NHTIAlumni NewsSpring 2011 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

NHTIAlumni NewsSpring 2011 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

NHTIAlumni NewsSpring 2011 - NHTI - Concord's Community College


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<strong><strong>NHTI</strong>Alumni</strong> <strong>NewsSpring</strong> <strong>2011</strong><strong>NHTI</strong> Swings to Winter Fling!Winter Fling, <strong>NHTI</strong>’s majorfundraising event held onJanuary 29th, was a greatsuccess, with a sold-out crowd of 400people braving the snow and the cold toenjoy the Taste of International Concordand watch “Dancing with the ConcordStars!” More than 70 students, facultyand staff volunteered at the event. Mostimportantly, the event raised $20,000which will provide student scholarshipsand help us launch the President’s Fundfor Excellence.Guests enjoyed food samplings frommany local restaurants including CCTomatoes, Elizabeth’s Kitchen, Gamil’sEgyptian, Hermanos, House of India,Ichiban, Moritomo, Nannou-Nannou,Remi’s Place and Washington Street Café.Various international beers were donatedby NH Distributors.Without question, Dancing with theConcord Stars was the highlight of thenight. Eight couples competed for thetop two titles of Best Overall and People’sChoice Award, with many different stylesof dance including tap, ballroom, discoand hip hop, among others. After thecontest, everyone stepped to the dancefloor, enjoying the incredible music of theSpotlight Café Dance Orchestra lead bySkip Poole.Inside this issue . . .Grad Wins Prestigious Award 2Lifejacket Loaner Station ....... 2From Homeless to Doctorate 3Alumni Updates ...................... 6Still Happy After All These Years 9A May Day for Molly ............. 10Practical Nursing Alumni ..... 11After the contest, guests danced to the music of the Spotlight Café Dance Orchestra.Winter Fling was made possible, inpart, with the generous support of ourcorporate sponsors (see page 5 for thefull list). <strong>NHTI</strong> is pleased to partner withthese local and regional companies, whosesupport of the <strong>College</strong> and our students iscritical to our success.President Lynn Kilchenstein saidWinter Fling <strong>2011</strong>, “exceeded ourexpectations. We hoped that WinterFling would become a signature event inthe Concord area, so we couldn’t havebeen happier with the sell-out crowd thisfirst year. The community’s support andgoodwill for the <strong>College</strong> has never beenstronger and we are especially grateful forwhat this means for our students.”MoreWinter Flingphotos and coverage, pp 4-5Best Overall dancers Kaleena Guzmanof Red River Theatres and <strong>NHTI</strong> StudentSenate President Steve Bessette.

Letter from AlumnusGrateful to Dedicated FacultyDear Professor Khan,I would like thank you forall you did for me at <strong>NHTI</strong> overthe course of my three years. As my firstsemester here at Norwich Universitydraws to a close, you cannot realize howwell prepared I was by attending <strong>NHTI</strong>first. Particularly in my engineeringmanagement courses, I am able to usesome lesson or knowledge I received at<strong>NHTI</strong> to solve a problem or task in frontof me.In my Supply Chain Managementclass, the top six students traveled toNew Jersey to compete in a constructionmanagement competition consisting ofdesigning, estimating and scheduling acommercial size building – all in eighteenhours. I am happy to say I was one ofthose six students and it is because of myeducation from <strong>NHTI</strong>. As the Chief RevitOperator and Constructability Engineer,my proficiency in Revit stems directly frommy course work at <strong>NHTI</strong>. I was one of thefirst students to take the course in the fallof 2008 and can testify that it has benefitedme in many ways. Currently I am the RevitOperator for the Norwich University SolarHouse project (my skills were specificallyrequested by the Architecture Departmenthere). I am happy to say that we finished2nd within the Design/Build segment forRegion One.With nearly all of my <strong>NHTI</strong> creditstransferred to Norwich, I expect tograduate in the spring of 2012. Thisstands as a testament to how <strong>NHTI</strong>’sArchitectural Engineering Program isviewed by other schools, on par or nearlythere as some tier one schools.Again, thank you for all you did for me.-- Drew Dana, 2010, ArchitecturalEngineering Technology<strong>NHTI</strong> Grad Wins Prestigious AwardAdam Cheney Named Shikar-SafariClub International 2009 Wildlife Officerof the YearConservation Officer Adam Cheneyof Colebrook had the honor ofbeing named the Shikar-SafariClub International Wildlife Officer ofthe Year for 2009. Cheney patrols part ofnorthern New Hampshire’s ConnecticutLakes Region, an area regarded ashaving some of the finest trout fishingin the Northeast and a popular vacationdestination for hunters, snowmobilers andoff-highway wheeled vehicle enthusiasts.He has worked for Fish and Game LawEnforcement for 10 years, all spentserving in northern New Hampshire."Adam Cheney has shown atremendous tenacity in the performanceof his duties, consistently producing ahigh volume of activity in off-highwayrecreational vehicle enforcement, as wellas working in innovative ways to solvewildlife crimes," said Colonel MartinGarabedian, Chief of Law Enforcementfor Fish and Game.Cheney has identified areas ofconcern for wildlife crimes and developedand executed an effective patrol strategyusing Fish and Game's Decoy Program.He has also been a highly effective Fishand Game Department ambassador tothe community. "Through his hard workand dedication, Cheney has earned therespect of his law enforcement peers andmaintains an excellent rapport with theLifejacket Loaner Stationgeneral public in his patrol area," saidGarabedian. In addition to his regularduties, Cheney is a Field Training Officer,member of the Department’s HonorGuard and a Law Enforcement DivisionFirearms Instructor.The Shikar-Safari Club Internationalis a worldwide organization dedicatedto the protection, enhancement andpreservation of wildlife, with emphasison endangered and threatened speciesand promoting the enforcement ofconservation laws and regulations.Reprinted with permission from theNew Hampshire Department of Fish andGame, © June 8, 2010.Adam Cheney, ’96 is honored withthe Shikar-Safari International 2009Wildlife Officer of the Year Award.Tim Robinson is a 2000 graduate of the Paramedic Emergency Medicine programat <strong>NHTI</strong>, and is currently a Fire Lieutenant for the City of Concord. Tim recentlyspearheaded an effort to construct a Lifejacket Loaner Station on the <strong>NHTI</strong>campus. Completed in July 2010, the station is located at the boat ramp as you enter theCampus from the highway. Its purpose is to encourage every child to wear a lifejacket,every single time he or she goes in the river. The station is part of the Safe Kids USAinitiative, and is one of two in the state of New Hampshire (so far).Tim says, “Obviously I did not accomplish this on my own. Thestation was made possible through the generous support and hard workof other members Concord Fire Department, the Boy Scouts of America,Troop #86, Lowe's in Concord, and the Safe Kids NH/Injury PreventionCenter at Children's Hospital at Dartmouth (CHaD).” He offered specialthanks to Boy Scout Troop #86 for their hard work in digging up andpreparing the area for the station.Partners in the Lifejacket Loaner Station project, from left: Jason Bishop,<strong>NHTI</strong> Campus Safety; Mark Collins, Lowe’s Concord; Jim Edson, Children’sHospital at Dartmouth (CHaD); Tim Robinson and Mike Corcoran, ConcordFire Department; Stephen Ludwick, Lowe’s Concord.2<strong>NHTI</strong> Alumni Newsletter, Spring <strong>2011</strong>

From Homeless to Doctoral DegreeImagine a person who is 19 years old,single, pregnant and homeless inHawaii. Now imagine a person wholoves being in her 60s, has well-adjustedgrown-up children, is happily married andenjoying a wildly successful career. Couldyou ever imagine that these two people areone in the same?Meet Denise Lamothe. Todayshe is a licensed psychologist, a wife,a mother, a grandmother, a publishedauthor, an international speaker and arecognized expert on emotional eating andovereating. Dr. Denise, as she is called,holds two doctoral degrees. She earnedher first Psy.D. in clinical psychology fromAntioch/New England Graduate School;and her second doctorate in holistic healthfrom the Clayton <strong>College</strong> of NaturalHealth in Birmingham, Alabama. Shehas been quoted in O Magazine, Essence,Better Homes and Gardens, Organic SpaMagazine, and Real Simple among others.So how does a person go from beinghomeless and pregnant at age 19 to living arichly-balanced life focused on emotional,physical and spiritual well-being?“Well, I guess it took some tenacityand strength of will, with a bit ofluck thrown in,” laughs Dr. Denise. “Isubscribe to the belief that it is about thejourney, not the destination. My path wasunconventional, to say the least!”<strong>College</strong>: Take One and Two and Three….After graduating from St. ThomasAquinas High School in Dover, NH,Denise immediately went to collegebecause that was what was expected of her.Without guidance, structure or any idea ofwhat she wanted to be, she flunked out thevery first year. Describing that time in herlife, she says, “I was a bit of a hell raiser.After that first horrible year, I decidedto go see my sister who had moved toHawaii.”Once on the island, she fell in lovewith a military man. Not all was perfect,however; he went AWOL from his militaryservice and landed in the brig. Shortlythereafter, Denise discovered she waspregnant. She also learned that her sisterdecided to move back home.“I was alone and had just lost my jobso there was no money,” she recalls. “I livedin my beat up old car for about a month.<strong>NHTI</strong> Alumni Newsletter, Spring <strong>2011</strong>When all four tires went flat,I was literally on the streets.”Upon learning of her plight,Denise’s father flew toHawaii to bring her back toNew Hampshire.Her military mansuddenly reappearedand the couple reunited.Married for 10 years,they had three childrentogether. The marriagewas not easy andultimately, the coupledivorced.During this timeand despite her firstrough experienceat college, Deniseenrolled at <strong>NHTI</strong> (thennNew Hampshire Technical Institute). Shewas accepted into the Nursing programbut with young children to raise, Denisecouldn’t attend school full-time. Shegraduated magna cum laude with anAssociate’s Degree in Mental Health in1979. Denise says her time at <strong>NHTI</strong>instilled in her a thirst for knowledge and alifelong love of learning.After earning a Master’s degree incounseling psychology from Antioch,Denise opened her first therapy practice.“A rented room with two chairs, a couch,a desk and I was ready to go!” she says. Itwas a whirlwind time for Denise, workingfull-time and caring for 3 kids as a singleparent with no support of any kind fromtheir deadbeat dad, who disappeared afterthe divorce became final. Her passion forhelping people was evident and her clientbase grew quickly.With her kids now in high school,Denise applied and was admitted to theclinical psychology program at Antioch.As part of her studies, she interned in theClinical Training Program at the StoneCenter Counseling Service at Wellesley<strong>College</strong>. Her personal experiences withboth anorexia and bulimia led her tospecialize in treating people with foodcontrol issues and emotional eatingdisorders. She recently earned a seconddoctoral degree in Holistic Health fromthe Clayton <strong>College</strong> of Natural Health.Today, Dr. Denise is an internationalprofessional speaker, discussing andDr. Denise Lamothe, ’79 with Jack Canfield, co-creater ofthe Chicken Soup for the Soul series of books. For moreinformation, please visit her website at www.drdenise.org.coaching people about emotional eating.As a clinical psychologist and doctorof Holistic Health, she continues tooffer therapy at her office in Exeter toindividuals, couples and groups.In 2002, she published a bookcalled The Taming of the Chew: a HolisticGuide to Stopping Compulsive Eating,which received much critical praise. Thebook skillfully combines her personalexperiences with those of the many clientsshe has served for over 20 years to createa unique plan for regaining control overfood and overcoming overeating. Sheis currently preparing her second book,Peaceful Mind/Peaceful Body: Six SpiritualSteps to Stop Overeating for publicationearly this summer.A State of AppreciationDr. Denise has been happily marriedto wife, Betsy Arnold for 21 years. Herchildren are thriving in their owncareers: Sean is the owner of the popularrestaurant, LobsterQ in Hampstead, NH.Mimi is a social worker in Maine andShane is a fire fighter in Newport, RhodeIsland. She has five grandchildren.Reflecting on her past and her successthese days, Dr. Denise realizes, “My life isvery rich. There is never a moment whenI am not learning or growing. I try to liveeach day in a state of appreciation.”3

Dancing With the Concord Stars at Winter Fling!“Hottest Couple”: ByronChamplin of Lincoln FinancialGroup and Valerie Blake of theGreater Concord Chamber ofCommerce scored with theirsultry Rumba performance.President LynnKilchenstein andLeroy the Lynxofficially opened“Dancing with theConcord Stars.”Concord School Board member Jack Dunn andMaureen Dunn of Concord Hospital won “BestChoreography” with their disco routine.Amanda Grappone Osmer of Grappone AutomotiveGroup and <strong>NHTI</strong> Business Professor Fred King (above)walked away with two awards from the evening: MostDramatic Dance and the People’s Choice award, based onaudience votes.Jennifer Mazzei andMike DelloIaconoof J Maze Design inConcord performed ahip hop routine that thejudges deemed “MostEntertaining.”Tim Sink of the Concord Chamberof Commerce and Sandy Brien ofHavenwood Heritage Heights won“Best Chemistry” for their tap routine.<strong>NHTI</strong> Alumni Newsletter, Spring <strong>2011</strong>4

Danielle Kronk Barrick -- formereditor of the Concord Insider, nowwith the UNH School of Law -- andCity Manager Tom Aspell won “BestSmile” for their musical theaterperformance.The President’s Fund for ExcellenceThe President’s Fund for Excellence at <strong>NHTI</strong> was established as a means tofund the highest priority needs for the <strong>College</strong>. Each year, President LynnKilchenstein will designate the revenue of this new fund to:• Advanced technology and equipment for technical majors (Engineering,Nursing, etc.);• Hiring qualified faculty to meet the increased demand of teaching more than4,000 students;• Ability to grow existing academic programs and establish new areas of study;• Building renovation, improvements and refurbishment;• Ability to offer financial assistance to as many students as possible.To make a donation to the President’s Fund for Excellence at <strong>NHTI</strong>, please make yourcheck out to <strong>NHTI</strong>, Concord’s <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> and list “President’s Fund” in thememo section. Please mail your contribution to <strong>NHTI</strong> Office of Development, 31<strong>College</strong> Drive, Concord, NH 03301, Attn: Lee Ann Lewis.Chris Emond of the Concord Boysand Girls Club and Doris Ballardof Concord <strong>Community</strong> Televisioncelebrate their award for “Best HipMovement” after performing the PasoDoble.<strong>NHTI</strong> Alumni Newsletter, Spring <strong>2011</strong>5

• Alumni Updates •1968Daniel Clevelandearned a degree in Mechanical Engineering in1968, did a stint in the military, and then marrieda nurse from the NH School of Nursing. “Backthen we (<strong>NHTI</strong>) would host a dance and invite allnurses,” he recalls. “It worked for me!”Daniel continued his education at UNH beforemoving to South Carolina to work for MichelinTire Corporation as an Engineer, Project Leaderand then Manager. “I was fortunate to havelived and worked in France, and was assignednumerous projects out of country allowing me totravel. Retired from Michelin after 31 years, nowI’m an amateur photographer, blogger and parttime consultant,” he says.Daniel has a patent that was awarded for “Coolingof Tires at the End of Their Vulcanization.” Danielsays of his education at <strong>NHTI</strong>, “It opened thedoor into the technical field and to where it tookme as an engineering professional.”1983Bryan Robbinshas a Paramedic degree, and works for the USGovernment. Bryan is married to Beverly and hastwo daughters.Frank Andrusearned an associates degree in ArchitecturalScience. He went on to Franklin PierceUniversity and earned a BS in Computer Science.Frank is employed at Bradford Networks.1984Karen (Crowell) Landrygraduated with a Mechanical EngineeringTechnology degree. Karen is employed withCandela Corporation in Wayland Massachusettsas a Component Engineer. She’s married toMichael and they have 5 grown daughters. Karensays of her <strong>NHTI</strong> experience, “I enjoyed attending<strong>NHTI</strong> back in the ‘80s. One of my daughters hasattended <strong>NHTI</strong>’s AET program, and another onemight be starting in the Visual Arts program in theFall! It’s a great education that either preparesyou to go and work or to continue on with youreducation.”1988Jean (Whitney) Vincigraduated with a Nursing Degree. Jeanwent on to get her Bachelor’s Degree fromHodges University in Business with a major inManagement. Jean works at Lee MemorialHealth System as a Labor and Delivery Nurse.1989Andrew Houghtonearned a BS in Applied Technology Managementfrom Granite State <strong>College</strong>. The combinationof the Architectural Engineering TechnologyDegree from <strong>NHTI</strong> and the Management Degreeare being put to use in his role of Project DesignManager at Dartmouth–Hitchcock Medical Centerin Lebanon.Mario Barrieregraduated with a Computer Information Systemsdegree. Mario is employed with CollaborativeConsulting in Burlington, MA, as a Senior ProjectManager. Mario says of his <strong>NHTI</strong> experience,“I’ve been making an excellent living with what Ihave learned at <strong>NHTI</strong>.”1993Bryan Robbinsearned a Paramedic Degree at <strong>NHTI</strong>. Bryan’scurrent employer is the US Government. He ismarried to Beverly and has two daughters, Jaclynand Brianna.Robert Brownearned a degree in Paramedic education. Bobis with the US Army and works at the Carl R.Darnall Army Medical Center in Ft. Hood, TX.Bob furthered his education at University of NewEngland in Osteopathic Medicine, and is anEmergency Medicine Physician. Bob says of his<strong>NHTI</strong> education, “<strong>NHTI</strong> provided the basis formy entire career in emergency medicine. Manyof the lessons taught to me at <strong>NHTI</strong> provided adefinite advantage for my medical education andpractice.”1994Cynthia (Pescinski) Stylesearned a degree in Early Childhood Education.She is an LNA at Concord Hospital.1995Nicole (Delcourt) Bloomgraduated with a Dental Hygiene degree. She isa Dental Hygienist in Londonderry.1996Susan Chaffee–Hall, RN, DNSgraduated with a Nursing Degree. Susan hasspent the last 9 years as a Director of Nursing inAlbuquerque, NM. Susan recently returned toNew England as the Director of Nursing Servicesfor Starr Farm Nursing Center, a 150-bed eldercare facility in North Burlington, VT. She makesher home in Saint Albans, with her husband of 21years, Robert A. Hall, PhD, a graduate of <strong>NHTI</strong>’sX-Ray program in 1988.Adam L. Lowearned an Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice.Adam works as a Lieutenant Shift Supervisorfor a 20-person security force, and his facility isranked the 55th safest hospital nationwide.Troy OsgoodTroy earned a degree in Architectural EngineeringTechnology.1997Jamie Monteiroreceived an Associate’s Degree in GeneralStudies, then went on to the University ofHouston and will complete his MBA in <strong>2011</strong>.Jamie is employed at Cameron International inHouston, TX, as the Manager of Finance. He ismarried to Katherine and they have two children,Jamison and Gabriella.Shari (Luczynski) Delisle, RDHgraduated with an Associate’s Degree in DentalHygiene. Shari is a dental hygienist with Dr.Martin K. Bush, DDS. She has been married for10 years and has two beautiful boys. Shari saysof her <strong>NHTI</strong> education, “I was always proud tosay I had graduated from <strong>NHTI</strong>’s Dental HygieneProgram … but through the years of clinicalpractice I have learned to appreciate the staff,training, education, and experience I receivedat <strong>NHTI</strong>. I will always be proud of <strong>NHTI</strong>, andmiss and cherish such great memories. I’m sothankful, especially to the hygiene staff at <strong>NHTI</strong>!”1998Pamela Okulygraduated with an Associate’s Degree in Nursing,and went on to UCCS to earn a Bachelor’s inNursing in 2009. Pam is employed with MemorialHealth System as an RN, scheduling nurses,and assisting with screening and schedulingoutpatients for various procedures. Pam has twodaughters; one is an LPN who will receive herRN from <strong>NHTI</strong> in June <strong>2011</strong>, and the other is afreshman at University of Wyoming. Pam says ofher <strong>NHTI</strong> education, “I have had a great careerwith the education I received at <strong>NHTI</strong>. I haveworked in med/surg, ICU, and ED.”1999Laura (Boulay) Leonardearned an Associate’s Degree in Travel &Tourism. She has two daughters, Elizabeth andCassandra.2000John S. Caswellearned his Associate’s Degree in Alcohol & DrugAbuse Counseling from <strong>NHTI</strong>, and was also therecipient of the Glen A. Brewster Award. He isnow a certified NH Peer Support counselor, andworks for the Next Step Peer Support Center inLebanon.In 2002 John received the Indomitable ServiceAward from Next Step, and in 2003 he washonored with the Outstanding ConsumerEmpowerment Leader Award by the NH Chapterof NAMI, the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill.In 2004, his younger brother’s death from adrug overdose prompted John to start his ownnon-profit company, Granite Steps Publications.“Most of my company’s work is distributed at nocharge,” he says, “in hope of creating a morehealthy society.”2002Erin Howardearned an Associate’s Degree in HumanServices. Erin is employed by the US Army andworks with contractors. She has been deployedto Kuwait for a year and is expected to return in<strong>2011</strong>. Erin is continuing her education while ondeployment.Scott Robbinsgraduated with an Associate’s Degree inArchitectural Engineering Technology. Scott isemployed with Ennead Architects, where he is6 <strong>NHTI</strong> Alumni Newsletter, Spring <strong>2011</strong>

the Director of BIM Technology, a leader in thebuilding information/modeling industry.2004Elizabeth (Goen) Giaquintagraduated with an Associate’s Degree in EarlyChildhood Education. Elizabeth worked as apreschool teacher for several years; since havinga daughter she is a stay-at-home mother whocares for children. Elizabeth says of her <strong>NHTI</strong>education, “I use everything I learned to becomea teacher, now with raising my own child. I feltsuper prepared when we brought our baby home,and feel so lucky to have the knowledge from thecourses I took at <strong>NHTI</strong> and attending workshopsfor Early Childhood Education. Nobody can takeyour education away from you.”2007Ryan O’Callaghanattended <strong>NHTI</strong> from 2005-2007 and obtaineda degree in Criminal Justice with honors. Hewrites, “My education while at <strong>NHTI</strong> helped me toget a wonderful job as a visitation supervisor withthe Merrimack County Visitation Center. I wasan active member of the Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)national honor society and Recycling Club whileat <strong>NHTI</strong>. My PTK membership helped me toobtain a tuition scholarship and transfer to HawaiiPacific University in Honolulu, where I receivedmy BA in Justice Administration in 2010.“I am currently employed as a campus safetyofficer at New England <strong>College</strong>. I am consideringpursuing post graduate education, and I willeventually pursue a career as a police officer. Mycareer in law enforcement is being built on thestrong foundation provided by <strong>NHTI</strong>.”2008David Durkinearned an Associate’s Degree in ArchitecturalEngineering Technology. David lives in NorthCarolina and works for Austal, doing marinepiping design. His firm specializess in the designand construction of aluminum vessels.2010Jaime Guzmangraduated with a degree in MechanicalEngineering Technology. Jaime works for ControlAir in Amherst, NH, as a Product Drafter.• Engagements •Bascom – WunschelElle Bascom and Eric Wunschel of Concordannounce their engagement. Elle works at theConcord Monitor and plans to pursue a degree at<strong>NHTI</strong> in the fall. Eric works at Emerson Ecologicsin Bedford; he also plans to pursue a degree at<strong>NHTI</strong> in the fall.Bragdon – Waranowski ’09Sarah Bragdon and Peter Waranowski areengaged. Sarah graduated from PembrokeAcademy and earned a bachelor’s degree insocial work from Salve Regina in Newport, RI,and a Master’s Degree in Social Work from<strong>NHTI</strong> Alumni Newsletter, Spring <strong>2011</strong>UNH. Sarah is a social worker at the HampsteadHospital. Peter earned an Associate’s Degreein Information Technology from <strong>NHTI</strong>. He is apartner engineer at RSA, the Security Division ofEMC, in Bedford, MA.Costello – NyhanKatelyn Elizabeth Costello and JeffreyJason Nyhan are pleased to announce theirengagement. Katelyn graduated from TrinityHigh School and Southern NH University; sheis employed with the Bedford School District.Jeffrey graduated from Manchester High SchoolWest and <strong>NHTI</strong>. Jeffrey works for the State ofNew Hampshire.Dow – LangSonja Dow and Ryan Lang have announced theirengagement. Sonja graduated from ConcordHigh School and attended <strong>NHTI</strong>. Sonja is aLNA at Concord Hospital and plans to pursue anursing degree. Ryan earned a degree in appliedScience from Manchester <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>.He is a senior master automotive technician inManchester.Dussault ’11 – WilliamsKristen Dussault and Tyler Williams are engaged.Kristen is currently attending <strong>NHTI</strong>. She isa licensed nursing assistant at the SpecialCare Nursery at Catholic Medical Center inManchester. Tyler is a software support engineerat Ektron in Nashua. A September <strong>2011</strong> weddingis planned.Gervais ’04– SextonKathryn Gervais and Lincoln Sexton are pleasedto announce their engagement. Kathryngraduated from <strong>NHTI</strong> with an Associate’sDegree in Nursing. She is a registered nurse atWentworth-Douglass Hospital in Dover. Lincolngraduated from Milford School System andserved in the US Marine Corps. He is a homehealth specialist in the Concord area.Harris – SchoolsLaura Harris and Andrew Schools are engaged.Laura graduated from Pembroke Academy andis attending <strong>NHTI</strong>. She is employed by LaconiaSavings Bank. Andrew attended LyndonvilleInstitute, graduated from Westwood <strong>College</strong>, andis a self-employed computer programmer. A Maywedding is planned.Marston – VermokowitzCarrie Marston and David Vermokowitz areengaged. Carrie is an executive assistant withFreudenberg-NOK in Northfield. David graduatedfrom Goffstown High School and <strong>NHTI</strong>; he is theowner of Landscape Plus Inc. in Goffstown.Messineo ’08 – OrtizJulianne Messineo and Hernan Ortiz haveannounced their engagement. Julieanne isa graduate of <strong>NHTI</strong> where she earned anAssociate’s Degree in Education. She ispursuing a bachelor’s degree in BehavioralScience at Granite State <strong>College</strong>, and works asa direct supply provider for <strong>Community</strong> Bridges.Hernan is a Statistician for the U.S. Departmentof Agriculture/National Agricultural StatisticsService.Ricard – Belanger ’03Meagan Ricard and Joshua Belanger ofLoudon announce their engagement. Meagangraduated from CSI Charter School and is aretail supervisor in Concord. Joshua earnedan Associate’s Degree from <strong>NHTI</strong> and works inbridge construction for R.S. Audley. A Septemberwedding is being planned.Rule – AntonioniAli Rule and Derek Antonioni have announcedtheir engagement. Ali is a student at <strong>NHTI</strong>and works for Hannaford. Derek is attendingPlymouth State University and is a studentteacher. A spring 2012 wedding is planned.Stanley ’08 – HansonNichole Stanley and Nathaniel Hanson areengaged. Nichole earned an Associate’s Degreein Accounting and a Bachelor’s Degree inAccounting from Lyndon State <strong>College</strong> in 2009.Nichole is a TPL claims coordinator at SouthwestEducational Billing. Nathaniel earned anAssociate’s Degree in Fire Science from LakesRegion <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> in Laconia. He isa firefighter for the Littleton Fire Department. A2012 wedding is planned.Vaillancourt ’04 – ManciniAllison Marie Vaillancourt is engaged to AnthonyMancini. Allison earned an Associate’s Degreein Nursing at <strong>NHTI</strong> and a bachelor’s degreefrom the University of New Hampshire. She is aregistered perianesthesia nurse in Manchester.Anthony graduated from Northeastern Universitywith a BS and MS in engineering, and earnedhis MBA at Suffolk University’s Sawyer BusinessSchool. He is a project manager at PhillipsHealthcare. A May <strong>2011</strong> wedding is planned.Vallerand – Christian ’10Amanda Lee Vallerand and Gerard TimothyChristian are engaged. Amber graduated fromSNHU and is a pastry cook with a Boston arearestaurant. Gerard graduated from the <strong>NHTI</strong>Paramedic program and is a paramedic witha Manchester ambulance company. A springwedding is planned.• Weddings •Beaudette – WalekJessica Beaudette and Gregory Walekwere married May 22, 2010, at St. Pius X inManchester. Jessica graduated from John StarkRegional High School and Hesser <strong>College</strong>.Jessica is a licensed nursing assistant for theHillsborough County Nursing Home in Goffstown.Greg graduated from North Attleboro HighSchool and earned a Master’s Certificate fromthe Guildhall at Southern Methodist Universityin Dallas. He is a Professor in the Animationand Graphic Game Programming departmentat <strong>NHTI</strong>. The Waleks took a honeymoon trip toJackson Village, and reside in Weare.Brown – RoddRebecca Brown and Kevin Rodd were marriedat Steel Hill Resort in Sanbornton. Rebeccaattended Concord High School and has a7

Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts with a major inPsychology. Rebecca is now attending <strong>NHTI</strong> fora certificate in early intervention for autism. Sheis the assistant manager at Claire’s Boutique inConcord. Kevin attended Concord High Schooland served in the US Army. He is an armedsecurity guard with Loomis. The couple tooka wedding trip to Palm Beach, FL, and live inDeerfield.Chaloux ’04 – DesChenes ’01Melanie Chaloux and Stephen DesChenes weremarried on October 10, 2009, at the UnitarianUniversalist Church in Keene. Melanie is a 2002graduate of Lyndon Institute, a 2004 graduate of<strong>NHTI</strong> with a Degree in Hotel Administration, anda 2007 graduate of Franklin Pierce Universitywith a Bachelor’s in Business. She is employedwith Andrus Associates. Stephen is a graduateof Hinsdale High School and a 2004 graduateof <strong>NHTI</strong> with an Associate’s Degree in GeneralStudies. Stephen is employed with G. Housen.After a trip to the Bahamas, the couple took upresidence in the Monadnock Region.Charmichael ’11 – HebertJenna Carmichael and Joshua Hebert weremarried at Steele Hill Resort in Sanbornton.Jenna graduated from Concord High Schooland attends <strong>NHTI</strong>, expecting to graduate in<strong>2011</strong> in Business Administration. Jenna is theaquatics director at the Racquet Club of Concord.Joshua graduated from North Atlantic RegionHigh School; he is a sergeant in the NH NationalGuard and is serving in Kuwait. The couplereside in Concord.Costello – Nyhan ’02Katelyn Elizabeth Costello and Jeffrey Nyhanare married. Katelyn graduated from Trinity HighSchool and SNHU. She is employed with theBedford School District. Jeffrey graduated fromManchester West High School and <strong>NHTI</strong> withan Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice. He isemployed with the State of New Hampshire.Dominic – MenardKatherine Dominic and Jason Menard weremarried in July, 2010 at the Common Man Innand Spa in Plymouth. Katherine graduatedfrom SNHU and works for Concord Hospital.Jason is pursuing a degree in ArchitecturalEngineering Technology at <strong>NHTI</strong> and is employedby Continental Paving. The couple reside inPembroke.Fuller – KeithKathryn Fuller and David Keith Jr. Weremarried in September 2010. Kathryn earned anAssociate’s Degree in Sports Management from<strong>NHTI</strong> and works for York County Federal CreditUnion. David earned an Associate’s Degree inCriminal Justice from <strong>NHTI</strong> and is a police officer.They reside in Wells, ME.LaFramboise ’04 – DouglassStephanie LaFramboise and Brian Douglasswere married in July 2010 in Candia. Stephaniegraduated from <strong>NHTI</strong> with an Associate’s Degreein Management and works at a pediatric officein Bedford and Brian is an HVAC mechanic atConcord Hospital.Lemire ’00– GelinasAllyson Lemire and Keith Gelinas were marriedOctober 2010 at Alvirne Chapel in Hudson.Allyson received a Diploma in Dental Assistingand is a Certified Dental Assistant in Concord.Keith is a firefighter in Manchester. The coupletook a wedding trip to St. Lucia and reside inManchester.Leslie – HodgesAmanda Leslie and Daniel Hodges are married.Amanda graduated from <strong>NHTI</strong> and is a dentalassistant with Dr. Sudati in Manchester. Danielattended Norwich University and is a policeofficer in Nashua.McAlister – D’AlessandroLaura McAlister and Craig D’Alessandro weremarried at the Granite Rose in Hampstead.Laura graduated from Pembroke Academy andattended <strong>NHTI</strong>. She works for Concord Hospital.Craig graduated form Bow High School andearned a Bachelor’s Degree in Safety Studiesfrom Keene State <strong>College</strong>. He works for FrancisHarvey and Sons.Magee – Miknaitis ’06Lisa Magee and Aaron Miknaitis were marriedJuly 2010 in Manchester. Lisa is studyingbusiness at SNHU and works for Harvey BuildingProducts in Londonderry. Aaron earned anDegree in Business Administration from <strong>NHTI</strong>and is an assistant manager at Citizens Bank inGoffstown. The couple reside in Manchester.Sokol – JewellElizabeth Sokol and Liam Jewell were marriedat the Kimball-JenkinsEstate in Concord.Elizabeth graduated fromMerrimack Valley HighSchool and from NewEngland <strong>College</strong> in 2007with a Bachelor’s Degreein History and from URIin 2010 with a Master’s ofLibrary and Information Sokol - JewellScience. Elizabeth is acirculation clerk with Farnum Library at <strong>NHTI</strong>.Liam graduated from Plymouth State Universityin 2008 with a Bachelor’s Degree in BusinessAdministration; he is a team leader with LincolnFinancial Group in Concord.Walker – RobertsCaitlin Walker and Joshua Roberts were marriedat St. John the EvangelistChurch in Concord.Caitlin is currentlypursuing a nursing degreeat <strong>NHTI</strong>. Joshua earneda degree in anthropologyfrom SUNY Albany in2005 and graduated fromEglin Air Force Base withspecialized training. HeWalker - Robertsis a captain in the ArmyNational Guard and works at Camp Edwards inMassachusetts. The couple took honeymoon tripsto Ogunquit, ME, and Bretagne, France, and nowresides in Concord.Warner ’07 – CarterMelissa Warner and Jason Carter were marriedon June 2010 at Solitude Ridge in Bradford.Melissa earned her professional certificatein Dental Assisting, she is a certified dentalassistant for Dr. Bogacz in Concord. Jason is acertified profession logger for MBC Timber. Theylive in Bradford, NH.• In Memory •Colleen S. Brooks ’96Colleen 56, was a graduate of Concord HighSchool, a graduate with honors from <strong>NHTI</strong>with an Associate’s Degree in Accounting andalso received her Bachelor’s Degree fromFranklin Pierce <strong>College</strong>, and worked for theNH Department of Human Resources. Colleenwas a union steward and councilor for the StateEmployees Association. As an Army brat sherelished the opportunity to travel the world withher family.Brian E. DemersBrian, 53, was born in Littleton. He was raisedin Thornton, graduating from the PlymouthArea High School, class of 1975. Brian wenton to continue his education at <strong>NHTI</strong> earning aCertificate in Accounting. For many years, he wasan employee for the Draper Corporation at theBeebee River Company, he also worked for theBurndy’s of Lincoln and Gerrity Lumber Companyof Meredith. Brian enjoyed snowmobiling,camping, fishing, playing cards, and motorcycles.He loved spending time with his beloved friendsand family.Seth T. ConradSeth, 25 ,was a graduate of Woodville HighSchool in 2003 and attended <strong>NHTI</strong> . Seth workedfor Orion Wire in North Haverhill in shipping andreceiving as well as with information technology.He also worked previously for SteenburgAuctioneers. Seth loved his family and theirspecial family gatherings and had a greatpassion for pets. He enjoyed outdoor activies andwatching New England sports teams.Gerald E. GilmoreGerald passed away after a brief illness. Hewas born and raised in Pittsfield and had beena resident of Chichester for the past 27 years.Following Gerald’s graduation from PittsfieldHigh School, he served in the Marine Corps.He attended the Vocational Technical <strong>College</strong>in Concord, now <strong>NHTI</strong>, studying MechanicalEngineering Technology. Gerald was employedas an auto body technician for M&M Ford inEpsom, and later by Machine Craft in Concord.He enjoyed traveling, visiting truck shows andmuseums, and spending time with his cats Ciceroand Matilda. He was always tinkering on his owncars and helping family and friends with projects.Katherine Jo Grooms ’96Katherine, 46, died after a long illness. Kathymoved to New Hampshire for a period of timeand graduated with National High Honors withan Associate’s Degree in Early ChildhoodEducation. Kathy was very artistic, loved to cook8 <strong>NHTI</strong> Alumni Newsletter, Spring <strong>2011</strong>

and entertain family and friends. She was veryselfless in nature and was full of love in her heartwith a wonderful sense of humor.George HarrisonGeorge, 46, was a graduate of Bishop Brady andreceived his Associate’s Degree in Business fromthe Thompson School of Business and an Degreein Nursing from <strong>NHTI</strong>. George worked as aregistered nurse in Concord Hospital for 10 years.He loved to ski, golf and scuba dive. Georgewas known for his love of music and his ability toentertain and also had a fabulous sense of humorand was loved by everyone who knew him.Lisa Huse ’03Lisa lived in Webster for the past 17 years,attended Pittsfield schools and received herDegree education from <strong>NHTI</strong>. Lisa was a selfemployedbookkeeper for several companies inthe Concord/Hooksett area and did substituteteaching for Webster and Salisbury elementaryschools for a couple of years.Mary A. LivingstonMary, 84, passed after a period of failing health.Mary was born in Manchester and attendedManchester High School Central and residedin the city most of her life. Mary worked as asecretary at <strong>NHTI</strong>. She was an accomplishedviolinist, accordionist, flutist and mandolin playerwhose focus was classical and Celtic music.Jean Robert MasukuDr. Jean Robert Masuku, 56, died Feb. 23, <strong>2011</strong>,at Elliot Hospital. He was born in the Congo in1954. He was a medical doctor for many yearsbefore he and his family moved from the Congoto New Hampshire in 2001. He was a currentstudent at <strong>NHTI</strong>.Nancy Dale NicholsNancy, 63, grew up in Chichester and graduatedfrom Pittsfield High school. She received herLPN degree from Mary Hitchcock School ofNursing, and her Associate’s Degree at <strong>NHTI</strong>.Nancy had a 43 year nursing career and hadrecently retired from Merrimack County NursingHome. She was enjoying her retirement, whichallowed her to spend time with her family andhelp others at various volunteer organizations.Christina A. PhilibotteChristina, 64, was born and raised in Manchesterand graduated from West High School. Christinareceived an Associate’s Degree from <strong>NHTI</strong>. Shehad been employed at Sanders Associates andlater at Poly –Vac Corporation. Christina will beremembered by her family for the laughter theyshared and her caring and lovable nature.Marjorie R. Perry RussellMarjorie, 81, of Concord went to Walker Schooland was a proud 1947 Concord High Schoolgraduate and attended her 60th class reunion in2007. She did coursework at <strong>NHTI</strong> and workedfor the state of New Hampshire for 30 years inthe Health and Welfare department and laterthe data processing department as a supervisor.Marjorie’s generous and loving heart, her Irishsense of humor, her smile and love of life, friendsand family are her legacy.Still Happy After All These Years…..When they met, Dennis Kirwan, ’87 and Lorraine Frank, ’86 were studentsin the Architectural Engineering Technology program at <strong>NHTI</strong>, Concord’s<strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> (then called New Hampshire Technical Institute).Their first date was January 20, 1985.“I actually asked her to marry me while we were still in college,” laughs Dennis. “Ieven had the engagement ring! She said ‘yes’ to the idea, just not the timing.”Dennis Kirwan is the managing partner for a land planning firm, and Lorrainehas been employed as a civil engineer since 1995. They live in the northern part ofNew Jersey, about 45 minutes from New York City.On October 6, 2010, the couple celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary.Congratulations!Dennis andLorraine, inStrout Hallin 1985.Mr. andMrs. DennisKirwanon theirwedding day,October 6,1990.Dennis and Lorraine with their children, Ryan and Meghan.Paging Your Classmates:Please Report to <strong>NHTI</strong>’s Alumni Office!The friendships you develop during your college years can last a lifetime...if youknow where they are.The following <strong>NHTI</strong> graduates want to get back in touch with theirclassmates. Please let the Alumni Office know if you are able to reconnect!• Dan Cleveland, Class of 1968, can be reached at dclevela48@gmail.com• Dara Bartlett, Class of 1993, can be reached at darabartlett@live.com• Dan Lunt, Class of 1999, can be reached at billbub@roadrunner.com• Timothy Hodgdon, Class of 2005, can be reached thetimmerman@aol.comWant to reconnect with your classmates? Contacte the Alumni Office atnhtialumniaffairs@ccsnh.edu.<strong>NHTI</strong> Alumni Newsletter, Spring <strong>2011</strong>9

Seeking Successful Alumni to Reach Out to Accepted StudentsHigh school seniors across New Hampshire are now making critical decisionsabout where to begin their college careers. For many students, <strong>NHTI</strong> may beone choice among many potential colleges. This is where you – our successfulalumni – can make a difference!You can help encourage accepted students to enroll at the <strong>College</strong> (see letter belowrecently emailed to Business Administration students). As alumni of the <strong>College</strong>, you’rewell aware of the high-quality, affordable education <strong>NHTI</strong> offers. Students can easilytransfer their <strong>NHTI</strong> credits to a four-year college or university. <strong>NHTI</strong> truly lives up tothe “Start Here, Go Anywhere ...” tagline.If you are willing to share your positive <strong>NHTI</strong> experiences with potential students,please contact the Office of Development today: (603) 271–7735 or email Lee Ann Lewisat llewis@ccsnh.edu.Please Join Us!A May Day for MollyThe <strong>NHTI</strong> Nursing Faculty,Nursing Students and Family ofMolly B. Hawthorn-MacDougallinvite you to join us for “A May Dayfor Molly,” a family picnic fundraiserwith lots of great food, music andwhiffle ball! All proceeds will benefitthe Molly B. Hawthorn-MacDougallMemorial Nursing Scholarship, whichwill assist future nursing students inpaying for their education, and helpingthem to become nurses.A May Day for Molly ~Music, Food and PlaySunday, May 15, <strong>2011</strong>from noon – 4:00 pm<strong>NHTI</strong>,Concord’s <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>31 <strong>College</strong> DriveConcord, NH 03301Field behind Little Hall$15 per personKids age 12 and under – freeFollow <strong>NHTI</strong> online!Please visit the <strong>NHTI</strong> Facebook page (clickthe Facebook icon at www.nhti.edu) and joinour 1600+ fans, or follow us onTwitter (twitter.com/nhti). Signup today and you’ll receive announcements fromthe <strong>College</strong> about upcoming events, lectures,films and other exciting happenings on campus.To RSVP for “A May Day for Molly,”or to volunteer at the event, pleasecontact Lee Ann Lewis at (603) 271–7735 or llewis@ccsnh.edu. Tickets canbe purchased on the day of the event.Enjoy the picnic, BBQ, music,dancing, singing, whiffle ball, andface painting. This is a great event forfamilies and a wonderful way to honorMolly’s life and legacy.10 <strong>NHTI</strong> Alumni Newsletter, Spring <strong>2011</strong>

Practical Nursing Alumni Meet and MentorClass of 2010Many students pursue a diploma in Practical Nursing at <strong>NHTI</strong>; indeed, it is oneof the most competitive programs to enter at the <strong>College</strong>. Although there aremany benefits to this one-year program, students generally do not have easyaccess to alumni: Practical Nursing students graduate in December and a whole newclass arrives in January.In December 2010, the Practical Student Nurses Association (PSNA), along withProfessor Susan Kenna, coordinator for the Practical Nursing program at <strong>NHTI</strong>, hosted aspecial luncheon for the Class of 2010, with alumni guest speakers.“We wanted to provide a forum to bring Practical Student Nursing alumni togetherwith current students,” said Professor Kenna. “The students were able to ask specificquestions about the licensure exam (NCLEX), and about the job market. It alsogave us a chance to recognize and acknowledge all of the hard work the students hadaccomplished.”For the alumni, it was a chance to reconnect with the <strong>College</strong> a year after they hadcompleted their program.“If I can share a piece of information or talk about an experience that will help astudent as they move forward, then that’s great,” says Cathy Speidel, a 2009 graduate ofthe program.From left: Stacey Palermo’07, Cathy Speidel ’09, andKarri Gorman ’09.Hoop Star LambertHonoredFormer <strong>NHTI</strong> basketball star RyanLambert was recently feted atthe Union Leader’s Parade ofChampions Banquet held on SundayFebruary 13th at the Radison Hotel inManchester. Ryan had been chosenas the twelfth and final Athlete of theMonth for 2010 by the ManchesterUnion Leader.This honor recognized Lambert’sperformance as a guard on PlymouthState University’s men’s basketball teamduring the month of December, whenhe led the team in points, reboundsand steals. In one game on December11th against Eastern Connecticut State,Lambert accounted for more than halfof the team’s 65 points.Ryan, who was a YSCC All-Conference player under <strong>NHTI</strong>’s CoachPaul Hogan, is on track to graduatefrom PSU this spring, after a fine careertopped off with being named captain ofthe basketball team this year.Ryan Lambert (left) at the Parade ofChampions with <strong>NHTI</strong> Coach PaulHogan, who received a coaching awardat the banquet.The Practical Nursing Class of 2010Save the Date!Winter Fling 2012!Saturday January 28Attention AlumniDid you land a new job?Get married?Win an award? Publish a book?Send us your news, so we can shareit with your fellow alumni, to:<strong>NHTI</strong> Alumni Affairs Office31 <strong>College</strong> Drive, Concord, NH 03301or nhtialumniaffairs@ccsnh.edu11 <strong>NHTI</strong> Alumni Newsletter, Spring <strong>2011</strong>

CMYK OF PMS 202CMYK OF PMS 2027th Annual<strong>NHTI</strong> / NortheastDelta Dental 5K RoadRace & Family EventFun RunFriday, April 226 pm – 8 pmOffice of Alumni Affairs31 <strong>College</strong> DriveConcord, NH 03301-7412ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTEDNON PROFIT ORGU.S. PostagePAIDPermit #1Manchester, NHProceeds benefit <strong>NHTI</strong>Sports Management Cluband Jen KempScholarship Fund.Preregistration (beforeFriday, April 15): $15($5 students). Race DayRegistration: $20 ($10students) starting at 3 pm atthe <strong>NHTI</strong> Student Center.BBQ on the Quadafter the race.Open to the public. ContactTom Walton at TWalton@nedelta.com, Perry Seagrovesat pseagroves@ccsnh.edu,or <strong>NHTI</strong> Athletics at (603)271-6427.and alumniZ3702/11

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