GSE 350IS / GSE 355IS Service Manual - Advanced Weigh ...

GSE 350IS / GSE 355IS Service Manual - Advanced Weigh ... GSE 350IS / GSE 355IS Service Manual - Advanced Weigh ...


4.16.1 Activation MethodsSetpoint activation for Fill, Batch, Discharge, and Both can be initiated in one of fourways: Tare, Remote, Auto and Start key (355 I.S. only). Check-weigh operations haveno start function but there are two methods of restarting. See parameter 5004 on page63 for more details. Independent setpoint operations are limited to Above or Belowactivation. The Model 350 I.S. and Model 355 I.S. setpoint option board may beconnected in-series with a larger automated control system or a manually activatedswitching device. A foot switch, a two-hand safety station, or other permissive-startdevices may be used for safety or system compatibility.ActivationMethod (P5003)Tare OperationDescriptionThe [TARE] activates the setpoint. It waits for a no-motion condition, thentares scale to net zero. The appropriate setpoint is then activated.Remote Key 1 (START key)355 I.S. only The [START] key activates the setpoint. The remote key function (assignedat P800) is over-ridden. A setpoint and P5003 must be enabled for the startkey to operate.Remote Key 2 (STOP key)355 I.S. only The [STOP] key activates the setpoint. The remote key function (assigned atP801) is over-ridden. A setpoint and P5002 must be enabled for the start keyto operate.Auto-Start Automatically activates the setpoint after motion ceases.4.16.2 Pre-ActsPre-Acts are control actions prior to reaching a desired target value. Necessary toprevent over-filling due to product flow rate, relay and valve response time and productsuspension, Pre-Acts compensate for other system variables affect how much moreproduct reaches the weighing device after the indicator has deactivated a setpoint.Pre-act 1Used in dual-speed applications, pre-act 1 specifies when the Model 350/355 I.S.should switch from fast-fill to slow-fill, allowing the system to perform the bulk of a fillingoperation as quickly as possible before switching to a more manageable dribble modefor final cutoff. When using a single-speed device, set pre-act 1 to 0.Pre-act 2Specifies the weight where the final cutoff should occur, enabling the Model 350/355I.S. to compensate for a dispensing control's closure time and account for free-fallmaterial. Free-fall is the amount of product that has passed the point of the dispensingcontrol yet not yet reached the weighing device.78Model 350 I.S. and Model 355 I.S. Service Manual

Pre-act values are entered in terms of the amount of product that would over-fill or howearly to close the control device. For instance, after repeated tests, a systemconsistently over-fills by .5 lbs. This is the value that should be entered as the pre-act.The Model 350/355 I.S. would then deactivate the setpoint .5 lbs. less than the desiredfinal target value.ParameterSettingActual Cutoff ValueCommentsTarget = 400 lbs.Desired final weight.Pre-Act 1 = 28 400 - 28 = 372 Switch to slow feed at 372 lbs.Pre-Act 2 = .5 400 - 0.5 = 399.5 Final fill valve closes at 399.5 lbs.4.16.3 Learn FeatureThe Model 350/355 I.S. can learn optimal pre-act values. When enabled, the learnfeature will automatically adjust the final cutoff value based on an analysis of the fiveprevious fills, helping achieve a final target by compensating for product viscosity,changes in plant air pressures, sticky valves, etc. For each cycle, the prior five finalweights are analyzed and a new pre-act value is calculated.4.16.4 Pause FeatureThe Model 350/355 I.S. can pause setpoint operations. This is useful to provide apause for mid-cycle operator breaks, mechanical adjustments, etc.Pause Setting Action ResultDisabledPause feature disabled.Keypad Model 350/355 I.S. Key Press Current cycle paused - allsetpoints deactivated.Remote Key Remote Key Contact Closure Current cycle paused - allsetpoints deactivated.Both Model 350/355 I.S. Key Press orRemote Key Contact ClosureCurrent cycle paused - allsetpoints deactivated.Pause Setpoints on the Model 350 I.S.When invoked, Pause deactivates all setpoints. The display will show Tare= ~ Abort.Pressing [TARE] will abort the current cycle; any other keypress will resume the cycle.The Pause feature has four settingsPause Setpoints on the Model 355 I.S.When invoked, Pause deactivates all setpoints. Pressing the [TARE] key will pause thesetpoints. The display will show Abort ?Pause ~ Stop = Abort. Pressing the [STOP] keyagain will abort the setpoints. Pressing the [START] key will resume all setpoints. In theindependent setpoint mode, the setpoints will remain deactive until the [START] key ispressed.Model 350 I.S. and Model 355 I.S. Service Manual 79

4.16.1 Activation MethodsSetpoint activation for Fill, Batch, Discharge, and Both can be initiated in one of fourways: Tare, Remote, Auto and Start key (355 I.S. only). Check-weigh operations haveno start function but there are two methods of restarting. See parameter 5004 on page63 for more details. Independent setpoint operations are limited to Above or Belowactivation. The Model 350 I.S. and Model 355 I.S. setpoint option board may beconnected in-series with a larger automated control system or a manually activatedswitching device. A foot switch, a two-hand safety station, or other permissive-startdevices may be used for safety or system compatibility.ActivationMethod (P5003)Tare OperationDescriptionThe [TARE] activates the setpoint. It waits for a no-motion condition, thentares scale to net zero. The appropriate setpoint is then activated.Remote Key 1 (START key)355 I.S. only The [START] key activates the setpoint. The remote key function (assignedat P800) is over-ridden. A setpoint and P5003 must be enabled for the startkey to operate.Remote Key 2 (STOP key)355 I.S. only The [STOP] key activates the setpoint. The remote key function (assigned atP801) is over-ridden. A setpoint and P5002 must be enabled for the start keyto operate.Auto-Start Automatically activates the setpoint after motion ceases.4.16.2 Pre-ActsPre-Acts are control actions prior to reaching a desired target value. Necessary toprevent over-filling due to product flow rate, relay and valve response time and productsuspension, Pre-Acts compensate for other system variables affect how much moreproduct reaches the weighing device after the indicator has deactivated a setpoint.Pre-act 1Used in dual-speed applications, pre-act 1 specifies when the Model 350/355 I.S.should switch from fast-fill to slow-fill, allowing the system to perform the bulk of a fillingoperation as quickly as possible before switching to a more manageable dribble modefor final cutoff. When using a single-speed device, set pre-act 1 to 0.Pre-act 2Specifies the weight where the final cutoff should occur, enabling the Model 350/355I.S. to compensate for a dispensing control's closure time and account for free-fallmaterial. Free-fall is the amount of product that has passed the point of the dispensingcontrol yet not yet reached the weighing device.78Model 350 I.S. and Model 355 I.S. <strong>Service</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>

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