Peacock Press Feb 2011.pdf - Belvoir High School

Peacock Press Feb 2011.pdf - Belvoir High School

Peacock Press Feb 2011.pdf - Belvoir High School

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Aberglaslyn by Year 8From falling on a jellyfish to threecourse meals, December’s trip toAberglaslyn was better than ever!Below, Year 8 tell us what made itsuch a greattrip.FolwellWhen I went toAberglaslyn I had greatfun. My favourite partwas when we had amassive snowball fight onthe last day.At Aberglaslynmy favourite bitwas ElephantRock when Ijumped into theice water andgot a brainfreeze – TomWhere do I start? Well,gorge walking was an experience.Painfully cold but utterly fun at thesame time. Another highlight wascanoeing. Now I have super strongarms as the wind was strong. Theopportunity of this trip was a ‘once ina lifetime’ – Hannah DixonI found Aberglaslyn really excitingand thrilling. It was the best week ofmy life and I learnt loads – PeterMumford.My favourite bit of Aberglaslyn wasjumping off theElephant Rockbecause it wasquite tall. Thefood waslovely we hada three coursemeal and atnight the Cookwould cook us some supper. Theweather was the coldest week, itsnowed more than it had for 30years. I learned that it is best to havea go at everything, going toAberglaslyn was a good experiencebecause it pushed youto do everything –Luke AtherleyI was really lookingforward to going toAberglaslyn and itexceeded all myexpectations. For theactivities we were put into groupswhich did not necessarily have yourbest friend in.This was goodbecause youmade newfriends. Thecold/snow madeeverything muchm o r ememorable. Myfavourite activity was beachscrambling because you challengedyourself. – Hannah SmithAberglaslyn was great I reallyliked going on the night-linebecause it was really darkand you got to go with yourfriends. The worst thing waswhen I was on the beach andI slipped on the ice andlanded on a jellyfish! – RebeccaCoatesI went toAberglaslynin week 3and I thinkthe bestactivity wedid was thenight-line.Earlier thatday MrCarter hadtold us that there were wolves, sowhenever I heard my own footsteps Iscreamed! - Millie PaineThe best part ofAberglaslyn was when itsnowed on the last day.We were meant to seewhich group had made thebest snowman buteveryone had a massivesnowball fight instead! -Tom HollidayYOUNG AMBASSADORS MEET LOCAL MPOur two gold Young Ambassadors –Jasmin Southamand ClaireHopkins, metlocal MP AlanDuncan onFriday 14 thJanuary.With the issue ofschool sportfunding cuts verymuch in the news at the moment thegirls were determined to let AlanDuncan know just how importantschool sportis. The girlsboth puttheir viewsacross veryimpressivelyand alsohanded theMP a fourpage letterto pass onto the Prime Minister outlining whatthe cuts in funding will mean for ourlocal area and schools.They were a real credit to the schooland it was hard to believe they areonly 15 when listening to themspeak. Let’s hope Alan Duncan nowchampions our cause and thegovernment re-think this devastatingdecision for school sport.Pictured are Claire and Jasminpresenting their letter to Alan Duncan

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