Parent Communication - Two Rivers Magnet Middle School!

Parent Communication - Two Rivers Magnet Middle School! Parent Communication - Two Rivers Magnet Middle School!


SAFETY COMMITMENT RESPECT COOPERATION SUPPORTHALLWAYWalk at all timesWalk on the right for safetyUse traffic patterns andassigned stairwellsKeep hands, feet and otherobjects to yourselfWait Patiently in assignedareasNotify staff in case of anemergencyDress for successStay on trackGo directly todesignated areaArrive to yourdestination on timeMaintain appropriatespacingUse mannersUse appropriatelanguage and toneUse a 12” voiceKeep area cleanAlways travel withplanner/passListen and follow directionsthe first timeGreet each otherappropriatelyOffer a helping handAvoid gossipLAVATOWash hands with soap andwaterKeep your hands & feet andother objects to yourselfMaintain privacyPerform grooming tasksquicklyDress for success beforeyou leaveReturn to the classroompromptlyStay on trackUse your mannersKeep area cleanFlush the toiletUse appropriatelanguage and toneUse a 6 inch voiceAlways arrive andleave with a passPlace planner in bin ondoorUse only the suppliesyou needBe patientWait your turnReport problemsimmediatelyRespect privacy &personal spaceRYOFFICEStay in assigned areaSit properly in the chair (feeton the floor)Keep your hands & feet andobjects to yourselfCome prepared withmaterials/passRemain focused on thetaskComplete all assignedtasksReturn immediately toclass when finishedDress for successStay on trackEnter quietlyUse appropriatelanguage and toneUse a 12 inch voiceUse your mannersBe honestKeep area cleanDress for successAlways arrive and leavewith a passBe prepared to explainpurpose for visitListen and followdirections the first timegivenWait your turnBe patientBe quiet-33-

SAFETY COMMITMENT RESPECT COOPERATION SUPPORTLOCKEKeep locker locked at alltimesKeep backpack, headwear,coat, purse and electronicdevices in lockerKeep locker combinationprivateSelect everything youneedGo to locker duringdesignated times onlyBe courteousUse appropriatelanguage and toneUse 12” voiceKeep appropriate spacefrom locker neighborsClose locker gentlyUse only assignedlockerRSDISMISSKeep your hands & feet andother objects to yourselfRemain seated untildismissedWalk at all timesGo directly to locker anddepart school immediatelyUse traffic patternsBoard buses calmlyArrange fortransportation changes24 hours aheadSelect everything youneed from lockerStay on trackKeep school propertycleanUse your mannersUse appropriatelanguage and toneUse 6" voices in buildingUse 12" voices outsideRemain silent for end ofday announcementsWait your turn ifyou use the phoneWait patiently forreceptionist tofinish with anotherstudent or parentAL-34-

SAFETY COMMITMENT RESPECT COOPERATION SUPPORTHALLWAYWalk at all timesWalk on the right for safetyUse traffic patterns andassigned stairwellsKeep hands, feet and otherobjects to yourselfWait Patiently in assignedareasNotify staff in case of anemergencyDress for successStay on trackGo directly todesignated areaArrive to yourdestination on timeMaintain appropriatespacingUse mannersUse appropriatelanguage and toneUse a 12” voiceKeep area cleanAlways travel withplanner/passListen and follow directionsthe first timeGreet each otherappropriatelyOffer a helping handAvoid gossipLAVATOWash hands with soap andwaterKeep your hands & feet andother objects to yourselfMaintain privacyPerform grooming tasksquicklyDress for success beforeyou leaveReturn to the classroompromptlyStay on trackUse your mannersKeep area cleanFlush the toiletUse appropriatelanguage and toneUse a 6 inch voiceAlways arrive andleave with a passPlace planner in bin ondoorUse only the suppliesyou needBe patientWait your turnReport problemsimmediatelyRespect privacy &personal spaceRYOFFICEStay in assigned areaSit properly in the chair (feeton the floor)Keep your hands & feet andobjects to yourselfCome prepared withmaterials/passRemain focused on thetaskComplete all assignedtasksReturn immediately toclass when finishedDress for successStay on trackEnter quietlyUse appropriatelanguage and toneUse a 12 inch voiceUse your mannersBe honestKeep area cleanDress for successAlways arrive and leavewith a passBe prepared to explainpurpose for visitListen and followdirections the first timegivenWait your turnBe patientBe quiet-33-

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