>.October• For the first time in Turkey,Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> began offeringopportunities to shareholdersaccording to their share ownershipperformance viathe ShareholderBenefit Program realized incooperation with the Central RegistryAgency (CRA) on October 14, 2011.• Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> was unanimouslyelected as a member of theBoard of Directors of EuropeanTelecommunications NetworkOperators (ETNO) at its 40th GeneralAssembly on October 21, 2011.06TÜRK TELEKOM ANNUAL REPORT 2012

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