Parent Communication - Two Rivers Magnet Middle School!

Parent Communication - Two Rivers Magnet Middle School!

Parent Communication - Two Rivers Magnet Middle School!

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SAFETY COMMITMENT RESPECT COOPERATION SUPPORTARRIVALKeep your hands, feet andother objects to yourselfWalk at all timesUse assigned trafficpatternsWalk on the right for safetyNotify staff in case of anemergencyArrive to school ontimeArrive dressed forsuccessSelect everything youneed from lockerStay on trackRemove headwear uponentering buildingUse your mannersUse appropriatelanguage and toneUse a 12” voiceKeep school propertycleanRemain on bus oroutside calmly until8:10Use a pass to enterbuilding before 8:10Proceed directly tocafeteria if you arehaving breakfastPut backpack,headwear, coat, purse,electronic devices(turned off) in lockerArrive in homeroom by8:25 with all materialsBe inclusive andfriendlyRespect privacy andpersonal spaceCLASSROOMKeep your hands, feet andobjects to yourselfStay in assigned areasSit properly in the chair(feet on the floor)Demonstrate self controlDress for successArrive on timeCome prepared, ready toworkRemain focused on thetaskComplete all assignmentson timeRecord homework in yourplannerNo excuses, find a wayUse your mannersBe honestUse appropriatelanguage and toneUse appropriatevolume ( 6” or 12”voice)Keep area cleanLine up quietlyWait to be invited intothe classroomListen and followdirections and routinesthe first timeRaise your hand forassistance and wait tobe called onReturn personal/classmaterials to theirproper placeFollow dismissalproceduresExit in a quiet andorderly fashionEncourage eachotherSupport the learningof othersBe open to the ideasof othersOffer a helping handParticipate activelyin classVILLAGEKeep your hands , feet andother objects to yourselfStay in assigned areasRemain seatedWalk at all timesWait for dismissalinstructionsDress for successEnter quietly and sit inassigned areaBe an active listenerRemain focused on thetaskUse your mannersKeep area cleanTrack the speakerRemain silent when thespeaker is speakingAppreciate speaker'seffort and respondappropriatelyUse appropriatelanguage and toneUse 6” voicesRespond toquiet/attention signalListen and followdirections the firsttimeFollow routinesParticipate whenrequestedRaise your hand forassistance and wait tobe called onBe quietBe patientWait your turnEncourage eachotherSupport others’learningOffer a helping hand-31-

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