Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE) - CatsTCMNotes

Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE) - CatsTCMNotes

Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE) - CatsTCMNotes


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<strong>Mini</strong>-<strong>Mental</strong> State <strong>Exam</strong>(<strong>MMSE</strong>)A screening tool for mental decline, memoryloss, or dementia by Folstein<strong>Mini</strong>-<strong>Mental</strong> State <strong>Exam</strong> (<strong>MMSE</strong>)1,2, a frequently-used screening toolby health care providers to assess overall brain function. It is often usedto evaluate patients with possible Alzheimer disease or another relateddementia.This test requires 1 person (examiner) to give the test and record theresults on this sheet. The total # of points for a perfect score is 30.Patients with a total score of 22 or less, or who score 0 in any one ofthese tests, should be further evaluated by their doctors for possibledementiaScore 1point forcorrectanswer;Score 0forincorrectanswer<strong>Exam</strong>iner asks the following questions and scores 1 point for each correct answerfor a total of 5 possible points for this sectionWhat is the year?What is the Season?What is the date?What is the day?What is the month?Total the number of points for this section:<strong>Exam</strong>iner asks the following questions and scores 1 point for each correct answerfor a total of 5 possible points for this section1) What state are we in?2) What country are we in?3) What town (or city) are we in?4) What is this building?(examples of correct answers would be "my home"or "Largo Medical Center" or "A nursing home"5) What floor are we on?Total the number of points for this section:<strong>Exam</strong>iner says:"I'd like to test your memory. Please say these words: boat, cucumber,and wire" (say all 3 words at once, requiring the person to then repeat all 3 wordsat once) Score 1 point for each correctly repeated word--total3 possible points.BoatCucumberWire

Total the number of points for this section;<strong>Exam</strong>iner says: "Begin with 100 and count backwards by 7s" (Answer = 93,86, 79, 72, 65).Score 1 point for each correct answer; Total 5 possiblepoints for this section9386797265Score 0 if the patient cannot do it at allTotal the number of points for this section:<strong>Exam</strong>iner says: "Can you name the 3 objects I named before?Score 1 point for each word remembered; Total possiblescore for this section is 3BoatCucumberWireScore 0 if the patient cannot remember any at all.Total the number of points for this section:<strong>Exam</strong>iner says: "Name the following items" (The examiner points to a penciland then a watch)Score 1 point for each right answer for a total of 2 pointsfor this sectionPencilWatchScore 0 if the patient cannot name either objectTotal the number of points for this section<strong>Exam</strong>iner says: "Repeat the following: No ifs, ands, or buts."Score 1 point for correct answer. Total of 1 point for thissection.Score 1 point if it is said properlyScore 0 if the patient does not say it properlyTotal the number of points for this section<strong>Exam</strong>iner says: "Take a paper in your right hand, fold it in half, and put iton the floor." (or on a surface if unable to bend over to the floor) Score 1point for each correct action for a total number of 3 pointsfor this section.Does none of these 3 things (score 0)Takes the paper in their right hand (score 1 point)

Folds the paper in half (score 1 point)Places the paper on the floor (or on a surface if unable to bend over tofloor) (score 1 point)Total number of points for this section<strong>Exam</strong>iner says: "Read and obey the following" (The examiner writes on a pieceof paper) "CLOSE YOUR EYES." (and holds it so it can be clearly seen). Score1 point for the correct action for a total of 1 point.Patient does not close eyes (0 points)Patient closes eyes (1 point)Total number of points for this section<strong>Exam</strong>iner says: "Write a sentence." Score 1 point if a sentence iswritten for a total of 1 point for this section.Patient does not write a sentence (0 points)Patient writes a sentence (1 point)Total number of points for this section<strong>Exam</strong>iner draws interlocking pentagons and has patient copy it. Total of 1point for this sectionPatient does not copy the design properly (0 point)Patient copies the design properly (1 point)Total number of points for this section*Total score*The total # of points for a perfect score is 30. Patients with a total score of 22 orless, or who score 0 in any one of these tests, should be further evaluated by theirdoctors for possible dementia. Suggested guidelines for determining the severity ofcognitive impairment:• Mild impairment = Score of 21-22• Moderate impairment = Score 10-20• Severe impairment = Score of 9 or less.Note: This information should not be used as a substitute for the advice of anappropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider. It is foreducational and informational purposes only and in no way should be considered asan offering of medical advice. Please check with a physician if you suspect you areill.

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