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2005-2006 Rotary International Theme: Service Above SelfDistrict Governor: Joan FirkinsProgram for June 20, 2006, reported by John SnivelyGuest Speaker, Kate Dearden (left) with Maya Fuhr (co-president Interact, 2006-07).Below:President David Maxwell looking pleased with the Club's successat his last meeting for the year.Congrats, Dave, on a successful year.

2005-2006 <strong>Rotary</strong> International Theme: Service Above SelfDistrict Governor: Joan FirkinsProgram for June 20, 2006, reported by John SnivelyGuest Speaker, Kate Dearden (left) with Maya Fuhr (co-president Interact, 2006-07).Below:President David Maxwell looking pleased with the <strong>Club</strong>'s successat his last meeting for the year.Congrats, Dave, on a successful year.

President David opened the meeting by suggesting that every-one in line for the buffet look at the person in front andthen at the person behind and consider what they have accomplished for <strong>Rotary</strong> this year. Then consider yourself! TomLidkea played for O Canada and David Sills said grace.Rotarians <strong>of</strong> the Week: President David recognized one by one all the members <strong>of</strong> the Board and recounted theircontributions for the year. All are worthy <strong>of</strong> their recognition, but David was particularly appreciative <strong>of</strong> Anne Sims &George Pritchard for their reliable administration as secretary and treasurer. Finally, in additon, the S@A, DallasChapple.Visiting Rotarians & Guests, introduced by David Philip:Alistair & June Limpitlaw, Calgary Chinook, Management & Engineer (Respectively);Jim Porter, Calgary South, S/A.Lisa Maxwell was the guest <strong>of</strong> David M.,Shannon Helyer & Steve Harthill, guests <strong>of</strong> Jack,Therese Eley <strong>of</strong> Tricia;Kate Rearden (Interact) and Maya Fuhr (new co-president <strong>of</strong> Interact) were guests <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Club</strong>.Health <strong>of</strong> the club reported “fine” by Barb.Announcements: Mary Canty asked if anyone is interested in joining a golf group with the Probus <strong>Club</strong> for MondayJuly 17th. Cost $60 for dinner and golf. Please contact her if interested.Heather: Sign up sheet for Windsor Park, July 2nd for popcorn and candy floss event. We need more volunteers.Jack: Please indicate your intention to attend June 27th installation dinner at Uplands.Dave: Board decision to donate a minimum <strong>of</strong> $8K toward Windsor Park Pavilion to furnish a “<strong>Rotary</strong> Room”.Heather: Home and Garden Tour, Sat. Aug 19th in cooperation with Heritage Foundation. Need 200 volunteers for 23-hour shifts. 1500 tickets being sold @ $30, potential <strong>of</strong> raising $15K for <strong>Rotary</strong>. Please volunteer.Dave: Reminder <strong>of</strong> Aug 25th “Golf Day”. Pride in the fact that we had raised $20K this year for the Foundation.Tav: Annual <strong>Rotary</strong> dues going up to $200 from $190. Part <strong>of</strong> small increase goes to funding the District Conferenceand provides free registration for members.John S.: Reminder <strong>of</strong> Pablo’s Mozart Concertos, July 8, 15, 22 (part <strong>of</strong> proceeds to <strong>Rotary</strong>).Eldercare “Salmon” event June 30th, being run by Lori McLeod. Please support both events.New Members Proposed: Therese Eley, Communications and Human Resources Director with OBBH, proposed by Tricia.Steve Harthill, originally from Sheffield England, sales rep. with Pitney Bowes, proposed by Jack.Dallas Chapple, in her last spin as Sergeant At Arms had a self-imposed fine for missing last night’sboard Meeting.Foster: Happy Birthday and Giles: Happy AnniversarySergeantatArmsHappy Dollars: Leslie for 25th high school reunion in Toronto. She commented that the womenlooked great and the men had gone bald.Tom: To celebrate an amazing trip to Europe for 5 weeks including visit with daughter Jenna inSweden, attending RI Convention in Copenhagen, and a stay in Denmark with <strong>Rotary</strong> Exchangestudent from 1988.Tav: sad dollars for not attending all 5 events and fundraisers he usually attends. Announced hisgroup had raised more than $35K for Cystic Fibrosis bringing total donations to more that $3M.Heather: sad for Oilers loss and happy for her parents visit and playing with Alexander.Pablo: Happy that OBBH is generously sponsoring the guest conductors for the Mozart Concertos andTed Harrison has donated a sketch <strong>of</strong> Mozart for Pablo’s concert program.Barb: Happy to have completed Ted’s gardening before complete arthritis set in.Foster: Happy to be back after extended bout with bad cold.Les: Happy to receive news and photos <strong>of</strong> son’s homestead building in the Cariboo.Doug McDougal won the draw but selected a black marble. Boo Hoo!

Speakers:Tricia began by apologizing for absence <strong>of</strong> several Interact members due to exams and previous commitments.She read a very thoughtful letter from Leyland Cecco and Emma Loy , co-presidents <strong>of</strong> OB High Interact <strong>Club</strong>.Leyland reported: their club is evolving from local to international level through recognition <strong>of</strong> their T-shirt project.Working jointly with group from Nanaimo. <strong>Rotary</strong> magazine will be featuring their work. New T-shirts are on their way.Their intention is to raise $10K for Cotlands Orphanage. Interact has been very active in volunteering for many <strong>Rotary</strong>projects and activities.Co-President for 2006-07, Maya Fuhr, was introduced by Tricia.Kate Dearden, an Interact student who was sponsored by the <strong>Rotary</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oak</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> to attend “Adventures InCitizenship" in Ottawa spoke to the membership.Kate had been involved in raising $1000’s for Cops for Cancer. She was also Female Valedictorian <strong>of</strong> the Year for <strong>Oak</strong><strong>Bay</strong> High. She is going on in September to study Political Science at UVIC. Her trip to Ottawa was “life changing”.There were 315 students from across Canada. They toured Ottawa and saw the PM’s house and the home <strong>of</strong> theGovernor General. Enjoyed great entertainment. Visited Parliament and House <strong>of</strong> Commons and were thrilled to sit inthe seats <strong>of</strong> the MP’s. They heard several parliamentary members speak and met Jack Layton. Introduced to Canada’s“Secret Police” force as they explained the measures used to protect the PM. They saw the Royal Canadian PoliceCollege. Attended a gala dinner and dance. On the 4rh day saw the “Citizenship Court” where new citizens from aroundthe world are sworn in. Farewell luncheon was bitter/sweet as Kate had formed some new friendships. Both Joe Clarkand Adrian Clarkson had gone through same program. She saw how significant “bilingualism” is in Ottawa and cameaway with renewed pride <strong>of</strong> being a Canadian. Kate is even more passionate now about being involved in world politicsin the future.George thanked the Speaker.Dave concluded by thanking Joan for her magnanimous role as DG, thanked the outgoing board and the membership forexemplary leadership and accomplishments. He expressed his deep pride in <strong>Rotary</strong> and the <strong>Oak</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Club</strong> in particularand a very special appreciation to his wife Lisa for giving up her <strong>of</strong>fice during this past year so Dave could create “<strong>Rotary</strong>Central” at home, and for all her encouragement and support.The membership acknowledged Dave’s extensive contributions and leadership over this past year. HisStanding Ovation was well deserved.Tom Lidkea finished with God Save The Queen.Programs for June & JulyThank-you Dave and LisaJune 27July 4July 11Installation at Uplands, Tuesday evening.AssemblyAshleigh Gass: Fitness, Health, NutritionRoster to July 25, 2006..... JULY Cashier: B Andersen; 50-50: J PeggsDATE Greet/Grace Greet/Intro BulletinIntroSpeakerThank SpeakerJune27 Rogers-Warnock Murray Sim Snively Sills4 Takahashi Sims Snively Taylor Sim11 Timmermans Whan Tong Aked Beauvais Bedford18 Bixler Bristol-Price L Canty M Canty Carter25 Chambers Chapple Cooley Cr<strong>of</strong>t Diemecke

These are your club bulletin sponsorsContact a Board Member if you would like to ad your Card here.Join us at Noon on Tuesdays at the <strong>Oak</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Beach Hotel1175 Beach Drive, Victoria, BC, CANADA, V8S 2N2Our Roots Run DeepWebsite design and photos: Tricia Timmermans

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