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Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> Investments & InfrastructureProjectsTürk <strong>Telekom</strong> provides cutting-edge communicationtechnologies to Turkey by constantly continuing itsinvestments with the responsibility of its leading role incommunication and information technologies.Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> seeks to continuously improve, createa difference, innovate, and appropriately structure itsbusiness processes – all requirements for participants inthe communications and information technologies sector.With its expertise and leading position in the sector,Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> continues to make investments that are incompliance with its innovative vision and its mission toprovide Turkey with state-of-the-art technologies in thecommunication sector.As Turkey’s leader in fiber network, Türk <strong>Telekom</strong>provided fiber infrastructure that enables super speedbroadband to 1.9 million households reached throughFTTH/FTTB (fiber-to-the-home and fiber-to-the-building)in addition to the more than 4 million households reachedthrough FTTC (fiber-to-the-cabinet) in 2012.FiberkenTT projectIn 2012, over TL 750 million investments were madein mobile network and channels to support quality andproductivity. The FiberkenTT project aims to convert allcurrent copper access infrastructure of Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> inTurkey to fiber optic access infrastructure and to financethe project by utilizing collected copper cables in scrapcopper market. In addition, it is expected to provideproductivity in terms of place and air-conditioner needsin current exchange buildings after the transformationtargeted with FiberkenTT and to eliminate copper cablerobbery. In this context, 267 projects were launched in 12regions in 2012.In accordance with Türk <strong>Telekom</strong>’s convergence vision,and in addition to fiber to cabinet, building and home(FTTx) applications which are carried out to shortencopper line distance and to provide higher quality serviceto our customers and to improve broadband capacityand quality, an xDSL network and IPMPLS investmentswere also realized. Thus, many corporate customers canbenefit from access services with high service qualityfrom point to point, from a point to multiple points orfrom multiple points to multiple points.168 Thousand Km Fiber CableTürk <strong>Telekom</strong>’s fiber optic cable length for accesspurpose exceeded a total of 45,000 km in 2012.Furthermore, with the addition of new transmissionroutes, a total of over 4,000 km of fiber optic cablewas installed for unbundling 3rd direction transmissionroutes and fiber optic route. By the end of 2012, totaltransmission purpose fiber optic cable length was nearly123,000 km. The total fiber cable length reached 168,000km.The backbone and foreign fiber infrastructure of Türk<strong>Telekom</strong> converts the connection between customerand content points into a real highway by managingthe traffic on the network with high quality and secureservice both in the country and abroad. Türk <strong>Telekom</strong>gets involved in all technological developments to reflectthis highway quality and provide its sustainability, and itconstantly carries out activities to adopt these into itsnetwork. While Turkey’s international bandwidth capacitywas 33.6 Gbps in 2005, today it reaches 1.2 terabytes, a40-fold increase.Next Generation Networks ProjectIntense and regular data transfer is being performed inthe fixed line infrastructure of Türk <strong>Telekom</strong>. The aimof the Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> New Generation Network (TTNGN)is to replace TDM (time division multiplexing) namedexchanges, which provide the execution of real timeapplications for which the security is an importantcriteria, with New Generation Technologies.While a great saving is achieved from energy andmaintenance expenses of Türk <strong>Telekom</strong>, transformedexchanges occupy less area thanks to this project.For the transformation of current International TDMexchanges into Next Generation Network systems,required equipment has been installed in Istanbul andIzmir Regional Centers while network integrations andtests continue.HAES Transformation ProjectWithin the scope of The External Access Systems (EAS)Transformation Project, fiber to the cabinet (FTTC) andfiber to the building (FTTB) applications are carried out.The average Internet speed of 12.5 Mbps at the end of2011 increased to 14.7 Mbps by the end of 2012. During2012, nearly 47,000 cabinet installations were realizedwithin the scope of EAS project.VDSL TechnologyThrough VDSL technology, which provides higherspeed access in addition to fiber applications and highbandwidth, population rates which can access highspeed VDSL networks on shortened networks betweencabinet and subscriber have been increased significantly.Through this technology the access infrastructuresymmetrically (with the balance of speed in uploadingand downloading transactions) provides a bandwidth upto 100 Mbps.Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> activated nearly 1 million outdoor ports infiber to the cabinet implementations and nearly 900,000outdoor ports in fiber to the building implementationswithin the framework of VDSL transformation. Thistechnology enables the usage of broadband servicesrequiring much higher bandwidth such as high definitionTV (HDTV) together with ADSL2+. As a result, properinfrastructure roll-out has been provided for the servicesrequiring high bandwidth such as IPTV and TIVIBU.Activities in this regard will continue.Fiber-to-the-HomeSubscribers have been provided with Internet accessspeeds of up to 1,000 Mbps by replacing all former coppercables with optic cables through fiber-to-the-home (FTTH)projects in which the broadband access completely basedon fiber optic, and solutions for from point to point andfrom a point to multiple points were provided. By the endof 2012, 100 Mbps were provided with triple play servicesand launched tariffs.Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> IP/MPLS NetworkIn addition to fiber implementations, over 11 million portnumbers were achieved through xDSL network copperphone lines and over 7 million subscribers were enabledto benefit from broadband Internet access service.Through Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> IP/MPLS network, which deliversrapid, high-quality and diversified services to the enduserby consolidating transmission links of differentand independent networks, all xDSL network, IPTV,Next Generation Networks, FiberkenTT, a Türk <strong>Telekom</strong>corporate service Virtual Exchange, Wimax VDSL, FTTHand FTTB and Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> Intranet services are beingprovided.By the end of 2012, Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> MPLS networkbecame Turkey’s largest MPLS network. The capacityof equipment within this network has been increasedto 1Tbps. As a part of IPMPLS backbone, internationalbandwidth capacity has been increased to 1580 Gbpsby adding additional capacities in data access pointsinstalled in New York, London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt,Milan and Vienna+. In the network, which will coverprojects such as IPTV, WebTV and next generationnetworks, optimization activities were performed toimprove the infrastructure.After these activities, the IPTV service, which becameavailable in 31 provinces at the end of 2011, wasoperational in 81 city centers and some counties in 60provinces in 2012. Also, IPv6 addresses were begunto be allocated to Türk <strong>Telekom</strong> customers receivingMetroEthernet service through IP/MPLS network.Service Management Center ProjectThe Service Management Center Project is carried out forimproving the experience of corporate customers. Theinfrastructure, which will be used for performing error,performance and fault managements from all customerservices and backbone equipment independent from thenetwork, has been finalized. Accordingly, the customer-72TÜRK TELEKOM ANNUAL REPORT 2012

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