Parent Communication - Two Rivers Magnet Middle School!

Parent Communication - Two Rivers Magnet Middle School! Parent Communication - Two Rivers Magnet Middle School!


2012 - 2013STUDENT HANDBOOK337 East River DriveEast Hartford, CT 06108Jill Wnuk – Associate PrincipalCheryl Lucia – Associate PrincipalChris Bombara – Associate PrincipalMain Office: 860-290-5320Fax: 860-509-3609- 1 -

2012 - 2013STUDENT HANDBOOK337 East River DriveEast Hartford, CT 06108Jill Wnuk – Associate PrincipalCheryl Lucia – Associate PrincipalChris Bombara – Associate PrincipalMain Office: 860-290-5320Fax: 860-509-3609- 1 -

<strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> PledgeToday I pledge to:Speak kindly to someoneThink kindly of someoneAct kindly to someone andMake good decisions throughout my day!- 2 -

Jean Privitera, Principal Jill Wnuk, Associate Principal Cheryl Lucia, Associate Principal337 East River DriveEast Hartford, Connecticut 06108Phone: (860) 290-5320Fax: (860) 290-5330Web: 31, 2012Dear Student:Your <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> <strong>Magnet</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong> handbook plays an important role in your success at school. It will help you toorganize your year as well as become informed about important school rules, policies and opportunities.We feel strongly at <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> that you are old enough to take responsibility for writing down and completing all of yourassignments in the “Assignment Section”. You also can keep track of how well you are doing by tracking your quarterly goaltotals. Your teachers, working together with your parents, will help you in becoming an organized and responsible schoolcitizen.It is essential that you have your planner with you at all times and it is kept in good shape, with all pages intact. Failure to doso will make you ineligible for the four quarter reward. Your planner is to be used as your pass both during the school day, atdismissal and as a record of being a Very Invested Person.Dear <strong>Parent</strong>s:<strong>Communication</strong> between school and home is an important responsibility that we share. This student plan book is one attemptat meeting this goal of ours. We ask that you review this plan book with your child not only at the beginning of this schoolyear, but also regularly throughout the year. Approaching the use of this plan book conscientiously will provide you and yourchild with a daily update of assignments and grades. We encourage you to support us and your child in this endeavor.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please sign and detach this form and return to your child’s homeroom teacher.My child ____________________________ and I reviewed the student plan book for the 2012-2013 school year, withspecial attention paid to the Goal Calculation page._________________ ______________________ ______________________Date <strong>Parent</strong> Student- 3 -

TWO RIVERS VISION STATEMENTWe embrace the interdependence of our communities and our environmenton the banks of the Connecticut and Hockanum <strong>Rivers</strong>. In this livinglaboratory, we investigate and explore our world with a sense of wonder, apassion for inquiry, and a vision of the future. The state-of-the-art facility andinnovative use of time supports our work by providing us with the necessaryresources to collect and analyze data, collaborate, and justify our findings in aconscientious manner.Our collective efforts are made possible not only by a commitment tocontinuous improvement, but also by the vibrant and diverse cultural heritageof the region. Our teachers, family, and community partners work together toensure that learning is relevant for all students, honoring who we are today andwho we hope to become during our time here. By asking many questions,exploring relationships between the old and the new, keeping an open mindand cultivating a creative spirit, we seek to create a dynamic environment whereanything is possible.- 4 -

CREC’S GUIDING BELIEFSOur vision is that every student can learn at higher levels and therefore must have access to all educationalresources of the region through the system of public schools served by CREC.Our mission is to work with boards of education of the Capitol Region to improve the quality of publiceducation for all learners.In order to achieve its mission, CREC will:1) Promote cooperation and collaboration with local school districts and other organizationscommitted to improved quality of public education;2) Provide cost effective services to member districts and other clients;3) Listen and respond to client needs for the improved quality of its services and its ability to identifyand share quality services of its member districts and other organizations committed to publiceducation.Our Goal: CREC staff and programs shall work with local school systems to meet their needs and theneeds of students.CREC believes that:1) All students can learn.2) Administrators and their staff can make a difference in the lives and learning of our students.3) A comprehensive administrator evaluation plan, including a professional growth component, isessential to achieve our goal.4) Learning is a lifelong responsibility.- 5 -


TWO RIVERS MAGNET MIDDLE SCHOOLSTUDENTS’ RIGHTSAt <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> these rights apply to all persons - students, staff, and visitors - and to the entireschool day, including travel to and from school. The right to a safe, challenging and nurturing school community. The right to be treated with respect and dignity. The right to an education, which means that teachers are free to teach and students are free tolearn without interruption or disruption from others. The right to respectfully ask a question. The right to respectfully express one’s opinion. The right to develop one’s own personality, beliefs, and interests (provided they do not violatethe rights of others) without disrespect, criticism or pressure from peers. Freedom from physical or mental abuse, such as name calling, intimidation or bullying. Freedom from being set apart or made fun of because of age, gender, religion, race, culture,language, physical appearance, personal features or preferences, friendship groups, disability,financial status, clothing, classroom performance or any other reason. The right to privacy, except in instances of abuse or risk to self or others. The right to have personal property respected, except in instances of risk to self or others onschool property.STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY FOR LEARNING<strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> <strong>Magnet</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong> follows the Full Value Contract. As a member of the<strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> learning community, it is our expectation that you will be safe, committed to learning,respectful, will cooperate, and will support each other. The Full Value Contract provides us witha common language and symbol for this philosophy. As a <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> Student, you are expectedto demonstrate:CommitmentRespectCooperationSafetySupportThese beliefs are described for all areas of the building, including the classroom, hallway, office,media center, Great Hall, cafeteria, lobby, bathroom, gymnasium, the bus, and assemblies. Thesebeliefs are posted and are specifically modeled and instructed by all teachers.- 7 -

- 8 -ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT AND OUR MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAMYoung people go through dramatic changes between the ages of ten and fifteen. Development is anindividual process and varies a great deal. Students grow at different rates – intellectually, physically,socially, emotionally and morally. Academic success depends on an adolescent’s other developmentalneeds being met as well. A developmentally responsive middle school fosters: Small learning communities (teams) A rigorous curriculum that challenges, integrates, and explores ideas, options, andperspectives. Varied teaching and learning methods that reach every student. Multiple and varied forms of assessment for learning A standards based reporting system that assists students and parents in measuring academicgrowth compared to state standards Academic support and enrichment programs to support the individual learner, includingtiered intervention programming Programs, policies and attitudes that promote health, well-being, and safety Comprehensive guidance and support services.MIDDLE SCHOOL TEAMS AND CLASSESAt <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong>, both teachers and students are divided into “teams.” Each team consists of sixteachers and approximately one hundred students. Math, Integrated Language Arts, Science, and SocialStudies make up the core curriculum which is enriched and integrated with the Encore Program. Encoresubject areas include World Language; Choral, and Instrumental Music; Physical Education; Art;Exploratory Sciences; and Technology Education.<strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> teams will present students with specific organization systems for binders, folders, andrelated school materials. This organizational system will be used among all teams and adapted for eachgrade level’s specific needs.Guidance Counselors follow the progress of each student closely, help students develop importantlife skills, and explore their learning styles and career interests. Additional services supports include:Math Intervention and Literacy Intervention classes which are designed to enhance studentunderstanding in reading, writing, and math. The Enrichment Coordinator who works with students toexpand their way of thinking or explore areas of interest. Finally, Special Education Teachers, the<strong>School</strong> Nurse, the <strong>School</strong> Social Worker, the Student Assistance Counselor, Paraprofessionals andTechnology Consultants also provide specific supports to enhance student learning.ACADEMIC HONESTY / CHEATINGIt is important to approach all school work with honesty and integrity. Students will be held accountablefor maintaining a reputation for honest behavior at all times.ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL PROCEDURESArrivalThe doors to the school will be open at 8:10 a.m. at which time there will be adult supervision. Studentsbeing dropped off should not arrive before 8:10 a.m. Students will wait outside the building until 8:10.If weather is severe, they will be allowed to wait in the cafeteria until 8:10 a.m. Students will bepermitted to go to homerooms at 8:10 a.m. Homeroom starts promptly at 8:25 a.m. It is expected thatstudents will be in their homeroom seats prepared for their classes at this time.

DismissalStudents are dismissed at 3:15 p.m. If changes in a child’s normal dismissal routine are required,notification from the parent/guardian to the receptionist (860-290-5320) is needed.Due to the lack of adult supervision, students must exit the building promptly at dismissal time unless,of course the student is participating in an after school activity. In the event that a student stays, he/shemust be picked-up promptly at the conclusion of the afternoon’s activity.ATTENDANCE POLICY AND PROCEDURESWe believe that student attendance is critical. Regular and full attendance is essential to school success.Our policies are guided by the belief that both close in-school monitoring and communication withparents and guardians is essential. Illness and emergencies do happen, but we discourage schedulingfamily activities or vacations that take the student out of school. Students with excessive absences willhave a meeting scheduled with their parents, counselor, and administrator to discuss strategies toimprove attendance and possible consequences. Students who are absent or who leave school earlyare not allowed to participate in after-school or evening activities that day, including athletics.Absences<strong>Parent</strong>s need to notify school if a student is absent. This does not mean the absence is unexcused, itmeans it is reported. Absences due to illness will be coded medically excused if a doctor’s note isprovided.Note: All absences except for religious holidays will be part of goal calculation.Students who plan to be absent for reasons other than those listed above, should seek approval bypresenting a note from home to the principal, who will then determine if an absence is excused.<strong>Parent</strong>s are encouraged to contact guidance counselors and/or the administration with questionsregarding attendance at any time during the year.On the day of any single absence, a phone call from a parent/guardian providing notification of astudent’s absence will be needed (unless previous notification has been made). Lengthier absences willrequire a note. Documentation from a medical practitioner will be needed in the event of excessiveabsences. Please call the <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> Attendance Line at 860-290-5320 and press #2 before 9:00AM toreport absences. If you need to leave a message, please tell us your name, your child's name, and thereason for the absence. For the caller’s convenience, messages can be left in English or Spanish.Your call to the attendance line is a safety precaution and indicates that you are aware of your child’sabsence and eliminates the need for the school to interrupt the parent/guardian at work or home.However, in order to monitor our internal procedures, we will call to confirm your child’s absence andthe reason. In the interest of safety, we will attempt to reach you if we have not heard from you andyour child is not in school.Absences Due to Vacations/Social FunctionsThe administration strongly disapproves of absences from school because of family vacations and/orsocial activities. <strong>Parent</strong>s are urged to schedule vacations during school recesses. When scheduling afamily vacation during school time is unavoidable, parents should submit a written request to theprincipal. <strong>School</strong> absences for reasons others than those listed above (i.e. vacations, social functions,etc.) must have the prior approval of the principal. Students must submit a note from home to thereceptionist two weeks prior to the day(s) of the absence. The principal will then determine approval ordisapproval. Work will not be provided prior to students going on vacation. These will still be coded asan absence.- 9 -

Homework/Make-up WorkOn the second day of an absence or if a parent knows that a child will be out of school for three or moredays, a parent may request homework. Requests should be made to the guidance office (860-290-5320ext. 3150) and will be filled the following day. A parent may pick up the homework in the guidanceoffice after 3:15 p.m. twenty-four hours after the request is made or may ask that it be sent home withanother student.Please NoteThe responsibility for the make-up work rests with the student, not the teacher. Students are responsiblefor contacting the teachers for missed assignments. If a student is absent due to illness or suspension, thestudent is expected to make up the homework that was required for that day(s). All make-upassignments should be completed within five (5) days when the student returns to school.Early DismissalWe discourage parents from making appointments or planning other activities which require that theirchild leave school early. In the rare event that this cannot be avoided, please follow the followingprocedure:1. Dismissals from school for important reasons should be requested in writing in advance. If astudent is to be dismissed during the school day, a written request, including a phone numberfor verification from the parent or guardian, should be brought to the receptionist on themorning during homeroom of the day in question. If this is not possible, the parent/guardianmust call at least two hours prior to the early dismissal.2. <strong>Parent</strong>s/guardians must come into the building and sign out their child with the receptionist.3. Students who are dismissed and return to school the same day must report to the receptionistin order to be readmitted to class.Please note: students will be required to make up lost class time after school, due to excessive earlydismissals. On the 6 th early dismissal, students will be required to serve an afterschool detention, thenext day. This will remain in effect for every early dismissal after the initial 5.TardinessHomeroom starts promptly at 8:25 a.m. Any student arriving after 8:23 a.m. is considered tardy.Students must bring a note from their parent verifying the parent’s consent/knowledge for tardiness. Ifyou know ahead of time that your child will be late, we appreciate your contacting us via the attendanceline. Notes are not a substitute for signing a child in at the receptionist desk. <strong>Parent</strong>s/guardians mustcome into the building and sign in their child with the receptionist.Please note: students will be required to make up lost class time due to excessive tardiness afterschool. On the 6 th tardy students will be required to serve an after school detention. This will remain ineffect for every additional tardy after the initial 5 th .BACKPACKS/BAGSBackpacks and book bags are to be used to and from school only. During the school day all backpacksand bags are to be kept in lockers. Students must place clothes in a small plastic or cloth bag for gym.CELL PHONES/ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION DEVICESCell phones/Electronic devices must remain turned off and placed in a locker while a student is atschool. If the device is heard or seen, including text messaging another person, it will be confiscatedand returned only to the parent. <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> <strong>Magnet</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong> is not responsible for lost or- 10 -

stolen cell phones or other electronic devices. Continued violation of this policy will result indisciplinary consequences.<strong>Parent</strong>s, guardians, or other adults picking up students should not use handheld cell phones while drivingon <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> <strong>Magnet</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong> property as this creates an unsafe and dangerous situation for allinvolved.Text messaging devices are not allowed while on school property or while attending a school sponsoredevent.- 11 -BUS TRANSPORTATIONSending school districts provide transportation to <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> <strong>Magnet</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong>. Safety andrespect are our primary concerns. Expectations for student behavior on any school bus are consistentwith the <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> philosophy and the home school district. <strong>Parent</strong>s will be contacted, via a busreferral form, whenever a behavioral issue is reported to the school administration. This includes minorbut chronic problems. Every effort will be made to assist the student in problem solving a bus issue.Disciplinary measures may range from a warning/conference with student to bus suspension. Sendingschool districts will be notified of any bus suspensions.***Students requesting to ride a bus to or from another town may apply for permission by providing a writtenrequest from their parent/guardian to the school receptionist twenty-four prior to the event. The ultimatedecision will rest with the district bus company. Students who do not obtain permission to ride a different buswill not be allowed to do so.The following general safety and behavioral guidelines are provided as a reminder:Leaving for school1. Avoid wearing loose clothing or scarves, clothing with long drawstrings, or backpacks with longstraps or dangling attachments that might get caught in the bus handrail or door.2. Stay safe and wait on the sidewalk or curbside, away from the road.3. Respect the property where you stand and wait for the bus by monitoring your voice level andrefraining from littering.4. Be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes ahead of time.Boarding the school bus1. Board the bus at your assigned stop only, unless you have written permission from the school officeto board at a different stop.2. If you miss the bus, do not flag down or chase after the bus.3. If you have to cross the road to board the bus, remember: Cross the road only when the bus driver signals you to do so! Walk 10 or more steps ahead of the bus along the edge of the road until you can see thedriver’s face. After the bus driver signals you to cross the road, check both ways to make sure all carsand trucks have stopped.4. Always remember—if you can touch the side of the bus you are too close!While on the school bus1. Obey the bus driver.2. Stay seated until the bus comes to a complete stop at the school or bus stop. If you are not atyour bus stop, you must ask permission before moving/changing seats.3. Leave windows closed unless you have permission from the bus driver.

- 12 -4. Keep hands, all body parts and objects inside the bus.5. Keep the aisle cleared.6. Keep the bus clean by placing all trash in the garbage.7. Keep all belongings with you.8. Keep hands and feet off the other passengers and their belongings.9. Use appropriate tone, volume and language at all times.10. When at railroad crossing, there must be silence on the bus.11. Keep hands off emergency doors, fire extinguishers unless instructed by an adult.12. Bring only objects related to school on the bus. Keep toys, games, sports equipment etc at home.13. Keep electronics turned off and in backpacks.Arriving at your destination1. Get off the bus at your stop only, unless you have a bus pass from the school receptionist to get off ata different stop. In order to receive a pass to get off at a different stop or ride a different bus,you must bring a written note signed by a parent or guardian to the receptionist for a bus passat least twenty-four hours ahead. As mentioned earlier, the ultimate decision will rest with thedistrict bus company.2. Remain seated until the bus has come to a complete stop.3. If you have to cross the road, remember:Cross the road only when the bus driver signals you to do so!Walk 10 or more steps ahead of the bus along the edge of the road until you can see thedriver’s face. If you can see the driver’s eyes—the driver can see you!4. When all traffic has stopped, the bus driver will signal you to cross the road.5. After the bus signals you to cross the road, check both ways to make sure that all traffic has stopped.Always remember—if you can touch the side of the bus, you are too close!CLOSINGS, DELAYS, AND EARLY DISMISSALS DUE TO WEATHEROn days when inclement weather is causing hazardous road conditions which might clear up before or shortlyafter buses begin their pickups, there will be a delayed school opening. This means that all bus pickups will bedelayed ninety minutes and school will begin later than the regular opening. If you transport your child toschool, please do not send him/her to school until a half-hour before the revised start of school. Dismissalfor school will be at the regular time. An early dismissal decision may be prompted by the sudden arrival of asnow or ice storm. In the event of an early closing, students will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m.CANCELLATIONS:• <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> <strong>Magnet</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong> follows the East Hartford Public <strong>School</strong>s’ policy for schoolcancellations. If East Hartford Public <strong>School</strong>s are closed, <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> is closed and no studentshould report to school.• If <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> is open for the day and your home district is closed, you will not havetransportation. <strong>Parent</strong>s are asked to use their discretion in bringing their children to school. Iftransportation is not available, please call the school and the absence will be excused.FOR STUDENTS WHO RIDE CREC BUSSES:LATE OPENINGS:• <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> <strong>Magnet</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong> follows the East Hartford Public <strong>School</strong>s’ policy for schooldelays. Watch and listen for the CREC <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> 90 minute delay notice on the Television andRadio.• If East Hartford has a 90 minute delay and your town does not, you will follow the <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong>delay and take your bus 90 minutes later.

- 13 -• If your home district (Hartford or Manchester) has a delay and <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> does not, you willfollow your home district’s policy and take the bus 90 minutes later.***In all cases, it is important to remember that you will follow the district that hasthe longest delay.FOR STUDENTS WHO RIDE EAST HARTFORD BUSSES:• <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> <strong>Magnet</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong> follows the East Hartford Public <strong>School</strong>s’ policy for schooldelays. Watch and listen for the CREC <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> 90 minute delay notice on the Television andRadio.FOR STUDENTS WHO RIDE GLASTONBURY AND SOUTH WINDSOR BUSSES:LATE OPENINGS:• <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> <strong>Magnet</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong> follows the East Hartford Public <strong>School</strong>s’ policy for schooldelays. Watch and listen for the CREC <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> 90 minute delay notice on the Television andRadio.• If East Hartford has a delay and your town does not, you should take your bus at the normal time.<strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> will provide supervision for bus students only when they arrive from these towns.• If your town has a delay but East Hartford does not, you should follow the delay in your town andtake the bus at the specified delay time (i.e. 90 minutes from the time you would normally takethe bus).EARLY DISMISSAL:• Students will leave <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> if early dismissal has been called in the district in which they ridetheir bus. When early dismissal is called, students will begin leaving <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> by bus starting at12:30 PM. <strong>Parent</strong>s always have the option of picking up their child.Announcements of no school, a delay in the opening of school, or early dismissals will be announced onthe following radio and television stations: WTIC 1080 AM, WTIC 96.5 FM, WRCH 100.5 FM, andWZMX 93.7 FM and Channel 30 (WVIT), and Channel 3 (WFSB). Please listen and look for <strong>Two</strong><strong>Rivers</strong> <strong>Magnet</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong>. You may also call the <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> main number for a recorded messageon school closings, delayed openings, or early dismissals at 860-290-5320. The information will beposted on the school website as well at<strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> Food Service<strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> will provide a food program that includes nutritious and affordable breakfast and lunch. Ifthey prefer, students may, of course, bring a bag lunch and snack from home. Applications for theFederal Free and Reduced Lunch Program are available in the school office. All students need anapplication even if this was not required in a previous district, please call 860-290-5320.Breakfast (including hot and cold items such as waffles, muffins, cereal, etc.) can be purchased. Pricesare established by the Board of Education and will be published in local newspapers. Breakfast will beserved from 8:00 a.m. – 8:23 a.m.Hot Lunch (includes one entrée, three sides and milk) can be purchased. Prices are established by theBoard of Education and will be published in local newspapers. Individual lunch items (sandwiches, fruit,salads, etc.) will also be available.

Milk can be purchased. Prices will be published in local newspapers.Payment Options:1. Cash-pay as you go2. Pre-payment in any amount, cash or check (checks made out to <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> Food Service).Payment will be entered in student’s account. At the cash register, student will enter his/herstudent ID#.3. The CREC <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>Magnet</strong> <strong>School</strong> and the East Hartford Public <strong>School</strong> Food ServiceDepartment/Sodexo are excited to provide parents a convenient, easy and secure online prepaymentservice to deposit money into your child’s school meal account at any time. This service also providesparents the ability to view your child’s account balance through a web site Free or Reduced Meals: Following eligibility determination and verification, students enter theirstudent ID# on a key pad at the register. The school maintains a list of student ID#s (in case thestudent forgets).Lunch Delivery:Occasionally a parent or guardian may need to deliver a forgotten lunch or lunch money. These itemsmust arrive at the receptionist’s desk prior to 10:45 a.m. as they are distributed to students during lunchtimes so as not to disturb classes.If a student does not have lunch or the money to buy lunch on a certain day, that student is allowed tocharge his/her lunch. Each child is allowed one charge and one emergency lunch. For emergency lunch,the student will be given a peanut butter or cheese sandwich and milk. It is expected that parents willmake every attempt to re-pay the charged lunch or apply for free/reduced lunch.Cafeteria rulesWhen it is time to go to lunch, students should walk quietly to the cafeteria, sit at their assigned table atwhich time an adult will direct them to a designated line. Once seated, students may only leave theirseats with adult permission. Food or drinks may not be taken from the cafeteria. If a student doesnot wish to purchase any food, he/she should remain seated at the table.All students are expected to use good manners and common sense, and to follow the cafeteria rules.Students are to go directly to the cafeteria.Students are expected are expected to keep noise to a minimum when socializing with peers.All students are expected to display good table manners and be courteous and considerate to fellowpupils, teachers, and cafeteria workers.Before being dismissed, students are responsible for cleaning their table and picking up any rubbishon the floor after eating lunch.Students must have permission from an adult to leave the cafeteria. A pass is necessary to go to aclassroom or the library.Students must remain seated until they are dismissed by an adult.To help keep our school clean, all food and drink must be kept in the cafeteria and designated areas.Student sale of any items must have the approval of administration.Cafeteria Dismissal Procedures Students are to leave the cafeteria in a silent and orderly manner.- 14 -

COMPUTERS AND INTERNET ACCESSStudents will receive an orientation to the school laptops in their core classrooms. <strong>Parent</strong>s and studentsare required to sign and return the Laptop and Network Usage Agreement as well as an Acceptable UsePolicy (AUP) Agreement. Students are responsible for all equipment that they use and are expected totake care of this property. Students who purposefully engage in damage of school laptop equipment, thenetwork, and/or the software and intellectual property therein will be subject to disciplinaryconsequences up to and including suspension and/or referral to the police. In addition, students may berequired to pay for any damages.TWO RIVERS ELECTRONIC INFORMATION RESOURCES ACCESS AGREEMENTElectronic information resources include access to the Internet and information contained on any of ourlocal area networks. <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> is committed to the importance of providing our students with access toelectronic information as part of the learning process. It is expected that students abide by the policiesoutlined here. Please note that if the terms of this policy are violated, the student is subject todisciplinary action and may lose network privileges or the laptop itself.1. Students will use electronic information resources only for educational purposes, and only as thosepurposes are consistent with the curriculum and educational objectives of CREC.2. Students will use electronic information resources in a responsible, ethical and legal manner at alltimes.3. Students will use electronic information resources only with the permission of the supervisingteacher or staff member.4. Students will be considerate of other electronic information users and their privacy and will usepolite and appropriate language at all times while accessing and using these resources.5. Students will keep any personal information about themselves or anyone else to themselves whileusing these resources unless approved by the teacher.6. Students will always keep password and telephone information to themselves. They will only accessthe electronic information resources using their own password and username.7. Students will not knowingly tamper or disrupt electronic information resources, services orequipment. This includes tampering with computer hardware and software, vandalizing or modifyingdata without permission, invoking computer viruses, attempting to gain access to restricted orunauthorized networks, network services, proxy servers, or programs. Students should understandthat such activity is irresponsible and in some cases may be considered to be a crime.8. Students will report all security problems they may find while using the electronic informationresources to a teacher or to the school staff who is responsible for the use of the resources.9. Students will act responsibly at all times and will avoid all other activities that are considered to beinappropriate in the regular school environment.10. Students should be aware that the inappropriate use of these resources can be a violation of local,state and federal laws and that they may be prosecuted for violating those laws.11. Students must never use other persons’ information as their own. They must always give credit tothe original creators of the information they find online.12. Students will honor all copyright laws and will seek assistance if a question arises.TWO RIVERS LAPTOP USE RULESThe use of a laptop computer is a privilege enjoyed by <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong>’ students. Students are expected touse the laptop equipment in a responsible and reliable manner. They are held accountable for anydamage to the machines. The laptops at <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> are to be used for class work. They are not forpersonal use. The following rules were designed by students and teachers to help ensure the computers- 15 -

are used properly. Failure to follow the laptops rules will result in disciplinary action and possible lossof laptop privileges.1. I will use electronic information resources only for education research purposes, and only, as thosepurposes are consistent with the curriculum and educational objectives of CREC.2. I will use electronic information resources in a responsible, ethical and legal manner at all times.3. I will use electronic information resources only with the permission of the supervising teacher orstaff member.4. I will be considerate of other electronic information users and their privacy and I will use polite andappropriate language at all times while accessing and using these resources.5. I will not give out any personal information about myself or anyone else while using these resourcesunless approved by the instructor monitoring the use of their resources.6. I will not give out my password nor attempt to learn someone else’s.7. I will not knowingly degrade or disrupt electronic information resources, services or equipment, andI understand that such activity may be considered to be a crime and includes, for example, tamperingwith computer hardware and software, vandalizing or modifying data without permission, invokingcomputer viruses, attempting to gain access to restricted or unauthorized networks or networkservices.8. I will report all security problems I identify while using these resources to my teacher or to theschool staff member who is monitoring my use of these resources.9. I will act responsibly at all times and will avoid all other activities that are considered to beinappropriate in the regular school environment.10. I am aware that the inappropriate use of these resources can be a violation of local, state and federallaws and that I may be prosecuted for violating those laws.11. I will not use other person’s information as my own. I will always give credit to the original creatorsof the information I find online.12. I will abide by all copyright laws and will seek assistance if a question arises.SEXUAL HARASSMENT, HAZING, BULLYINGSexual Harassment (CREC schools policy 5145.51)Sexual harassment will not be tolerated among students of the school district. It is the policy of the Board ofEducation that any form of sexual harassment is forbidden whether by students, supervisory ornon-supervisory personnel, individuals under contract, or volunteers subject to the control of the Board.Students are expected to adhere to a standard of conduct that is respectful and courteous to employees, tofellow students and to the public.Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, whether verbal or physical,including, but not limited to, insulting or degrading sexual remarks or conduct; threats or suggestions that astudent's submission to or rejection of unwelcome conduct will in any way influence a decision regardingthat student, or conduct of a sexual nature which substantially interferes with the student's learning, orcreates an intimidating, hostile or offensive learning environment, such as the display in the educationalsetting of sexually suggestive objects or pictures.Sexual harassment has been clearly established as a form of sexual discrimination. Sexual harassment isdefined as follows: Touching Verbal comments Sexual name calling Sexual rumors Pulling at clothes Gestures Leers Jokes/cartoons/pictures Inappropriate statements of a sexual nature Inappropriate public display of affection- 16 -

Sexual harassment is forbidden and will not be tolerated. It is our policy to maintain a learningenvironment free from sexual harassment, insults, and intimidation. Evidence of reprisal against acomplainant or witness shall be viewed as a violation of this policy.Any student who believes he or she has been subject to sexual harassment should report the incidentimmediately to his or her school principal, associate principal, or guidance counselor. <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> willrespect the confidentiality rights of the complainant and the individual(s) against whom the complaint hasbeen filed as much as possible given the necessity to investigate allegations and take disciplinary actionwhen sexual harassment has occurred. If a student is found to have engaged in sexual harassment they willbe subject to immediate disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from school, and/or referral tolegal authorities for prosecution as judged appropriate on a case-by-case basis.Hazing"Hazing" is defined as committing an act against a student, or coercing a student into committing an act,that creates a risk of harm to a person, in order for the student to be initiated into or affiliated with astudent organization, or for any other purpose. The term hazing includes, but is not limited to: Any type of physical brutality, sleep deprivation, exposure to weather, confinement in arestricted area, calisthenics, or other activity that subjects the student to risk of harm or thatadversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of the student.Any person who believes he or she has been the victim of hazing or any person with knowledge or beliefor conduct which may constitute hazing shall report the alleged acts immediately to a schooladministrator.Bullying (CREC <strong>School</strong>s Policy 5131.911)RATIONALE: The purpose of the policy on bullying is to promote consistency of approach and tocreate a climate in which all types of bullying are regarded as unacceptable. Attitudes and practices cancontribute to bullying, to lower levels of confidence, self-esteem, and lack of achievement.AIMS: The anti-bullying program within the CREC schools seeks to accomplish the following goals: To promote a secure and happy environment free from threat, harassment, and any type ofbullying behavior. To take positive action to prevent bullying from occurring. To inform parents and students of the school's expectations and to foster a productive- 17 -partnership, which helps to maintain a bully-free environment.Make staff aware of their role in fostering the knowledge and attitudes, which will be required toachieve the above aims.DEFINITION OF BULLYING: Bullying as defined by Connecticut statue is "any overt acts by astudent or a group of students directed against another student with the intent to ridicule, harass,humiliate, or intimidate the other student while on school grounds or at a school sponsored activity, oron a school bus, which acts are committed more than once against any student during the school year." Itcan also be defined as repeated and systematic harassment and attacks on others, perpetrated byindividuals or groups. Bullying takes many forms and can include many different behaviors, such as butnot limited to:1. physical violence and attacks2. verbal taunts, name-calling and put-downs including ethnically-based and gender-basedverbal put-downs3. threats and intimidation4. extortion or stealing of money and/or possessions5. exclusion from peer groups within the school

DISCIPLINE POLICIES AND GUIDELINESYoung people who are well informed are usually very good school citizens. It is important for studentsto recognize and respect the policies and procedures regarding student conduct at <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> <strong>Magnet</strong><strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong>. Student rights and responsibilities are outlined on page 6 of this handbook. <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong>promotes a culture of behavior and respect built upon the Full Value Contract. Violation of policies andprocedures may result in disciplinary action.<strong>School</strong> is a public place and we hold high expectations for student behavior. We expect students tobehave in accordance with the Full Value Contract beliefs that all students should Be Supportive, BeCooperative, Be Respectful, Be Committed to Learning, and Be Safe. In addition to any previouslyunderstood normal duties, teachers and administrators shall have the right to take disciplinary actionagainst disruptive behavior in the classroom and the building. <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> is committed to providing asafe and orderly learning environment. In all discipline levels, a range of consequences may be applieddepending upon the nature and frequency of the behavior.Levels of Discipline and the Full Value ContractThe Full Value Contract establishes a culture of expectations and provides a framework under whichstudent behaviors can be identified. Behaviors are classified by varying levels and those responsible foraddressing the concern.Level 1: Level one behavior issues are those that occur in the classroom or team areas and aretypically resolved by the classroom teacher or team. These behaviors are those that cause aminor disruption to the educational process. Consequences for Level I behaviors may rangefrom a conference with the student, lunch detention, team-issued community service, or loss ofprivileges. Level I behavior concerns are communicated to parents when they occur.Level 2: Level two behavior concerns create a more significant disruption than those identifiedunder the first level. They generally represent behaviors that have become chronic or repeated.Level two behaviors take place in the classroom or common areas and are addressed by the gradelevel administrator. The determination of the level of offense will be made by schooladministration. Level two behaviors can have consequences that range from a conference withthe student to in-school suspension or out-of-school-suspension.Level 3: Level three behavior concerns are those that create a serious and significant disruptionto the educational process. These behavior concerns will be addressed by the grade leveladministrator. The level of the offense will be determined by school administration. Level threebehaviors can have consequences that range from in-school or out-of-school suspension, arecommendation for expulsion and/or arrest.Definitions1. "Exclusion" is defined as any denial of public school privileges to a pupil for disciplinary purposes.2. "Removal" is defined as an exclusion from a classroom for all or part of class period.3. "Internal Suspension" (IS) is defined as an exclusion from regular classroom activity for no more thanten consecutive school days, but not exclusion from school, provided such exclusion shall not extendbeyond the end of the school year.4. "External Suspension" (ES) is defined as an exclusion from school privileges for up to ten (10)consecutive school days.- 18 -

5. "Expulsion" shall be defined as an exclusion from school privileges for more than ten (10)consecutive school days and shall be deemed to include, but not limited to, exclusion from the schoolto which such pupil was assigned at the time such disciplinary action was taken. Such period ofexclusion may extend to the school year following the school year in which the exclusion wasimposed. Expulsion decisions will be made in conjunction with the home school district.6. "Emergency" shall be defined as a situation under which the continued presence of the pupil in theschool imposes such a danger to persons or property or such a disruption of the educational processthat a hearing may be delayed until a time as soon after the exclusion of such pupil as possible.Substance abuseDrugs and alcohol are illegal. These substances, as well as tobacco, are dangerous to one’s health.Students should not have any of these substances on school property (including the bus) at any time.Any student who, on school grounds, during a school session, or anywhere at a school-sponsoredactivity, is under the influence of, or possesses, uses, dispenses, distributes, sells, or aids in theprocurement of alcohol, narcotics, restricted drugs, mood altering substances, or drug paraphernalia shallbe subject to discipline pursuant to the procedures outlined in the Board of Education policy of theirhome school district.Removal from class1. All teachers are authorized to remove a student from class when a student deliberately causes aserious disruption of the educational process within the classroom.2. The student will be sent to the administrative office and a school administrator will be notified.SuspensionStudents who commit serious infractions of school rules or create a significant disturbance to theeducational process face suspension. This includes those whose conduct poses a threat or danger to thephysical well-being of him/her self or others. Suspension may be served at school (internal) or out ofschool (external). Students will be responsible for making up all work missed during the period ofsuspension.The administration has the authority to suspend a student for a period of up to ten days. Theadministration shall have the authority to immediately suspend from school any student when anemergency exists.Students who receive internal suspension are not permitted to participate in after school activities,including dances, socials, and school sponsored or affiliated trips/outings/gatherings, on the day of theirsuspension. Students who receive external suspension must be picked up from school immediately afterparent notification and should not be on school property until the end of their suspension. This includesall after school activities such as dances, socials, and school sponsored or affiliated trips, outings, orgatherings.ExpulsionGrounds for expulsion are explained in the Board of Education discipline policy of each school district.Should a student engage in serious misconduct, the Administrator may, after providing the student aninformal hearing, direct that the assignment to the school(s) be terminated and the student returned tohis/her home district which may take disciplinary action in accordance with statute. If such student is aspecial education student, he/she will be referred to the home district for a PPT.Weapons and dangerous instruments<strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> prohibits student possession and/or use of weapons or other dangerous instruments in anyschool building on school grounds, in any school vehicle, or at any school-sponsored activity.- 19 -

Possession and/or use of a dangerous weapon by a student on or off school grounds is cause for possibleexpulsion of the student for up to a full calendar year.Harassment/Bullying/ThreatsStudents have the right to be free from physical harm, harassment, bullying, or threats by others. Theconsequence for these behaviors could include suspension, referral to the local Board of Education, orreferral to legal authorities. Any threats or safety concerns should be reported immediately to a teacheror staff member.SolicitingStudents may not sell or buy products, goods or services on school grounds including at bus stops or onthe school bus.Stealing/extortionStudents stealing / attempting to steal private or school property or taking / attempting to take personalproperty or money from any other person by means, including for the purpose of intimidation, isgrounds for suspension or expulsion. Threatening others to get money from them is a form of extortion.Projecting any object / endangering othersThrowing potentially harmful objects such as writing instruments, wasps, paper clips, snow balls, ice,rocks, etc. is not allowed and will result in disciplinary action.Skateboard/roller bladesBecause of safety problems, skateboards, roller blades and heelies are not permitted at school, on a busor on school grounds.GamblingCards, card playing, dice or any gambling device(s) or games are prohibited.DetentionsStudents may be detained after school by a teacher or administrator for any infractions, unacceptablebehavior, or academic issues. <strong>Parent</strong>s will be given 24-hour notice unless other arrangements have beenmade. Each student must bring sufficient materials and books to study for the entire detention period.Detention runs from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. on Monday-Thursday and 3:15-5:15 p.m. on Fridays.Failure to serve a detention will be reported to the school administration for review and / or additionaldisciplinary action.PLEASE LEAVE THESE AT HOME<strong>School</strong> is a place to learn. Some items or ‘toys’ can distract the educational process at school or can bepotentially harmful to others. In order to better focus on school activities and maintain a safeatmosphere, the following items should be left at home. All Aerosol Type Items (including hair sprays) Roller Blades/Heelies Hair Paint Cameras Cologne/Perfume Skateboards Televisions Radios/Boom Boxes/Ipods, MP 3 players, CD Diceplayers Playing Cards Cards from collections (uh-ge-oh, etc.)Magic CardsToys of any kind (including balls and othersports equipment)Electronic GamesPetsOther items deemed to cause an educationaldisruption- 20 -

If a student violates this policy, administration will confiscate the device and require a parent orguardian to pick it up from the main office. Repeated violations may result in disciplinary action. Theadministration reserves the right to update this list.- 21 -SOCIAL GUIDELINESAfter school socials begin promptly at 3:30 and end at 5:00. It is expected that parents will pick studentsup from socials when the social ends at 5:00. All dress code and school rules are enforced for afterschool socials. Socials are for <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> <strong>Magnet</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> students only. Students who are absent on the dayof a social, leave school early, or are serving in-school or out-of-school suspension may notattend any social activity. For safety reasons, any dances that endanger others (slam dancing, head banging, etc.) are notallowed. In addition, dancing that is sexual in nature (freaking, grinding or winding) isprohibited. Students repeatedly violating this rule will have their parents/guardians called andwill be dismissed from the social. As a general rule, all dance moves should be done withdignity and self-respect. There is no running, pushing, shoving, etc. Students should stay backfrom the dance area unless dancing because this allows more space for students who aredancing. Normal school rules apply regarding respect for others and school property. Due to the distraction they present, cell phones must remain out of sight at the social. Thephone lines (860-290-5320) will be open during the social to receive any parent/guardian phonecalls and for student use. As per school policy, students seen in possession of a cell phone willhave them confiscated and returned only to a parent or guardian. Students are permitted to bring playing cards or games to the social. However, the rulesregarding gambling still apply. All school dress code requirements are to be followed during after school socials.If a student is inappropriately dressed the following steps will be taken by the <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong>Administration:1. The student will be provided with an appropriate shirt, which must be returned at theend of the social.2. If an appropriate shirt is not available or a student refuses to wear it, theparent/guardian will be called and students will be dismissed from the social. If wecannot reach a parent/guardian, the student will be placed in the office until the end ofthe social. Students will NOT be allowed to change clothes/outfits at the social.Because socials are a privilege, the administration has the right to deny admittance to the social for anystudent. Specific guidelines may be defined for particular social or extra-curricular events.Students with any obligations (i.e. unpaid cafeteria balances, lost library or text books, unpaiddamages) will not be eligible to participate in any extracurricular activities throughout the schoolyear.DRESS CODEResearch indicates that students, who adhere to a dress code or standard, feel better about themselves,view their school more positively, have fewer behavior problems and perform better in school.Students are required to wear polo shirts with the <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> logo and loose fitting khaki pants. Allshirts must be tucked in and pants must be belted and worn at the waist. All belts must have a buckle –no tied or string belts. All students must have a black polo shirt with the logo and may purchaseadditional shirts in red, light blue or royal blue. All students must have a pair of khaki colored pants and

may choose to purchase additional pairs in black or navy blue. All dress code shirts and pants mustbe purchased from our vendor Novel Tees. They are located at 81 Tolland Turnpike in Manchester,CT. (860-643-6008). Students will be fitted by the vendor.Students may also purchase <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong>’ crew neck sweatshirts, collared sweatshirts and fleeceouterwear as an option. These are the only items that can be worn in the building over student poloshirts. Skirts are available for students who wear them every day for religious purposes.FootwearOnly shoes or sneakers can be worn. Maximum heel height is 2 inches on any shoe.JewelrySimple earrings and watches may be worn. Earrings may not be larger than 1 inch in diameter or length.Necklaces are discouraged and may not be visible. Bracelets of any type are not allowed. No other body piercingsor jewelry is allowed.Any other clothing items are not acceptable. All coats, sweatshirts, jackets – outerwear of any kind (except forthe items listed above), backpacks and headwear need to be stored in lockers during the day.LanyardsStudents will be issued lanyards and ID cards. These must be worn every day. Students may not decorate theirlanyards. If lost, replacement for the lanyards and/or ID cards can be arranged in the 3 rd floor office. Lanyardscost $2.00 and ID’s cost 30 stamps or $5.00.General Grooming Hair should be neat, clean, and of a natural color Only plain barrettes, elastics, and hair bands are allowed in the hair (no adornments) Grooming is to be done only in the restrooms There should be no temporary or permanent tattoos or drawing on any part of the body nor adornment thatdraws attention to oneself in a manner that may be disruptive to the educational process All clothing should be clean and without holes or tears. Students are expected to be dressed at home! They should come off the bus into school dressed accordingto the dress code.The decision of whether or not a student’s clothing is acceptable will made by the <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong>administration.Failure to comply with the dress code guidelines is considered to be an insubordinate act and will betreated as such. The following steps will be taken when a student a student violates the dress code:The student will be sent to the main office and counseled about the dress code.Inappropriate accessories will be confiscated.The student will be given a warning and the opportunity to change clothes and/or parent/guardianwill be called to bring appropriate clothes.If a student is unwilling to change or a parent/guardian cannot bring in clothes, the student willcomplete his/her assigned class work in in-school suspension. Any classes or work missed dueto time in the office is the responsibility of the student.Repeated violations of dress code will be dealt with in a more serious manner.When a <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> staff member speaks to a student to correct a dress code violation, the student isexpected to comply. Questions regarding interpretation may be discussed at a later time. The decision ofwhether or not an individual’s clothing is acceptable will be the decision of the <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong>administration. It is hoped that all students will adhere to these guidelines so that the issue of clothing iskept to a minimum.- 22 -

FIELD TRIPSField trips are carefully planned educational experiences and are part of the curriculum. Transportationto and from the activity must be by a school provided bus. A student must have returned a signedpermission slip before attending any field trip. A student will not be allowed on a field trip if they areon In-<strong>School</strong> or Out-Of-<strong>School</strong> Suspension. A parent may be asked to accompany a student on a fieldtrip if safety could be an issue. Students are reminded that all school rules are in effect during field trips.FIRE/SECURITY DRILLSFire drills are serious events. Not only are they required by state law, but a well-organized fire drill maysomeday save students from serious injury – or worse. When the first signal sounds, students shouldimmediately remain silent and proceed single file under the direction of the teacher out the designatedfire exit. Should the alarm sound between classes, students should join an adult led class and leave bythe nearest exit. Once outside, students should move a safe distance from the building; then standsilently and await directions from an adult. If students are in the cafeteria, they should exit out the reardoors and proceed west toward the field. Once outside, students should remain in line so that teachers may take attendance. In a realemergency, this will be necessary to insure that everyone has safely left the building. A specialsignal or “all clear” will be sounded for reentering the building. Students are to remain quiet until they have reentered their classrooms. Students found to be disruptive during fire/security drills may face disciplinary consequences.Fire drills are conducted on a regular basis.Tampering with fire alarms, fire extinguishers and other school fixtures is a serious offense andwill result in significant disciplinary consequences.Security Drills are conducted several times a year. Emergency Lockdown procedures involve movingstudents to protected areas and locking classrooms. Students should follow all teacher directions andremain calm and quiet during the drill.LIBRARY/MEDIA CENTERThe Library Media Center is a place for students to come to read and to research as well as to borrowand return books. Students are responsible for returning library books on time and in good condition.There are no fines for overdue books, however, students will be charged the replacement cost for booksthat are damaged or not returned.All students must come to the library with a pass from their subject or study hall teacher during theschool day.LOCKERSLockers are the property of the school and are subject to routine administrative inspection. They shouldbe kept clean and orderly to insure their good working condition. Students should not share lockers orlocker combinations with other students.LOST AND FOUNDWhen you are missing something that belongs to you, please check the “lost and found” box located onthe first floor near the reception area. Follow the procedure below when you have lost something:- 23 -

- 24 -1. Retrace your steps since you last knew you had it. Alert all of your teachers and checktheir rooms.2. Check the lost and found box at the reception area.3. Continue checking lost and found for up to one week.4. If your item has not been found within that week, please report the missing article to theassociate principals’ office.PARENT VOLUNTEERS<strong>Parent</strong>s are encouraged to volunteer in their child’s classrooms. <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> team teachers willcoordinate opportunities for parents to contribute to the learning environment on their child’s team.<strong>Parent</strong>s are encouraged to contact their child’s team leader if they wish to volunteer in the classroom.PASSES / HALLWAY BEHAVIORStudents are expected to be in all classes on time. Your student planner is to be used as your hallpass. Students not in class must have a pass, signed by a staff member, giving them permission to beout of class. If delayed between classes by a staff member, the student must ask for a pass excusinglateness to class. For safety reasons and to limit distractions of the learning process students should useappropriate hallway behavior. The expectations this behavior is based upon the fullvalue contract for the hallway.HOMEWORKHomework is an integral part of the learning process for a middle level student. Numerous studies havedemonstrated that the use of homework has led to an increase in student achievement. Furthermore,additional research has supported the belief that a well developed homework policy contributes tostudent capacity for organizing and completing academic tasks in high school and beyond. Homeworkextends the school day and provides students with opportunities to refine and enhance their knowledge.For instance, certain studies indicate that a skill must be practiced at least twenty four times beforemastery can be achieved. As such, homework is an inherently useful strategy for meeting the learningneeds of the middle level student.Students at <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> can expect to receive homework from their core teachers that is consistent withthe following time range:Grade 6 – 60 minutesGrade 7 – 75 minutesGrade 8 – 90 minutesThe above time parameters are indicative of a range and, at times, students may receive slightly more orless than the indicated guidelines.Certain subjects, such as Math or Language Arts, may assign homework with greater frequency thanothers due to the nature of the course. In addition to their core assignments, students are also requiredto read thirty minutes nightly as well as complete their homework for their Encore classes.Homework generally falls into three categories: practice, preparation, and elaboration. The purpose ofthe homework assignment should be clearly stated by the teacher as meeting one of the aforementionedcategories. Practice assignments are those with which the students are familiar and are intended toreinforce a skill or concept. The students may expect a greater number of examples in

order to accomplish this. It is important for the student to inform the teacher if he/she isunable to perform these tasks. Both teacher and student should monitor accuracy as it isan indicator for critical misunderstandings of familiar content/processes.Preparation tasks are those that equip students for new learning.Elaboration assignments are those that require students to expand upon learningfollowing the class and are revisited the following day.Student completion of homework is measured on the standards based rubric. Teachers will clearlydefine the requirements for each task, including providing an explanation for what to do when a studentdoes not understand a topic or question. The rubric is as follows:Very Invested5Student is INVESTED and seeks and completesadditional class workchallenges produces exemplaryworkClassroom PerformanceINVESTEDUsually Invested43StudentStudent meets 2 of 3 follows class expectations.directions meets taskrequirements completestasks/activities intime givenRarely Invested2Student meets 1 of3 expectations.Not Invested1Student does notattempt daily learningactivity.Very Invested5Student is INVESTED and seeks and completesadditional homeworkchallenges produces exemplary workHomeworkINVESTEDUsually Invested43StudentStudent meets 2 of 3 follows directions expectations. meets taskrequirements hands inhomework on timeRarely Invested2Student meets 1 of 3expectations.Not Invested1Student does not handin assignment.Very Invested5Student follows the Full ValueContract and helps and encouragesothers models kindness andconsiderationINVESTED4Student follows the FullValue Contractindependently by being supportive cooperative respectful committed safeCitizenship/Full Value ContractUsually Invested3Student follows the FullValue Contract withoccasional reminders.Rarely Invested2Student follows theFull Value Contractwith frequentreminders andinterferes with thesuccess of theclassroom.Not Invested1Student does not followthe Full Value Contractand interferessignificantly with thesuccess of the classroom.Exceeds Goal5Meets Goal4AchievementApproaches Goal3Below Goal2Significantly Below Goal1The assessment shows anexceptional understanding of theconcepts, knowledge, and skills.The assessment shows theexpected understanding ofconcepts, knowledge, andskills.The assessment shows apartial understanding ofconcepts, knowledge,and skills.The assessmentshows a beginningunderstanding ofthe concepts,knowledge, andskills.The assessment shows nounderstanding of theconcepts, knowledge, andskills.- 25 -

Students are expected to record their assignments in their planners and put forth their best effort on thetask. All homework tasks must be completed. In the event that a student does not understand a skill orconcept, he/she must ask the teacher a clarifying question. Homework that is missed during an absenceshould be made up within a teacher established timeline. Furthermore, students should monitor theiraccuracy during practice-oriented assignments and pursue additional help if necessary. Teachers at <strong>Two</strong><strong>Rivers</strong> are expected to provide clear explanations to the homework assigned in their class as well as todevelop meaningful assignments that enhance student understanding of the curriculum. With thelearning goals for a task clearly defined, the desired skills will be modeled by teachers prior to requiringpractice work. Research has indicated that these essential skills should be practiced at least twenty fourtimes to promote mastery. Teachers will provide this opportunity in order for students to reach thisstandard. Enrichment or extension activities will be a component of every assignment.Feedback to students will be provided in a timely manner and, as an instructional practice, larger taskswill be broken into smaller components with a timeline for the completion of each task. Teachers willadditionally post their homework assignments on the <strong>School</strong> Notes page at <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> and willcommunicate with parents as needed when students are missing assignments. That website may beaccessed at<strong>Parent</strong>s are expected to establish a regular routine at home for homework, including a consistent timeand place at which tasks are completed. <strong>Parent</strong>s should check both the student planner and the <strong>School</strong>Notes page to be sure that assignments are recorded properly. <strong>Parent</strong>s should communicate withteachers regarding any questions concerning homework or assignments.Extra HelpStudents may always seek extra help from his/her teachers if the work is difficult or if the student hasbeen absent. Students should arrange with their teachers when to stay. Teams also develop after schoolclubs to provide homework support for students who are not successfully completing homework athome. Individual arrangements (including parent transportation) should be made with teachers forbefore or after school help.- 26 -REPORT CARDS AND PROGRESS REPORTSStudents will receive report cards at the end of each quarter. In addition, students may receive progressreports mid-way through each quarter. These mid-term reports help students and parents to knowwhether students are meeting with success or require additional improved work habits or supports.Progress reports and report cards are an important means of communication among teachers, parents andstudents regarding student progress. <strong>Parent</strong>s who wish to have any additional information about theirchild's progress or placement should contact the guidance office.V.I.P – Very Invested PersonThe V.I.P. program was designed and developed to recognize students whose work habits and behaviorsconsistently meet or exceed the school goal. Students will receive rewards randomly throughout thequarter for being a V.I.P as well as at the end of a quarter. Students who can maintain V.I.P status forthe entire year will be eligible for a day at a “resort” location.SUPPORT SERVICESWe value every student and strive in helping students to develop fully – academically, socially,emotionally, and physically. The staff and administration aim to help students understand <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong><strong>Magnet</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> school by helping to interpret rules, regulations, and requirements; suggesting efficient

means of study both at school and at home; checking on students physical well-being; and helping withacademic, social, and personal concerns. In addition to parents, teachers, and the school administratorsthere are several other people in the building that can help students with individual needs and concerns.Guidance CounselorThe purpose of the guidance counselor is to help each student in his/her social, educational, vocational,and personal development. Conferences with students receive first consideration of the counselor’s timeand are scheduled whenever necessary. The counselor may assist a student in planning his/her schoolprogram, improving study habits, developing good decision-making skills, and coping with problems ofany type. Students must get a pass to guidance from the guidance secretary or a staff member prior toreporting to the guidance office. An open door policy always exists for any urgent request. <strong>Parent</strong>alassistance is encouraged as well. The school social worker also participates in Planning and PlacementTeam meetings. Guidance counselors will actively instruct developmentally appropriate classes onissues and topics germane to each respective grade level.Social WorkerThe school social worker helps students to help themselves with problems which may be interferingwith their learning process. Short-term individual and/or group counseling is available to students,parents, and families for the purpose of enhancing or restoring their capacity for school functioning.The school social worker also participates in Planning and Placement Team meetings and serves as aliaison to private practitioners and community agencies, as appropriate.<strong>School</strong> NurseIf a student wishes to see the nurse, he/she must have a pass signed by his/her teacher. Students maynot stop in during passing time or lunch without a pass. We ask students to stay home if they are trulyill to avoid spreading colds, sore throats or other contagious ailments to fellow students.Students who require usage of the elevator due to injury and/or illness must have permission from theschool nurse.Also remember that by law, the nurse cannot give students medicines – including acetaminophen –without written authorization from a physician or other authorized prescriber and from a parent orguardian. If students know beforehand that they will need medication for an illness, students or theirparents may get authorization forms from the nurse.An adult must bring medicine and authorization forms to school. Students are not allowed to carrymedicine to or from school. Students are also not allowed to carry any medicines with them at any time.SCHOOL-RELATED PROBLEMS AND CONCERNS PROCEDUREFrom time to time, parents may wish to bring problems or concerns to the attention of appropriate schoolofficials. We urge that parents use the progressive steps outlined below. Most problems can beaddressed satisfactorily by a teacher or other staff member who is most directly involved. To assistparents in this regard, the following general guidelines may be helpful: Any concern regarding a school-related matter should first be raised by the parent with the staffmember most directly involved (i.e., questions regarding the content of instructional materials orhomework assignments should be raised with the teacher involved). If the matter remains unresolved, the parent may wish to speak with one of the schooladministrators. Appointments can be scheduled by contacting the office.- 27 -

TELEPHONEStudents may use the office phone only with permission from a staff member, and only in anemergency. All student telephone use must be under direct adult supervision. Any other use of a schoolphone must be done with permission. Students are not allowed to leave class or study hall to use thetelephone.TEXTBOOKSStudents are provided textbooks free of charge by the <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> <strong>Magnet</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong>. Students areresponsible for the care of textbooks, library books, and materials issued to them. Students and parentsare responsible for the replacement of lost or damaged textbooks, library books, or materials. Afterschool activities, field trips, and report cards will be withheld at the discretion of administration untilmaterials are returned or until all fines are paid.VANDALISM<strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> is a unique, innovative and student-centered facility which our school community values.Vandalism is considered to be the destruction or damage of private or school property while in school,on school grounds, or during a school event. Any damage done to the building, equipment, buses, orbooks will be the financial responsibility of the vandal(s). Students will be referred to the main officefor further disciplinary actions.VISITORS<strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> <strong>Magnet</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong> prides itself on a high level of community and parent involvement inour school. We value having these adult visitors in our building. To ensure the safety of our students,all visitors must sign in and out at the reception desk. When arriving, all visitors will be issued aVisitor’s Badge.CONCLUSIONAs a caring school community, it is our goal to help every student develop their full potential –academically, socially, physically and emotionally. We have designed a school program that iscommitted to excellence, equity and continuous improvement.This handbook was created because we want students and parents to understand the structure andphilosophy of our school. We encourage students to make positive and pro-social choices aboutbehavior. We will always approach students with respect, dignity, consistency and fairness.We ask parents for their support in upholding the rules of our school. When students receive a unifiedmessage about high expectations for academic achievement and behavior from both school and home,we increase the success of our learning community and every individual.***This handbook is available on-line at: www.tworivers.crec.orgAny updates or modifications during the school year will be available at this address- 28 -

2011-2012 SCHOOL CALENDARAUGUST (2)SEPTEMBER (21)S M T W Th F SS M T W Th F S22-24 Teacher Academy26 Fallstaff/PD – No <strong>School</strong>29 Professional Day30 First Day of <strong>School</strong>1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 271 2 34 LD 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 245 Labor Day – No <strong>School</strong>28 PD 30 3125 26 27 28 29 30OCTOBER (19)NOVEMBER (18)10 Columbus Day – No <strong>School</strong>14 Professional Day (District)-No <strong>School</strong>18 Early Release @ 12:30/PDS M T W Th F S12 3 4 5 6 7 89 CD 11 12 13 PD 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 2930 31S M T W Th F S1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 TK TK 2627 28 29 308 Professional Day/ <strong>Parent</strong>Conference- No <strong>School</strong>11 Veterans Day- No <strong>School</strong>15 Early Release @ 12:30/PD18 Early Release @ 12:30/PD23 Early Release @ 12:30/Thanksgiving Break24-25 Thanksgiving Break6 Early Release @12:30/Professional Day16 Early Release @12:30/PD23 Early Release @ 12:30/Winter Break26-30 Winter Break- No <strong>School</strong>DECEMBER (17)S M T W Th F S1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 WB WB WB WB WB 31JANUARY (20)S M T W Th F S1 NY 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 1415 MK 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30 312 NYD Observed-No <strong>School</strong>13 Early Release @ 12:30/PD16 MLK Day–No <strong>School</strong>24 Early Release @ 12:30/PDFEBRUARY (20)MARCH (21)17 Early Release @ 12;30/PD20 President’s Day No <strong>School</strong>21 Early Release @ 12:30/PDS M T W Th F S1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 1819 PD 21 22 23 24 25S M T W Th F S1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2413 Early Release @ 12:30/PD14-15 Early Release @ 12:30 /<strong>Parent</strong> Conferences16 Early Release @ 12:30/PD30 Professional Day (District)-No <strong>School</strong>26 27 28 2925 26 27 28 29 PD 31APRIL (15)MAY (22)6 Good Friday – No <strong>School</strong>16-20 Spring Recess- No <strong>School</strong>24 Early Release @ 12:30/PDS M T W Th F S1 2 3 4 5 GF 78 9 10 11 12 13 1415 SR SR SR SR SR 21S M T W Th F S1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 1915 Early Release @ 12;30/PD25 Early Release @ 12:30/PD28 Memorial Day-No <strong>School</strong>22 23 24 25 26 27 2820 21 22 23 24 25 2629 3027 MD 29 30 3112 Early Release @ 12;30/LastDay of <strong>School</strong>JUNE (8)S M T W Th F S1 23 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 30<strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> <strong>Magnet</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong>337 East River Drive, East Hartford, CT 06108To report an absence, call 290-5320 and select Option 2For emergency closings, call 290-5320 and select Option 3Approved 5.25.2011- 29 -Rev. 5/16/11

SAFETY COMMITMENT RESPECT COOPERATION SUPPORTARRIVALKeep your hands, feet andother objects to yourselfWalk at all timesUse assigned trafficpatternsWalk on the right for safetyNotify staff in case of anemergencyArrive to school ontimeArrive dressed forsuccessSelect everything youneed from lockerStay on trackRemove headwear uponentering buildingUse your mannersUse appropriatelanguage and toneUse a 12” voiceKeep school propertycleanRemain on bus oroutside calmly until8:10Use a pass to enterbuilding before 8:10Proceed directly tocafeteria if you arehaving breakfastPut backpack,headwear, coat, purse,electronic devices(turned off) in lockerArrive in homeroom by8:25 with all materialsBe inclusive andfriendlyRespect privacy andpersonal spaceCLASSROOMKeep your hands, feet andobjects to yourselfStay in assigned areasSit properly in the chair(feet on the floor)Demonstrate self controlDress for successArrive on timeCome prepared, ready toworkRemain focused on thetaskComplete all assignmentson timeRecord homework in yourplannerNo excuses, find a wayUse your mannersBe honestUse appropriatelanguage and toneUse appropriatevolume ( 6” or 12”voice)Keep area cleanLine up quietlyWait to be invited intothe classroomListen and followdirections and routinesthe first timeRaise your hand forassistance and wait tobe called onReturn personal/classmaterials to theirproper placeFollow dismissalproceduresExit in a quiet andorderly fashionEncourage eachotherSupport the learningof othersBe open to the ideasof othersOffer a helping handParticipate activelyin classVILLAGEKeep your hands , feet andother objects to yourselfStay in assigned areasRemain seatedWalk at all timesWait for dismissalinstructionsDress for successEnter quietly and sit inassigned areaBe an active listenerRemain focused on thetaskUse your mannersKeep area cleanTrack the speakerRemain silent when thespeaker is speakingAppreciate speaker'seffort and respondappropriatelyUse appropriatelanguage and toneUse 6” voicesRespond toquiet/attention signalListen and followdirections the firsttimeFollow routinesParticipate whenrequestedRaise your hand forassistance and wait tobe called onBe quietBe patientWait your turnEncourage eachotherSupport others’learningOffer a helping hand-31-

SAFETY COMMITMENT RESPECT COOPERATION SUPPORTMEDIACENTERKeep your hands , feet andobjects to yourselfUse the correct door whenentering and exitingStay in assigned areasSit properly in the chair(feet on the floor)Walk at all timesArrive with propermaterialsUse time wisely/beproductiveEnter quietlyUse appropriatelanguage andtoneUse 6” voiceUse mannersTreat materialswith careRequestpermission forcomputer usePresent andsign outmaterials withthe librarianbefore exitingAlways arrive and leavewith a passSign in and out with thelibrarian when not witha classListen and followdirections the first timeFollow routinesGo to the librarian forassistanceGo to the librarianfor assistanceWait your turnBe patientBe quietReturn all materialsto the properlocationReturn signed outmaterials in a timelyfashionASSEMBLStay in assigned areaKeep hands, feet,other objects to selfWait for dismissalinstructionsDress for successEnter quietly and sitin assigned areaBe active listenersTrack the speakerRemain seatedUse your mannersAppreciateperformer’s/speaker’s effortwith appropriateapplauseListen and followdirections the firsttimeRespond toquiet/attention signalRaise your hand forassistanceParticipate whenrequestedBe quietBe patientWait your turnEncourage eachotherSupport others'learningYCAFETERIAWalk on the right forsafetyWalk at all timesKeep your hands , feet andother objects to yourselfStay in assigned areasSit properly in the chair(feet on the floor)Demonstrate self controlNotify staff in case of anemergencyLine up quietlyEnter quietly and godirectly to assigned tableWait until your table iscalled upon to go getlunchRemain seated atassigned table untildismissedArrive with propermaterialsUse your mannersUse appropriatelanguage and toneUse a 12" voiceMaintain appropriatespacing in lineKeep area cleanListen and followdirections the first timeRaise your hand forassistance and wait tobe called onConsume or dispose offood and drink beforeexitingPass tray to barrelDeposit recyclables asyou exitPush chairs under tablewhen called to leaveBe inclusive andfriendlyAvoid GossipWait your turnBe patientKeep area cleanBe sensitive tocolleagues withfood allergies-32-

SAFETY COMMITMENT RESPECT COOPERATION SUPPORTHALLWAYWalk at all timesWalk on the right for safetyUse traffic patterns andassigned stairwellsKeep hands, feet and otherobjects to yourselfWait Patiently in assignedareasNotify staff in case of anemergencyDress for successStay on trackGo directly todesignated areaArrive to yourdestination on timeMaintain appropriatespacingUse mannersUse appropriatelanguage and toneUse a 12” voiceKeep area cleanAlways travel withplanner/passListen and follow directionsthe first timeGreet each otherappropriatelyOffer a helping handAvoid gossipLAVATOWash hands with soap andwaterKeep your hands & feet andother objects to yourselfMaintain privacyPerform grooming tasksquicklyDress for success beforeyou leaveReturn to the classroompromptlyStay on trackUse your mannersKeep area cleanFlush the toiletUse appropriatelanguage and toneUse a 6 inch voiceAlways arrive andleave with a passPlace planner in bin ondoorUse only the suppliesyou needBe patientWait your turnReport problemsimmediatelyRespect privacy &personal spaceRYOFFICEStay in assigned areaSit properly in the chair (feeton the floor)Keep your hands & feet andobjects to yourselfCome prepared withmaterials/passRemain focused on thetaskComplete all assignedtasksReturn immediately toclass when finishedDress for successStay on trackEnter quietlyUse appropriatelanguage and toneUse a 12 inch voiceUse your mannersBe honestKeep area cleanDress for successAlways arrive and leavewith a passBe prepared to explainpurpose for visitListen and followdirections the first timegivenWait your turnBe patientBe quiet-33-

SAFETY COMMITMENT RESPECT COOPERATION SUPPORTLOCKEKeep locker locked at alltimesKeep backpack, headwear,coat, purse and electronicdevices in lockerKeep locker combinationprivateSelect everything youneedGo to locker duringdesignated times onlyBe courteousUse appropriatelanguage and toneUse 12” voiceKeep appropriate spacefrom locker neighborsClose locker gentlyUse only assignedlockerRSDISMISSKeep your hands & feet andother objects to yourselfRemain seated untildismissedWalk at all timesGo directly to locker anddepart school immediatelyUse traffic patternsBoard buses calmlyArrange fortransportation changes24 hours aheadSelect everything youneed from lockerStay on trackKeep school propertycleanUse your mannersUse appropriatelanguage and toneUse 6" voices in buildingUse 12" voices outsideRemain silent for end ofday announcementsWait your turn ifyou use the phoneWait patiently forreceptionist tofinish with anotherstudent or parentAL-34-

Full Value ContractV.I.P.<strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> <strong>Magnet</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong> has a school wide Positive Behavior Support Program called V.I.P.This program focuses on teaching, encouraging, modeling and practicing expected behaviors and socialskills that will lead to a successful school experience. Expected school behaviors are clearlycommunicated to all students and training takes place formally four times a school year. Students whodemonstrate positive behaviors – Very Invested Persons, not only meet more success in school but arealso eligible for rewards throughout the year.Reward ProgramStudents who are V.I.P.’s are eligible to earn rewards throughout the year. Rewards are based onstudents earning points in four categories: Attendance, Academic Investment, Conduct and High Fives.Students earn High Fives by demonstrating behaviors we want to see at <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong>. Students arechallenged to achieve a goal of 7 points each quarter. Rewards are as follows:Earn goal all four quarters:Earn goal for any three quarters:Trip to a Day ResortTo Be Announced-35-

SCHOOL-WIDE PLAN FOR 2012-20131. Attendance* Up to 1 absence 3 points<strong>Two</strong> absencesThree absences2 points1 point2. Academic Behavior/InvestmentClasswork, homework, class citizenshipAll 4s or 5sAll 3s, 4s or 5s3 points2 pointsAll 2s and above1 point*any students with 1s on the report card cannot receive any academicinvestment points.3. Conduct No level 2* or 3 referrals,One level 1No level 2* or 3 referrals,<strong>Two</strong> level 1 referralsNo level 2* or 3 referrals,Three level 1 referrals3 points2 points1 point* This only includes level 2 referrals where there is an administrative consequence given.Students may receive 1 bonus point for each quarter that their planner is intact.It is critical for students to have their planners with them at all times, therefore, students musthave their planners in their possession at the time of all goal calculations to earn goal points!Students earn High Five stamps by demonstrating support, cooperation, respect, commitment and safety.Students can earn unlimited High Fives and can use them throughout the quarter for making “purchases”and increase the number of tickets they can have in the quarterly raffles. If a student earns an in-schoolor out-of-school suspension during a quarter, they are ineligible for the 4th quarter reward. In addition,any student who receives 0 Academic Investment points for any 2 quarters is not eligible for the4th quarter reward. These students may, however, still qualify for 3rd quarter rewards.*All absences except for religious holidays will be part of goal calculation.**Final goal calculation will be made at a point in time before the end of the year. Eligibility willbe reviewed on that date.- 36 -

QUARTERLY REWARD SUMMARYQuarter OneAttendanceAcademic InvestmentConductTotal Quarter OneQuarter <strong>Two</strong>AttendanceAcademic InvestmentConductTotal Quarter <strong>Two</strong>Planner intact ___Student earned goal ___Student did not earn goal ____Academic Investment points earned____<strong>Parent</strong> Signature ___________________Student Signature __________________Planner intact ___Student earned goal ___Student did not earn goal ____Academic Investment points earned____<strong>Parent</strong> Signature ___________________Student Signature __________________Quarter ThreeAttendanceAcademic InvestmentConductTotal Quarter ThreeQuarter FourAttendanceAcademic InvestmentConductTotal Quarter FourPlanner intact ___Student earned goal ___Student did not earn goal ____Academic Investment points earned____<strong>Parent</strong> Signature ___________________Student Signature __________________Planner intact ___Student earned goal ___Student did not earn goal ____Academic Investment points earned____<strong>Parent</strong> Signature ___________________Student Signature __________________*ALL PLANNERS MUST BE INTACT TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR ANY REWARDS- 37 -

Name ______________________1Student Reward ChartDate Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp23456789101112131415- 38 -

Name ______________________1Student Reward ChartDate Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp23456789101112131415- 39 -

Name ______________________1Student Reward ChartDate Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp23456789101112131415- 40 -

Name ______________________1Student Reward ChartDate Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp23456789101112131415- 41 -

Name ______________________1Student Reward ChartDate Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp23456789101112131415- 42 -

Name ______________________1Student Reward ChartDate Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp23456789101112131415- 43 -

Name ______________________1Student Reward ChartDate Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp23456789101112131415- 44 -

Name ______________________1Student Reward ChartDate Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp23456789101112131415- 45 -

Name ______________________1Student Reward ChartDate Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp23456789101112131415- 46 -

Name ______________________1Student Reward ChartDate Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp23456789101112131415- 47 -

Name ______________________1Student Reward ChartDate Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp23456789101112131415- 48 -

Name ______________________1Student Reward ChartDate Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp23456789101112131415- 49 -

Name ______________________1Student Reward ChartDate Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp Date Stamp23456789101112131415- 50 -

- 51 -<strong>Parent</strong> <strong>Communication</strong>Date Teacher Topic <strong>Parent</strong> Signature

- 52 -<strong>Parent</strong> <strong>Communication</strong>Date Teacher Topic <strong>Parent</strong> Signature

- 53 -<strong>Parent</strong> <strong>Communication</strong>Date Teacher Topic <strong>Parent</strong> Signature

- 54 -<strong>Parent</strong> <strong>Communication</strong>Date Teacher Topic <strong>Parent</strong> Signature

- 55 -<strong>Parent</strong> <strong>Communication</strong>Date Teacher Topic <strong>Parent</strong> Signature

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