GSE 350IS / GSE 355IS Service Manual - Advanced Weigh ...

GSE 350IS / GSE 355IS Service Manual - Advanced Weigh ... GSE 350IS / GSE 355IS Service Manual - Advanced Weigh ...


An example of the printout included with each analog option kit follows below:100%s23640%e60100%s%e60101%s%eAccess Setup Modes, Allowing ChangesP60100. c1998-GSE-P60101. 0Model 350 350p0100960102%s%e P60102. 06-30-200060200%s%eP60200. BrdSn57319260201%s%e P60201. AuditTrail Euro 0000160202%s%eP60202. InsSn32907460203%s%e P60203. AuditTrail Cal. 0002560204%s%e P60204. AuditTrail Setup 0005061200%s2923%e P61200. 10off 292361201%s61027%e P61201. 10 Gn 6102761202%s0%c P61202. 0 off 061203%s54555%e P61203. 0 Gn 5455561204%s10910%e P61204. 4 off 1091061205%s54555%e P61205. 4 Gn 5455561206%s123456%e P61206. Srl n 123456%z Exit Setup ModeAnalog calibration values can be entered into the Model 350 I.S. and Model 355 I.S. bykeying in the data in the left-hand column, beginning at the line starting with "61200…",replacing the "%s" character pairs with the [SELECT] key and "%e" with the [TARE](350 I.S.) or [ENTER] (355 I.S.) key. The line with the "%c" is not adjustable and cannotbe entered.You can adjust the included factory recommended offset and gain values to preciselyconfigure the system being connected to these outputs. Once the initial factory valueshave been entered, pressing the [TARE] (350 I.S.) or [ENTER] (355 I.S.) key will causethe count value to increase one count, and pressing the [PRINT] + [UNITS] keys willdecrement the count value by one count. All changes made are updated "live" to aid incalibrating a specific device to the analog option board output. Holding down the key(s)will repeat the increment/decrement action.106Model 350 I.S. and Model 355 I.S. Service Manual

4.27.2 Analog Output ExampleAnalogParameterSettingParameterDescriptionExampleValueCommentsP172.01 Net Weight 3.00 lb Current net weight.P173.-- Analog Full Scale 20 Net weight value that would give maximum analog output.P174.-- Zero Offset -40 Net weight value that would give minimum analog output.P175.-- Max Range Value 8 Maximum analog output allowed (entered in terms of voltage).3 - (-40)43Since 7.166 v is less than 8 v (per P175), the output signal is not restricted and wouldbe 7.166 v.If a current output is selected, the output is a milli-amp current where 0 voltscorresponds to either 0 mA or mA (as per P177) and 10 volts would translate to 20 mA.Values in between would be scaled proportionately:(20mA -4mA) x 7.166 16 x 7.166Analog signal resolution: the output is the result of a 16 bit conversion resulting in aresolution of 1 part in 65535 or 10 / 65535 = 0.00015 v.4.28 Remote Display ConfigurationThe remote display function allows a master indicator (350 I.S. or 355 I.S.) to beechoed to another indicator (350 I.S., 355 I.S., 355) and be used in a remote location.There are certain parameters that must be set in order to have the master and slaveindicators communicate together. Refer to the section below to configure the masterand remote (slave) indicators.The master does not transmit any information to the hub unless there is somethingnew to report such as a change in weight, keypress, etcModel 350 I.S. and Model 355 I.S. Service Manual 107

4.27.2 Analog Output ExampleAnalogParameterSettingParameterDescriptionExampleValueCommentsP172.01 Net <strong>Weigh</strong>t 3.00 lb Current net weight.P173.-- Analog Full Scale 20 Net weight value that would give maximum analog output.P174.-- Zero Offset -40 Net weight value that would give minimum analog output.P175.-- Max Range Value 8 Maximum analog output allowed (entered in terms of voltage).3 - (-40)43Since 7.166 v is less than 8 v (per P175), the output signal is not restricted and wouldbe 7.166 v.If a current output is selected, the output is a milli-amp current where 0 voltscorresponds to either 0 mA or mA (as per P177) and 10 volts would translate to 20 mA.Values in between would be scaled proportionately:(20mA -4mA) x 7.166 16 x 7.166Analog signal resolution: the output is the result of a 16 bit conversion resulting in aresolution of 1 part in 65535 or 10 / 65535 = 0.00015 v.4.28 Remote Display ConfigurationThe remote display function allows a master indicator (350 I.S. or 355 I.S.) to beechoed to another indicator (350 I.S., 355 I.S., 355) and be used in a remote location.There are certain parameters that must be set in order to have the master and slaveindicators communicate together. Refer to the section below to configure the masterand remote (slave) indicators.The master does not transmit any information to the hub unless there is somethingnew to report such as a change in weight, keypress, etcModel 350 I.S. and Model 355 I.S. <strong>Service</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> 107

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