2008-2009 - IPAA WA - Institute of Public Administration Australia

2008-2009 - IPAA WA - Institute of Public Administration Australia 2008-2009 - IPAA WA - Institute of Public Administration Australia

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From the Executive DirectorThis year has been one full <strong>of</strong> change for <strong>IPAA</strong> <strong>WA</strong> and it has manifested itself in many different forms.The most significantchange has been in theteam that manages theBusiness Office. In JulyNatalie Sandrini joined asEvents and MembershipOfficer and Jason Fooas Corporate Manager.In August JoanneBlayney joined the teamas Program DevelopmentConsultant andStephanie Davis as Assistant Events and MembershipOfficer. In December Lynn Deering resigned as GeneralManager and I want to take this opportunity <strong>of</strong> thankingMargaret Stronge Smith for taking on the role <strong>of</strong> ActingExecutive Director until my appointment in March.During a time <strong>of</strong> uncertainty she provided leadershipand stability to the Business Office.One <strong>of</strong> my first tasks was to re-assign roles accordingto each individual’s skills and capabilities and createnew job descriptions to more fully service the needs <strong>of</strong>Damien Deering Jason Foo Joanne Blayney Margaret Stronge-Smithour members and customers. We now have a small buthighly motivated team that is continuously looking atways to deliver and improve on our service promise.We have also looked closely at our current onlineregistration system and feedback confirms that it is notas user friendly or as simple to use as it should be. Wewill be taking steps to change this, so please be patientas we work through this, the end result will be worth it!The other significant change was one that touchedeverybody, the Global Financial Crisis. The public sectorwas asked to deliver a 3% efficiency dividend and manyorganisations and agencies chose to cut back on theirLearning & Development budgets in trying to achievethis. The consequence is that our registrations havebeen lower than budgeted and some <strong>of</strong> our courseshad to be cancelled due to lack <strong>of</strong> numbers. This hasplaced some pressure on our operational budget,culminating in a loss this year. However, out <strong>of</strong> adversitycomes opportunity, and we have reassessed our core<strong>of</strong>fering and will be creating an exciting, relevant andcompelling L&D program for <strong>2009</strong>/10 which will attracta wider audience across all sectors. We have alsolooked at ways we can assist organisations with theirown training needs “In-House” and <strong>of</strong>fer a cost effectiveservice in this area.In concluding I would like to thank the <strong>IPAA</strong> <strong>WA</strong>Council for its guidance during this year <strong>of</strong> changeand management transition. In particular PresidentChristopher Williams, Treasurer John Griffiths andVice President Susan McCarrey have been extremelysupportive to the team and this assistance wasinvaluable and greatly appreciated.My first four months have been exhilarating, challengingand above all engaging. I am looking forward tobuilding on relationships we currently have in place andmaking new ones, whilst providing the <strong>IPAA</strong> <strong>WA</strong> teamwith an environment <strong>of</strong> stability and growth. Excitingtimes are head!Alison PetrieExecutive DirectorNatalie Sandrini Nicole Prendergast Stephanie Davis<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>WA</strong> / ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2008</strong>/093

Learning and Development<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>WA</strong> / ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2008</strong>/09The Learning and Development Program provides a range <strong>of</strong> core training courses.This year the <strong>Institute</strong> introduced 7 new courses to its core progam:• Grammar and Punctuation Essentials• Introduction to Ethics• Presenting to Influence and Persuade• Influencing Skills• Interviewing for Investigations• Statistics for Policy Makers• Unlock the Potential: The keys to developing strong mentoring relationships.Throughout the year <strong>IPAA</strong> <strong>WA</strong> ran over 65 workshops from its core training program.In addition the Learning and Development Program featured 4 specialised workshops:• 2 Executive Mentoring workshops conducted on behalf <strong>of</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Premierand Cabinet;• a Master Class on ‘Organisational Diagnosis’ and;• ‘Writing an Award Winning Annual Report Workshop’, with guest presentersfrom Department <strong>of</strong> Environment & Conservation, Department <strong>of</strong> CorrectiveServices, Department <strong>of</strong> Treasury & Finance, <strong>Public</strong> Sector Commission, KPMG andthe Water Corporation.Learning and Development ‘In-House’ Training ProgramThe <strong>Institute</strong> were pleased to conduct 26 In-House training programs to a cross section<strong>of</strong> organisations across the public sector, topics including:• Executive Writing Skills for the Department <strong>of</strong> Education, Employment andWorkplace Relations• Financial Statements in the <strong>Public</strong> Sector for Department <strong>of</strong> Housing and Works• Crucial Communications for Family, Housing Community Services andIndigenous Affairs• Mentee Training for National Native Title TribunalTraining CoursesAnnual Workshops & Master ClassesWriting an Award Winning Annual ReportMASTER CLASS – Organisational DiagnosisCore <strong>Public</strong> SectorAccountable and Ethical Decision MakingBudget Process, Cycle & PreparationFinancial Statements in the <strong>Public</strong> SectorInside Government: The Legislative FrameworkIntroduction to EthicsIntroduction to Policy WorkKPIs & Agency ReportingPolicy EvaluationStatistics and Their UsesStatistics for Policy MakersWriting Ministerial BriefingsWriting Ministerial LettersWriting Policy DocumentsWriting Skills for Modern GovernmentGovernance & LegalIntroduction to Conducting InvestigationsInterviewing Skills for InvestigationsManagement & Leadership5 Quick Moves to Improving Your Teams EffectivenessHow to Facilitate Effective Meetings – 7 Easy StepsStrategic Planning 1018

Learning and Development (continued)Personal & Pr<strong>of</strong>essional SkillsCreating Effective NetworksEffective Oral Communication SkillsGrammar & Punctuation EssentialsGrammar basics for those with English as a second languageHow to Produce Newsletters & BulletinsHow to Pro<strong>of</strong>read and EditHow to Structure an Oral PresentationInfluencing – Why is it so important and how can I use it?Presenting to Influence and PersuadeReport Writing TechniquesJoel LevinThe Essentials <strong>of</strong> Good Report WritingWriting for the Online EnvironmentUnlocking the Potential: Finding and Keeping a Great MentorUnlocking the Potential: the Keys to Developing Strong Mentoring RelationshipsWriting a Supporting CaseWriting at Work for those with English as a second languageWriting with Style – the Power <strong>of</strong> Plain EnglishProject/Risk ManagementRapid Fire Project ManagementWorking with CommunitiesEngaging your Stakeholders: Developing a FrameworkEngaging your Stakeholders: Facilitation Tools & TechniquesEngaging your Stakeholders: Evaluating the outcomesLearning and Development Program Moving ForwardThe Learning and Development team looks forward to continual development in<strong>2009</strong>/2010. We aim to consolidate our core training program and increase our delivery<strong>of</strong> in-house and bespoke programs.John HarmanJan Saggers<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>WA</strong> / ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2008</strong>/099

Our Special Events<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>WA</strong> / ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2008</strong>/09Reid Oration withPr<strong>of</strong> MargaretSears AOThe Reid Oration wasestablished by the<strong>Institute</strong> in 1991 tohonour Pr<strong>of</strong>essor GordonReid’s contribution topublic life.The event has evolvedinto a joint collaborationwith The <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong>Advanced Studies atU<strong>WA</strong> and is supported each year by representatives<strong>of</strong> the Reid family. For this year’s Oration, an interestedaudience gathered at the U<strong>WA</strong> Club to hear MargaretSears AO discuss ‘Creating a Vision for the Arts andCultural Sectors in our Capital City’.Oral Histories:The Oral History project is a joint collaboration withthe <strong>Public</strong> Sector Commission. The aim <strong>of</strong> the OralHistory Project is to collect oral histories from longserving public servants about the changes they haveobserved and experienced in their workplaces overthe term <strong>of</strong> their employment in the Western <strong>Australia</strong>n<strong>Public</strong> Sector. The histories are intended to providea rich source <strong>of</strong> information about the way the publicservice has evolved in our parliamentary democracy.Participants are chosen by their diversity <strong>of</strong> experienceand the length <strong>of</strong> their service and they are individuallyinterviewed by historians to capture their unique stories.This year the <strong>IPAA</strong> <strong>WA</strong> organised an event to honourthe most recent cohort <strong>of</strong> participants, including LesMcCarrey, Dr Jim McNulty, George Cooper andBruce Beggs.Les McCarrey, retired Under Treasurer for Western<strong>Australia</strong>, spoke at the event reflecting on the challenges<strong>of</strong> his time, the achievements during his tenure and howhe believes things have changed and become morecomplex for today’s public servants as he commented“I know little about the ease <strong>of</strong> communication betweenCEOs and Ministers today. I was fortunate to work in anenvironment <strong>of</strong> ready access to my Minister and <strong>of</strong> freeand frank discussion.”WS LONNIE A<strong>WA</strong>RDS for Excellence inAnnual Reporting <strong>2008</strong>The WS Lonnie Awards were established in 1984following a bequest from Mrs H.L. Lonnie in memory<strong>of</strong> her late husband Mr W.S. Lonnie MC CBE MVO.Mr Lonnie had a long and distinguished career in theState public service, culminating in his final post asUnder Secretary, Premier’s Department during thepremiership <strong>of</strong> Sir Charles Court.The primary vehicle for accountability in the <strong>Public</strong>Sector has been the way <strong>Public</strong> Sector agenciesreport their performance. The Awards recognise theimportance <strong>of</strong> being accountable and transparent ina succinct and independent way. It encourages andcelebrates excellence in annual reporting, which iscentral to good corporate governance.<strong>IPAA</strong> <strong>WA</strong> organises and hosts these important annualawards which recognise and highlight excellence andimproved accountability standards in annual reportingacross the <strong>WA</strong> State <strong>Public</strong> Sector. This is a mammothtask as all State Agencies and tertiary educationinstitutions are eligible and considered as part <strong>of</strong> thejudging process. Over 120 agencies and organisationshad the electronic versions <strong>of</strong> their 2007/<strong>2008</strong> annualreport reviewed by the independent judging panel,resulting in a short list <strong>of</strong> 29 agencies from which thisyear’s award winners were drawn.An independent panel <strong>of</strong> leading figures assesses allentrants against the established criteria. Dr Wally Cox,<strong>IPAA</strong> <strong>WA</strong> National Fellow and former State CouncilPresident has chaired the WS Lonnie Awards JudgingPanel for the past four years. He commented on howpleasing it is to see the impact the Awards have had inimproving reporting standards across the sector.10

WS Lonnie Awards (continued):Organisations that won major awards were:The Allan Skinner TrophyWorkCover <strong>WA</strong>.The Margaret Nadebaum TrophyBunbury Port Authority.WorkCover <strong>WA</strong> was the overall winner receiving the WS Lonnie Award andPerpetual Trophy for ‘Excellence in Annual Reporting for the 2007/<strong>2008</strong>Financial Year’.Judges Comments on this year’s winner concluded: – “Excellent report, easy toread, very clear on targets and performance. Has interactive PDF’s and makesvery good use <strong>of</strong> appendices. The report included excellent discussion <strong>of</strong> issuesand future objectives. Outstanding report!”In a significant change in format this year saw the awards ceremony hostedover lunch and this alternative timing was received positively by members andattendees alike.A special word <strong>of</strong> thanks to the organisations who continue tosupport the Special Awards• Transparency and Accountability Award – Office <strong>of</strong> the Auditor General’s• Complaint Handling Award – Office <strong>of</strong> the Ombudsman• Chief Financial Officer <strong>of</strong> the Year Award – <strong>Institute</strong> CharteredAccountants in <strong>Australia</strong>• State Records Award – State Records Commission• Occupational Safety, Health and Injury Management Award –Jointly supported and lead by Department <strong>of</strong> Commerce with<strong>Public</strong> Sector Commission, RiskCover and WorkCover.• Performance Management Award – Department <strong>of</strong> Treasury and Finance• Good Governance Award – Office <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Public</strong> Sector StandardsCommissionerWorkCover <strong>WA</strong> – Jeff McDonough, General ManagerCorporate Resources, and Gretta Peachment,Daughter <strong>of</strong> William Scott Lonnie“I expect my membership to bear fruit over the years to come.This is a long term investment. Attendance at seminars hasimproved my confidence when approaching challenges in mywork. Seize the opportunity to inform your work by becominga member and hearing from fellow members what is going onthroughout the public sector.” – Andrew Dunkin, Project Officer – Landgate<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>WA</strong> / ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2008</strong>/0911

Young Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals NetworkThe <strong>IPAA</strong> <strong>WA</strong> Young Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals Network (YPN) had a successful year, which saw the launch <strong>of</strong> a series <strong>of</strong> exclusive and free networking eventsfor our YPN members. These were designed to provide an opportunity for members to network with fellow pr<strong>of</strong>essionals and be informed andinspired by a wide range <strong>of</strong> speakers.<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>WA</strong> / ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2008</strong>/09An example <strong>of</strong> the great range <strong>of</strong> inspirational speakersincluded;• Darren Lomman – CEO <strong>of</strong> Dreamfit• Alicia Curtis – Alicia Curtis Leadership• Alice Neilson – Author• Kylie Matheison – CEO <strong>of</strong> Emergeone• Glen Roth – Executive Producer for 92.9FM –Em and Sam Mac Show• Matt Hern – Certified Financial Planner, FINDRE• Ronald Jones – iVEC – the hub <strong>of</strong> advancedcomputing in <strong>WA</strong>I would like to thank the <strong>IPAA</strong> <strong>WA</strong> Business Officeand the rest <strong>of</strong> the committee for their dedication andeffort during the year and acknowledge all the peoplethat helped me in my role <strong>of</strong> chair. I enjoyed guidingthe YPN to become a more relevant group for youngpr<strong>of</strong>essionals in the public sector and would like to wishthe new chair, Andrew Dunkin, good luck. I know that hewill continue to ensure that the YPN grows and developsthe range <strong>of</strong> services and exciting events it provides toits members.Luke EdwardsYoung Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals Network Chair“<strong>IPAA</strong> has given me networking opportunities thathave been very beneficial to my career…I cansay with confidence that <strong>IPAA</strong> has made my joba lot easier…” – Luke Edwards, Marine Information Officer – iVEC12

Financial Report<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>WA</strong> / ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2008</strong>/09The financial outcome for the year was a deficit<strong>of</strong> $241,000.The result was due to a shortfall in budgeted revenuewith the main areas being:1. Membership – $14,000 below projected2. Training – $100,000 below projected3. Sponsorship – $100,000 below projectedThe shortfalls reflected the continuation <strong>of</strong> a decliningtrend over the past 2 years, which was exacerbatedin <strong>2008</strong>/9 by the effects <strong>of</strong> a general economicdownturn and:• election and change in government (which affectedboth the number <strong>of</strong> events held and participation inevents and pr<strong>of</strong>essional development)• a key unforseen competitor emerging from withingovernment• exclusion from government pr<strong>of</strong>essionaldevelopment preferred providers under its CUA• and the 3% efficiency dividend drive on agencies.After being elected at the October <strong>2008</strong> AGM the newCouncil was confronted with the challenges <strong>of</strong> a difficulteconomic environment, compounded by a new financesystem which had only been partially implemented.Priority was given to implementing the new systemas the financial reports provided were unreliable. Thesystem was satisfactorily implemented by the end <strong>of</strong>December <strong>2008</strong> and the financial reports then indicatedan operating deficit <strong>of</strong> $195,000 year to date.A comprehensive midyear review <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice operations,programs and services was held in January/February<strong>2009</strong> to establish the likely outcome for <strong>2008</strong>/9 andidentify any actions that may improve the situation.The <strong>of</strong>fice immediately implemented efficiency measureswhere practicable. These included efficiency measuresin <strong>of</strong>fice operations and cost savings measures withfuture events and programs.Upon her appointment in March <strong>2009</strong> the new ExecutiveDirector Alison Petrie undertook a comprehensive review<strong>of</strong> all programs and operations to produce a <strong>2009</strong>/10budget which indicates a small surplus outcome. Thiswas supported by a robust business plan which calledfor some significant changes in how <strong>IPAA</strong> <strong>WA</strong> goesabout its business.Key budget initiatives include an increase in membershipfees for both individual and corporate segments;concerted effort to attract sponsorship revenue;reduction in the number <strong>of</strong> “free” events; more costeffective approaches to events and pr<strong>of</strong>essionaldevelopment programs; proactive marketing includingpersonal contact with agencies, local governments andthe tertiary sector, in particular.With the support <strong>of</strong> Council and the <strong>IPAA</strong> membershipthe surplus result for <strong>2009</strong>/10 is considered achievable.Arthur John GriffithsTreasurer14

Statement by Members <strong>of</strong> the CommitteeIn the opinion <strong>of</strong> the Committee the accompanying financial report:1. present fairly the financial position <strong>of</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Of <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> Western <strong>Australia</strong> DivisionIncorporated as at 30 June <strong>2009</strong> and the results <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong> for the year ended on that date in accordancewith applicable <strong>Australia</strong>n Accounting Standards, mandatory pr<strong>of</strong>essional reporting requirements and otherauthoritative pronouncements <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Australia</strong>n Accounting Standards.2. at the date <strong>of</strong> this statement, there are reasonable grounds to believe that <strong>Institute</strong> Of <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong><strong>Australia</strong> Western <strong>Australia</strong> Division Incorporated will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due.This statement is made in accordance with a resolution <strong>of</strong> the Committee and is signed for and on behalf <strong>of</strong> theCommittee by:Independent Auditor Reportto the members <strong>of</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Of <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> Western <strong>Australia</strong> Division IncorporatedScopeThe special purpose financial report and Committee’ responsibility.The special purpose financial report comprises the balance sheet, income statement, accompanying notes to thefinancial statements and the statement <strong>of</strong> the Committee for <strong>Institute</strong> Of <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> Western<strong>Australia</strong> Division Incorporated for the year ended 30 June <strong>2009</strong>.The Committee are responsible for the preparation and the true and fair presentation <strong>of</strong> the financial report andhave determined that the accounting policies used and described in Note 1 to the financial statements which formpart <strong>of</strong> the financial report are consistent with the financial reporting requirements <strong>of</strong> the Associations IncorporationsAct (<strong>WA</strong>) and are appropriate to meet the needs <strong>of</strong> the members. This includes responsibility for the maintenance <strong>of</strong>adequate accounting records and internal controls that are designed to prevent and detect fraud and error, and forthe accounting policies and accounting estimates inherent in the financial report.The special purpose financial report has been prepared for distribution to members for the purpose <strong>of</strong> fulfillingthe Committee’ financial reporting requirements under the Associations Incorporations Act (<strong>WA</strong>). We disclaim anyassumption <strong>of</strong> responsibility for any reliance on this report or on the financial report to which it relates to any personother than the members, or for any purpose other than that for which it was prepared.Christopher WilliamsPresidentAudit ApproachJohn GriffithsTreasurerDated this day <strong>of</strong> August <strong>2009</strong>22 August <strong>2009</strong><strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> / ANNUAL REPORT 08/09We conducted an independent audit in order to express an opinion to the members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong>. Our audit wasconducted in accordance with <strong>Australia</strong>n Auditing Standards, in order to provide reasonable assurance whether thefinancial report is free <strong>of</strong> material misstatement. The nature <strong>of</strong> an audit is influenced by factors such as the use <strong>of</strong>pr<strong>of</strong>essional judgement, selective testing, the inherent limitations <strong>of</strong> internal control, and the availability <strong>of</strong> persuasiverather than conclusive evidence. Therefore, an audit cannot guarantee that all material misstatements have beendetected.We performed procedures to assess whether in all material respects the financial report presents fairly, inaccordance with the accounting policies described in Note 1, so at to present a view which is consistent withour understanding <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong>’s financial position, and <strong>of</strong> its performance as represented by the results <strong>of</strong>its operations. These policies do not require the application <strong>of</strong> all Accounting Standards and other mandatorypr<strong>of</strong>essional reporting requirements in <strong>Australia</strong>. No opinion is expressed as to whether the accounting policiesused and described in Note 1, are appropriate for the needs <strong>of</strong> the members.<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> / ANNUAL REPORT 08/09<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>WA</strong> / ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2008</strong>/0915

Independent Auditor Reportto the members <strong>of</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Of <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> Western <strong>Australia</strong> Division IncorporatedcontinuedWe formed our audit opinion on the basis <strong>of</strong> these procedures, which included:– examining, on a test basis, information to provide evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in thefinancial report, and– assessing the appropriateness <strong>of</strong> the accounting policies and disclosures used and the reasonableness <strong>of</strong> thesignificant accounting estimates made by the Committee.While we considered the effectiveness <strong>of</strong> the management’s internal controls over financial reporting when determiningthe nature and extent <strong>of</strong> our procedures, our audit was not designed to provide assurance on internal controls.IndependenceIn conducting our audit, we followed applicable independence requirements <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>n pr<strong>of</strong>essional ethicalpronouncements.Audit OpinionIn our opinion, the financial report <strong>of</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Of <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> Western <strong>Australia</strong> DivisionIncorporated presents a true and fair view in accordance with the accounting policies described in Note 1 to thefinancial statements, <strong>of</strong> the financial position <strong>of</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Of <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> Western <strong>Australia</strong> DivisionIncorporated as at 30 June <strong>2009</strong> and the results <strong>of</strong> its operations for the year then ended.Income StatementFor the Year Ended 30 June <strong>2009</strong>Income 6/30/<strong>2008</strong>Members Subscriptions 84,629.09 94,118Young Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals Network 5,292.64 7,273Interest Received 22,351.94 42,998Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Development Program 705,414.09 718,786National Conference 0.00 69,110Sponsorship 24,278.73 15,949Other Income 13,113.31 9,553Total Income 855,079.80 957,787ExpenditurePr<strong>of</strong>essional Development Program 330,905.35 308,621Salaries & Wages 475,352.31 418,408Depreciation 13,219.90 21,208National Conference Expenses 9,222.59 48,544Young Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals Network Expenses 2,693.54 716AJPA & Capitation Fees (National) 13,045.09 13,163<strong>Public</strong> Admin Today (ACT Division) 11,927.53 2,646Superannuation 40,458.47 26,417IEMS Project Expenses 15,410.00 8,704Office Expenses 97,30 6.16 134,316<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>WA</strong> / ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2008</strong>/0916Ray Woolley Pty LtdRay WoolleyRegistered Auditor No 1639622 August <strong>2009</strong>19 Bayport CircuitMindarie <strong>WA</strong> 6030<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> / ANNUAL REPORT 08/09Marketing, Promotion & Advertising Expenses 5,532.97 16,591Insurance Costs 5,817.10 5,099Bank Charges 10,229.77 13,105Staff Recruitment Costs 15,470.00 8,665Accounting & Consultancy Fees 28,341.15 26,631Other Expenses 21,124.77 16,678Total Expenditure 1,096,056.70 1,069,512Loss from Ordinary Activities for the year –240,976.90 –111,725Retained Earnings Brought Forward 548,732.60 660,457Accumulated Surplus Carried Forward $307,755.70 $548,732The accompanying notes form part <strong>of</strong> these Financial Statements<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> / ANNUAL REPORT 08/09

Balance SheetAs At 30 June <strong>2009</strong>Current Assets 6/30/<strong>2008</strong>Cash at Bank 81,167.24 46,957Cash in Hand 85.15 300Fixed Term Investments 383,369.08 593,638Trade Debtors 7,789.92 26,225Prepaid Deposits 3,750.00 0Sundry Debtors 2,588.92 0Total Current Assets 478,750.31 667,120Non-Current AssetsPlant & Equipment 100,719.94 88,657Accumulated Depreciation –68,958.90 – 57,40431,761.04 31,253Furniture & Fittings 11,103.00 11,103Accumulated Depreciation –5,843.00 – 4,1785,260.00 6,925Total Non-Current Assets 515,771.35 705,29837,021.04 38,178Total Assets Current LiabilitiesTrade Creditors and Accrued Expenses 65,678.31 15,122GST Payable 14,152.14 11,340PAYG Withheld Liability 17,892.85 15,109Superannuation Payable 11,956.30 11,197Income In Advance 84,958.57 85,29013,377.48 18,508Employee Entitlements 208,015.65 156,566Total Current Liabilities $307,755.70 $548,732Total Net Assets EquityAccumulated Surplus Carried Forward 307,755.70 548,732Total Equity $307,755.70 $548,732The accompanying notes form part <strong>of</strong> these Financial Statements<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> / ANNUAL REPORT 08/09Notes to and forming part <strong>of</strong> the AccountsFor the year ended 30 June <strong>2009</strong>Note 1: Statement <strong>of</strong> Accounting PoliciesThis financial report is a special purpose financial report in order to satisfy the reporting requirements <strong>of</strong> theAssociations Incorporations Act (<strong>WA</strong>). The Committee have determined that the <strong>Institute</strong> is not a reporting entity.The financial report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements <strong>of</strong> the Associations Incorporations Act(<strong>WA</strong>) and the following <strong>Australia</strong>n Accounting Standards:AASB 1031 MaterialityAASB 110 Events after the Balance Sheet DateAASB 117 LeasesNo other applicable Accounting Standards, <strong>Australia</strong>n Accounting Interpretations or other authoritativepronouncements <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Australia</strong>n Accounting Standards Board have been applied.The financial reports have also been prepared on an accruals basis and based on historical costs and do nottake into account changing money values or, except where stated, current valuations <strong>of</strong> non-current assets. Costis based on the fair values <strong>of</strong> the consideration given in exchange for assets. The accounting policies have beenconsistently applied, unless otherwise stated.The following is a summary <strong>of</strong> the material accounting policies adopted by the <strong>Institute</strong> in the preparation <strong>of</strong> thefinancial statements.(a) Income TaxThe <strong>Institute</strong> is exempted from Income Tax.(b) Fixed AssetsThe depreciable amount <strong>of</strong> all fixed assets are depreciated over their useful lives.The carrying amount <strong>of</strong> fixed assets is reviewed annually by the Committee to ensure it is not in excess <strong>of</strong> therecoverable amount <strong>of</strong> those assets.The recoverable amount is assessed on the basis <strong>of</strong> expected net cash flows which will be received from theassets’ employment and subsequent disposal. The expected net cash flows have not been discounted to thepresent values in determining the recoverable amounts.(c) Employee BenefitsProvision is made for the institute’s liability for employee benefits arising from services rendered by employeesto balance date. Employee benefits have been measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liabilityis settled.Contributions are made by the <strong>Institute</strong> to an employee superannuation fund and are charged as expenseswhen incurred.Note 2: Related Party TransactionsNone <strong>of</strong> the committee receive any remuneration for their services to the <strong>Institute</strong>.<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> / ANNUAL REPORT 08/09<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>WA</strong> / ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2008</strong>/0917

Moving ForwardWe have some very exciting plans for <strong>2009</strong> and 2010 which will be <strong>of</strong> immense benefit to Personal and Corporate Members.<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>WA</strong> / ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2008</strong>/09The <strong>Institute</strong> is delighted to be working in partnershipwith a number <strong>of</strong> organisations including the <strong>Australia</strong>n<strong>Public</strong> Service Commission, <strong>Public</strong> Sector Commission,Murdoch University and Department <strong>of</strong> Premier andCabinet to name just a few.Collaborations will provide benefits to all <strong>IPAA</strong> <strong>WA</strong>Members and include:Topical and Informative PD events• Access to a wide range <strong>of</strong> well known, experiencedand highly regarded speakers• A Learning & Development Program that will appealto Commonwealth, State and Local public sectoremployees• A program geared towards encouraging andcapitalising on Thought LeadershipIn addition we are introducing a new category <strong>of</strong>personal membership – <strong>IPAA</strong> <strong>WA</strong> Fellows. A limitednumber <strong>of</strong> public servants will be invited by ourPresident to become Fellows based on their experience,knowledge and standing in the public sector community.We will also introduce a new service available toCorporate Members only – Event <strong>Administration</strong>.This service will be invaluable to organisations andagencies that convene symposiums, workshops orpublic events and require efficient and transparentevent administration but do not have the staff with theexperience to do it or the required infrastructure tomanage registrations and receipt monies (if applicable).“A key focus for <strong>Australia</strong> is a connected Government that understands what eachsector is doing in driving sustainable continuous improvement. As part <strong>of</strong> the UniversitySector, the Insititute provides me with the pr<strong>of</strong>essional networks, programs andservices that keeps me connected.” – Brian Yearwood, Director Facilities and Services – Edith Cowan University.We can provide a very cost effective service that willincludes taking care <strong>of</strong> online registrations, receiptingmonies, communicating effectively with all participants,providing reports to the agency involved, managingthe onsite registration requirements including namebadges. If you want to know more please contact us atwww.wa.ipaa.org.au.Finally, our hope is that, through strategic planningand listening to and acting on feedback from ourmembership, we are providing what our members wantand need in abundance and that each participant at one<strong>of</strong> our breakfasts, workshops or training events comesaway satisfied with the content and eager to learn more.“I have been a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>IPAA</strong> <strong>WA</strong> for over 25 years and during this time I haveaccessed many developmental presentations and attended several seminars ontopical and relevant subjects. I have always enjoyed the friendship and sharingwith likeminded members at social funstions held at various times throughouteach year” – Graeme Ferguson, Executive Manager – Supreme Court <strong>of</strong> <strong>WA</strong>.18

<strong>2008</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> Corporate MembersArmadale Redevelopment AuthorityDepartment <strong>of</strong> Education, Employment andForest Products CommissionPerformance and Review<strong>Australia</strong>n Bureau <strong>of</strong> StatisticsDepartment <strong>of</strong> Education ServicesFremantle PortsPerth Zoo<strong>Australia</strong>n Electoral CommissionDepartment <strong>of</strong> Families, Housing, CommunityGP Down South<strong>Public</strong> Sector CommissionBayswater Extended Community HelpDepartment <strong>of</strong> FisheriesHays Accountancy & Finance (Perth)<strong>Public</strong> Transport AuthorityOrganisationDepartment <strong>of</strong> Health & AgeingHealthwayREBA/SASBBuilders Registration BoardDepartment <strong>of</strong> Health (Director General’s Division)Heritage Council <strong>of</strong> <strong>WA</strong>Rottnest Island AuthorityBuilding & Construction Industry Training FundDepartment <strong>of</strong> Health (Mental Health)Horizon PowerSmall Business Development CorporationBureau <strong>of</strong> MeteorologyDepartment <strong>of</strong> HousingIndependent Market OperatorSouth Metropolitan <strong>Public</strong> Health UnitCentral TAFEDepartment <strong>of</strong> Indigenous Affairs<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Chartered Accountants in <strong>Australia</strong>South West Development CommissionCentrelinkDepartment <strong>of</strong> Industry & ResourcesJohn Curtin <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> PolicySwan River TrustChamber <strong>of</strong> Minerals & Energy <strong>WA</strong>Department <strong>of</strong> Local Government & RegionalKPMGTourism <strong>WA</strong>City <strong>of</strong> BelmontDepartment <strong>of</strong> Mines and PetroluemLandgateUniversity <strong>of</strong> Western <strong>Australia</strong> (Vice-Chancellery)City <strong>of</strong> GosnellsDepartment <strong>of</strong> Racing, Gaming & LiquorLotterywest<strong>WA</strong> Council <strong>of</strong> Social ServiceCity <strong>of</strong> South PerthCommissioner For Children & Young PeopleCommunity & <strong>Public</strong> Sector Union/Civil ServiceCorruption & Crime CommissionCurriculum Council <strong>of</strong> Western <strong>Australia</strong>Curtin University (Asset Management, Properties)Department for Child Protection (CountryServices)Department for CommunitiesDepartment for PlanningDepartment <strong>of</strong> Agriculture & FoodDepartment <strong>of</strong> CommerceDepartment <strong>of</strong> Corrective ServicesDepartment <strong>of</strong> Culture & The ArtsDepartment <strong>of</strong> Education & TrainingDepartment <strong>of</strong> the Attorney GeneralDepartment <strong>of</strong> the Premier & CabinetDepartment <strong>of</strong> the Registrar (<strong>WA</strong> IndustrialRelations)Department <strong>of</strong> Treasury & FinanceDepartment Of WaterDirector <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> Prosecutions (<strong>WA</strong>)Disability Services CommissionDrug and Alcohol OfficeEast Perth Redevelopment AuthorityEconomic Regulation AuthorityEdith Cowan University – Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalDevelopmentEstill & AssociatesFire & Emergency Services AuthorityMain Roads <strong>WA</strong>Metropolitan Cemeteries Board <strong>of</strong> <strong>WA</strong>Midland Redevelopment AuthorityNational Archives <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>National Native Title TribunalNurses & Midwives Board <strong>of</strong> Western <strong>Australia</strong>Office for Women’s PolicyOffice <strong>of</strong> Aboriginal HealthOffice <strong>of</strong> EnergyOffice <strong>of</strong> Health ReviewOffice <strong>of</strong> the Auditor GeneralOffice <strong>of</strong> the Information CommissionerOffice Of The Inspector Of Custodial ServicesOffice <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Public</strong> Sector StandardsParliament House <strong>WA</strong><strong>WA</strong> Country Health Service<strong>WA</strong> Electoral Commission<strong>WA</strong> PoliceWest Coast College <strong>of</strong> TAFEWestern <strong>Australia</strong>n OmbudsmanWestern <strong>Australia</strong>n Technology and IndustryWheatbelt Development CommissionWorkCover <strong>WA</strong>Working with Children Screening Unit<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>WA</strong> / ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2008</strong>/09

Level 15, 256 Adelaide TerracePerth <strong>WA</strong> 6000T: 08 9221 1177F: 08 9221 3733E: info@ipaawa.org.auwww.wa.ipaa.org.au

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