Canberra Nara Sister Cities Brochure - English ... - ACT Government

Canberra Nara Sister Cities Brochure - English ... - ACT Government

Canberra Nara Sister Cities Brochure - English ... - ACT Government


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EducationSince the early days of the<strong>Canberra</strong>-<strong>Nara</strong> <strong>Sister</strong> Cityrelationship, one of the strongestlinks has been through regulareducational exchanges. There arenow many ‘twinned’ <strong>Canberra</strong>and <strong>Nara</strong> schools and a rangeof teachers have benefited frominternational teacher exchangeprograms with <strong>Nara</strong>.SportSport has an important place inthe ongoing relationship between<strong>Canberra</strong> and <strong>Nara</strong>, with football,softball, martial arts and basketballplaying major roles. Many teamstravel between <strong>Canberra</strong> and <strong>Nara</strong>for sporting exchanges.The <strong>Canberra</strong>-<strong>Nara</strong> <strong>Sister</strong> CityCommittee was formed to continuethe process of facilitating contact andfriendship in all areas, suggesting andinitiating new projects and advisingthe <strong>ACT</strong> <strong>Government</strong> on ways toeffectively support contacts betweenthe two communities.The <strong>Canberra</strong> community can play apart through the ‘Friends of <strong>Nara</strong>’, opento every person interested in promotinginternational friendship through the<strong>Canberra</strong>-<strong>Nara</strong> <strong>Sister</strong> City Program.C a n b e r r a n a r a<strong>Sister</strong> <strong>Cities</strong><strong>Nara</strong>’s main industry revolves aroundtourism. <strong>Nara</strong> enjoys a large inflowof domestic and international tourists,who help to support the thriving,traditional craft industries and sakeproduction. <strong>Nara</strong> is also committed topreserving its natural environment.Contact us<strong>Canberra</strong> <strong>Nara</strong> <strong>Sister</strong> City,GPO Box 158 <strong>Canberra</strong> <strong>ACT</strong> 2601<strong>Canberra</strong> Connect Call CentreT: 13 22 81 (AUS) 8am to 8pm AESTMonday to Friday for the cost of a local call.T: +61 13 22 81 (International) from overseas.www.act.gov.auwww.cmd.act.gov.au/nara_sister_city/

<strong>Canberra</strong> and <strong>Nara</strong> are sistercities. Following almost 20 years ofregular contact, the official signingof the proclamation of a sister cityrelationship occurred in <strong>Nara</strong> onOctober 26, 1993. The links wereinitiated by private citizens and thebusiness community. The <strong>ACT</strong> and<strong>Nara</strong> city governments continue tofoster and encourage the city to cityfriendship.Today, we have a vibrant relationshipwith regular and increasing linksbetween schools, cultural andsporting organisations, Rotary clubs,professional associations, businessesand governments.The strength of the friendship wasnever more evident than in 2003when the people of <strong>Nara</strong> contributedgenerously to <strong>Canberra</strong>’s post-bushfireappeal.Arts, Culture & Society<strong>Nara</strong> and <strong>Canberra</strong> are rich in culture,heritage and contemporary arts. <strong>Nara</strong>prides itself on the finest samplesof arts and architecture that reachback 1300 years when it was Japan’sfirst permanent capital. Testimonyto its uniqueness is the inclusion ofeight sites on the United Nation’sworld heritage list: the temples Todaiji,Kofuku-ji, Gango-ji, Yakushi-ji,Toshodai-ji, the Kasuga Grand Shrine,Kasuga-yama Hill Primeval Forest,and the Heijo Palace Site. Closelyrelated to these are <strong>Nara</strong>’s traditionalfestivals, forming an important part ofthe cultural calendar.<strong>Nara</strong> is famous for traditional arts andcrafts, including textiles, calligraphy,traditional painting and ceramics,and the production of exquisite inks,brushes and paper.<strong>Canberra</strong> has a lively art scene withstudios, workshops, exhibition spaces,theatres, galleries and museumsshowcasing Australia’s multiculturalfabric.<strong>Sister</strong> City cultural exchanges includeexhibitions, children’s art, bands andchoirs.<strong>Canberra</strong> <strong>Nara</strong> Park has beendeveloped on the banks of Lake BurleyGriffin to symbolise the friendshipbetween the cities. The Park providesa perfect setting for the gift of twostone lanterns and a memorial stonefrom the citizens of <strong>Nara</strong> to <strong>Canberra</strong>.<strong>Canberra</strong> <strong>Nara</strong> Park also hosts theannual <strong>Canberra</strong> <strong>Nara</strong> Candle Festivalheld in October. The Festival boastsa display of thousands of floatingcandles and entertainment, food andcultural activities to celebrate the sistercity relationship.<strong>Nara</strong> Grove, a stand of Australiantrees and shrubs, is situated on BlackMountain Peninsula across the lakefrom <strong>Nara</strong> Park and commemoratesvisits of <strong>Nara</strong> delegations to<strong>Canberra</strong>.Tourism<strong>Canberra</strong> and <strong>Nara</strong> are bothpopular tourist destinations,<strong>Canberra</strong> as the modern, youngnational capital of Australia and<strong>Nara</strong> as the ancient capital ofJapan. <strong>Canberra</strong> is now rated asone of the fastest growing touristdestinations in Australia. <strong>Nara</strong>attracts millions of visitors eachyear.Major attractions in <strong>Canberra</strong>• <strong>Canberra</strong> <strong>Nara</strong> Park &<strong>Canberra</strong> <strong>Nara</strong> CandleFestival• Floriade (September/October)• National Multicultural Festival• Parliament House• Australian War Memorial• Australian National BotanicGardens• National Science andTechnology Centre(Questacon)• National Gallery of Australia• Old Parliament House/National Portrait Gallery• National Museum of Australia• National Capital ExhibitionMajor Attractions in <strong>Nara</strong>:• Eight World Heritage listed sites• <strong>Nara</strong> National Museum• <strong>Nara</strong> Centennial Hall• <strong>Nara</strong> Prefectural Museum• <strong>Nara</strong> City Museum ofPhotography• Shoso-in Treasure Repository• Many Festivals• <strong>Nara</strong> City Office• <strong>Nara</strong>-Machi historic village• Isuien GardenIn addition to these, <strong>Nara</strong> has manybeautiful parks and gardens including<strong>Nara</strong> Park, famous for its deer.Business<strong>Canberra</strong> is a city of the future, excellingin smart, clean, technology-basedindustries that take advantage of thenational capital’s access to researchand development institutions, worldclass communications infrastructureand a highly educated workforce.• Black Mountain Tower(Telstra Tower)• Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve

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