Καρδιολογική Γνώμη - Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο ...

Καρδιολογική Γνώμη - Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο ... Καρδιολογική Γνώμη - Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο ...


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142 Γ. Σταματάκης, Κ.Α. Δημόπουλοςsome flavonoids. Thrombosis Research 1991, 64(1):91-100.39. Izzo AA, Di Carlo G, Mascolo N, et al. Antiulcer effect of flavonoids.Role of endogenous PAF. Phytother Res 1994, 8(3):179-181.40. Fragopoulou E, Nomikos T, Karantonis HC, et al. Biological activityof acetylated phenolic compounds. J Agric Food Chem 2007,55(1):80-89.41. Andrikopoulos NK, Antonopoulou S, Kaliora AC. Oleuropein inhibitsLDL oxidation induced by cooking oil frying by-products and plateletaggregation induced by platelet-activating factor. Lebensmittel-WissenschaftUnd-Technologie-Food Science and Technology 2002,35(6):479-484.42. Tsantila N, Tsoupras AB, Fragopoulou E, et al. In vitro and in vivoeffects of statins on platelet-activating factor and its metabolism.Angiology 2011, 62(3):209-218.43. Lin H, Xiao Y, Chen G, et al. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor simvastatinsuppresses Toll-like receptor 2 ligand-induced activation of nuclearfactor kappa B by preventing RhoA activation in monocytes from rheumatoidarthritis patients. Rheumatol Int 2011, 31(11):1451-1458.44. Antonopoulou S, Demopoulos CA, Iatrou C. Blood cardiolipin in haemodialysispatients, its implication in the biological action of platelet-activatingfactor. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 1996, 28(1):43-51.45. Banerjee SK, Maulik SK. Effect of garlic on cardiovascular disorders:a review. Nutr J 2002, 1:4.46. Efendy JL, Simmons DL, Campbell GR, et al. The effect of the agedgarlic extract, ‘Kyolic’, on the development of experimental atherosclerosis.Atherosclerosis 1997, 132(1):37-42.47. Koussissis SG, Semidalas CE, Hadzistavrou EC, et al. PAF Antagonistsin Foods - Isolation and Identification of Paf Antagonists in Honeyand Wax. Rev Fr Corps Gras 1994, 41(5-6):127-132.48. Karantonis HC, Antonopoulou S, Demopoulos CA. Antithrombotic lipidminor constituents from vegetable oils. Comparison between oliveoils and others. J Agric Food Chem 2002, 50(5):1150-1160.49. Karantonis HC, Antonopoulou S, Perrea DN, et al. In vivo antiatherogenicproperties of olive oil and its constituent lipid classes in hyperlipidemicrabbits. Nutr Metab Carbiovasc Dis 2006, 16(3):174-185.50. De la Cruz JP, Villalobos MA, Carmona JA, et al. Antithrombotic potentialof olive oil administration in rabbits with elevated cholesterol.Thromb Res 2000, 100(4):305-315.51. Blankenberg S, Stengel D, Rupprecht HJ, et al. Plasma PAF-acetylhydrolasein patients with coronary artery disease: results of a crosssectionalanalysis. J Lipid Res 2003, 44(7):1381-1386.52. Kritchevsky D, Tepper SA, Klurfeld DM, et al. Experimental atherosclerosisin rabbits fed cholesterol-free diets: Part 12. Comparisonof peanut and olive soils. Atherosclerosis 1984, 50(3):253-259.53. Renaud S, Gautheron P, Influence of dietary fats on atherosclerosis,coagulation and platelet phospholipids in rabbits. Atherosclerosis1975, 21(1):115-124.54. Leth-Espensen P, Stender S, Ravn H, et al. Antiatherogenic effect ofolive and corn oils in cholesterol-fed rabbits with the same plasmacholesterol levels. Arteriosclerosis 1988, 8(3):281-287.55. Karantonis HC, Tsantila N, Stamatakis G, et al. Bioactive polar lipidsin olive oil, pomace and waste byproducts. J Food Biochem 2008,32(4):443-459.56. Tsantila N, Karantonis HC, Perrea DN, et al. Antithrombotic and antiatheroscleroticproperties of olive oil and olive pomace polar extractsin rabbits. Mediat Inflamm 2007, 2007:36204.57. Tsantila N, Karantonis HC, Perrea DN, et al. Atherosclerosis regressionstudy in rabbits upon olive pomace polar lipid extract administration.Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 2010,20(10):740-747.58. Niaounakis M, Halvadakis CP. Olive Processing Waste Management- Literature Review and Patent Survey. 2nd ed. Elsevier, Oxford UK,2006:1-498.59. Stamatakis G, Tsantila N, Samiotaki M, et al. Detection and Isolationof Antiatherogenic and Antioxidant Substances Present in Olive MillWastes by a Novel Filtration System. J Agric Food Chem 2009,57(22):10554-10564.60. Stamatakis G, Karantonis HC, Nasopoulou C, et al. Inhibition of atherogenesisin rabbits by yoghurt enriched with olive mill by-productextracts. Hellenic Journal of atherosclerosis Accepted.

142 Γ. Σταματάκης, Κ.Α. Δημόπουλοςsome flavonoids. Thrombosis Research 1991, 64(1):91-100.39. Izzo AA, Di Carlo G, Mascolo N, et al. Antiulcer effect of flavonoids.Role of endogenous PAF. Phytother Res 1994, 8(3):179-181.40. Fragopoulou E, Nomikos T, Karantonis HC, et al. Biological activityof acetylated phenolic compounds. J Agric Food Chem 2007,55(1):80-89.41. Andrikopoulos NK, Antonopoulou S, Kaliora AC. Oleuropein inhibitsLDL oxidation induced by cooking oil frying by-products and plateletaggregation induced by platelet-activating factor. Lebensmittel-WissenschaftUnd-Technologie-Food Science and Technology 2002,35(6):479-484.42. Tsantila N, Tsoupras AB, Fragopoulou E, et al. In vitro and in vivoeffects of statins on platelet-activating factor and its metabolism.Angiology 2011, 62(3):209-218.43. Lin H, Xiao Y, Chen G, et al. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor simvastatinsuppresses Toll-like receptor 2 ligand-induced activation of nuclearfactor kappa B by preventing RhoA activation in monocytes from rheumatoidarthritis patients. Rheumatol Int 2011, 31(11):1451-1458.44. Antonopoulou S, Demopoulos CA, Iatrou C. Blood cardiolipin in haemodialysispatients, its implication in the biological action of platelet-activatingfactor. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 1996, 28(1):43-51.45. Banerjee SK, Maulik SK. Effect of garlic on cardiovascular disorders:a review. Nutr J 2002, 1:4.46. Efendy JL, Simmons DL, Campbell GR, et al. The effect of the agedgarlic extract, ‘Kyolic’, on the development of experimental atherosclerosis.Atherosclerosis 1997, 132(1):37-42.47. Koussissis SG, Semidalas CE, Hadzistavrou EC, et al. PAF Antagonistsin Foods - Isolation and Identification of Paf Antagonists in Honeyand Wax. Rev Fr Corps Gras 1994, 41(5-6):127-132.48. Karantonis HC, Antonopoulou S, Demopoulos CA. Antithrombotic lipidminor constituents from vegetable oils. Comparison between oliveoils and others. J Agric Food Chem 2002, 50(5):1150-1160.49. Karantonis HC, Antonopoulou S, Perrea DN, et al. In vivo antiatherogenicproperties of olive oil and its constituent lipid classes in hyperlipidemicrabbits. Nutr Metab Carbiovasc Dis 2006, 16(3):174-185.50. De la Cruz JP, Villalobos MA, Carmona JA, et al. Antithrombotic potentialof olive oil administration in rabbits with elevated cholesterol.Thromb Res 2000, 100(4):305-315.51. Blankenberg S, Stengel D, Rupprecht HJ, et al. Plasma PAF-acetylhydrolasein patients with coronary artery disease: results of a crosssectionalanalysis. J Lipid Res 2003, 44(7):1381-1386.52. Kritchevsky D, Tepper SA, Klurfeld DM, et al. Experimental atherosclerosisin rabbits fed cholesterol-free diets: Part 12. Comparisonof peanut and olive soils. Atherosclerosis 1984, 50(3):253-259.53. Renaud S, Gautheron P, Influence of dietary fats on atherosclerosis,coagulation and platelet phospholipids in rabbits. Atherosclerosis1975, 21(1):115-124.54. Leth-Espensen P, Stender S, Ravn H, et al. Antiatherogenic effect ofolive and corn oils in cholesterol-fed rabbits with the same plasmacholesterol levels. Arteriosclerosis 1988, 8(3):281-287.55. Karantonis HC, Tsantila N, Stamatakis G, et al. Bioactive polar lipidsin olive oil, pomace and waste byproducts. J Food Biochem 2008,32(4):443-459.56. Tsantila N, Karantonis HC, Perrea DN, et al. Antithrombotic and antiatheroscleroticproperties of olive oil and olive pomace polar extractsin rabbits. Mediat Inflamm 2007, 2007:36204.57. Tsantila N, Karantonis HC, Perrea DN, et al. Atherosclerosis regressionstudy in rabbits upon olive pomace polar lipid extract administration.Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 2010,20(10):740-747.58. Niaounakis M, Halvadakis CP. Olive Processing Waste Management- Literature Review and Patent Survey. 2nd ed. Elsevier, Oxford UK,2006:1-498.59. Stamatakis G, Tsantila N, Samiotaki M, et al. Detection and Isolationof Antiatherogenic and Antioxidant Substances Present in Olive MillWastes by a Novel Filtration System. J Agric Food Chem 2009,57(22):10554-10564.60. Stamatakis G, Karantonis HC, Nasopoulou C, et al. Inhibition of atherogenesisin rabbits by yoghurt enriched with olive mill by-productextracts. Hellenic Journal of atherosclerosis Accepted.

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