Aug 24 - Congregation Beth Shalom

Aug 24 - Congregation Beth Shalom

Aug 24 - Congregation Beth Shalom


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6800 35th Ave NESeattle, WA 98115206.5<strong>24</strong>.0075Welcome to <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>! Great to have you with us.Please join us during Kiddush after services. B’ruchim Habaim (Welcome!)ShavuonA <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> Weekly“The past and the future are the Prophet’s whole life, each completing the other…He lives in the future world of his vision and seeks strength in the pastout of which that vision-world is quarried.“ ~ Ahad Ha-am6-13 Elul 5772 <strong>Aug</strong>ust <strong>24</strong>-31, 2012Board Members & Staff<strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> • Voted in JT NewsBest <strong>Congregation</strong> for 2011! 3rd year in a row!PresidentMark StiefelPast PresidentJill CohenPresident-ElectAndrew CohenVice-PresidentMichael MadwedTreasurerMarie PooleSchool Committee ChairGalit EzekielSecretaryCraig LawsonMembers at Large:Karen BinderRhona FeldmanNeeloufar GharaviJeff GillmanNancy GoldovSteven KatzRachel KleitSusan MorgenszternJohn SchochetPeter ShapiroDavid TarshesPerry WeinbergRabbi Jill BorodinTzachi LitovExecutive DirectorIrit EliavDirector of EducationLeah LemchenEarly Childhood CenterDirectorCarol BenedickProgram DirectorB’nai Mitzvah CoordinatorMarjie CoganFront Office CoordinatorEmma ShustermanBookkeeperSandy SloaneLifecycle CoordinatorCarlos Del CidRimma LobasMorena GuidosCustodiansTransliterations ofservices are available;speak to an usher toget a copy.Hearing Devices:<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> hashearing devices for allservices.Should you requireone, please speak to anusher.Kabbalat Shabbat Service in the Beit MidrashCandlelighting for <strong>Aug</strong>ust <strong>24</strong> is at 7:47pmKabbalat Shabbat Services from 6:00-7:00pmService Leader: Michael MadwedShabbat Morning Services in the Sanctuary at 9:30amShoftimDeuteronomy 18:6-19:13Haftarah: Isaiah 51:12-52:12Bat Mitzvah of Raquel GordonThis week’s Kiddush is Hosted by Sharona Gordon & Ira Kantrowitz-GordonShabbat Babysitting at 10:15am in Room 7/8FDI (Future Daveners of Israel) - kids ages 3-6 from 10:45amKid's Kehilla - kids ages 7-11 from 10:45amKiddush Co-op from 12:30-1:30pm in the open space downstairsLearn Talmud after Lunch with Stuart LightWhat’s Shabbas without a little Talmudic logic? Put your lawyerly skills to worklearning how the Rabbis of old picked apart every word of the Torah and Mishnain order to discover nothing less than TRUTH.Weekday Minyanim in the Beit MidrashMonday - Friday: 7:00AM • Monday Evening: 7:30 PMThursday Evening: 7:30 PM • Sunday Morning: 9:30-10:15 AMTorah study group every Sunday;Torah study immediately following Minyan in the Beit MidrashTo honor the sanctity of Shabbat and High Holidays, we do not permit smoking, photography,writing, use of beepers, cell phones or other wireless equipment.When congregants are standing in prayer please do not disturb their concentrationby moving around the shul.In consideration of other members, please minimize the use of scented body products. Thank you.

ANNOUNCEMENTSERUV WebsiteFollow this link to check on the Eruv update each weekhttp://twitter.com/cstleruv. If you want to take a look atthe Eruv map use this link (it’s a long one) :http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=216346072790836754082.00046432d032bebff971e&msa=0Join our Facebook group! Or Twitter!Get the latest news, join in discussions, keep in touch.From www.facebook.com, just search on <strong>Congregation</strong><strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> and click “join.”The link to our twitter account is:https://twitter.com/#!/<strong>Beth</strong><strong>Shalom</strong>NW.CBS Gift Card / Scrip ProgramThe gift cards that are available include: PCC, QFC/FredMeyer, Safeway, Albertsons, Home Depot, Starbucks andARCO. If you have any questions about the <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>gift cards, please contact Marjie Cogan in the office orKevin Coskey at scrip@bethshalomseattle.org.For New & Prospective MembersTuesday, 9/11 from 7:30pmWe invite you to an Open House to learn more about<strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>.Following the Open House, please stay for a class taughtby Rabbi Borodin. (More details on page 3)Sunday, 9/16 from 5:00pmJoin us before Erev Rosh Hashanah services for an opportunityto schmooze and nosh with Rabbi Borodin and othermembers of the <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> community.Join us for Erev Rosh Hashanah services at no charge.High Holiday tickets are also available for purchase.Kosher Meat for High HolidaysOrders Due by Tuesday, 9/4Pick-up at CBS on Thursday, 9/13from 5:00-7:00pmInterested in Kosher pasture-raisedmeat for the holidays that has no hormonesor antibiotics? Connect withGrow & Behold to learn how you toocan have access to great meat, that isalso healthy and sustainable. Ordersare due by Tuesday, September 4 fordelivery on Thursday September 13.Here is the link:http://growandbehold.com/index.php?page=Seattle* * A d v a n c e n o t i c e * *New Adult Education Group Starts in NovemberWant to learn more about the Conservative Movement’svision of living the ‘good’ Jewish life? Be part of theconversation! Join fellow CBS’ers on Saturday,November 17, after Kiddush lunch as we begin a monthlyjourney through The Observant Life: The Wisdom ofConservative Judaism for Contemporary Jews (2012). Noprior experience in Hebrew or halacha (Jewish law)required.SAVE NOW!Get your hands on The Observant Life… and save!Order by Wednesday, <strong>Aug</strong>ust 29 to take advantage ofthe publisher’s promotional price of $22 ($27 w/shippingvs. $34.95 list). E-mail Joel Freedman to order yourstoday: CBSBooks [at] CoryFreedman.com.Come Leyn Torah on Weekdays or JUST COMEThe daily minyan at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> is looking for volunteerleyners and people to make minyan. Whether you aredusting off your leyning skills or giving it a first try, youcould not find a more supportive and appreciative group.We read the torah every Monday and Thursday, plus RoshChodesh and the like. Services start at 7:00 am and areover by 8:15 am. Send Norbert Sorg a mail atnorbert.sorg@live.com, if you are interested.There is a Doodle poll for the weekday minyan too!Sukkot, Hanukkah, Tu B'Shvat, Purim - A Call fordreamers and workers to help make these holidayshappenWe are looking forward to creating a new holiday planningcommittee this year that will work with the rabbi andprogram director helping to dream, plan, and implementour synagogue holiday programs. If you are someone whohas ideas for celebrating the holidays, or likes to work ondetails, or happy to help out at the holiday celebrationsthemselves - we would love to have you for this excitingnew committee. Please speak with either Carol Benedickor the Rabbi if you are interested.Call for Poetry and Prayer SubmissionsFor the sixth year in a row, we look forward to producingour own original book of prayers, poems and reflectionswritten for the high holidays. We would love to includeyour writings or art. Please send or deliver all submissionsto Sandy at sandysloane@bethshalomseattle.org in theoffice by <strong>Aug</strong>ust 31. This book of prayers and poems hasbeen an important source of inspiration during theholidays. For more information, please speak with Editor,Pat Hurshell at (206) 722 9237 or phurshell@comcast.netor speak to Rabbi Borodin.Tot ShabbatUpcoming dates - 9/1, 10/61st Shabbat monthly 11:00—11:30am in Room 2A community-led, interactive celebration for children ages0-3 and their parents. Join us monthly for songs, stories,and snack. All are welcome.For more information email:iriteliav@bethshalomseattle.org.MILESTONES Mazel Tov to Raquel Gordon and her family, onbecoming Bat Mitzvah Mazel Tov to Judy Soferman & Marc Rosenshein, on their40th Wedding Anniversary Mazel Tov to Michele Yanow & Adam Shapiro, on the10th Wedding AnniversaryTODDAH RABAH Sharona Gordon & Ira Kantrowitz-Gordon, for Hostingthis week’s Kiddush Michael Madwed, for leading Kabbalat Shabbat services Marilyn Bierman, for her help getting High Holidaytickets into the mail

UPCOMING PROGRAMS AND EVENTSSelichot marks the start of High Holiday preparations, atime when we are called upon to do teshuva—the work of inventory and reconciliation.Join us for a Selichot Program,an evening of learning, conversation and services tohelp us begin our spiritual preparationTORAH OF RECONCILIATION WITH RABBI SHELDON LEWISSaturday Night, September 89:15PM Havdalah9:30PM Discussion with Rabbi Sheldon Lewis,Author of Torah of Reconciliation11:00PM Dessert11:15PM Selichot Services-no charge-Sheldon Lewis was born in Chicago and educated at theUniversity of Chicago and the Jewish TheologicalSeminary in New York City, where he received hisrabbinic ordination. He is rabbi emeritus of<strong>Congregation</strong> Kol Emeth in Palo Alto, which he servedfor thirty-three years. Rabbi Lewis has always tried topromote peace and understanding in his community,within families, between varying streams in Judaism,and among religious faiths. He has been deeplyengaged as well in nurturing peace between nations, inthe Middle East and beyond.Read Blu Greenberg? Food forThought-Dining Room LearningStarted Tuesday, now runningthrough 9/11—Ending soon7:00pmRobert Hovden & Ron DeChene areholding a class "Food for Thought -Dining Room Learning" at theirhouse starting on Tuesday, May 22at 7pm. The class will continue onTuesday nights through Sept. 11and includes a pasta dinner. Nocharge. Come ready to learn fromBlu Greenberg's book, How to Run a Traditional JewishHousehold. RSVP to Carol atcarolbenedick@bethshalomseattle.org.Do you Enjoy Cooking?Shabbas Chef Captain Annual MeetingSunday, 9/9 from 7:00pm (New Time)Some of our wonderful captains have moved awaythis year, so we are looking for new recruits. If you'dlike to get more information about what a captaindoes, or if you're ready to sign on to be a captain thisyear, please contact Judith Benjamin atjudithbenj@comcast.net or 525 7791.PS: We'd like to have all our captains in place bythen. So do call Judith!Do you want to join Israeli Dancingbut are worried that you don't know the steps?Israeli Dancing now begins at 7:00pm on Wednesdays.The first half hour we'll learn and review the steps thatare the basic building blocks for many dances. This is agreat time for beginners to join the class.ADULT EDUCATIONDon’t wait until October to start learning.Yiscah Smith is teaching an early session of Pirkei Avotand Ivrit in the Machzor starting on Thursday, 8/30.Registration is available on our website,www.bethshalomseattle.org. Sign up today!Ivrit in the Machzor, Instructor: Yiscah SmithYiscah has just returned from Israel and is eager toshare her deep knowledge of Hebrew prayers. Thispre-holiday class will focus on the tefillot, prayers, ofthe High Holiday Machzor, offering both literal andtheological ways to understand the prayers. This classwill help you understand what you’re saying whendavening in Hebrew. Students should have a basicknowledge of Hebrew grammar and vocabulary.Advanced students will also benefit from this class.Time: Thursday, 7:00-8:00pmDates: <strong>Aug</strong>. 30, Sept. 6, 13, 20 (4 sessions)Cost: $40/Member, $60/Non-memberPIRKEI AVOT “PREQUEL”Avoth (Pirkei Avot – The Ethics of the Fathers) is theone Talmudic tract that explores the very roots ofJudaism. It has long been regarded as a rare treasureof our Torah tradition. Yiscah Smith uses thecommentary of Me’am Loez to help us understand theJew’s relationship with G-d and fellow human being.Time: Thursday, 8:15-9:15pmDates: <strong>Aug</strong>. 30, Sept. 6, 13, 20 (4 sessions)Cost: $40/Member, $60/Non-memberTake both the Pirkei Avot “Prequel”and Ivrit in theMachzor for a $10 discount.$70/member, $110/non-memberHigh Holiday Prep Classes – September 11 and 12RSVP on our website, www.bethshalomseattle.orgUnataneh Tokef: Who Will Live and Who Will Diethis Coming Year – Choosing and Enjoying Life inthe Face of our MortalityInstructor: Rabbi BorodinTuesday night, 9/11 from 7:30-8:30pmIf you’re a new or prospective member, join us for anOpen House at 7:00pm and stay for Rabbi Borodin’sclass at 7:30pm.Preparing yourself spiritually for Rosh HaShanahand Yom Kippur - discovering its inner meanings,Instructor: Yiscah SmithWednesday night, 9/12 from 7:00-8:00pmDan l'kaf zechut - Give the Benefit of theDoubt, Instructor: Shirah BellWednesday night, 9/12 from 8:15-9:15pmדן לכף זכותUsing Your JPS for Directions to Your Inner Truth,Instuctor: Jeremy AlkWednesday night, 9/12 from 8:15-9:15pmHIGH HOLIDAY PREP CLASSES ARE FREE!Please pre-register so we’ll know how many to preparefor.No experience necessary. Please wear shoes that slideeasily. Tennis shoes are NOT recommended. A 5 classpunchcard is $30 for members, $40 for non-members.There is no class on <strong>Aug</strong>ust 22.

HAMAKOM YINACHEM ETCHEM: “May God Comfort You” Michael Lubow, for his father, Nathan Lubow, z”l, who passed away on Thursday, <strong>Aug</strong>ust 23 (5 Elul)MEMBERS IN SHLOSHIM OR YUD BET HODESH Ruth Dick, for her cousin, Irving Rabin, z”l (27 Av) Kim Isaac, for her grandmother, Gerda Haas, z”l (22 Av) Iris Brumer, for her husband, David Brumer, z”l (18 Tammuz) Nadav and Asaph Brumer, for their father, David Brumer, z”l(18 Tammuz) Craig Saran, for his mother, Dorothy Saran, z”l (8 Tammuz) Steve Katz, for his mother, Harriet Katz, z”l (3 Tammuz) Carol Brown, for her husband, Brent Brown, z”l (18 Sivan) Rachel Brown, and Craig Brown, for their father, Brent Brown, z”l (18Sivan) Carol Brown, for her mother, Eleanor Covell, z”l (29 Iyar) Vera Kantor and Israella Kleiman, for her mother, and hergrandmother, Leah Schwartz, z”l (12 Iyar) Elizabeth Braverman, for her father, Barry Braverman, z”l (8 iyar) Nadine Cadesky-Zimmerman, for her father, Macey Cadesky, z”l (2Iyar) Lyle Margulies, for his father, Isadore Margulies, z”l (21 Nissan) Elizabeth Richmond, for her step-mother, Helga Ashkenaze, z”l (<strong>24</strong>Adar) Harold Bobroff, for his mother, Pamela Bobroff, z”l (22 Shevat) Bob Rothstein, for his mother, Beulah Rothstein, z”l (20 Shevat) <strong>Beth</strong> Skirm, for her mother, Rosemary Skirm, z”l (13 Shevat) Bob Rothstein, for his father, Alvin “Buddy” Rothstein, z”l (1 Shevat) Allen Gown, for his father, Daniel Gown, z”l (17 Tevet) Wally Kegel, for his mother, Katie Kegel, z”l (9 Tevet) Julian Judelman, for his mother, Esther Judelman, z”l (4 Tevet) Betsy Deutsch, for her father, Cyrus Rubin, z”l (<strong>24</strong> Kislev) Grace Rubin, for her husband, Cyrus Rubin, z”l (<strong>24</strong> Kislev)MEMBERS IN SHLOSHIM OR YUD BET HODESH - CONTINUED Margaret Montsaroff, for her father, Peter Williams Montgomery, z”l(19 Kislev) Joel Erlitz and Marc Erlitz, for their father, Stanley Erlitz, z”l (18 Kislev) Jeff Miller, for his mother, Ruth Miller, z”l (7 Kislev) Rick Kustina and Frank Kustina, for their mother, Helen Kustina, z”l(26 Heshvan) Michelle Weinberg, for her father, Milton Lubow, z”l (9 Heshvan) Ellen Spear, for her father, Howard Arbetter, z”l (19 Tishrei) Sharona Gordon, for her father, Robert Gordon, z”l (8 Tishrei) Joe Orzech, for his father, Ze’ev Orzech, z”l (15 Elul) Rita Edelson, for her son, David Harris Edelson, z”l (8 Elul)MEMBERS OBSERVING YAHRZEITS Judy Rosenfeld, for her son, Ariel Rosenfeld, z”l Alan Baumgarten, for his uncle, Oscar Baumgarten, z”l Karen Binder, for her father, Solomon Slutzky, z”l Charles Cowan, for his father, Alfred Cowan, z”l Kim Goldov, for his father, Carl Goldschmidt, z”l David Gross, for his father, Sam Gross, z”l Sharon Perlin, for her grandmother, Marley Rosenblum, z”l Andrew Cohen, for his grandfather, Barnie Kamine, z”l Ruth Dick, for her nephew, Glenn Kaufman, z”l Henry Levy, for his mother, Bertha Levy, z”l Deborah Sopher, for her father, Marcus Sopher, z”l Laurie Almoslino, for her aunt, Gloria Gendell, z”l Sharon Greenberg, for her aunt, Rae Rosenberg, z”l Allen Gown, for his mother, Theresa Gown, z”l Stan Sorscher, for his sister, Randee Sorscher, z”l Karen Putterman, for her grandmother, Shirley Krotki, z”lREFUAH SHLEMAHIf your loved one’s name is not listed, you may announce them during theprayer for the sick, after the reading of the Torah.CBS Members Yehuda ben Esther v’ Henoch (Julian Judelman) Menachem ben Esther v’Yizak (Steve Greene) Yocheved bat Batyah v’Avraham Meir (Jacquie Bayley) Malka Belah bat Kareen (Margot Kravette) Cora bat Asher v'Sarah Yakov Shmuel ben Eti Yocheved v’Zvi Yisrael (Jacob Rodan) Gedaliah Yosef ben Yehudit Rolande bat Vivie (Rolande Chesebro) Avigdor ben David (Avi Erlich) Masha bat Shaindel David Henached shel Goldja (Elric Wolfsbruder McCurdy) Yachna Maryam ha’Cohen bat Masha Leah Chisda ben Yonah (Tony Moore) Chizkiyahu Yitzchok Yehoshuah ben Rachel v’Eliezer Yitzchak ben Miriam v’Benjamin (Ira Kalet) Yaffa Tova bat Reuven (Jane Fein) Batsheva bat Sofia Ita bat Taube (Inna Lacker) Aviella Bara bat Nechama Raisel v’Shlomo Vared (SusanAylesworth) Malka bat Leah v’Rav Avram (Mildred Rosenbaum)RELATIVES of Members Ezra Zimmerman, nephew of Henry Zimmerman (re-listed 8/14) Ira Weiner, cousin of Kayla Weiner (re-listed 8/2) Joyce Sundsvold, mother of T.J. Sundsvold (re-listed 8/1) Daniel McNamara, brother of Tink Williams (re-listed 8/14)Refuah ShlemahThe Refuah Shlemah list is for the seriously ill and names need tobe re-submitted monthly.Each entry is dated. The listing expires one month from the listingdate. To renew names on the list call Marjie at 206-5<strong>24</strong>-0075.Thank you for understanding our policyto make room for names in the future.RELATIVES of Members - continued Lori Abrams, sister of Eileen Klein (re-listed 8/2) Sima Tema bat Chava v'Gershon (Shirley Stephson), mother ofAmy Stephson (re-listed 8/23) Helena Baronheid, cousin of Debbie Gordon (listed 8/16) Steven Balick, cousin of Peggy Mesnik (listed 8/8) Tzvi Hersh ben Tova, brother of Lynn Katz (listed 8/16) Yochanan Yeshua Ben Moishe, cousin of Ronnie Katz (listed 8/16) Avigail bat Sarah, relative of Sharon Greenberg (listed 8/23)FRIENDS of Members Yehuda Dov Ha'Cohen ben Malkah, (Ernest Cohen), friend ofSharon Greenberg (re-listed 8/2) Larry Zolton, friend of Patti Kieval (re-listed 8/2) Rabbi Joshua Stampfer, friend of <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> andCamp Solomon Schechter (re-listed 8/14) Rachel bat Gavriela v’Yehuda (Andrea Stern), friend of Patti Kieval(re-listed 8/19) Krista Conner, friend of Kayla Weiner (re-listed 8/2) Renee Freiden, friend of Debbie Gordon (re-listed 8/16) Seth Barronian, son of a collegue of Michael De Haan (re-listed 8/7) Erica Harris, friend of Jacquie Bayley (listed 8/3)

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