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acquisition cost was allocated to the net assets acquired based on their estimated fair values as follows:$24.4 million to tangible net assets and $44.7 million to indefinite-lived intangible assets. The excess costover the fair value of the net assets acquired of $20.6 million was recognized as goodwill. The indefinitelivedintangible assets relate to management contracts and are not amortized.The Company has not presented pro forma combined results of operations for this acquisition becausethe results of operations as reported in the accompanying consolidated statements of income would not havebeen materially different.Note 5 – Cash and Cash EquivalentsThe Company discloses cash and cash equivalents as separate components of current assets andbanking/finance assets in its consolidated balance sheets. Cash and cash equivalents consisted of thefollowing:(in thousands)as of September 30, 2009 2008Cash on hand and non-interest-bearing deposits with financial institutions ...... $ 134,508 $ 96,774Interest-bearing deposits with financial institutions ......................... 350,483 482,587Federal funds sold ................................................... 5,242 134,759Sponsored money market funds ........................................ 1,407,801 1,076,966Time deposits, securities of the U.S. Treasury and federal agencies and other .... 1,206,417 736,466Total ......................................................... $3,104,451 $2,527,552Federal Reserve Board regulations require certain of the Company’s banking subsidiaries to maintainreserve and clearance balances on deposits with the Federal Reserve Banks. The required reserve balanceswere $7.0 million at September 30, 2009 and $6.4 million at September 30, 2008. The required clearingbalance was $1.2 million at September 30, 2009 and 2008.The Company maintains cash and cash equivalents with financial institutions in various countries,limits the amount of credit exposure with any given financial institution and conducts ongoing evaluationsof the credit worthiness of the financial institutions with which it does business.82

Note 6 – InvestmentsInvestments consisted of the following:(in thousands)as of September 30, 2009 2008CurrentInvestment securities, trading .......................................... $ 502,609 $ 356,408Investment securities, available-for-saleSponsored investment products .................................... 943,824 591,562Securities of U.S. states and political subdivisions ..................... 15,118 5,104Securities of the U.S. Treasury and federal agencies .................... 55,816 2,799Other equity securities ........................................... 12,529 681Total investment securities, available-for-sale ......................... 1,027,287 600,146Other investments 1 .................................................. 51,950 836,657Total Current ............................................. $1,581,846 $1,793,211Banking/FinanceInvestment securities, trading .......................................... $ 110,600 $ 111,607Investment securities, available-for-saleU.S. government-sponsored enterprise obligations 2 ..................... 365,655 315,683Securities of U.S. states and political subdivisions ..................... 852 1,125Securities of the U.S. Treasury and federal agencies .................... 3,566 3,760Corporate debt securities 3 ......................................... 101,774 —Other equity securities ........................................... 208 342Total investment securities, available-for-sale ......................... 472,055 320,910Total Banking/Finance ...................................... $ 582,655 $ 432,517Non-CurrentInvestment securities, available-for-saleSponsored investment products .................................... $ 23,947 $ 28,089Securities of U.S. states and political subdivisions ..................... 83,838 119,031Securities of the U.S. Treasury and federal agencies .................... — 625Other equity securities ........................................... 1,053 7,550Total investment securities, available-for-sale ......................... 108,838 155,295Investments in equity method investees and other .......................... 398,995 328,247Total Non-Current ......................................... $ 507,833 $ 483,5421 Other investments consist of time deposits with financial institutions having original maturities greater than three months but notexceeding one year from the date of purchase.2 At September 30, 2009, U.S. government-sponsored enterprise obligations consisted of $313.0 million of residential mortgage-backedsecurities and $52.7 million of debentures.3 Corporate debt securities are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or non-U.S. government agencies.At September 30, 2009 and 2008, current investment securities, trading included $277.6 million and$294.6 million of investments held by sponsored investment products that were consolidated in theCompany’s consolidated financial statements.At September 30, 2009 and 2008, banking/finance segment investment securities with aggregatecarrying amounts of $245.9 million and $180.7 million were pledged as collateral for the ability to borrowfrom the Federal Reserve Bank, $99.6 million and $111.0 million were pledged as collateral for outstanding83

acquisition cost was allocated to the net assets acquired based on their estimated fair values as follows:$24.4 million to tangible net assets and $44.7 million to indefinite-lived intangible assets. The excess costover the fair value of the net assets acquired of $20.6 million was recognized as goodwill. The indefinitelivedintangible assets relate to management contracts and are not amortized.The Company has not presented pro forma combined results of operations for this acquisition becausethe results of operations as reported in the accompanying consolidated statements of income would not havebeen materially different.Note 5 – Cash and Cash EquivalentsThe Company discloses cash and cash equivalents as separate components of current assets andbanking/finance assets in its consolidated balance sheets. Cash and cash equivalents consisted of thefollowing:(in thousands)as of September 30, 2009 2008Cash on hand and non-interest-bearing deposits with financial institutions ...... $ 134,508 $ 96,774Interest-bearing deposits with financial institutions ......................... 350,483 482,587Federal funds sold ................................................... 5,242 134,759Sponsored money market funds ........................................ 1,407,801 1,076,966Time deposits, securities of the U.S. Treasury and federal agencies and other .... 1,206,417 736,466Total ......................................................... $3,104,451 $2,527,552Federal Reserve Board regulations require certain of the Company’s banking subsidiaries to maintainreserve and clearance balances on deposits with the Federal Reserve Banks. The required reserve balanceswere $7.0 million at September 30, 2009 and $6.4 million at September 30, 2008. The required clearingbalance was $1.2 million at September 30, 2009 and 2008.The Company maintains cash and cash equivalents with financial institutions in various countries,limits the amount of credit exposure with any given financial institution and conducts ongoing evaluationsof the credit worthiness of the financial institutions with which it does business.82

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