GSE 350IS / GSE 355IS Service Manual - Advanced Weigh ...

GSE 350IS / GSE 355IS Service Manual - Advanced Weigh ... GSE 350IS / GSE 355IS Service Manual - Advanced Weigh ...


P161 Tare Save (Toggle)Enabling Tare Save allows the indicator to retain the tare value in the event of powerloss. The correct net weight is restored upon power-up.P166 Auto Tare (Toggle)When enabled, pressing [TARE] will wait for a no-motion condition and then bring thescale to a net zero reading. Disabling will prevent keypad tare operations.Note that if a setpoint activation method is set to [TARE], disabling Auto Tare will alsodisable the activation of that setpoint.P167 Keyboard Tare (Toggle)If P167 is disabled, the user cannot view tare using the select key. A numeric tare(manually entering tare) will not be accepted and show a msg Funct" "disbl. The onlyway a tare value can be entered is by using the automatic tare (press [TARE] to tarethe weight on the scale). When P167 is on, the user can view tare using the select key(tare will follow Net). The unit will accept numeric tare. On the Model 355 I.S., users canuse the numeric keypad. On the Model 350 I.S., users can use [PRINT] and [UNITS]to scroll in an entry.P169 Auto Tare Clear (Toggle)Enabling this feature will cause the current tare value to be cleared to zero every timethe indicator stabilizes within ±5 graduations of gross zero.P171 Analog (Toggle)Enable or disable the optional analog output module. See Analog Output Setup onpage 101 for all parameters associated with the Analog Output Module.P179 Count (Toggle)When enabled, the quantity mode becomes accessible via the [SELECT] key. Thequantity mode is identified by the illumination of the QTY annunciator.P200 Baud (Comm 1) (Selection)Set the desired baud rate for the communication port. 150 - 115K bpsP201 Data Bits (Comm 1) (Toggle)Select 7 or 8 data bits for the transmission.P202 Parity (Comm 1) (Selection)Select Odd, Even or None for the transmission parity.P203 Stop Bits (Comm 1) (Toggle)Select 1 or 2 stop bits for communication port transmissions.58Model 350 I.S. and Model 355 I.S. Service Manual

P204 Comm Handshake (Comm 1) (Selection)Select from None, Software (Xon/Xoff), Hardware (CTS/RTS), or Both.P210 Send (Comm 1) (Selection)Transmission Send options:Choice Number Selection Name DescriptionP210.00 Off All transmissions disabled.P210.01 Press Sends transmission with [PRINT] key.P210.02 Cont. Sends transmissions continuously.P210.03 Cycle Send single transmission after weight is reached andmotion ceases. Must return display value below 0.1%of F.S. to reset for next transmission.P210.04 ID Sends transmission with the stored ID.P212 Send Stability (Comm 1) (Toggle)Enabling Send Stability will delay any transmissions until a no-motion condition exists.P213 Transmit Selection (Comm 1) (Selection)Select desired print output (1 - 16 or custom). The transmission will be initiated by theselected print operation (P210) and / or the Remote Key selection (P800). See page 64for details on preset formats or page 67 for details on custom transmit.P220 Baud (Comm 2) (Selection)Set the desired baud rate for the communication port. 150 - 115K bps.P221 Data Bits (Comm 2) (Toggle)Select 7 or 8 data bits for the transmission.P222 Parity (Comm 2) (Selection)Select Odd, Even or None for the transmission parity.P223 Stop Bits (Comm 2) (Toggle)Select 1 or 2 stop bits for communication port transmissions.P224 Comm Handshake (Comm 2) (Selection)Select from None and Software.Model 350 I.S. and Model 355 I.S. Service Manual 59

P204 Comm Handshake (Comm 1) (Selection)Select from None, Software (Xon/Xoff), Hardware (CTS/RTS), or Both.P210 Send (Comm 1) (Selection)Transmission Send options:Choice Number Selection Name DescriptionP210.00 Off All transmissions disabled.P210.01 Press Sends transmission with [PRINT] key.P210.02 Cont. Sends transmissions continuously.P210.03 Cycle Send single transmission after weight is reached andmotion ceases. Must return display value below 0.1%of F.S. to reset for next transmission.P210.04 ID Sends transmission with the stored ID.P212 Send Stability (Comm 1) (Toggle)Enabling Send Stability will delay any transmissions until a no-motion condition exists.P213 Transmit Selection (Comm 1) (Selection)Select desired print output (1 - 16 or custom). The transmission will be initiated by theselected print operation (P210) and / or the Remote Key selection (P800). See page 64for details on preset formats or page 67 for details on custom transmit.P220 Baud (Comm 2) (Selection)Set the desired baud rate for the communication port. 150 - 115K bps.P221 Data Bits (Comm 2) (Toggle)Select 7 or 8 data bits for the transmission.P222 Parity (Comm 2) (Selection)Select Odd, Even or None for the transmission parity.P223 Stop Bits (Comm 2) (Toggle)Select 1 or 2 stop bits for communication port transmissions.P224 Comm Handshake (Comm 2) (Selection)Select from None and Software.Model 350 I.S. and Model 355 I.S. <strong>Service</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> 59

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